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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | March 11, 2020

Mississippi Democrats back Biden in primary

State awarded 36 Democratic delegates general election:
“What I know
ance already takes about $400
from her check every month,
change,” said Ponton, who
also voted in Southaven.
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Trump in November. about him, he’s and she’s scared to go to the Biden campaigned in Mis-
The Associated Press “Anybody who can beat a decent guy, doctor because she’s already sissippi on Sunday, working to
Trump, I’m voting for him,” and he’s for the thousands of dollars in debt shore up support among Afri-
JACKSON — Former Vice said retired federal govern- working class.” from medical bills. can Americans, who make up
President Joe Biden easily ment employee John Walters, Patricia Pon- Ponton said she does not 38 percent of Mississippi’s pop-
won Mississippi’s Democratic 63, who voted for Biden at a ton said Sand- think Sanders has as strong
Biden ulation and most of the Demo-
presidential primary Tuesday, church in the northern Mis- ers earned her a chance of beating Trump as cratic electorate. He spoke to a
outdistancing Vermont Sen. sissippi town of Southaven. vote with his promises of big Biden, but she voted for the
predominantly black congrega-
Bernie Sanders as many vot- Walters said he likes Biden’s change, particularly his sup- Vermont senator “to make my
tion during a worship service
ers said they saw Biden hav- record as a longtime senator port for universal health care. voice heard.”
ing the best chance to unseat at New Hope Baptist Church in
and as vice president — and The 27-year-old kindergarten “He has a lot of radical
Republican President Donald he thinks Biden can win the teacher said her health insur- ideas, but we need a big See BIDEN, 8A

County builds ‘expensive’ fence to match one Ethics Commission

dismisses Dispatch
built on property of supervisor’s brother complaint against
EMCC regarding
hype videos
Ruling: Providing copies
of videos increases
risk of school violating
federal copyright law

The Mississippi
Ethics Commission
last week dismissed
a public records com-
plaint The Dispatch
filed against East Mis-
sissippi Community
College in October in Easterling
lieu of obtaining re-
quested copies of hype
videos the school pro-
duced for its football
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff In the dismissal
A 295-foot-long and eight-foot-tall decorative wood fence stands along the western border of Lowndes County Administrative order, the Ethics Com-
Building, shielding it from the residential area to the west. The fence, put up in late June, cost $14,160. mission cites that by
compelling EMCC Imes
‘High-end fence’ costing $14K replaced County
Board of
to release the videos
under state public n OUR VIEW:
cheaper structure destroyed by 2019 tornado Super vi-
sors Presi-
records law, it would Sometimes,
potentially expose the we complain
BY YUE STELLA YU vines and hardly visible, was dubbed dent Harry school to further vio- for clarity.
Page 6A “the jungle” by County Administrator Sanders. lations of federal copy-
Ralph Billingsley. T h e right law. Federal law,
Before it was torn apart by last year’s In its place now is a 295-foot long, price tag? Billingsley D. Sanders the ruling held, supersedes state law.
tornado that ripped through Columbus, eight-foot tall decorative wood fence with $14,160. The Dispatch requested copies of
a fence stood between Lowndes County six-by-six-inch posts and copper caps As required by Columbus city code, three years’ worth (2016-18) of the
Administrative Building on Main Street and trims. The county built it to match the county needed to build a fence that videos, which were shown to the foot-
and the house to its west. the aesthetics of a fence on the property shielded its parking lot for 20 or more ball team in a closed setting the night
The old fence, covered in weeds and of David Sanders, brother to Lowndes See FENCE, 3A See ETHICS COMMISSION, 8A

Complete Count chairman covers what will, won’t be asked on Census

Census will not inquire about the Lown-
des County
mation for the count. He
asked the administrator
don’t think we’ve had any
broken down by sex.’”
In his role as the state’s
Complete Count chair-
citizenship status, financial info Republican
Women and
if she could give him a list
of the home’s residents,
Ward used the anec-
dote to make a point about
man, Ward travels the
state speaking to groups
BY SLIM SMITH ley Barbour gave him a Columbus “broken down by sex,” for the Census that always to raise awareness of the call. Rotary on him to pick up the next seems relevant. Census and its impor-
Barbour, who had been Tuesday. day. “Every time the Cen- tance. He also uses those
When Giles Ward was the Complete Count chair- During “The woman frowned,” sus rolls around every appearances to clear up
chosen as Mississippi’s Ward
man in 1970, told Ward the 1970 Ward said, “then after a 10 years, there is always misconceptions about the
Complete Count chair- a story as a sort of intro- Census, Barbour had vis- moment said, ‘I’m certain some uncertainty about Census.
man for the 2020 U.S. duction to the role, and ited a nursing home and it’s true that we’ve had what it is and what in- “You’re probably won-
Census last year, former Ward relayed the same talked to the administra- a few residents broken formation the Census dering what’s going to
Mississippi Governor Ha- story to a joint meeting of tor to collect some infor- down by alcohol, but I wants,” he said. See CENSUS, 3A


1 Which crunch snacks powered Jimmy’s Sunday MEETINGS
cardboard “time machine” in the winning 2014 ■ “St Patty’s Pawty”: This fundraiser for
March 13:
Crash the Super Bowl ad contest? Starkville Board
2 Which kind of nut does comedian Roseanne the Columbus-Lowndes Humane Society
is 1-6 p.m. at Zachary’s, 205 Fifth St. N., of Aldermen
Barr grow on her 46-acre Hawaiian farm?
3 What is the stage name of “Walk this Way” downtown Columbus. A pet parade, live work session,
rocker Steven Victor Tallarico, who was also a music, raffles and green beer are featured, 10 a.m., City
Charlie Clemons judge on American Idol? along with food by Huck’s Place. $10 dona- Hall
4 What kind of puzzle is The New York Post tion at the door (cash only). For information,
First grade, Annunciation March 16:
credited with popularizing, thanks to its inclu- contact CLHS, 662-327-3107. For sponsor-

74 Low 61
sion in an April 2005 issue? Oktibbeha
5 What company’s executives were “the smart- ships, contact Colin Krieger, 662-329-7653.
High est guys in the room” in a 2005 film about
County Board
Cloudy/chance p.m. t-storm of Supervisors
Full forecast on
corporate greed?
Answers, 8B Thursday, March 19 meeting, Chan-
page 3A. ■ Story State: Fostering Innovative Sto- cery Courthouse,
rytelling: Mississippi State’s Department
5:30 p.m.
of Communication presents this free event
INSIDE about using stories to achieve communica- Wade Overstreet,
March 17:
tion goals at 12:30 p.m., with talks from Starkville Board
Classifieds 7B Food 5B originally of Columbus, was
writers, filmmakers and others in McCo- student body president of of Aldermen
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A mas Theatre on campus. Visit storystate. the last graduating class at meeting, 5:30
Dear Abby 4B NATS 7A Lee High School in 1992. p.m., City Hall


2A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

AP VoteCast: Mississippi voters

say health care is top issue
Nearly 9 in 10 voters polled during state’s About half the voters say they are
very confident that the process for
Democratic primary support a public option selecting a presidential nominee is
fair, and roughly 4 in 10 said they
system, where every American could buy into a are somewhat confident. Just about
1 in 10 have little to no confidence.
government-run insurance plan if they wanted to
BY HOPE YEN important that a nominee can beat
Debating health care
AND HANNAH FINGERHUT The campaign has featured a
Trump, and about as many said it
The Associated Press contentious debate among candi-
was highly important that the can-
dates over the best way to tackle
didate cares about people like them
WASHINGTON — Voters in health care, an issue seen as the
and displays strong leadership.
Mississippi’s Democratic primary most important facing the country
Roughly 8 in 10 said a nominee
ranked health care as the most im- by about 4 in 10 voters.
should have “the right experience”
portant issue facing the country, There is majority support for a
and the best policy ideas.
well above climate change, the econ- government-run health care system
Being willing to work across the
omy, race relations, foreign policy for all Americans, with about two-
aisle was considered very signifi-
and many other social issues. thirds of voters saying they are in
cant for a Democratic nominee by
About 4 in 10 named health care, favor. Roughly a third are opposed.
about 7 in 10 voters.
an issue that has intensely divided But support for a public option,
the field of Democratic candidates. where every American could buy
Roughly 2 in 10 had the econo- Support by race into a government-run insurance
my on their minds, according to a Among white voters in Missis- plan if they wanted to, is even high-
wide-ranging AP VoteCast survey sippi, Biden had an advantage over er. Nearly 9 in 10 are in favor.
of the Democratic primary elector- Bernie Sanders. About 6 in 10 voters are in favor
ate in Mississippi. That lead widened among black of either proposal, while roughly a
The Associated Press declared voters. Nearly 9 in 10 black voters quarter say they favor a public op-
Joe Biden the winner just after the supported the former vice president tion but oppose a single-payer sys-
polls closed in Mississippi. He was over the Vermont senator. tem.
boosted in particular by strong sup-
port from African Americans. Support by age The economy, climate change
Here’s a snapshot of Democratic Biden led among voters across
voters in Mississippi — who they age groups, though he enjoyed a
and other issues
Roughly 2 in 10 voters said the
are and how they voted — based on wider advantage among voters ages
economy is the most important is-
preliminary results from AP Vote- 45 and older compared with young-
sue facing the nation. A significant
Cast, a survey of 1,091 voters, con- er voters.
majority described the economic
ducted for The Associated Press by
system in this country as unfair.
NORC at the University of Chicago. Largely unified against Trump That includes about 4 in 10 voters
A wide majority say they will who said it’s very unfair.
Do they want a big change ? definitely vote for the Democrat- About another 1 in 10 voters
Voters in Mississippi’s Demo- ic candidate against Trump in the called climate change the top is-
cratic primary were more likely to general election. Still, about 2 in 10 sue. About 6 in 10 voters expressed
support a candidate who would re- say their decision will depend on support for a tax on the use of car-
store the political system to how it which Democrat is on the ballot in bon-based fuels, such as coal, oil
was before Donald Trump was elect- November. and natural gas.
ed in 2016 than one who would bring Roughly 1 in 10 named race re-
fundamental change to Washington. Primary process skepticism lations as most important. Small
Voters in Mississippi were rath- shares of voters considered immi-
What else voters want er confident that the Democratic gration, foreign policy or abortion
About 9 in 10 said it was very Party’s nomination process is fair. most important.

States race to contain coronavirus as cases near 1,000

Virus has killed contact with those who
might be infected.
send students home and
move classes online.
the threat to pass.
Judy Aqua, who’s in her
at least 30 In Washington state,
the governor was expect-
The virus has infect-
ed more than 800 people
60s, is quarantining her-
self at home in New Ro-
people in the US ed to ban gatherings of
more than 250 people in
in the U.S. and killed at
least 30, with one state af-
chelle, outside New York
city, after possibly being
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS virtually the entire Seat- ter another recording its exposed to someone with
tle metro area, home to first infections in quick the virus.
As coronavirus cases some 4 million people. succession. “People are really
crop up across the Unit- Schools and houses of For most people, the afraid to go to the super-
ed States, some gover- worship were shuttered virus causes only mild market. They’re afraid
nors and other leaders in a New York City sub- or moderate symptoms
to go to the cleaner,” she
are scrambling to slow urb where a cluster of cas- such as fever and cough.
its spread, banning large said. When her husband
es could be the largest in For some, especially the
public gatherings, en- made a recent run to a
the nation, and the gover- elderly and people with
forcing quarantines and nor sent National Guard existing health prob- post office, she told him
calling National Guard troops to help clean pub- lems, it can cause more to wear gloves.
troops. lic spaces and deliver severe illness, including Life in many places
With new deaths re- food. pneumonia. Most people went on as usual, but
ported and the number The moves came as recover in a matter of many major events were
of confirmed U.S. cases the battle to stop the vi- weeks, as has happened canceled or postponed,
closing in on 1,000, law- rus from spreading inten- with three-quarters of including the Coachella
makers and health offi- sified. More schools and those infected in China. music festival that draws
cials set up containment universities, including For those in the mid- tens of thousands to the
zones and quarantine UCLA, Yale and Stanford, dle of a quarantine, it’s an California desert near
areas and sought to limit have announced plans to anxious time waiting for Palm Springs every April.

Court: House entitled to Mueller probe grand jury testimony

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rial in its investigations of short” of reaching conclu- ers wrote, calling the com-
President Donald Trump sions about Trump’s con- mittee’s request for the
WASHINGTON — outweighed the Justice duct to avoid stepping on grand jury material “di-
The Justice Department Department’s interests the House’s impeachment rectly linked to its need to
must give Congress se- in keeping the testimony power, the committee was evaluate the conclusions
cret grand jury testimo- secret. The opinion au- able to persuasively argue reached and not reached
ny from special counsel thorizes access to infor- that it needed access to by the Special Counsel.”
Robert Mueller’s Russia mation that Democrats the underlying grand jury House Democrats
investigation, a federal have sought since the material to make its own cheered the opinion, with
appeals court ruled Tues- conclusion of Mueller’s in- determinations about the Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the
day, giving the House a vestigation, enabling law- president’s actions. Judiciary Committee
significant win in a sep- makers to review previ- “Courts must take chairman, saying the pan-
aration-of-powers clash ously-undisclosed details care not to second-guess el “remains committed
with the Trump adminis- from the two-year Russia the manner in which the to holding the President
tration. probe. House plans to proceed accountable to the rule
The three-judge panel Writing for the major- with its impeachment in- of law and preventing im-
said in a 2-1 opinion that ity, Judge Judith Rogers vestigation or interfere proper interference in law
the House Judiciary Com- said that with Mueller with the House’s sole pow- enforcement investiga-
mittee’s need for the mate- himself having “stopped er of impeachment,” Rog- tions.”

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones arrested for DWI in Texas

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Infowars founder .079, according to court ing to a family distur-
was booked into an Austin records. bance call at Jones’ home
AUSTIN, Texas — jail shortly after midnight In Texas, the legal just after 10 p.m. Monday.
Conspiracy theorist Alex and released on bond a blood alcohol limit is .08 “Dispatch advised the dis-
Jones was arrested in few hours later, Travis percent. Jones was also turbance now was only
Texas on a misdemeanor County Sheriff’s Office allegedly unable to com- verbal but earlier in the
charge of driving while spokeswoman Kristen plete sobriety tests, los- day ‘it was physical,’” the
intoxicated after his wife Dark said. Jones, 46, had ing his balance and failing affidavit said.
called police to their a “strong odor of alcohol” to touch heel to toe. An attorney for Jones
house over an argument, coming from him and In an arrest affidavit, did not immediately re-
according to court re- his blood-alcohol level the sheriff’s deputy said turn a message seeking
cords released Tuesday. was recorded at .076 and he was originally respond- comment Tuesday.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 3A

AP news guide: Mississippi reps win; Espy to face Hyde-Smith

BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Espy is a former congress- Kelly will face Democratic African American representing Democratic primary after de-
The Associated Press man who served as U.S. agri- challenger Antonia Eliason in the state on Capitol Hill. feating first-time candidate
culture secretary in the 1990s. November in north Mississip- In November’s general elec- Katelyn Lee. Benford has run
JACKSON — Mississippi In the primary Tuesday, he de- pi’s 1st Congressional District. tion, Thompson will face either unsuccessfully for several of-
held party primaries Tuesday feated Tobey Bernard Bartee Neither had opposition in the Thomas L. Carey or Brian Flow- fices.
to choose nominees for a U.S. and Jensen Bohren. primary. Kelly is a former dis- ers, who are going to a March In Oktibbeha County Ben-
Senate seat and four congres- ford had 2,062 votes to Lee’s
Bartee is a former military trict attorney and has been in 31 runoff after neither won
sional seats: 1,465. Benford led in Noxubee
intelligence officer who was the House since he won a 2015 Tuesday’s Republican primary.
eliminated in the first round of special election. Eliason is a law Carey is a retired real estate County 981 votes to Lee’s 367.
U.S. Senate voting in the 2018 special elec- professor at the University of agent who ran unsuccessfully
Mike Espy tion for Senate. Bohren is a for- Mississippi. for U.S. Senate in 2014. Flowers
won the Dem- mer teacher who unsuccessful- is a military veteran who works
U.S. House — 4th District
ocratic nomi- Republican U.S. Rep. Steven
nation, easily
ly challenged Republican U.S. U.S. House — 2nd District at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. Palazzo defeated three party
Sen. Roger Wicker in 2018. U.S. House Homeland Se- The candidate eliminated Tues- primary challengers in south
defeating two In Lowndes County, Espy day was B.C. Hammond. He is
challengers. He curity Committee Chairman Mississippi’s 4th Congressional
won with 5,339 votes to Bar- Bennie Thompson easily won a volunteer firefighter and has District.
will face Repub- tee’s 168 and Bohren’s 155. run unsuccessfully for the Mis-
lican Sen. Cindy the Democratic primary in Mis- Palazzo is reelected because
In Oktibbeha County, Espy sissippi’s 2nd Congressional sissippi Legislature. he faces no opponent in the No-
Hyde-Smith and Espy
led with 4,178 votes, followed by District, which stretches along vember general election. He is
Libertarian can-
didate Jimmy Edwards in No-
Baretee with 205 and Bohren the Mississippi River, through U.S. House — 3rd District a military veteran and former
with 177. the Delta and into Jackson. Republican U.S. Rep. Mi- state legislator who was first
In Clay County, Espy collect- Thompson defeated Sonia chael Guest won his party pri- elected to the House in 2010.
Hyde-Smith is an ally of Pres-
ed 2,711 votes to Bartee’s 123 Rathburn, who owns a chiro- mary in central Mississippi’s On Tuesday, Palazzo defeat-
ident Donald Trump. She was
appointed to serve temporari- votes and Bohren’s 104. practic business. 3rd Congressional District. ed Carl Boyanton, Robert L.
ly when Republican Sen. Thad In Noxubee County, Espy Thompson has been in He defeated radio talk show Deming III and Samuel Hick-
Cochran retired in early 2018. (1,584) won over Bartee and Washington since winning a host James Tulp. Guest is a for- man. Boyanton is the former
In November 2018, Hyde-Smith Bohren, each of whom collect- special election in 1993. He is mer district attorney who was owner of a produce business.
defeated Espy in a hard-fought ed 68 votes. the longest-serving member of first elected to the House in Deming is a Biloxi City Council
special election to occupy Co- Mississippi’s current congres- 2018. member. Hickman worked for
chran’s seat for the remaining U.S. House — 1st District sional delegation. He is also Guest will face Dorothy U.S. Rep. Trent Kelly in north
two years of the six-year term. Republican U.S. Rep. Trent the only Democrat and the only “Dot” Benford, who won the Mississippi’s 1st District.

Continued from Page 1A
cars from adjacent resi- had two sides of the fence Billingsley said he put a fence $1,800 for materials, said nesses serving Colum-
dential properties to its built, and the county built thought it would only that is dif- a sales assistant who bus, who spoke on the
west. The code requires the third. “make sense” to match ferent than works at the Home De- condition of anonymity,
at least a six-foot tall “I told him what kind David Sanders’ design.  the one that pot in Tupelo. The price told The Dispatch that
fence, according to Co- of fence I wanted to build “We tied it in for him we would of a wood fence may vary the five-figure price
lumbus Building Official … and I told him I didn’t because it was just natu- be join- drastically, depending on tag of the county fence,
Kenneth Wiegel, but does think it made sense for it ral to tie it in with what ing,” Harry the cost of materials and which averages at $48
not require certain build- to be incompatible,” Da- he was doing,” Billings- Sanders labor, they said. Howev- per linear foot, seemed
ing materials, meaning it vid Sanders said. “I gave ley said. “It would be cra- said. “It H. Sanders er, the $14,160 fence the high and was only a rea-
is not mandatory to match him the specifications for zy to not have something might have cost the coun- county put in place would sonable price for high-
fencing materials already my fence that I was go- tied in from an aesthetic ty maybe $1,500 more be considered expensive end fences. The normal
on the private property. ing to build, and he took standpoint. than it would normally among all types of fenc- price range for fencing,
David Sanders, who those specifications and “It has nothing to do have cost to match with ing materials in stock in comparison, sits at
owns a residence two lots got the bid.” with what David wants or his fence, because he there, the source said. $10 to $12 per linear foot,
west of the county admin- Based on David Sand- doesn’t want, it’s what we pretty much had an ex- Owners of two inde- one of them told The Dis-
istrative building, is now ers’ design suggestions, wanted,” he added. “He’s pensive fence. And if we pendent fencing busi- patch.
also owner of the residen- Billingsley said he solic- got this nice beautiful wanted to put a cheaper
tial property next door ited quotes from two con- fence there, and … we fence, it probably would
abutting the administra- tractors, the lower one are Lowndes County gov- have saved the county
tive building. His fence given by Columbus Fence ernment and we put up a $1,500, but it would not
suffered damage during Company, the same con- piece of junk that looks look anywhere near as
the tornado as well, he tractor who constructed like crap? Why would we good as the fence does
said, which prompted the fencing on Sanders’ choose that?” now.”
him to “ride around town” property. County offi- Harry Sanders ab- But the savings could
in search of a new one he cials, with board of super- stained from the vote to have been bigger than
liked.  visors approval, decided build the fence but said that, according to multi-
And when David Sand- to apply the same design he supports the move. He ple contractors The Dis-
ers learned of the city along the entire west- acknowledges, though, it patch interviewed. 
code requirement, he ern border of the county is a more expensive fence A basic pine wood
approached Billingsley building, which shields it than the county might fence that stretches 300
with the idea of building from both David Sanders’ have built otherwise. feet long and eight feet
matching fences. Ulti- and his neighbors’ hous- “There’s no reason in tall with four-by-four-inch
mately, David Sanders es. the world why we would posts would cost roughly

Continued from Page 1A
be asked,” Ward said. are age, sex and race, he cal election purposes. in spending before the
“It might be even more said. But the biggest impact next Census is taken.
helpful for me to tell you “What the Census will of the Census is on federal “Looking around
what you won’t be asked ask is the number of peo- funds. The federal gov- this room, I’m estimat-
because people are often ple living in the house- ernment uses Census data ing there are 75 people
suspicious when the fed- hold as of April 1, when to determine how $675 here,” Ward continued.
eral government comes the count actually be- billion will be dispersed “If somehow everyone in
around asking questions.” gins,” Ward said. “You’ll annually through dozens this room disappeared it
The Census does not, be asked each person’s of federal programs, ev- would mean a loss of $3.75
he said, ask questions name, sex, date of birth erything from education million over the next 10
about Social Security and race. This data is and health care to infra- years. So that’s how im-
numbers, banking or important to understand structure. portant the Census is.”
credit card information, who lives in the United Because of that, Ward
money, donations or polit-
States.” said, the Census has an
ical affiliation.
Ward said collecting effect on every resident.
“You will not be asked
an accurate count of U.S. “The estimate is that
about your status as a cit-
izen,” he said. “Last year, residents helps establish one person represents
there was a good bit of how many representatives $5,000 annually,” he said.
news about that. President each state has in the U.S. “And since the Census
(Donald) Trump wanted Congress. It is also used happens once every 10
to ask about citizenship to established city wards years, that means one per-
status, which had never and county districts for lo- son will represent $50,000
been part of the Census
before. The federal courts
ruled against it, so there’s
no need to get bogged
down with that.”
The only demograph-
ics the Census asks about

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4A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Memorial Gunter Peel Lucy Harrison and Erby, Roy Wallace Jr.,
OBITUARY POLICY Funeral Home Second Charles Holt. Robert Holt and Donter-
Obituaries with basic informa-
Avenue North location She is survived by rio Erby.
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided is in charge of arrange- her children, Angela
free of charge. Extended ments. R. Erby, Stephanie Ray Jarvis
obituaries with a photograph, B. Simmons, Janice SULLIGENT, Ala.
detailed biographical informa- Toya Smith Wallace, Stanley L. — Ray E. Jarvis, 66,
tion and other details families
NOXUBEE — Toya Erby and Eric Erby all died March 7, 2020, at
may wish to include, are avail- of Columbus, Cynthia
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Jackson Smith, 45, died DCH of Tuscaloosa,
be submitted through funeral March 4, Gordon of Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
homes unless the deceased’s 2020, in Alabama and Zaveria L. Services are at 11
body has been donated to Macon. Erby of Ocala, Florida; a.m. today, at Otts
science. If the deceased’s Services step children, Lester Funeral Home Chapel.
body was donated to science, will be Taylor, Michael Taylor Burial will follow in the
the family must provide official
at 2 p.m. and Shirley Taylor of Gilmer Addition of the
proof of death. Please submit
Saturday, Cleveland, Ohio; sib- Sulligent City Ceme-
all obituaries on the form
provided by The Commercial at Taberna- lings, Christine Hood, tery. Visitation is one
Dispatch. Free notices must be cle M.B.C., Smith Lorian Taylor and hour prior to services
submitted to the newspaper with Rodri- Catherine Singleton at the funeral home.
no later than 3 p.m. the day guez Broadnax offici- all of Columbus, Lillie Otts Funeral Home of
prior for publication Tuesday ating. Burial will follow Weaver of Durant and Sulligent is in charge of
through Friday; no later than 4 Gloria Lee of Birming-
at Oddfellow Cemetery. arrangements.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Visitation will be from ham, Alabama; 39 Mr. Jarvis was born
edition; and no later than 7:30
1-5 p.m. Friday, at Car- grandchildren; and 13
a.m. for the Monday edition. Nov. 4, 1953. He was
ter’s Funeral Services great-grandchildren.
Incomplete notices must be re- formerly employed at a
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. of Macon. Carter’s Pallbearers will be
truck driver with Ver-
for the Monday through Friday Funeral Services of Adrian Erby, Roy Wal-
non Milling.
editions. Paid notices must be Macon is in charge of lace III, Jeffery Weaver,
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
arrangements. Edward Lee, Hosie See OBITUARIES, 5A
the next day Monday through
Mrs. Smith was born

Cherri Shaw Ernestine Cockrell

Thursday; and on Friday by 3
p.m. for Sunday and Monday May 29, 1974, in Nox-
publication. For more informa- ubee County, to James
tion, call 662-328-2471. Curtis Jackson and the
late Bernice Jackson. Cherri Denise Shaw, 58, of Ernestine Cockrell, 93, of Columbus, MS
She was a graduate of Columbus, MS passed away passed away Monday, March 9th, 2020, at Baptist
Dorothy Hicks Noxubee County High Sunday, March 8, 2020, at Memorial Golden Triangle Hospital.
STARKVILLE — Windsor Place. Visitation will be 9:30-11:00 AM on Thursday,
Dorothy “Dot” Hallum Visitation will be Thursday, March 12th at Lowndes Funeral Home followed
In addition to her
Morris Hicks, 89, died March 12, 2020, from 1:00-2:00 by a funeral service at 11:00 AM in the Chapel
father, she is survived
March 3, 2020. PM at Lowndes Funeral Home. with Bro. Steve Brown officiating and Mr.
by her children, Jakyla
Services will be at A funeral service will follow at Jimmy Newell assisting. Interment will be
Smith, Jamia Smith,
3:30 p.m. Sunday, at 2:00 PM in the chapel with Bro. Memorial Gardens with Lowndes Funeral Home,
Arrionna Smith and
Welch Funeral Home. Melvin Mordecai officiating Columbus, MS directing.
Ma Carter Stewart all
Visitation will be one and Elder Harold Weeks, Sr. Mrs. Cockrell was born August 30, 1926, in
of Macon; siblings,
hour prior to serviced assisting. Interment will be in Pleasant Hill Louisville, MS, to the late Walter and Ida Lee
Shaulanda Jackson,
and the funeral home. Cemetery with Lowndes Funeral Home directing. Flake White. She was a member of Calvary
Roshaunda Williams,
Welch Funeral Home of Mrs. Shaw was born September 14, 1961, Baptist Church, Columbus, MS. Mrs. Cockrell
Ashley Jackson, An-
Starkville is in charge in Tuscaloosa, AL to the late Martin Ellis and taught in the Columbus School System for 35
thony Smith, Romoan
of arrangements. Mrs. Earnesteen Nickoles Ellis Butler. Mrs. Shaw was years. She loved cooking, flower gardening,
Jackson, and Rita Pruitt
Hicks was born Sept. a member of First Christian Church. She enjoyed reading, teaching her Sunday School class and
all of Macon; and one
26, 1930, to the late Ray- shopping, reading, watching the news and singing in the adult choir.
mond and Ethel Hal- keeping up with politics. Mrs. Shaw dedicated In addition to her parents, Mrs. Cockrell is
Pallbearers will
lum. She was formerly herself to her profession in nursing. She enjoyed preceded in death by her husband of 62 years,
be Marlon Windham,
employed as the toy Demetries Taylor, An- spending time with family and her grandchildren. John Cockrell; daughter, Jean Bullard; grandson,
department manager of toin Patterson, Tyrone She is going to be greatly missed. Jonathan Cockerell; brothers, Walter White and
Wal-mart. Washington, Michael In addition to her parents, Mrs. Shaw is Jim White; and sisters, Sally Puckett and Dale
In addition to her par- Brandon Sr. and Der- preceded in death by her stepdad, J. Calvin Robertson.
ents, she was preceded rick Price. Butler; and sister, Diane Skinner. Mrs. Cockrell is survived by her son, Frank
in death by her sister; Mrs. Shaw is survived by her daughter, (Sandra) Cockrell of Columbus, MS; brother,
and four brothers. Chasity (Brett) Burkhalter of Columbus, MS; Fred White of Shuqualak, MS; sisters, Ethel
She is survived by Dorothy Erby grandchildren; Kyle Burkhalter and Cheyenne Strait of Columbus, MS, Janie Reynolds of
her children; Danny COLUMBUS — Dor-
Burkhalter; brother, Wayne (Mott) Ellis of West Point, MS, Janelle (Jim) Bracken of
Morris of Benton, othy Ruth Erby, 84, died
Columbus, MS; sister, Carol (Dewayne) Upton of Loganville, GA, Glenda Thomas of Louisville,
Arkansas, Sherry Cook March
Columbus, MS. MS and Carol (John) Bullard of Corinth, MS;
of Bradenton, Florida, 5, 2020,
Pallbearers will be John Dale, Carey Upton, grandchildren, Rodney Cockrell of Columbus,
Tom Hicks of Boise, at North
Larry Melton, Eddie Shaw, Kevin Styron and MS, Bethany (Chad) Chaffee of Gulf Breeze,
Idaho and Tracy Reeves Mississippi
Ellis Clark. FL, Debbie (Brain) Lamison of Porter, Texas,
of Jackson; nine grand- Medical
Honorary pallbearers will be Harold Weeks, and Dianna Fortune of Columbus, MS; 10 great-
children; and seven Center of
Sr., Tim Ward, Jeff Sullivan, Raymond Bell grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.
great-grandchildren. Tupelo.
Sr., Dr. Christina Collins, Dr. John King, Dr. Pallbearers will be Rodney Cockrell, Larry
Cameron Huxford and deacons and elders at Cockrell, Chad Chaffee, Richie White, Tom
will be Erby
Bertha Little at noon
First Christian Church. Ferguson and Greg Duke
PANOLA, Ala. — Memorials may be made to the charity of Memorials may be made to Calvary Baptist
Thursday, at Stephen
Bertha Little, 83, died donor’s choice. Church Building Fund 295 Dowdle Dr. Columbus,
Chapel M.B. Church,
March 3, 2020, at DCH Compliments of MS 39702.
with the Rev. Joe L. Peo-
Regional Medical ples officiating. Burial Lowndes Funeral Home Compliments of
Center of Tuscaloosa,
will follow at Union Lowndes Funeral Home
Cemetery. Visitation is

Karen Ward
A Home Going Cele- from noon-6 p.m. today,

Patricia Schmitt
bration will be at 11 a.m. at Carter’s Funeral Ser-
Saturday, at Greater Sa- vices Chapel. Carter’s
lem A.M.E Zion Church Funeral Services of Karen Threadgill Ward passed away Sunday
in Panola. Burial will Columbus is in charge March 8, 2020, at NMMC-West Point at the age
Patricia Lynne Schmitt, 61,
follow in the church of arrangements. of 66.
of Columbus, MS passed away
cemetery. Visitation will Mrs. Erby was She was born July 13, 1953, in Haleyville,
Thursday, March 5, 2020, at her
be from 3-5 p.m. Friday, born June 13, 1935, in Alabama, to the late Kenneth Threadgill and
at Lavender’s Funeral Columbus, to the late to the late Jackie Hunt Threadgill Christian.
Visitation will be Wednesday,
Service. Lavender’s Robert and Emma Holt. She was a graduate of Brilliant High School in
March 11, 2020, from 2:00-3:00
Funeral Service of She was a member of Brilliant, Alabama. She received a Bachelor
PM at Lowndes Funeral Home,
Aliceville is in charge of Stephen Chapel M.B. of Arts degree from Mississippi University of
Columbus, MS. A funeral
arrangements. Church. Women.
service will follow at 3:00 PM
In addition to her Prior to retirement, she was a licensed social
in the Chapel, with Bro. Steve
Ethel Hughes parents, she was pre- worker with the Mississippi Department of
Brown officiating. Interment
ALICEVILLE, Ala. ceded in death by her Human Services, working first in protective
will be in Vaughn Cemetery, Caledonia, MS, with
— Ethel B. Crowell husband, Lincoln Erby services in child abuse and neglect and then as
Lowndes Funeral Home directing.
Hughes, 83, died March Sr.; children, Lincoln an adoption specialist.
Mrs. Schmitt was born July 5, 1958, in
6, 2020, at her resi- Erby Jr.; and siblings, She was an active member of the Episcopal
Pittsburg, PA, to the late Dorothy Tindle Ittel and
dence. Church of the Incarnation in West Point,
Robert Watt. She worked at Baptist Memorial
A Home Going Mississippi, where she was a long-time choir
Hospital-GT as a Scrub Tech with Labor and
Celebration will be member and active in nursing home ministry.
delivery for 26 years. Mrs. Schmitt was a loving
at noon Saturday, at She was also active in the Project Homestead
mother and grandmother. She served in the
Bigbee Baptist Church Food Pantry. She loved her church and her flower
United States Air Force for 10 years. She is going
of Aliceville. Burial will gardens.
to be greatly missed.
follow in the church The funeral service was Tuesday, March 10,
In addition to her parents, Mrs. Schmitt
cemetery. Visitation will 2020, at 2 PM at The Episcopal Church of the
is preceded in death by her husband, Ernest
be from 2-6 p.m. Friday, Incarnation, with The Reverend Randy Sellers and
at Lavender’s Funeral The Very Reverend Sandra DePriest officiating.
Mrs. Schmitt is survived by her daughter,
Service. Lavender’s Visitation was from 1-2 PM on Tuesday at the
Amber (Greg) Shackelford of Steens, MS; sons,
Funeral Service of church. Burial followed in Friendship Cemetery
Ernest Robert (Teresa) Schmitt of Carlisle,
in Columbus, Mississippi.
Aliceville is in charge of Teresa Lollar PA, Christopher Jean Schmitt of Columbus,
arrangements. Visitation: Pallbearers were Will Hardy, Tom Bowens,
MS, and Eric Robert Schmitt of Thailand;
Thursday, March 12 • 10 AM Danny Rainey, Bruce Bennett, Joseph Boggess,
2nd Ave. North Location sister, Nancy (Rich) McKeown of San Diego,
John Stallworth, Cameron Magee and James
Teresa Lollar Services:
Thursday, March 12 • 11 AM Chandler.
CA; grandchildren, James Shackelford, Sadie
STARKVILLE — Te- Shackelford, Gabriel Schmitt, Katarina Schmitt
2nd Ave. North Location She is survived by her husband, Rufus A. Ward,
resa Louise Lollar, 69, Burial and Madison Schmitt; nieces, Jessalyn McKeown
Friendship Cemetery Jr. of Columbus and West Point; son, Thomas
died March 10, 2020, at and Katie McKeown; and nephew, Michael
2nd Ave. North Location Bailey Ward of Gulfport; daughter, Sarah Hunt
Starkville Manor Nurs- McKeown.
Ward Hoffman (Aaron) of Alexandria, VA; two
Pallbearers will be Greg Shackelford, Ernes
ing Home. Robert Proffitt Jr. grandchildren, Harper Lenore Hoffman and
Services will be at 11 Visitation:
Robert Schmitt, Christopher Jean Schmitt, Eric
Sykes Lee Hoffman.
a.m. Thursday, at the Sunday, March 15 • 1-3 PM Schmitt and Rich McKeown.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Memorials may be made to the Sally Kate
Second Avenue North Honorary pallbearers will be all of Labor and
Services: Winter’s Children Home PO Box 1233, West
Chapel of Memorial Sunday, March 15 • 3 PM Delivery staff at Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT,
Point, MS 39773 or Duncan Gray Episcopal
Gunter Peel Funeral St. Paul’s Episcopal Church extended friends and family.
2nd Ave. North Location Camp and Conference Center, 1530 Way Road,
Home and Crematory. Memorials may be made to the American
Canton, MS 39046 or The Episcopal Church of
Burial will follow at Heart Association, P.O. Box 16808, Jackson, MS
the Incarnation, 505 West Broad Street, West
Friendship Cemetery. 39236.
Point, MS 39773.
Visitation will be one Compliments of
hour prior to services Paid Obituary - Robinson Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home
at the funeral home.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 5A

Flu and coronavirus: Similar

symptoms, different fears
Most people infected by comforting because flu is such a fa-
miliar foe. President Donald Trump
coronavirus develop mild or mod-
erate symptoms and recover after
the coronavirus develop regularly brings it up, noting in a
tweet how many more Americans
about two weeks.

mild or moderate die from flu and adding, “Nothing is So what do I have?
shut down, life & the economy go on Flu, cold and coronavirus often
symptoms and recover ... Think about that!” share certain symptoms, but differ-
But to public health experts, the ences in intensity and how they ap-
after about two weeks huge number of flu deaths is exactly pear can offer clues to which one is
why extraordinary steps should be causing the misery. Doctors can test
taken to try to prevent the new coro- for the flu and get results within a day,
AP Chief Medical Writer
navirus from spreading widely. but coronavirus testing is still limited
Is it the flu, a cold or the new coro- The flu’s annual return can’t be by availability in the United States.
navirus? Patients and doctors alike stopped because it’s already so em- Colds are often suspected be-
are parsing signs of illness to figure bedded in the population. There is cause adults get about two on aver-
out who needs what tests or care and still a chance COVID-19 cases can be age each year, said LeRoy, a family
how worried they should be. limited or spread slowed while treat- medicine doctor and associate dean
“You have three different major ments are developed. at Wright State University in Day-
viruses floating around at the same ton, Ohio.
time,” causing somewhat similar How deadly are the viruses? “The common cold just starts
symptoms — but different levels of Flu kills about 0.1 percent of those out with a sore or scratchy throat,
concern, said Dr. Gary LeRoy, pres- it infects, but that’s still hundreds of cough, runny nose, stuffy nose” and
ident of the American Academy of thousands of people each year be- any fever is usually mild, he said.
Family Physicians. cause it infects millions. Flu symptoms are more intense
So what’s the biggest danger? And Researchers are still trying to and usually come on suddenly, the
why are we responding to them so understand just how deadly the new Yale New Haven Health System ad-
differently? coronavirus is. The mortality rate vises. They can include a high fever
from infection with the virus isn’t (over 100.5 degrees), extreme ex- Is Estate or
Familiar foe known yet because the cases caught haustion, muscle or body aches, a
COVID-19, the disease caused by in an early part of an outbreak are dry cough and chills. Long Term Care
the new coronavirus, is a flu-like ill- often the most severe, people with “It really hits you like a bus,” and
ness that has killed a small fraction of mild or no symptoms aren’t being people may start a day well but feel Planning Necessary
the number of people that the flu kills tested, and sometimes overwhelmed terrible by afternoon, LeRoy said.
every year. Through the first four hospitals struggle to care for the sick- Flu symptoms can include a to Protect Your
months of the outbreak, coronavirus est patients. Various reports have runny or stuffy nose, headaches
has killed about 4,300 people. Flu estimated the fatality rate from less and possibly vomiting or diarrhea, Family’s Future?
kills 290,000 to 650,000 every year than 1 percent to as high as 4 percent though the latter two are more com-
• Do you have a Will, Power of Attorney, and Advanced Health Care
around the world, according to the among cases diagnosed so far, de- mon in children than adults, the
World Health Organization. pending on location. U.S. Centers for Disease Control • Are you certain that your assets will be distributed according to your
To some, that comparison seems Most people infected by the new and Prevention says. wishes at your death?
• Are you confused by the ever changing estate and gift tax laws?
• Are you worried that one day you may not be able to care for yourself
or make the necessary decisions to remain independent and in your
own home?

At Dunn & Hemphill, we can create a plan tailored to fit you
and your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 to
discuss your estate and long term care planning options.
Continued from Page 4A

Michael Law Sr. Sara Jackson of Steens; Services will be

at 2 p.m. Saturday, at
to the late Clarence W.
Elmore and Nadine
Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
COLUMBUS — Mi- two grandchildren; and 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
chael Reynolds Law Sr., two great-grandchil- Mantee Baptist Church Berry Elmore. He was 662.327.4211 |
71, died March 11, 2020, dren. of Mantee, with the Rev. formerly a U.S. Army Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
at his residence. Zach Sanford offici- veteran and a graduate W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
Arrangements are nating. Visitation will of Mississippi State
Robert Elmore be one hour prior to University.
you call to get a free 30 minute
incomplete and will be STARKVILLE —
Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
announced by Lown- services at the church. He is survived by his *Background information available upon request.
© The Dispatch

Robert L. Elmore, 76, Welch Funeral Home of Providing Our Clients Expertise With
des Funeral Home of brother, Glen Elmore of
Columbus. died March 8, 2020, at Starkville is in charge of Naples, Florida.
Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
OCH Regional Medical arrangements.
Center of Starkville. Mr. Elmore was born
Carolyn Forrester
lyn Moore Forrester, 68,
died March 11, 2020, at
Windsor Place.
Arrangements are
incomplete and will be
announced by Lown-
des Funeral Home of

Pearlie Allen
Pearlie Mae Allen, 75,
died March 9, 2020, at
Baptist Memorial Hospi-
tal-Golden Triangle.
Services will be at 1
p.m. Thursday, at Otts
Funeral Home Chapel.
Burial and graveside
services will follow in
Wofford Cemetery, with
Willard Pless officiat-
ing. Visitation is from
6-8 p.m. today, at the
funeral home. Otts Fu-
neral Home of Sulligent
is in charge of arrange-
Mrs. Allen was
born May 12, 1944, in
Columbus, to the late
Van Buren Wheeler
and Rose Ann Murphy.
She was previously
employed with McCoy
Manufacturing and was
a member of Mt. Pleas-
ant Baptist Church.
In addition to her par-
ents, she was preceded
in death by her siblings,
Johnnie Mae Thurman
and Robert Wheeler.
She is survived by
her husband, W.G. Allen
of Sulligent; son, Doug
Allen of Sulligent; sister,

Send in your
News About Town


Subject: NATS
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Sometimes, we complain for clarity
n Mississippi, we have laws that help East Mississippi Community College be forced to violate federal copyright is drawn on Sunshine Laws. In short,
ensure citizens have access to public in a disagreement about whether The law if it complied with The Dispatch’s the only way to know the answer is to
meetings and to records (docu- Dispatch had a right to obtain copies of request. ask the question. Ethics complaints are
ments, emails, videos, etc.) created by videos made by the community col- It should be noted that prior to us fil- sometimes the only available avenue to
public bodies and employees. These lege’s staff. State law normally allows ing the complaint, EMCC allowed three the answer.
laws are collectively referred to as people to not only view but also make of our reporters to view the videos at That was the case with the EMCC
Sunshine Laws. copies of public records. The videos al- their attorney’s office. We pushed to complaint. We simply wanted to know
Ensuring public bodies adhere to legedly contained song and video clips receive copies of the videos for a couple if our request for the information was
these laws is one of The Dispatch’s that violated copyright law, so EMCC of reasons. The first reason is that it’s valid under the law.
top missions. When we have concerns was understandably balking at turning always ideal if we have source materials In this case, we understand the com-
Sunshine Laws have been violated, the over copies of the videos. It was afraid in hand. This allows our reporters to re- mission’s ruling and do not object to its
Mississippi Ethics Commission is who doing so would open the school up to fer back to it while reporting the story. findings. We also appreciate EMCC’s
we turn to. additional liability. The other reason is a little more willingness to comply with the law by
Once a complaint is filed, the MEC Essentially, the commission ruled technical. showing the views to our reporters.
gathers facts and makes a determina- the videos were public documents but Sometimes, we file complaints be- Even so, we believe filing the com-
tion based on law and prior rulings. that federal copyright law held prece- cause we are convinced of the merits of plaint was a necessary step because we
Last week, the MEC dismissed a dent over the state’s open records law. our argument, but there are also times also believe it was a part of our obliga-
complaint The Dispatch filed against In short, the ruling said EMCC would when we seek clarity on where the line tion to the public.


Voice of the people
Biological defense is as
important as military defense
The statistical data suggests
that nearly 17 percent of the U.S.
population is 65 years and older, and
that percentage is growing. Medical
technology, diagnostics, medicines
and treatment are all helping the
longevity of our aging population.
I realized and felt happy when I
made a frequent visit to a crowded
local eye clinic last year. Talking and
listening to other visitors, I found I
was younger than all of them. When I
go for a wellness check up, my doctor
inquiries about colonoscopy, pneumo-
nia shot, influenza vaccine, Hepatitis
C vaccine, PSA, and other old age
related problems. And who doesn’t
admire the training of our 21st centu-
ry physicians?
For the last seven decades, we
have come across so many pandemic
situations and yet we are still march-
ing on. Over the years, influenza
killed thousands, so many from ma-
laria, cholera, diarrhea, and HIV. Still
we are fighting against cancer.
And in this year of 2020, the
majority of 7.7 billion people of the
world are obsessed with the two
words of “novel coronavirus.” I am STATE OF THE NATION
not sure why it is called “novel.” How
scary is the name now? Think about
a nano-size living being that can kill
humans in the hundreds or thou- Coronavirus in the age of ‘truthiness’
sands? We had to cancel our family
here’s an old song to hurt Donald Trump. trying.
reunion during this year’s spring
by The O’Jays that You’ve seen Rep. Matt It was in 2005 that Stephen Colbert
break. Daily updates by filtered
seems especially Gaetz mock concerns over coined the word “truthiness” to
media (maybe) made us too nervous
apropos to this moment. the virus by wearing a gas describe the then-new phenomenon
to travel. It is not dying; it is the
The refrain goes: “Those mask in the Capitol; he of Americans prioritizing information
fear of dying that prevented us from
lies done caught up with has since had to self-quar- they “felt” to be true over that which
traveling. We didn’t travel but still we
you this time.” antine after a possible objectively was. Though restricted
can die like Nashville tornado kills
The song was about a exposure. Meantime, to no ideology, truthiness was much
dozens of people.
faithless lover getting her King Liar himself, Trump, more common and — through a
The coronavirus is not new, may
comeuppance. But it also keeps doing what comes nexus of cable news, the internet
be this particular, COVID-19 is.
works as a verdict on so- naturally. and various integrity-free politicians
According to Lancet, “the COVID-19
called conservatives in an He said a vaccine will — much more encouraged on the
outbreak creates a sense of déjà vu
age of looming pandemic. Leonard Pitts be ready in just a few political right.
with the 2003 outbreak of SARS.”
At this writing, there months. It won’t. In 2005, the danger of this may
I wonder why no significant efforts
have been, according to a He said the number of have felt somewhat abstract — a
have been made by the virologists or
New York Times database, 747 diag- Americans afflicted is going down. It decline in the quality of political
medical scientists or political admin-
nosed cases of COVID-19 — caused isn’t. discourse. But by 2016, when a North
istrations to initiate, investigate and
by the novel coronavirus — in the He said anyone who needs a test Carolina man fired an assault rifle
do the ground work beforehand and
United States; 26 of the afflicted have can get one. They can’t. inside a Washington pizzeria because
develop a vaccine.
died. Meantime, the stock market has He said that the World Health he believed a debunked anti-Hillary
Global public health has now
dropped like a boulder from a cliff, Organization gave “a false number” Clinton conspiracy theory, it was
become a priority like global climate
colleges are canceling classes, sports in predicting a global mortality rate already glaringly clear that “alter-
change. What is the World Health
leagues are preparing to play in emp- of 3.4 percent. And on what basis did native facts” could have dangerous,
Organization doing?
ty arenas. Internationally, 114,000 he question a respected international real-world implications.
Dispatch readers, in this context, I
people have been stricken. All of Italy organization of medical profession- Now there is this. One wonders if
would like to point out the difference
is on lockdown, Spain has shuttered als? Trump said he had a “hunch.” it will be the breaking point; if, faced
in the way nearly every other country
every nursery school, high school Then there’s this recent tweet with direct risk to their own lives,
in the world handles another type of
and university in and around Madrid from writer Jelani Cobb of The New conservatives will finally quit suck-
threat. Even peaceful nations who are
and a St. Patrick’s Day parade has Yorker: “Overheard from the person ling at the teat of mass delusion. Let’s
not at war or under threat of invasion
been called off — in Dublin. in front of me on line at CPAC last hope so, for all our sake. A virus,
will still stockpile arms, ammunition,
Those are the grim facts. But the week: ‘I don’t believe anything the after all, respects no ideological
missiles, fighting jets and other tools
view from inside the facts-resistant CDC says about this virus. It’s full borders, so the right wing’s refusal to
of war. In this 21st century, do we
bubble that passes for conservatism of deep staters who want to use this respect reality puts everyone at risk.
need to fight each other or occupy
these days is quite different. to create a recession to bring down With apologies to The O’Jays,
another country? Look at the once-
If you live in there, you’ve heard the president.’” As it happens, it was those lies done caught up with us all.
mighty British Empire. The sun now
Presidential Medal of Freedom at CPAC — the annual Conservative Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the
rises and sets as usual for Britain too.
recipient Rush Limbaugh assure you Political Action Conference — that 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary,
Instead of fighting each other
that the virus that has galvanized Gaetz was apparently exposed. is a columnist for the Miami Herald.
whether it is gun violence or bomb-
doctors around the world is really You can’t make this stuff up. But Email him at lpitts@miamiherald.
ing or drone killing, we should rather
just “the common cold” weaponized that doesn’t stop right-wingers from com.
fight against these invisible tiny
living being that threaten all people,
regardless of national border.
Jiben Roy
EDITOR/PUBLISHER Mary Jane Runnels Hunter Perrigin Tess Vrbin
Luther Shields Deanna Stella Yu PRODUCTION
Peter Imes William Hudson
Jamie Morrison
Our View: Local Editorials Birney Imes Lindsey Beck NEWS Christina Boyd Tina Perry
Local editorials appearing in this space Debbie Foster Isabelle Altman Joseph Ellis Sydney White
represent the opinion of the newspaper’s Mary Ann Hardy Theo Derosa Jeffrey Gore
editorial board: Peter Imes, editor and ADVERTISING Eddie Johnson Matt Garner Katrina Guyton
publisher; Zack Plair, managing editor; Claudi Arrington Courtney Laury Garrick Hodge Doris Hill
Slim Smith and senior newsroom staff. To Amber Dumas Zach Plair Quaylon Jones
inquire about a meeting with the board, Kelly Ervin CIRCULATION Ben Portnoy Marquisto Miller
please contact Peter Imes at 662-328- Melissa Johnson Christopher Dumas Slim Smith Bobby Williams
2424, or e-mail Beth Proffitt Michael Floyd Jan Swoope Timothy Wilson
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 7A

Census Bureau site goes live

as counting begins in earnest
2020 census is the first in which most people are reau website from his desktop com-
puter Monday after it went live and
being encouraged to answer the questions online filled out the form in about two min-
utes, using his address instead of
BY MIKE SCHNEIDER door-to-door canvassing the best an ID number.
The Associated Press way to gather responses. “It could not have been easier,”
There has been a U.S. census ev- said Bagga, who is deputy director
ORLANDO, Fla. — The 2020 ery decade since 1790. The results of NYC Census 2020, the outreach
census is off and running for much determine how many congressional initiative started by New York May-
of America now. seats each state gets and how $1.5 or Bill de Blasio.
The U.S. Census Bureau made a trillion in federal spending is dis- About 80 percent of households
soft launch of the 2020 census web- tributed. receiving mailings will get notic-
site on Monday, making its form The 2020 census is the first in es about how to answer the ques-
available online. On Thursday, the which most people are being en- tions online, and about 20 percent
Census Bureau will begin mailing couraged to answer the questions of households automatically will
out notices far and wide. online, though people can still receive a paper ballot if there are
For the bureau, the once-a-de- answer the questionnaire by tele- large numbers of seniors in their
cade head count is akin to running phone or by mailing back a paper neighborhood or levels of internet
a sprint and marathon at the same form if they prefer. connectivity are low.
time. It takes awhile, but there’s The notices mailed out starting Census workers won’t begin go-
plenty of action throughout. this week will include a census ID ing door-to-door in earnest until
“It is that intense ... counting up that matches addresses. People fill- May, when they’ll approach homes
to 330 million people in a very di- ing out the form via the internet are that haven’t responded and ask the
verse, very mobile population, and encouraged to use the ID, but those questions in person. Bureau offi-
over 140 million housing units,” Ste- who answer the questions online cials are monitoring the spread of
phen Buckner, a senior Census Bu- before getting their IDs still will be the novel coronavirus, which could
reau executive, said during a recent counted. disrupt the door-to-door phase. If
visit to Miami. “The best user experience is there is a major disaster, such as an
The bureau had an official in-per- provided with a Census ID,” the epidemic, census workers instead
son launch in January in Toksook bureau said in a statement Monday can drop off the questionnaires at
Bay, Alaska. Mail service is spotty evening. homes, with the hope that people
and internet connectivity is unre- Some people couldn’t wait. Amit will respond on their own, accord-
liable in remote Alaska, making Bagga jumped on the Census Bu- ing to the bureau’s operational plan.


information, call Lacy Smith, arship applications through
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 662-244-1392. March 15 from all graduating
n OKTIBBEHA COUNTY 270 meets Thursdays at 4370 n CARING FOR THE high school seniors for the
MASTER GARDENERS Cal-Kolola Road, Caledonia. CAREGIVER Minority Caucus Scholarship.
Oktibbeha County Master Gar- Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30 p.m. This caregivers support group For applications or information,
deners meet at 10 a.m. March Contact Michelle Holliman, meets at 11:30 a.m. on last visit
12 at the county Extension of- 662-386-3650. Thursdays at First United ty-caucus.
fice on Felix Long Drive. Guest n SENIOR CRAFTS Methodist Church, 602 Main n JIM SPRUIELL
speaker is Bob Brzuszek. For Senior Crafts meets at the St., Columbus. All are welcome. SCHOLARSHIP
more information, call Emily Starkville Sportsplex Tuesdays, A study of the book “No Act of The Health Care Foundation
Jones, 662-312-0832. 10-11:30 a.m. Crafts provided Love is Ever Wasted: The Spir- of North Mississippi accepts
n AARP COLUMBUS by the parks department. For ituality of Caring for Persons applications through March 31
AARP meets the first Wednes- information, call Lisa Cox, 662- with Dementia” is underway. for the Jim Spruiell Memorial
day of each month at 10 a.m. 323-2294. n ABUSE RECOVERY Scholarship from high school
in the Community Room of GROUP seniors preparing to enter
Regions Bank, Main Street, A Domestic Abuse Recovery college or individuals in the
Quilting Club meets in the
Columbus. Programs are Group meets Thursdays at 6 workforce and pursuing a ca-
activities room adjacent to the
geared to the needs and p.m. through Safe Haven Inc. reer in emergency health care.
multi-purpose facility at the
interests of seniors 50+. For Group counseling for rape For applications or information,
Starkville Sportsplex Thurs-
more information, call 662- recovery is available. For infor- visit
days 10 a.m.-noon. Bring your
889-9496. own project to work on. For mation, call 662-327-6118. n BOOK SALE
n AARP STARKVILLE information, call Lisa Cox, 662- n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS The Friends of the Starkville
AARP Starkville meets the first 323-2294. Baptist Golden Triangle Library Book Sale is the first
Thursday of each month at 10 seeks caring, compassion- Monday of each month at the
Starkville Public Library, 326
a.m. in the Community Room
of Cadence Bank, West Main HEALTH NOTES ate volunteers to help in a
variety of hospital settings. For University Drive.
Street, Starkville. For infor- n BALANCE CLASS information, call Lisa Bow- n ENVIRONMENTAL
mation, call Eileen Carr-Tabb, North Mississippi Medical ers,662-244-1165. MEETING
662-312-3431. Center-West Point hosts Memphis Town Community
n EAST LIONS CLUB a balance class from 1-2 Action Group meets fourth
The Columbus East Lions Club p.m. March 23-25. Free to Tuesdays at 6 p.m. to discuss
Narconon offers drug and
meets every second and fourth members; $20 nonmembers. issues related to the Kerr-Mc-
alcohol interventions. For free
Monday of the month at 65 Instructor is Mary Ann Shows. Gee site. For information,
screenings or referrals, call
Airline Road. For more infor- Beneficial for individuals with contact Leon Hines, 662-574-
mation, call 662-549-3421 or unstable mobility issues or 6109.
662-574-7552. weakened lower body muscles. n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA
To register by March 18 or for Golden Triangle AA meets daily n 50 DRESSES MINISTRY
n HOST LIONS CLUB information, call the Wellness for support. If you want to drink, Reach1 Teach1 Ministries’ 50
The Columbus Host Lions Club that is your business. If you Dresses Ministry Program to
Center, 662-495-9355 or
meets every Friday at noon want to stop drinking, that is the Golden Triangle area helps
at EMCC Lion Hills Center for our business. For information, those in need of a dress or
a buffet lunch and business
call 662-327-8941. suit for a job search. Dona-
Baptist Golden Triangle offers
gathering. tions accepted. Call Regional
Hologic’s new Genius 3D n AL-ANON MEETING
n POSSUM TOWN Coordinator Cequeila Bigbee,
mammography exams. Komen The Columbus Al-Anon Family
TOASTMASTERS 870-627-2859 or e-mail 1deliv-
Foundation funds are available Groups meet Mondays and
Possum Town Toastmasters
to cover cost of screenings or Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. When
meet every Friday at 7 a.m. at diagnostic mammograms for you don’t know where to turn n WALKING GROUP
the Church of Christ, Co- those without insurance or because someone drinks too J.L. King Center’s Families First
lumbus. To become a better whose insurance does not cov- much, we can help. For informa- of Oktibbeha County invites the
communicator and leader, call er the test and who meet other tion, call 888-425-2666 or go community to join its Walking
662-549-3483. criteria, low-income, uninsured to Group at 6:30 a.m. Monday-Fri-
n POSSUM TOWN or underinsured, living in Clay, day at Westside Park, 700 N.
Possum Town Quilters meet
Lowndes, Monroe or Oktibbe-
ha Counties. Call 662-244- OTHER EVENTS Long St., Starkville.

at 9:30 a.m. the second and 1000 or visit goldentriangle. n ANNUAL ESTHER DAY Family Resource Center, Co-
fourth Saturdays of each to see if you The 14th District Order of The lumbus campus, 1575 Second
month at the Rosenzweig Arts qualify. For appointment, call Eastern Star, Mayhew Street, Ave. N., offers free effective
Center (lower level), 501 Main 662-244-2979 or 800-544- West Point, hosts an Annu- parenting classes, with insight
St., Columbus. Check us out at 8762, ext. 2979. al Esther Day Program at 6 on child safety, appropriate
possumtownquilters.blogspot. n CPR CLASSES p.m. March 14. Rev. Timothy discipline, effective communica-
com. Baptist Golden Triangle offers Brinkley is guest speaker. The tion and more. For information,
6 p.m. CPR classes for the public is invited. Contact Sister call 662-368-3603.
n LOWNDES Denise Inge, 662-418-0169,
REPUBLICAN WOMEN community in the Patient n FREE COMPUTER
Tower. Preregistration required. or Sister Mildred Monroe, 662-
Lowndes County Republican
549-5769. CLASSES
Women meets the second Call the Education Department, Emerson Family Center,
662-244-2498. n SAFE HAVEN
Tuesday of each month at the VOLUNTEERS Starkville, offers free computer
Lion Hills Center, 2331 Military n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Safe Haven Inc. seeks commu- classes 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays. Call
Road. Buffet line opens at Baptist Golden Triangle offers nity volunteers. Trainings are 662-320-4607.
11:15 a.m., with call to order Childbirth and Breastfeeding held every three months. If you n FREE TUTORING
at noon. classes each month, 6 p.m., or someone you know would Family Resource Center, 1575
n GT QUILTERS GUILD in room 6, near the Gift Shop, like to volunteer, contact Joyce Second Ave. N., Columbus,
The Golden Triangle Quilters $20. For information or to reg- Tucker, 662-327-6118; Cequei- offers free tutoring, computer
Guild meets at 5:30 p.m. every ister, call 662-386-5592. la Bigbee, 662-435-1806; or use and printing services for
third Thursday at the Starkville n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES email 1deliveredin2014@gmail. pre-K-eighth grade. Limited
Sportsplex Activities Building. Emerson Family Center in com. slots. Call 662-368-3603.
■ BREAKFAST WITH THE Starkville offers childbirth n HOST FAMILIES n PARENT CAFÉ
BULLDOGS classes from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Ayusa, a nonprofit organization Emerson family Center,
MSU alumni, friends are every Tuesday. For more infor- promoting global learning, Starkville, offers Parent Café
invited to Breakfast with the mation, call 662-320-4907. leadership through cultural meetings 11 a.m.-noon every
Bulldogs on second Thursdays n CANCER SUPPORT exchange and leadership Monday. For more information,
each month at Starkville Café. Baptist Cancer Center hosts programs for high school call 662-418-5193 or visit
Dutch treat breakfast 7:30 a support group for cancer students from around the
a.m. Contact Carol Moss Read survivors and their families, world, is taking applications for n TENN-TOM WATERWAY
at or noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of American families in northeast MUSEUM
662-312-0637. every month. Lunch provided. Mississippi interested in host- The Tennessee-Tombigbee Wa-
n TOPS For information and location, ing international high school terway Transportation Museum,
Take Off Pounds Sensibly call 662-244-2923. students. Call Amy Benjamin, 318 Seventh St. N., Columbus,
No. 288 meets Tuesdays at ■ DIABETES SUPPORT 662-205-6867, or email, aben- is open for tours Monday-Fri-
Community Baptist Church, Baptist Golden Triangle hosts day, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. School field
Yorkville Road East, Columbus. day classes for Diabetes n MINORITY CAUCUS trips, civic clubs, church groups
Weigh-in begins at 5:30 p.m. Support on third Wednesdays SCHOLARSHIPS encouraged. For group tours,
Contact Pat Harris, 662-386- of each month, 10-11 a.m. The Mississippi Association of call 662-328-8936 or 662-574-
0249. in Patient Tower room 6. For Supervisors accepts schol- 5794.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
8A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Columbus man leads deputies on chase into Monroe Co.

DISPATCH STAFF REPORT first offense for driving under the deputies on a chase onto Lackey
influence and fleeing and eluding Road in Hamilton, the press release
A Columbus man law enforcement officers, accord- says. Whaley lost control of the ve-
was arrested Monday ing to a Lowndes County Sheriff’s hicle and ran off the road, where
after leading Lown-
Office press release. Authorities deputies took him into custody.
des deputies on a car
chase into Monroe reported a Lowndes deputy at- He was taken to Baptist Memorial
County. tempted to stop Whaley’s vehicle Hospital-Golden Triangle for non
Christopher B. on Highway 45 North for speeding life-threatening injuries, treated
Whaley, 42, of Colum- at about 2:45 p.m. Monday. and released, the press release
bus, faces charges of Whaley Instead, the driver fled, leading says.

Ethics Commission
Continued from Page 1A
before each of their games, There were no such pealed to the Ethics Com- in good faith to comply
after Lowndes County hype videos produced mission to rule on whether with the spirit and letter
Supervisor Leroy Brooks for the 2019 season, Also- the records should be re- of the Public Records Act
alleged in a public meeting brooks previously told The leased. by allowing access to the
they contained inappropri- Dispatch. The Ethics Commis- records while avoiding a
ate material. After receiving the sion dismissal order grants potentially serious violation
In statements to The request for copies of the that the videos, since they of federal statute,” the com-
Dispatch, EMCC officials, videos, EMCC officials al- were produced in some mission’s dismissal order
including President Scott lowed three reporters from cases by state employees reads. “In declining to pro-
Alsobrooks, admitted the The Dispatch to view them as a function of the school’s duce copies of the records
videos not only violated the and take notes on their con- football program, are pub- without a non-disclosure
college’s acceptable use tent at the law office of Mi- lic records. However, since agreement, EMCC did not
policy but also federal copy- chelle Easterling, EMCC’s EMCC allowed reporters violate the Public Records
right law. attorney, in West Point. The to view the videos, there Act.”
Through 2017, EMCC Dispatch again pressed to was no reason to expose Imes said he respects
employees produced the obtain copies of the videos, the school to greater copy- the commission’s ruling.
videos — which were com- with Publisher Peter Imes right infringement liability “We appreciate EMCC’s
pilations of music videos, agreeing in principle to by producing and providing efforts to allow our report-
scenes from movies and sign a written agreement copies. ers to view the videos,”
television shows, and actu- not to publish or distribute Without signing a Imes said. “When report-
al highlights from EMCC the videos to the newspa- non-disclosure agreement, ing a story like this, we ide-
football games. But in 2018, per’s website or social me- The Dispatch held no lia- ally have the source materi-
the school contracted the dia accounts. bility in posting the videos al in hand, so that was our
work to multiple third par- Easterling drafted a as part of reporting a news- goal. We had no intention
ties whom it paid as much non-disclosure agreement worthy issue because it of publishing the videos in
as $3,000, according to re- for Imes that included ad- would qualify under a “fair any form, but the NDA re-
cords EMCC provided The ditional conditions and re- use” defense, EMCC ar- ceived from EMCC opened
Dispatch. The videos con- strictions regarding how gues in its response to the the paper up to significant
tained violent lyrics, graph- the newspaper could report complaint. liability.”
ic language, sexually sug- the content of the videos, “Faced with a conflict The Dispatch could not
gestive content and some which he refused to sign. At between state and feder- reach Easterling or Also-
depicted acts of violence. that point, The Dispatch ap- al statutes, EMCC acted brooks by press time.

Continued from Page 1A
Jackson, then ate lunch at votes. De La Fuente and
a soul food restaurant be- President Dem - Primary Weld received four and
fore speaking to a racially 1,740 of 1,768 precincts - 98 percent three votes, respective-
diverse crowd at histori- Candidate Votes Percentage ly. In Noxubee County,
cally black Tougaloo Col- Trump won with 311 votes
lege. x-Joe Biden 212,622 81 percent
followed by De La Fuente
Sanders canceled a Bernie Sanders 39,071 15 percent
and Weld, who managed
plan to appear Friday in Michael Bloomberg 6,408 2 percent just two votes each.
Jackson so he could cam-
Elizabeth Warren 1,352 1 percent
paign in Michigan, which
was awarding more dele- Tulsi Gabbard 966 0 percent
gates Tuesday. Actor Dan- Pete Buttigieg 504 0 percent
ny Glover, Jackson Mayor Andrew Yang 428 0 percent
Chokwe Antar Lumumba
Amy Klobuchar 401 0 percent
and other Sanders surro-
gates knocked on doors Tom Steyer 361 0 percent
and worked on other get- Deval Patrick 250 0 percent
out-the-vote activities
during the weekend.
Six states voted Tues- President GOP - Primary
day. From highest to low- 1,733 of 1,768 precincts - 98 percent
est in the number of dele-
gates awarded, they were Candidate Votes Percentage
Michigan, Washington, x-Donald Trump (i) 234,289 99 percent
Missouri, Mississippi, Bill Weld 2,251 1 percent
Idaho and North Dakota.
Roque De La Fuente 1,053 0 percent
Mississippi awarded 36
Democratic delegates.
The other candidate imum wage. bard’s 11. In Oktibbeha
still seeking the Demo- “Every important event County, with 3,543 votes,
cratic presidential nomi- that’s happened in my life, Biden rolled past Sanders
nation is U.S. Rep. Tulsi every tragedy that’s hap- (960) and Gabbard (25).
Gabbard of Hawaii, but pened in my life, I can see In Clay County, Biden won
she trails Biden and Sand- an alternate reality if Ber- with 2,603 votes to Sand-
ers by a wide margin in nie had been president,” ers’ 263 and Gabbard’s 12.
the delegate count. Parsons said. Trump also easily won
The Mississippi bal- Locally, incumbents the Republican primary
lot was set before several and front-runners held with 3,702 votes in Lown-
Democratic candidates form with Biden and des County to Roque De
left the presidential race, Trump both claiming easy La Fuente’s 14 and Weld’s
and their names still ap- victories. 23. He rolled over Weld
peared. In Lowndes County, (32) and De La Fuente
The Republican pri- Biden won the Democrat- (7) in with 2,397 in Ok-
mary ballot in Mississip- ic race with 4,986 votes tibbeha County. In Clay
pi listed Trump and two to Sanders’ 714 and Gab- County, he won with 1,168
other candidates. Missis-
sippi was one of Trump’s
strongest states in the
2016 general election, and
he easily won the state’s
40 Republican delegates
Dimitri Crain, 55, of
Brandon, attended the
Biden rally on Sunday
at Tougaloo. She said
she liked Biden when he
was President Barack
Obama’s vice president,
and she believes he can
defeat Trump in Novem-
“I’m a common work-
er, and I think he has the
back of common employ-
ees,” Crain said.
Jackson resident Shel-
by Parsons, 33, said she
supported Sanders in
2016 and is voting for him
this year. Parsons said she
grew up poor and saw rela-
tives struggle to pay bills,
including healthcare ex-
penses. She said she sup-
ports Sanders’ proposals
for universal health cover-
age, free tuition for public
colleges and a higher min-


BY BEN PORTNOY gle from sophomore left fielder Brandon Pimentel
and a run-scoring double
BILOXI — Exiting the off the wall in right cen-
mound in the fifth inning ter field by junior short-
of Mississippi State’s (11- stop Jordan Westburg to
4) 6-3 win over No. 4 Tex- push the Bulldogs’ lead to
as Tech (16-2) on Tuesday, three runs.
junior starter Houston “We’re trying to do
Harding motioned toward some different things,
the Mississippi State dug-
but we had some big
hits,” Lemonis said. “And
Flicking his left hand
those are power arms —
at the ground and yelling
we’re facing some mid-
as he crossed the first-
90s arms and some draft
base line, Harding barked
picks. I’m really proud of
his way back to the bench
the way our guys jumped
as his Bulldog teammates
on some balls and made
roared in approval.
them work and laid off
“Right here! This in-
some balls at times.”
ning right here! This is
the inning we’re getting Freshman catcher Lo-
them!” he bellowed. gan Tanner, a native of
Facing a Texas Tech nearby Lucedale, added
squad that entered Tues- to the Bulldogs’ offensive
day’s game at MGM Park outburst with an RBI sin-
in Biloxi ranked second gle to right field in the
in the country in batting seventh inning, scoring
average, slugging per- Katy Knauss/Biloxi Shuckers junior second baseman
centage, runs per game Using his high spin rate and changing velocities frequently, Houston Harding backed up a middling first start in Justin Foscue from third
and doubles per game, the maroon and white against Alcorn State two weeks ago with 5 2/3 innings of two-hit ball on just 76 pitches. base.
Harding fooled the Red While Harding coast- baseball — add those two chest with his left hand moment that I look at.” While Texas Tech
Raiders roster with a four- ed through his first five things together, and we’re and let out a roar as he With Harding dealing tacked on a third run in
pitch mix of fastballs, innings, an error on first a tough team to beat.” closed the door on Texas early and Sims saving the top of the eighth in-
changeups, curveballs baseman Josh Hatcher “He was recruited by a Tech’s mid-inning oppor- the Bulldogs from fur- ning, senior reliever Spen-
and sliders. and a single by Texas lot of people, but he want- tunity with a 2-2 fastball ther damage, MSU did cer Price earned his first
Using his high spin Tech second baseman ed to be at Mississippi Red Raiders designat- its offensive dirty work save of the season with a
rate and changing veloci- Brian Klein forced MSU State,” Lemonis added. ed hitter Nate Rombach with a string of fifth-in- perfect ninth inning.
ties frequently, he backed coach Chris Lemonis to “And there is a lot to be failed to catch up to. ning small ball. Sending “We just wanted to play
up a middling first start opt for graduate transfer said for a kid that really Trotting back out after the ball out of the infield good baseball,” Lemonis
in the maroon and white David Dunlavey in relief. wants to wear a uniform. his deafening debut in the just twice in the frame, said. “As you’re jumping
against Alcorn State two The scattered clang- You’ve got to be a good sixth inning, Sims struck the Bulldogs scored three into this week and all this
weeks ago with 5 2/3 in- ing of cowbells meshed player, too, but you see out six of the nine batters runs courtesy of a bloop time down here to play
nings of two-hit ball on with a raucous applause that out there when he he faced in three innings single to center, a passed good ball is always what
just 76 pitches. from the near-capacity pitches.” of relief — including the ball, an infield single, we’re trying to do, and I
“That felt good to get crowd as Harding walked Walking his first two first four batters he saw. three walks and a sacri- thought it was one of our
my feet wet in there,” off the mound toward the batters, Dunlavey was “This will be a point fice fly. better games of the year.”
Harding said of his 1-2-3 dugout. promptly yanked after his in the season, if I’m ever Chasing Texas Tech MSU and Texas Tech
first inning. “And then I “I think that was the second free base brought struggling, to just look starter Mason Montgom- will return to action
came out there the rest of biggest crowd I’ve ever in a run and loaded the back on this and regain ery — who entered the Wednesday for the final
the game and felt pretty pitched in front of,” he bases with two outs. my confidence,” he said. game 3-0 with a 1.93 ERA contest of their two-game
confident going into the quipped. “So obvious- Striding out of the “We talk about that a lot — without recording an set in Biloxi. First pitch
approach we had and the ly it was a great feeling. bullpen to the tune of as a pitching staff, just out in the fifth inning, at MGM Park is slated
scouting report. We had Just being able to get my Whitesnake’s “Still of looking back on good mo- MSU cracked reliever for 5 p.m. as the Bulldogs
planned for them pretty team a chance right there the Night” blaring from ments when you’re strug- John McMillon’s 91 mph turn to graduate transfer
well and did a good job of was so big, and we have the stadium speakers, gling, and this will prob- fastball code one frame Carlisle Koestler on the
executing.” the best fans in college Landon Sims slapped his ably be the number one later by way of an RBI sin- mound.


A rooting guide for MSU fans as Caledonia rebounds from

conference tournaments approach early wake-up call to blow
is seeing all the upsets
and Cinderella runs. Not
out Lamar County (Ala.)
for bubble teams, though. BY THEO DEROSA All of a sudden, Caledo-
STARKVILLE –– Ben If you’re a fan of a team nia had the lead.
Howland said it best after floating near the line, “That flipped the
Mississippi State’s win you hope the blue bloods CALEDONIA — The whole game,” Garner
against Ole Miss on Sat- use a sledgehammer and Caledonia High School said.
urday. smash the glass slippers baseball team struggled As a result, Pitts set-
“We have work to do,” of would-be Cinderella to hit with two out in all tled down, the ’Feds
the fifth-year head coach teams to smithereens. three of its losses en- didn’t allow another run,
said of the Bulldogs’ Bid-stealers in smaller tering Tuesday’s home and Caledonia’s offense
chances at making the conferences can steal the game against Lamar kicked things into gear
NCAA tournament for the Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo heart of a nation. They’re County (Alabama). in an eventual 13-3 win
second straight season. Mississippi State coach Ben Howland looks on during also a bubble team’s worst So when senior first in five innings on the run
MSU enters the South- Saturday’s contest against Ole Miss in Starkville. nightmare. baseman Tony Brooks rule. Caledonia improved
eastern Conference tour- Howland knows his Bulldogs have work to do in this Without further ado, stepped to the plate with to 8-3 with the victory.
nament on the wrong week’s SEC tournament to make the NCAA field of 68. here’s what to root for: two down in the bottom “We don’t ever really
side of the bubble in most If Mississippi State loses SEC tournament. Mississippi State: of the first inning with want to get down on our-
bracketology predictions, in the opening round of Below is essentially Well, duh. This is all the bases loaded and the selves to where we can’t
but that could change the SEC tournament, it’s a rooting guide for Mis- pointless if the Bulldogs Confederates already fac- come back, because we
with a win or two in Nash- not receiving an at-large sissippi State fans. All of can’t at least get a win Fri- ing a 3-0 deficit, Caledo- know we can,” Donald
ville this week. bid to the NCAA tourna- the listed scenarios don’t day, regardless of their nia coach Travis Garner said. “Sometimes you
Since the Bulldogs ment. If the Bulldogs win necessarily need to hap- opponent. knew the importance of just start off slow. We
earned a double-bye by one game then lose in the pen for the Bulldogs to If MSU can win Friday the situation. were able to pull together
finishing as the SEC’s No. SEC semifinals, MSU will receive an at-large berth, (and preferably Saturday) If Brooks made an out as a team.”
4 seed, they will play ei- be sweating come Selec- but the more that do, the but can’t secure the SEC to end the inning, the The sophomore —
ther Florida, Ole Miss or tion Sunday but could re- more likely the Bulldogs championship, the Bull- threat would be deflated, the starting catcher for
Georgia in the SEC quar- main in the conversation are to get in with only one dogs would want Ken- and Garner would have Caledonia’s junior varsi-
terfinals Friday, depend- depending on the per- or two SEC tournament tucky, Auburn or LSU to send talented but mer- ty team — made just his
ing on results of earlier formance of other teams wins. to win the tournament. curial sophomore pitcher second varsity start of
SEC tournament games. hovering around the bub- As a general rule of Anyone else would be a Josh Pitts out for the sec- the season Tuesday, but
Howland told reporters ble. Should MSU pick up thumb, the path to the bid-stealer, and Florida ond while facing a sizable he came up big. In the
Tuesday he expects it to two wins and make it to Big Dance is a lot easier winning the tournament early deficit. bottom of the second,
be Florida, which stands Sunday’s championship, if this week’s conference means the Bulldogs lose But Brooks came he hit his second two-
as MSU’s most signifi- it has to feel good about its tournaments are won by a Friday. through with a two-run run double in as many
cant win of the season to chances of sneaking in, firmly established NCAA Root for Texas Tech to single into left field, and innings, a chopper past
this date. Make no mis- regardless of that game’s tournament team. Ad- beat Texas on Thursday sophomore designated third base to score se-
take about it: A win is ab- outcome. Obviously, mittedly, it feels almost in the Big 12 tournament. hitter Will Donald fol- nior third baseman Justin
solutely crucial. MSU will guarantee itself dirty to say this. One of While this feels like a lowed with a double to Black and junior left field-
The bottom line is this: an auto-bid if it wins the the best parts of March See BASKETBALL, 3B drive in two more runs. See PREPS, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

BRIEFLY Virus impact on US sports grows; more restrictions in Europe

Men’s College Basketball THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to switch games to the France and Portugal, Blue Jackets, among tially said he wanted no
Reggie Perry named first-team all-SEC; visiting team’s stadium as well as some in Ger- others; the Blue Jackets part of and would not
The novel corona- if possible, a person fa- many and a European said they did not plan play, but said Tuesday
Tyson Carter named sixth man of the year virus outbreak, which miliar with the deliber- Championship qualify- to keep fans away from he would do whatever
Mississippi State’s Reggie Perry dominated the
Southeastern Conference for most of the 2019-2020 has already reshaped ations told The Associ- ing match in Slovakia, games this week. The the NBA tells teams to
season, and the sophomore forward was rewarded for it the professional sports ated Press. will be played in emp- state is also hosting a do.
Tuesday by the league office. landscape in Europe, The person spoke on ty stadiums in coming number of high school — In Germany, the
Perry was selected to the all-SEC first team by prompted new restric-
SEC coaches after averaging 17.7 points and 10.1 re-
condition of anonymi- days. and collegiate tourna- Bundesliga said six of
bounds per game. His 17 double-doubles led the SEC. tions to restrict fan ty Tuesday because no The Spanish league ments this month and nine games this week
Meanwhile, senior guard Tyson Carter also took access in the U.S. on decisions have been said matches in its first the first games of the will be played without
home hardware, being named the SEC sixth man of the Tuesday, with major de- made. and second divisions NCAA men’s tourna- fans, including one of
year. Carter, who played in 31 games and started 16 of cisions looming about Rangers catcher will be played without ment — the First Four
them, averaged 13.9 points per game and shot 40 per- Germany’s biggest ri-
cent from the field. It is the first time in program history a
baseball’s opening day Robinson Chirinos fans for at least two — are scheduled for valries, Borussia Dort-
player has been named sixth man of the year. and college basketball’s said Tuesday he is con- weeks. The league said next week in Dayton. mund against Schalke.
Kentucky’s John Calipari was tabbed the league’s NCAA tournament. cerned about traveling it was “prioritizing the First-round games are — Champions
coach of the year after leading the Wildcats to an SEC College games will to Seattle. health of fans, players, also set to be played in
championship, while Immanuel Quickley won SEC
League soccer match-
be played without fans “I know the season club employees, jour- Cleveland on March 20 es are also being af-
Player of The Year after averaging 16.1 points per game,
while shooting 41,7 percent from the floor and 92.3 in Ohio and California, starts in Seattle, and nalists, etc., due to the and 22. fected, including next
percent from the charity stripe. and given restrictions we know how Seattle COVID-19 health cri- The NCAA released week’s game between
Potential NBA lottery pick Anthony Edwards was on large gatherings is right now,” Chirinos sis.” a statement three hours Barcelona and Napoli
selected as SEC freshman of the year and Tennessee’s there and elsewhere, said. “That’s 2½ weeks The French league after the DeWine’s an-
Yves Pons was given SEC defensive player of the year in Spain and Bayern
more disruptions to the from now, so I think said soccer matches in nouncement saying it Munich against Chel-
The All-SEC first team is as follows: sports calendar appear we’re going to hear its top two divisions will “continues to assess sea in Germany. Both
— Kira Lewis Jr., Alabama inevitable. The NCAA some news when we’re be played without fans how COVID-19 impacts games will be played
— Mason Jones, Arkansas said it would “make de- getting close to open- until April 15 and Portu- the conduct or our tour-
— Samir Doughty, Auburn without fans, as will
cisions in the coming ing day.” gal announced similar naments and events.” Dortmund’s match at
— Keyontae Johnson, Florida
— Immanuel Quickley, Kentucky days” about its men’s None of North measures. Italy earlier “We are consulting Paris Saint-Germain on
— Nick Richards, Kentucky and women’s basketball America’s major sports this week said all sports with public health offi- Wednesday.
— Skylar Mays, LSU tournaments after two leagues has postponed events, including Serie cials and our COVID-19
— Breein Tyree, Ole Miss Liverpool manager
conferences banned games or barred fans in A soccer games and advisory panel, who are
— Reggie Perry, Mississippi State Jürgen Klopp said clos-
fans from their cham- a bid to keep them safe, preparatory events for leading experts in ep- ing stadiums to fans
pionships and another but there was a flurry of the Tokyo Olympics, idemiology and public
College Baseball canceled its tourna- activity as college con- were suspended until health, and will make
— a measure not yet
taken by English soccer
Ole Miss beats ULM for 15th straight win ment altogether. ferences and schools April 3. The Italian ski decisions in the coming
The Ole Miss baseball team edged Louisiana-Mon- authorities — wouldn’t
The baseball season began making those team decided not to days,” the NCAA said.
roe 6-3 on Tuesday in Monroe, Louisiana, to win its 15th necessarily be the best
straight game — tying the second-longest win streak in
begins in just over two moves. The Ivy League send competitors to Slo- The Mid-American
school history. weeks and includes became the first Di- venia for the last World Conference announced
“The problem with
Tim Elko hit a tiebreaking, two-run double in the top games in Seattle, which vision I conference to Cup races of the season. its men’s and women’s
of the sixth for the Rebels (15-1), and Hayden Leather- football games,” Klopp
so far has been hit hard- cancel its basketball For most people, the tournaments to be
wood drove him in with a single in the ninth. said, “is if you are not
er by the virus than any tournaments. new coronavirus caus- played in Cleveland this
Tyler Keenan opened the scoring with a three-run
U.S. city. The Mariners in the stadiums, then
home run in the top of the first, but ULM responded California Gov. es only mild or moder- week would be closed
are set to host the Texas you go watch it closely
with two runs in the first and one run of the second to Gavin Newsom ques- ate symptoms, such as to the general public.
tie the game. Rangers on March 26 in together in rooms and
tioned why leagues fever and cough. For — The Big West
But Elko’s double down the left-field line gave the the first of seven con- I’m not sure which is
weren’t moving more some, especially older announced a similar
Rebels the lead for good.
secutive home games better in this case, to be
Ole Miss and ULM conclude their two-game series aggressively. adults and people with move with its men’s and
to start the season. “I find it quite curi- existing health prob- women’s tournaments, honest.”
at 4 p.m. today in Monroe.
Washington Gov. ous that the four major lems, it can cause more which will be played — One of the year’s
Jay Inslee plans to ban organizations — NHL, severe illness, includ- this week at Honda Cen- biggest tennis tourna-
Trimble drives in 6; Southern Miss beats Troy ments, at Indian Wells
Reed Trimble drove in six runs for the Southern gatherings and events MLS, MLB and NBA ing pneumonia. ter in Anaheim, Califor-
Miss baseball team as the Golden Eagles came back of more than 250 people — put out guidelines The vast majority of nia. in California, was can-
to beat Troy 9-7 at Riverwalk Stadium in Montgomery, in virtually the entire to protect their athletes people recover from the Also in Southern celed. The next Grand
Alabama. Slam tournament is the
With Southern Miss trailing 7-4 in the top of the Seattle area, a person but not their fans,” said new virus. According California, USC and
familiar with the deci- Newsom, a Democrat, to the World Health Or- UCLA said all of its French Open, due to
seventh, Trimble doubled down the left-field line to
score two runs. He then had a go-ahead, two-run single sion told The Associ- referring to the leagues’ ganization, people with home athletic events start in Paris on May
in the eighth as the Eagles (12-4) won for the third time ated Press on Tuesday new restrictions on mild illness recover in will be held without 24. The French tennis
in four games. federation said it did not
night. The person was locker room access. about two weeks. Those fans at least until April
The freshman also had a two-run home run in the anticipate canceling the
top of the first inning. not authorized to dis- Discussions about with more severe ill- 10, or until further no-
Southern Miss starts Conference USA play with a close the decision and next steps have been ness may take three to tice. That would include Open.
home series against Florida International this weekend spoke on condition of ongoing for weeks as six weeks to recover. first- and second-round — In MotoGP, the
in Hattiesburg. First pitch is scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday anonymity. postponements and Sports and govern- NCAA women’s tourna- Grand Prix of the
at Pete Taylor Park. Americas in Austin,
Inslee scheduled a fan restrictions have ment officials in near- ment games likely to be
news conference for become common else- ly every corner of the hosted by UCLA. Texas, was postponed
MUW splits games at College Bash tourney late Wednesday morn- where. Early Wednes- globe have scrambled — The NHL was also until November.
The Mississippi University for Women baseball
team split Tuesday’s games at the College Bash ing. The Mariners and day, London-based to address concerns assessing the impact — The Noord-Bra-
Tournament in Marietta, Georgia. Major League Base- football club Arsenal fans could be at risk of a decision by Santa bant province in the
The Owls (7-2) lost to Trinity Baptist College 3-2 ball had no immediate announced that its play- and to potentially stop Clara County health Netherlands called off
in their first game of the day but rebounded to beat comment, but the deci- ers would be self-isolat- the spread of the virus. officials in California to all professional soccer
Aquinas College in the nightcap. matches for the rest of
Brady Jones and Courtlan Frost were named sion would seemingly ing because of possible The fear has spread ban gatherings of more
MUW’s players of the game in the 3-1 win. force MLB to move the exposure to the virus, from Asia — particu- than 1,000 people in re- this week. The province
MUW plays Aquinas at 10 a.m. today and games or bar fans from forcing the postpone- larly about the Summer sponse to the spread of includes Eindhoven,
Trinity Baptist at 1 p.m. today to close out play in the the Mariners’ stadium. ment of its Premier Olympics in Tokyo — the virus. The San Jose where the U.S. is sched-
tournament. uled to play the Dutch
Of the 29 known League game at Man- to Europe and now to Sharks have games
SOURCE: From Special Reports deaths in the U.S., 24 chester City. It was the North America: scheduled for March national team in an ex-
have been in the Seattle first Premier League — Ohio Gov. Mike 19, 21 and 29. hibition on March 26.
CALENDAR area, with 19 tied to a
single nursing home.
game called off because
of the virus and the first
DeWine recommended
that fans be kept away
— The NBA told
teams last week to pre-
The U.S. Soccer Feder-
ation said it is monitor-
Today If MLB can’t play possible exposure in- from all indoor sport- pare for the possibility ing the situation there
Men’s College Basketball in front of fans at a volving players in a ma- ing events. The state of playing games in and in Cardiff, where
Ole Miss vs. Georgia, SEC Tournament, team’s home ballpark, jor sports league. is home to the NBA’s empty arenas, which the Americans are to
first round, 6 p.m. the sport’s first pref- Scores of top-tier Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Lakers play Wales four days
College Baseball erence likely would be soccer games in Spain, the NHL’s Columbus star LeBron James ini- later.
Mississippi State at Texas Tech, 5 p.m.
Ole Miss at ULM, 6 p.m.
College Softball
Mississippi State at Southern Miss, 6
Youngstown State at Ole Miss, 6 p.m.
Prep Baseball
Burt throws two-hitter as New Hope beats Terry
BY THEO DEROSA New Hope (4-3), and the Battle of the Beach Beach. West Harrison High
Starkville Academy vs. West Harrison at
Senatobia, noon
David Young and Cole tournament Tuesday School in Gulfport.
Starkville vs. St. Joseph at Long Beach, GULFPORT — New
Ruffin each drove in a at D’Iberville High Wayne Academy 3,
2:30 p.m. Hope senior Ryan Burt
run. School.
Jackson Owen drove Starkville Academy 1 Southern Academy
The Trojans contin-
New Hope vs. North Pike at St. Martin, hurled a two-hit, com- ue play in the tourna- in two runs for the Yel- BILOXI — Starkville (Ala.) 12, Pickens
Spring Break Tournament, 2:30 p.m.
West Point vs. Itawamba Agricultural at
plete-game shutout as ment when they face low Jackets (6-4) and Academy lost to Wayne Academy (Ala.) 0
the Trojans beat Terry North Pike at 2:30 p.m. tied for the team lead Academy 3-1 on Tues- CARROLLTON, Ala.
Saltillo Tournament, 3 p.m. 3-0 on Tuesday at the day at the Battle at the
today at St. Martin with two hits. — Pickens Academy
West Point vs. Mantachie at Saltillo Battle at the Beach Beach in Biloxi.
High School in Ocean Freshman Ethan (Alabama) lost Tues-
Tournament, 5 p.m. Harris McReynolds
tournament at Harrison Springs. Pulliam, who commit- day’s home game to
Central High School in ted to Mississippi State led the Volunteers (5- Southern Academy (Al-
ON THE AIR Gulfport.
Starkville 4, on Sunday, pitched all 1) with two hits on the abama), 12-0.
Burt struck out nine eight innings, striking day, and Randall Fu- Bodhi Parham went
Today hitters in his seven in- St. George’s 3, out seven hitters. tral drove in Starkville 1 for 2 with the Pirates’
11 a.m. — ACC Tournament: Clemson
nings of work and also eight innings Starkville faces St. Academy’s lone run. only hit and a walk.
recorded a hit at the D’IBERVILLE — Joseph at 2:30 p.m. The Vols continue Pickens Academy
vs. Miami, Second Round, Greensboro, plate. Starkville High School today at Long Beach play in the tournament (0-3) will host Kemper
N.C., ESPN Presley Hall led the outlasted St. George’s High School to continue when they face Sena- Academy at 5:30 p.m.
1 p.m. — ACC Tournament: N.C. State way with three hits for 4-3 in eight innings in play in the Battle of the tobia at noon today at Thursday.
vs. Pittsburgh, Second Round, Greens-
boro, N.C., ESPN
6 p.m. — ACC Tournament: Notre Dame x-clinched playoff spot Niagara 56, Marist 54 Colorado 69 41 20 8 90 234 189 Florida at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
vs. Boston College, Second Round, Pro Basketball Monday’s Games
Atlanta 143, Charlotte 138, 2OT
Robert Morris 77, St. Francis (Pa.) 67
Vermont 81, UMBC 74
Dallas 69 37 24 8 82 180 177
Nashville 69 35 26 8 78 215 217
N.Y. Islanders at Calgary, 8 p.m.
Vancouver at Arizona, 9:30 p.m.
Greensboro, N.C., ESPN2 NBA Glance Denver 109, Milwaukee 95
Toronto 101, Utah 92
SOUTH Winnipeg 70 36 28 6 78 212 201
Minnesota 69 35 27 7 77 220 220
Friday’s Games
Boston at Buffalo, 6 p.m.
6 p.m. — Big 12 Tournament: Oklaho- Atlantic Division Tuesday’s Games Jackson St. 69, Alcorn St. 52 Chicago 69 31 30 8 70 206 216 San Jose at St. Louis, 7 p.m.
W L Pct GB Boston 114, Indiana 111 North Carolina 78, Virginia Tech 56 Pacific Division Ottawa at Chicago, 7:30 p.m.
ma State vs. Iowa State, First Round, x-Toronto 46 18 .719 — Washington 122, New York 115 Pittsburgh 81, Wake Forest 72 GP W L OT Pts GF GA N.Y. Islanders at Edmonton, 8 p.m.
Boston 43 21 .672 3 Houston 117, Minnesota 111 Southern U. 67, Alabama St. 53 Vegas 71 39 24 8 86 227 211 Vancouver at Colorado, 8 p.m.
Kansas City, Mo., ESPNU Philadelphia 38 26 .594 8 Chicago 108, Cleveland 103 MIDWEST Edmonton 70 37 24 9 83 223 213
Brooklyn 30 34 .469 16 San Antonio 119, Dallas 109 N. Dakota St. 89, North Dakota 53 Calgary 70 36 27 7 79 210 215
6 p.m. — Big East Tournament: George-
town vs. St. John’s, First Round, New
New York

20 45 .308 26½
Southeast Division
W L Pct GB
Orlando 120, Memphis 115
Portland 121, Phoenix 105
Brooklyn 104, L.A. Lakers 102
N. Kentucky 71, Ill.-Chicago 62
Prairie View 82, Alabama A&M 60
Vancouver 69 36 27 6 78 228 217
70 33 29 8 74 195 187
70 29 32 9 67 185 222
Transactions Tuesday’s moves
York, FS1 Miami 41 23 .641 — L.A. Clippers 131, Golden State 107 Texas Southern 75, Grambling St. 62 San Jose 69 29 35 5 63 180 220 BASEBALL
Orlando 30 35 .462 11½ Today’s Games FAR WEST Los Angeles 69 28 35 6 62 175 210 National League
6 p.m. — SEC Tournament: Ole Miss Washington 24 40 .375 17 Detroit at Philadelphia, 6 p.m. Gonzaga 84, Saint Mary’s (Cal) 66 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Optioned OF Corey
Charlotte 22 42 .344 19 Charlotte at Miami, 6:30 p.m. loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild Ray and RHP Trey Supak to minor league camp.
vs. Georgia, First Round, Nashville, Atlanta 20 46 .303 22 New York at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. cards per conference advance to playoffs. Re-assigned INF Lucas Erceg; C Mario Felicia-

Tenn., SECN
Central Division
W L Pct GB
53 12 .815 —
Denver at Dallas, 7 p.m.
Utah at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m.
New Orleans at Sacramento, 9:30 p.m.
Hockey Monday’s Games
Buffalo 3, Washington 2, SO
Florida 2, St. Louis 1
no and Payton Henry; LHPs Clayton Andrews
and Ethan Small; RHPs Thomas Jankins, Drew
Rasmussen and Miguel Sanchez to minor league
8 p.m. — ACC Tournament: Syracuse Indiana 39 26 .600 14 Thursday’s Games NHL Glance Winnipeg 4, Arizona 2 camp.
Chicago 22 43 .338 31 Chicago at Orlando, 6 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE Vegas 3, Edmonton 2, OT SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Optioned RHP
vs. North Carolina, Second Round, Detroit 20 45 .308 33 Boston at Milwaukee, 7 p.m. Atlantic Division Los Angeles 3, Colorado 1 Enderson Franco and OF Joe McCarthy to Sac-
Cleveland 19 46 .292 34 Memphis at Portland, 9 p.m. GP W L OT Pts GF GA ramento (PCL). Re-assigned IF Cristhian Adames
Greensboro, N.C., ESPN2 WESTERN CONFERENCE Brooklyn at Golden State, 9:30 p.m. Boston 70 44 14 12 100 227 174
Tuesday’s Games
Boston 2, Philadelphia 0 and C Joey Bart to minor league camp. Claimed
Tampa Bay 70 43 21 6 92 245 195 OF Jose Siri off waivers from Seattle. Placed C
8 p.m. — Big 12 Tournament: TCU vs.
Southwest Division
W L Pct GB
Houston at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m.
Toronto 70 36 25 9 81 238 227
Pittsburgh 5, New Jersey 2
Toronto 2, Tampa Bay 1 Aramis Garcia on 60-day IL.
Friday’s Games
Kansas State, First Round, Kansas Houston 40 24 .625 — Cleveland at Charlotte, 6 p.m. Florida
69 35 26 8 78 231 228
71 31 31 9 71 212 221
Nashville 4, Montreal 2 FOOTBALL
Dallas 39 27 .591 2 Washington at Boston, 6:30 p.m. Carolina 5, Detroit 2 National Football League
City, Mo., ESPNU Memphis 32 33 .492 8½ Minnesota at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. Buffalo 69 30 31 8 68 195 217 N.Y. Rangers 4, Dallas 2 CLEVELAND BROWNS — Released L Christian
New Orleans 28 36 .438 12 New York at Miami, 7 p.m. Ottawa 70 25 33 12 62 189 240 Anaheim 5, Ottawa 2 Kirksey.
8:30 p.m. — Big East Tournament: San Antonio 27 36 .429 12½ Denver at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m. Detroit 71 17 49 5 39 145 267 Vancouver 5, N.Y. Islanders 4, SO HOUSTON TEXANS — Signed K Ka’imi Fairbairn
Northwest Division New Orleans at Utah, 8 p.m. Metropolitan Division Today’s Games and TE Darren Fells to contract extensions.
Xavier vs. DePaul, First Round, New W L Pct GB Brooklyn at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m. GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose at Chicago, 7 p.m. MIAMI DOLPHINS — Named Josh Grizzard to
Denver 43 21 .672 — Washington 69 41 20 8 90 240 215 Winnipeg at Edmonton, 8 p.m. wide receivers coach.
York, FS1 Utah 41 23 .641 2 Philadelphia 69 41 21 7 89 232 196 N.Y. Rangers at Colorado, 9 p.m. TENNESSEE TITANS — Signed OLB Reggie Gil-
8:30 p.m. — SEC Tournament:
Arkansas vs. Vanderbilt, First Round,
Oklahoma City 40 24 .625 3
29 37 .439 15
19 45 .297 24
College Basketball Pittsburgh 69 40 23 6 86 224 196
Carolina 68 38 25 5 81 222 193
Columbus 70 33 22 15 81 180 187
St. Louis at Anaheim, 9 p.m.
Ottawa at Los Angeles, 9:30 p.m.
Thursday’s Games
bert to a one-year contract extension.
National Hockey League
Pacific Division Tuesday’s Scores N.Y. Islanders 68 35 23 10 80 192 193 Buffalo at Montreal, 6 p.m. NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Recalled D Matt Tenny-
Nashville, Tenn., SECN W L Pct GB EAST N.Y. Rangers 69 37 28 4 78 232 219 Carolina at New Jersey, 6 p.m. son from Binghamton Devils (AHL).
x-L.A. Lakers 49 14 .778 — Delaware St. 68, Md.-Eastern Shore 64 New Jersey 69 28 29 12 68 189 230 Detroit at Washington, 6 p.m. NEW YORK RANGERS — Agreed to terms with
NBA BASKETBALL L.A. Clippers 44 20 .688 5½ Hartford 64, Stony Brook 58 WESTERN CONFERENCE Nashville at Toronto, 6 p.m. F Patrick Khodorenko on an entry-level contract.
Sacramento 28 36 .438 21½ Hofstra 70, Northeastern 61 Central Division Philadelphia at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m. COLLEGE
7 p.m. — Denver at Dallas, ESPN Phoenix 26 39 .400 24 Iona 70, Canisius 60 GP W L OT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh at Columbus, 6 p.m. FORDHAM — Named Alex Huettel as offensive
Golden State 15 50 .231 35 Manhattan 61, Fairfield 43 St. Louis 70 41 19 10 92 221 191 Vegas at Minnesota, 7 p.m. line coach.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 3B

Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo

Mississippi State’s Abdul Ado blocks a shot by Ole Miss’ Blake Hinson during the first half of Saturday’s game in Starkville. Ado and the Bulldogs will likely need at least one win
this week in Nashville to make the Big Dance as an at-large team. If it wins the SEC tournament, MSU will guarantee itself an automatic bid.

Continued from Page 1B
play-in game, it’s conceivable Texas likely be the end of the Muskeeters’ ference quarterfinals would be titled win the Pac-12 tournament after that.
Tech could still get in should it lose tournament chances. bad news Bearcats for the Ohio-based Arizona State or USC losing in its first
to Texas, but the Longhorns are likely NC State is one of the “bubbliest” school. game wouldn’t be the worst thing in the
toast if they don’t win. bubble teams entering the ACC tourna- MSU fans might as well adopt Cal- world, either.
Root for bubble floater Richmond to ment, so losing to either Wake Forest or ifornia for two rounds in the Pac-12
In the Big Ten, Indiana miraculous-
lose as early as possible in the Atlantic Pittsburgh on Wednesday would spell tournament. Cal could be a best friend
10 tournament, preferably in the quar- the end for its postseason hopes, and it to the Bulldogs by beating Stanford ly falling to a hapless Nebraska team
terfinals Friday or semifinals Saturday. may need two wins to be safely in. on Wednesday, downing UCLA (Ben Wednesday would be a welcome sight
In the Big East tournament, Xavier Cincinnati losing to UCF or USF on Howland’s former school) on Thursday for the Bulldog faithful. So would Ohio
falling to DePaul on Wednesday would Friday in the American Athletic Con- and promptly making sure it doesn’t State beating Purdue on Thursday.

Continued from Page 1B
er Loren Cox. where things just go “haywire,” Garner out Wise swinging and Wilkins looking lief after a string of close games — a
“Both of his hits kind of busted it said. before getting Eskridge to ground out 6-4 loss to Fayette County (Alabama)
open for us,” Garner said. With Lamar County leadoff hitter to shortstop. on Friday, an 11-8 win in Saturday’s
Junior second baseman Gavin Hollo- Houston Avent aboard on a walk, Hollo- Pitts’ outing came to an end with a slugfest with Mantachie and a 2-1,
man continued things for a double-hap- man dropped a toss from junior short- 2-0 count on Avent, runners on first and eight-inning victory against Calhoun
py Caledonia offense with a two-bagger stop JC Dodson that likely would have second and two out in the fourth, when City on Monday.
of his own into right center field to score resulted in a double play. Mason Wise fellow 10th grader Jacob Humbers was “After the grind we’ve had, that
Donald in the second. Holloman also followed with a single, Ethan Wilkins called in. Humbers struck out Avent there was a good win to come out here
plated Cox and Donald with another brought home a run on a groundout, and looking to end the threat then pitched and handle their business the way we
double to the same spot in the fourth. TJ Eskridge doubled home Wise as the a scoreless top of the fifth. did,” Garner said.
“That’s kind of our bread and butter: Bulldogs went up 3-0. “We have confidence in them, and It’s a big step up from the early
just hitting the baseball,” said Donald, But Caledonia’s pitching and defense both of them threw well today,” Garner portion of last season, Garner said,
who contributed two of his team’s 13 tightened up from there. Holloman’s said of his sophomore hurlers. in which Caledonia’s record suffered
hits on the night. Senior right fielder misplay was the team’s only error, and Caledonia added five runs in the while the ’Feds got acclimated to play-
Peyton McCollum led the way for Cale- Pitts improved on his rough first inning fourth on a sacrifice fly from Black, a ing together.
donia with three. on the mound. single from Cox, a balk and Holloman’s On Tuesday, though, the team
“Offense hasn’t been our problem,” “Coach told me I wasn’t going back two-run double. In the fifth, McCollum showed that won’t be the case this sea-
Garner said. “Our problem is throwing out there if I didn’t get in a groove,” Pitts beat out an infield single and senior son.
enough strikes and playing defense.” said. “I had to get in a groove.” catcher Nathan McLemore scored the “Last year, we lost while we learned,”
On Tuesday, those issues reared He rebounded to strike out the side run that put Caledonia at the 10-run Garner said. “This year, we’re able to
their heads in the first inning — Cale- around a second walk to Avent in the mercy rule mark, ending the game. win games while we’re still learning, so
donia usually has one inning per game second inning. In the third, he struck For Caledonia, the big win was a re- that’s good for us.”

Report: No illegal meds in deaths of horses at Santa Anita

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS involving safety and med- fractures, which are relat- ers was “poor” except in bone and fetlock injuries, notes about their veteri-
ication. ed to racing and training a couple instances. The which caused the majori- narian history and a list
LOS ANGELES — A Nine fatalities have intensity. Twenty-one of report also noted that in ty of the fatalities. of possible contributing
report released Tuesday occurred this year at the those 22 cases showed several cases investiga- The report suggested factors. The names of
by the California Horse track in Arcadia, where a “evidence of pre-existing tors suspected that some- that Santa Anita continue horses, trainers, owners,
Racing Board on a spate decline in the horse pop- pathology” that is pre- one else was overseeing to consider replacing its jockeys and veterinarians
of horse deaths at Santa ulation has led to fewer sumed to be associated horses’ care other than dirt track with a synthetic were withheld because
Anita found that no illegal races being run. with high exercise inten- the listed CHRB-licensed surface. The racing board various reports are con-
medications were used on “There has been a 64 sity, which predisposes trainer. mandated synthetic fidential under California
the animals and 39 per- percent reduction in cata- horses with CMI to cata- Arthur said anatomy tracks in the state several law.
cent of the 23 fatalities
strophic injuries at Santa strophic injury. will be part of trainers’ 12 years ago, but it proved to The report said seven
occurred on surfaces af-
Anita Park this year, and “The indication is hours of continuing edu- be a failure. complaints will be filed
fected by wet weather.
we have not had a single horses are overtrained cation that are required to The report listed 47 alleging violation of fail-
However, the report
fatality during racing on and overraced,” Dr. Rick renew their license. recommendations, 12 of ure to turn in daily vet
found no singular cause
our main track for the Arthur, the racing board’s Rick Baedeker, CHRB which are already in the reports, and three com-
for the deaths.
The long-awaited re- entirety of this season,” equine medical director, executive director, said regulatory process. Most plaints will be filed al-
port focused on 23 deaths The Stronach Group said said on a conference call. the rules to obtain a train- involve establishing pro- leging training without a
as a result of racing or in a statement Tuesday. Other key findings in ers’ license already have tocols for training, racing proper license.
training between Dec. 30, “While the first number the report were that sev- changed. Now a person and when to cancel rac- The racing board said
2018, and March 31, 2019. represents a positive de- eral trainers said they has to serve a year-long ing, moving toward dig- it issued more than 70
Seven more deaths oc- velopment, the second felt pressured to run their apprenticeship under a ital record-keeping and subpoenas to trainers and
curred from April 1-June number is always the horses, although “none CHRB-licensed trainer transparency in medical vets for documents, while
23, 2013, but weren’t goal. We welcome the blamed the track itself and appear before the records. It also requests over 100 interviews with
included in the report. opportunity to work to- for any fatality,” and there track stewards to obtain a a look at how the use of trainers, jockeys and vets
Another seven deaths gether with our industry was no evidence of animal full license. the riding crop, or whip, were conducted.
occurred at the fall meet partners to implement the welfare violations. Among the recommen- and breakdowns may be The report was issued
last year, including Mon- suggested reforms and to The report found that dations in the 76-page re- related. a day after the sport was
golian Groom in the make 2020 a year we can a majority of trainers port are to establish strict “We have very good rocked by a federal in-
Breeders’ Cup Classic on all be proud of.” hadn’t reviewed necropsy criteria for canceling rac- confidence that many of vestigation that revealed
national television. The The report found that reports on their horses ing based on weather; to the recommendations will systematic and wide-
fatalities roiled the indus- 19 of 22 horses’ cata- and many didn’t possess require continuing edu- be implemented,” Arthur spread doping of horses.
try and led track owner strophic musculoskeletal “good working knowl- cation for trainers; and to said. The indictments named
The Stronach Group to injuries (CMI) included edge of anatomy.” Also, seek industry support for The report details all 27 trainers, veterinarians
institute several reforms proximal sesamoid bone record-keeping by train- research into sesamoid 23 horses’ cases, with and drug distributors.
4B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •


No. 2 Gonzaga beats Saint Mary’s for 17th WCC title

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 15 of his 17 points in the Gonzaga raced away from Tournament bid and kept those deep 3s, we had to It was Timme’s time in
first half, Filip Petrusev the Gaels in a dominating pace with the Zags in an change the dynamic a lit- Las Vegas. The 6-foot-10
LAS VEGAS — Gonza- had a double-double and second half. entertaining first half this tle bit.” freshman repeatedly got
ga stumbled in last year’s No. 2 Gonzaga beat Saint Ayayi scored 17 points time. The Zags and Gaels deep post position against
West Coast Conference Mary’s 84-66 to reclaim and Petrusev finished Jordan Ford and Ma- eked their way into their the Gaels and took advan-
tournament, losing to ri- the West Coast Confer- with 10 points and 14 re- lik Fitts combined to 11th title-game meeting. tage, hitting 7 of 8 shots
val Saint Mary’s in the ti- ence tournament title bounds to help the Zags score Saint Mary’s first Gonzaga struggled for 15 points in the first
tle game after dominating Tuesday night. outscore Saint Mary’s 48- 34 points to keep things putting away San Fran- half.
the regular season. “It wasn’t always easy, 22 in the paint. close, but Gonzaga tight- cisco 81-77 in the semis Ford and Fitts carried
The Zags won another but we adapted at half- “They’re really big ened up defensively in the while Saint Mary’s ad- nearly all the load for
regular-season title this time,” said Gonzaga’s Joel inside. That’s their second half to pull away. vanced with a 51-50 vic- Saint Mary’s, combining
year with a new group of Ayayi, who had 17 points. strength,” Saint Mary’s Ford finished with 27 tory over No. 14 BYU on to score but seven of the
players and again found “We came out with an coach Randy Bennett points and Fitts 17 for the Ford’s last-second shot. Gaels’ first-half points.
themselves in a champi- edge and that was the dif- said. “It’s a little bit of a Gaels, who should be in The Zags won the two Gonzaga led 42-41 at
onship-game fight with ference in the game.” problem for us because decent shape to make the regular-season meetings halftime.
the Gaels. The top-seeded Zags we don’t have the size. NCAA Tournament de- between the rivals by a “It was a good game —
Instead of buckling (31-2) recovered from a They kept bringing it spite the loss. combined 40 points on for a half,” Bennett said.
under the pressure, Gon- middling performance in down in the post and that “We needed to get the their way to claiming an The Bulldogs locked in
zaga pushed back with a the semifinals to win their was the story of the game, ball out of Jordan Ford’s eighth-straight WCC reg- on Ford, Fitts and the rest
dominating second half eighth WCC tournament why they beat us.” hands,” Gonzaga coach ular-season title. of the Gaels to start the
to reclaim the title and, title in 10 years and 17th Saint Mary’s (26-8) up- Mark Few said. “He’s an Petrusev did most of second half, forcing them
potentially, a No. 1 NCAA overall. set Gonzaga in last year’s unbelievable player and the damage in the final to miss six of their first
Tournament seed. Playing in its 23rd title game to earn the when he gets going like game of the regular sea- eight shots while building
Drew Timme scored straight WCC title game, WCC’s automatic NCAA that and Fitts is making son, scoring 27 points. a 56-46 lead.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: excelled. few hours. Sandy has never had
I have been I would like to the first complaint about my
married for retire soon, but child or her behavior. Recently,
30 years. I still now I wonder if he she came over for a visit and
work full time, expects me to be unloaded on me. She said she
and my husband his entertainment finds my child annoying, that my
is now retired. We once I do. He child has a problem listening
has no hobbies. and constantly interrupts and
have had issues Do you have any complains. I was completely
during most of advice? — PLAY- taken aback. Abby, I have never
our marriage, THING IN TEXAS received complaints about my
mainly concerning DEAR PLAY- child’s behavior, and over the
his not getting THING: I am course of the months, Sandy
enough sex. A
ZITS couple of times
amazed you were
willing to tolerate
never indicated that something
was wrong.
a week isn’t your husband’s I have been a great friend
sufficient. criticism and to her, always welcoming her in
In the past, abuse for the my home and helping however
he looked at porn Dear Abby length of time you I can. I don’t know what to do.
a lot. He likes to have. Not once I am hurt and angry. I feel like
take pictures of in your letter did she just barged in and insulted
me that he stores on his phone, you mention a single positive my kid. I’m no longer sure I
wants me to wear seductive trait in the man. You wish to want to remain close to her be-
clothing when we go out and keep together a family that your cause of this. Is this character-
demands that I send him naked husband has eroded. istic of bi-polar disorder? How
pictures of myself from work. It My first tidbit of advice is do I express my feelings to her
makes me very uncomfortable, this: Go back to counseling! without risking having her fly
but he gets angry when I don’t If you actually plan to live out off the handle? Please help! —
play his game. your life this way, you will need HARSH WORDS IN THE SOUTH
every ounce of support you can DEAR HARSH WORDS: Not
GARFIELD He tells me often that I am
no fun. When he gets angry, he pay for. My second tidbit would having met your child, I am not
says I am not sexy enough, too be to talk to a lawyer. You may going to weigh in on whether
fat, not smart enough, etc. Yes, want to keep the family unit what Sandy said was a slight.
we have gone to marriage coun- intact, but the price seems She may have been conveying
seling in the past, and I have exorbitant to me. something she thought you
gone to counseling alone. DEAR ABBY: I have a very needed to know.
I’ve tried to learn to cope close friend, “Sandy.” Sandy That said, because Sandy
with living with him because I and I talk about everything. She finds your child annoying, she
really don’t want to divorce and suffers from bi-polar disorder, should no longer babysit for
destroy our family unit. We have which, for the most part, is you. All children interrupt at one
three grown children, and in the controlled. However, she has hit point or another. They don’t
past he bullied our only son for a downswing. always behave perfectly. I hope
not being the best sports player A few months ago, she vol- you won’t take what Sandy told
he could be, even though he unteered to start babysitting my you as an insult worthy of end-
child, one evening a week for a ing a longtime friendship over,
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March person’s ultimate capability. enough to make things happen
11). You have the means to TAURUS (April 20-May in your world. It’s the start of
raise up appearances, though 20). The sort of plans you’ll be something, a zephyr for your
you’re fully aware that people making today will only work out sail, and now you must steer.
are not cool because of what if they have a date attached LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
they look like on the outside. to them. Sixty days is a magic You’re a creator. You make
It’s that special attention you number. Figure out what you things — deals, scenes of life,
give people, your genuine might be able to do in that expressions of your stance
acknowledgement of their being amount of time, and declare and of your feelings, and other
and your unique way of serving that as the aim. things. Hold yourself to a high
the needs of the moment that GEMINI (May 21-June 21). standard of originality, and then
give you a super-cool aura. Leo As you prepare to present your give yourself credit for that.
and Gemini adore you. Your work, don’t forget to prepare a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 8, 43, 1, 22 defense of it, too. It’s an exer- People around you are making
and 16. cise that will strengthen your decisions against their best in-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). position. When you’re ready to terest. Since it is not technically
One thing you often provide fight for your cause, you proba- your job to advise or educate
without even thinking about it bly won’t have to. them, if you are to assert your-
is reassurance. It’s in the way CANCER (June 22-July 22). self into the scenario, you must
you calmly respond — a head The muses will speak to you — go diplomatically.
nod, an encouraging word — as a gift from the mystic beyond. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
though you believe in the other Of course this is not quite There are a few different as-
pects of the work you’ll be doing
today. Success comes from
focusing on the most mundane
side of it: the craft, not the art,
the cleanup and organization.
This will keep you grounded.
21). Smooth stones, storm
clouds, the softness of an
animal’s fur, the smell of damp
earth... these are the sorts of
observances that will involve
you, lift you and send you far
from the workaday world.
21). There are different things
you need to do to get situated
at different points in your life.
You’re not where you used to
be. You have yet to give con-
scious awareness to some of
MALLARD FILLMORE your requirements. It’s time to
make the new list.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Everyone has flaws, and
all have the option of focusing
there. To attract more opportu-
nity and create possibility for
achievement, focus instead on
your strengths and talents.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). How can you possibly feel
heard if you’re not in feeling
range? Receptivity requires
your message to land close to
the ear, or the heart, as the
FAMILY CIRCUS case may be. Find out what the
barriers are so you can bring
them down.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). People’s attachments to
things keep them from being
completely honest. If you want
the truth, ask someone who
has nothing to gain and nothing
to lose.

It’s on the tip of my tongue

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Sweeten up
St. Patrick’s Day
Over the years, corned beef and
sauerkraut Reuben sandwiches
have become popular for St. Pat-
rick’s Day.

A St. Paddy’s
Day sandwich

n honor of the day when every-
one is Irish, welcome family and
friends to a traditional St. Pat-
rick’s Day lunch with this Reuben
sandwich recipe.
Find more seasonal recipes at

Servings: 2

2 tablespoons butter, softened

4 slices rye and pumpernickel swirl bread
4 slices Swiss cheese
6 ounces corned beef
2 tablespoons, plus 2 teaspoons, Thou-
sand Island Dressing, divided
4 tablespoons sauerkraut

n Heat nonstick skillet over medium

n Spread 1 tablespoon butter on one
side of two bread slices. Place buttered
side down in heated skillet. Add two
slices cheese to each bread slice. Spread
2 tablespoons dressing over cheese
slices. Add 3 ounces corned beef to each
bread slice.
n Spread 2 teaspoons dressing over Memories of Ireland include the food. Here’s a treat for St. Patrick’s Day coming up May 17: a Luck O’ the Irish mint pie.
corned beef. Spread 2 tablespoons sau-
erkraut over corned beef.
n Spread remaining butter on one side
BY JAN SWOOPE Irish alphabet. We found isolated of the seas, farmstead cheeses, beaches and high mountain passes. game and fowl and locally-sourced
of remaining bread slices. Place buttered

side up on top of sauerkraut. Stayed in homes where dairy cows, meats. On this isle smaller than
n Cook 4-7 minutes each side, flipping n the shelf of a decorative bells clanging, were herded past South Carolina, much of the land
once, until golden brown and cheese is tabletop cabinet at home sits is used for agriculture. Cookery
melted. our bedroom windows. We took
a tiny porcelain replica of an
ferry boats, scrambled up craggy schools such as Ballymaloe in Cork
Irish cottage. With its thatched roof
hillsides and visited Gaelic hamlets even entice aspiring cooks from
and white-washed walls, it sits atop
in the west, passing an occasional other countries to come for study.
the lid of a small oval box designed
horse-drawn gypsy wagon along As St. Patrick’s Day approaches
to hold some miniature treasure.
A minty The keepsake, which I purchased
on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland
the way.
For all the marvel of Ireland,
March 17, I’m reminded of all this
— the Cliffs, the seas, the mu-

seasonal shake many years ago, didn’t cost much,

but it is dear to me. That trip — a
though, I can’t recall being bowled
over by what we ate. My stron-
sic, the gallops, the people ... the
breakfast. Here in the states, some
horseback riding adventure with gest food memory is of a full Irish will mark St. Paddy’s next Tuesday
three friends — was so humbling, breakfast being set on the table with Irish stew, Irish coffee, corned

so wonder-making. We made stops in front of me. It was something beef and cabbage, or green beer. I
t. Patrick’s Day may call to propose a sweet treat instead. This
you might expect: the Cliffs of Mo- — sausages, bacon, eggs, baked
mind hearty meals and pots
her, Waterford Crystal, the Blarney beans, mushrooms, grilled toma- Luck O’ the Irish mint pie recipe
o’ gold, but that doesn’t mean
Stone, the Irish National Stud. But toes, potatoes. Even before my Em- from makes a special
sweets can’t be part of the equa-
for the most part, we looked for less erald Isle visit 20 years ago, how- dessert for bridge, bunco, garden
tion, too. Add dessert to your cel-
ebration with this green St. Pat’s beaten paths, like remote church ever, the country’s cuisine began club or family dinner. The recipe
minty shake, a cold, refreshing ruins and cemeteries with worn evolving. Inspired Irish chefs are makes enough for two pies.
way to honor the colorful tradition. markers in ogham, an ancient Old taking full advantage of the bounty See MINT PIE, 6B
Find more seasonal dessert
recipes at

Make cents
Just another fake-out meal of a healthy diet
ne of the make doughnuts more labor-intensive version For the chicken: FAMILY FEATURES
things so we can all de- I usually make, which is 1 1/2 pounds chicken breast, cut

into bite-sized pieces ne of the great myths of
that is stroy our health itself a replica of the one at Salt
really difficult together, the way my favorite Mexican restau- Pepper healthy eating is that it’s
about having a good family rant. With the cheese dip Taco seasoning (about half of a expensive. Making health-
food allergies is should. in the fridge, all I had to do packet) ier choices can actually save you
the fact that they was make rice and chicken, n Season chicken breast liberally money when you know how to shop
But until this with salt, pepper, and taco sea-
make eating out past week, one which is certainly no more soning. Place into nonstick pan smart.
less enjoyable of my favorite work than the average over medium heat. Cover pan for To help encourage healthier
and relaxing. At Mexican foods dinner. the first 5 minutes of cooking communities, the American Heart
I found this recipe for time. Then uncover, stir, and cook Association and Aramark have
every turn, we had eluded me: until chicken bites are cooked
have to harass the P5. You know Mexican rice on a blog through, about 5 minutes longer. simple tips to keep in mind as you
Amelia Plair called Tastes Better from seek out affordable, nutritious and
servers, manag- the one, right?
ers, and chefs to Chunks of chick- Scratch. I have adjusted For the rice: tasty food options for your family:
it to suit what I could find 1 1/2 cups white rice n Shop with a plan in mind.
be sure there are no hidden en or steak on top of a bed 1/4 cup butter or oil
tree nuts in the peppercorns of Mexican rice, all smoth- available locally and to fit 1 teaspoon minced garlic Taking a list to the store helps lim-
(yes, really) or peanuts ered with white cheese dip. our allergies. 1/2 medium onion, finely diced it impulse purchases, but it’s OK to
in the sauce or soy in the It’s not health food by any Amelia Plair is a mom or grated make smart swaps while shopping
and high school teacher in 1/4 cup tomato sauce if items you’d normally use are on
bread. stretch of the imagination, 2 teaspoons Better than Bullion
At the end of the day, but it is totally delicious. Starkville. Email reaches her organic chicken OR 2 bullion sale.
that translates into eating I do have a great recipe at mamabadgerplair@gmail. cubes n Consider your fruit and
at home more often than for white cheese dip, and of com. 1/4 teaspoon salt veggie options. Locally grown,
2 1/2 cups water seasonal fruits and vegetables are
we might otherwise choose course I knew how to make
to. That’s good, of course, chunks of chicken breast CHEESY CHICKEN AND RICE n Full disclosure: The original often reasonably priced for recipes
because it is better for our and a Mexican-style rice ... Serves 4-6 recipe called for rinsing and like this Mediterranean chicken
health and budget. but trying to pull all those sautéing the rice in oil with the and grain bowl. Canned and frozen
For the cheese dip: garlic and onion. I followed those options, meanwhile, can be just as
But still, there are a few recipes off together for just directions, and it yielded firm,
1 tub Pancho’s (or similar) white nutritious as fresh options.
favorite meals that we miss one meal sounded like a lot cheese dip separate grains of rice. It tasted
from eating out. I try to rep- of dishes to dirty after a full 2 tablespoons milk very good, but that is not the n Cook once, eat twice. Choose
licate those as best I can: we day of work. n Remove cheese dip to a micro- type of rice I am used to getting recipes that make enough food
wavable glass mixing bowl. Add at my local Mexican restaurants,
make sweet and sour chick- Enter Pancho’s white so I changed these directions to to enjoy fresh for one meal and
milk and stir. Heat in microwave, as leftovers later, such as this
en at home with coconut cheese dip. I found it locally covered, for one minute at a eliminate those steps. Add them
aminos instead of soy sauce, at both Kroger and Walmart. time until desired temperature is back if you prefer. four-serving curry-spiced tofu with
and I occasionally (rarely!) It tastes very similar to the achieved. See BUTTER TOGETHER, 6B See HEALTHY, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
Asian vegetables.
n Buy in bulk. Look
for items with long shelf
lives like whole grains
and non-perishables such
as canned beans and
n Focus on dishes
with limited, common in-
gredients. They are easy
to prepare and allow you
to avoid purchasing items
like rarely used spices.
n Develop a budget.
Assess your current food
expenses each week.
Multiply by the number
of weeks that month to
find your monthly food
budget and determine if
this fits with your other
monthly expenses.
Find more recipes
and tips to make healthy Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive. One option is this Mediterranean chick-
en and grain bowl.
meals more affordable at or (Source: Courtesy of Aramark)
BOWL Servings: 4
Servings: 6
12 ounces light, extra-firm
8 ounces farro or brown rice tofu, drained and patted dry,
6 cups spinach, stems re- cut into four slices
moved 1 tablespoon, plus 1 1/2 tea-
1 1/2 cups diced seedless spoons, curry powder, divided
cucumbers 12 ounces packaged fresh
1 1/2 diced tomatoes stir-fry vegetables
6 thin slices red onion 1 tablespoon water
3 cups cauliflower florets 2 teaspoons canola oil
3/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette 1 teaspoon toasted sesame
3 cups cooked skinless oil
chicken breast, visible fat 1 large onion, cut into 3/4-
discarded inch wedges
6 tablespoons fat-free or low- 4 large garlic cloves, minced
fat crumbled feta cheese 1/4 cup light coconut milk
3 tablespoons kalamata olives 1/4-1/2 teaspoon chili garlic
n Cook farro according to
package instructions. n Put tofu on large plate.
n On serving plate, place Sprinkle tofu on both sides
1/2 cup farro. Around farro, with 1 tablespoon curry
arrange 1 cup spinach; 1/4 powder.
cup cucumber; 1/4 cup n In large microwaveable
tomatoes; 1 slice red onion, bowl, microwave vegetables
separated into rings; and 1/2 and water on high 2-3 min- Curry-spiced tofu with Asian veggies is another option
cup cauliflower. utes, or until vegetables are for the healthy diet.
n Drizzle balsamic vinaigrette almost tender-crisp. Pour off
over salad. Top with 1/2 cup remaining water. sesame oil over medium-high garlic sauce and remaining
chicken and garnish with 1 n In large nonstick skillet, heat, swirling to coat bottom. curry powder. Bring to boil
tablespoon feta cheese and 1 heat canola oil over medi- Cook onion 1 minute, stirring over medium-high heat. Spoon
1/2 teaspoons olives. Repeat um-high heat, swirling to coat frequently. vegetable mixture over tofu.
with additional servings. bottom. Cook tofu in single Per serving: 151 calories; 6.5
Per serving: 342 calories; 12 layer 3-4 minutes on each n Stir in vegetables and gar- g total fat; 86 mg sodium; 14
g total fat; 52 mg cholesterol; side, or until browned. Trans- lic. Cook 1-2 minutes, or until g carbohydrates; 4 g fiber; 4 g
551 mg sodium; 35 g carbohy- fer to separate large plate. vegetables are tender-crisp, sugars; 10 g protein.
drates; 4 g fiber; 8 g sugars; Cover loosely to keep warm. stirring constantly. (Source: Courtesy of American
25 g protein. n In same skillet, heat n Stir in coconut milk, chili Heart Association)

Continued from Page 5B
Pistachios, for garnish (optional)
ST. PATRICK’S Mint chocolate candy, for gar-
MINTY SHAKE nish (optional)
Serves: 1
n Using mixer, whisk whipping
1 cup whipping cream cream until soft peaks form.
Add peppermint extract and Baileys
1/2 teaspoon peppermint
extract powdered sugar; mix until well Irish Cream
2 teaspoons powdered sugar blended. Set aside. liqueur and
1/2 cup milk n In blender, blend milk, liqueur mint choc-
1 3/4 ounces Baileys Irish and ice cream until smooth. olate chip
Cream liqueur Drizzle chocolate syrup inside ice cream
3 scoops mint chocolate chip soda glass. Pour ice cream help give
ice cream mixture into glass. Top with this shake • Firestarter
Chocolate syrup whipped cream and garnish with its Irish
• Packing
Chopped sugar cookies, for cookies, pistachios and mint
garnish (optional) chocolate candy, if desired.
• Shipping

Butter Together Newsprint Materials

• Art Projects
Continued from Page 5B is a great, • Window
n Pressure cooker directions: twist the knob to vent. If you pot. Heat over medium high plate, add the desired amount inexpensive solution for.... Cleaning
Place all ingredients into the do not have a Rice button, heat, stirring occasionally, of chicken, and top with
inner pot of the pressure cook on high pressure 5 until water reaches a rolling warmed cheese dip. I recom-
cooker. Close the lid, set knob minutes and allow rice to boil. Reduce heat to low and mend serving this with a side
Office at
to sealing, and press the Rice come to a natural release, cover. Keep covered and cook salad. If you don’t, you might
button. When the cook time about 10 minutes. n Stovetop an additional 15 minutes, until just submerge your head in 516 Main Street
ends, place a kitchen towel directions: Place all rice rice is tender. cheesy chicken and rice and Columbus, MS
over the vent and carefully ingredients into large cooking n To serve, scoop rice onto a forget to come up for air.

Mint pie Cost: 80¢/lb.

Continued from Page 5B
Spare a thought for inches each)
Eire — Ireland — and 1 bag mint chocolate candies
her many wonders on St. n To make filling: In bowl of
Patrick’s Day. Watch “Riv- stand mixer, whisk 2 1/2 cups
erdance” again, look for heavy cream until stiff peaks
shamrocks, eat well and form. Transfer to bowl.
n In separate stand mixer
wear a little green. On bowl, beat cream cheese on
Sunday, support the an- high 2 minutes. Gradually add
nual St. Patrick’s-themed 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar
“pawty,” a fundraiser for and green food coloring; mix
until smooth. Add 1/4 tea-
the Columbus-Lowndes spoon vanilla and mint extract;
Humane Society from 1-6 mix well.
p.m. at Zachary’s in down- n Fold prepared whipped
town Columbus. cream into cream cheese mix-
ture. Fold 1 cup chopped mint
Erin go bragh. chocolate candies into filling.
n To make frosting: In bowl of
stand mixer, whisk remaining
LUCK O’ THE IRISH heavy cream and remaining
powdered sugar. Add remain-
MINT PIE ing vanilla extract and mix until
Makes: two 9-inch pies stiff peaks form.
n Pour filling into crusts and
3 3/4 cups heavy whipped smooth tops.
cream, divided n Fill decorating bag with
8 ounces cream cheese, frosting and pipe thick band
softened around edges of pies. Then
1 1/4 cups, plus 2 table- pipe circle dollops evenly
spoons, powdered sugar, around edges of pies.
divided n Scatter 1 cup chopped mint
5 drops green food coloring chocolate candies in middle of
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla ex- pies. Place whole mint choco-
tract, divided late candies into each dollop
1/4 teaspoon mint extract of frosting around edges of
Tell your child a bedtime story.
1 bag mint chocolate candies, pies. Refrigerate until firm, 5-6
chopped, divided hours.
2 chocolate cookie crusts (9 (Source:
the Chancery Clerk within registration. $50,000.00 by a Prime or Sub-

ninety (90) days from the first contractor to do any erection,
date of publication of this no- Partial sets will not be issued. building, construction, repair,


tice; otherwise, such claim or
claims not so probated will be
forever barred. The first date of duplicate only upon the blank
maintenance, or related work
Proposals shall be submitted in must comply with the Missis-
sippi Contractors Act of 1985,


publication of this Notice to proposal forms provided with by securing a Certificate of Re-
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Lee Mravich, Deceased not penalty, by any bidder who proved by the Owner and
fails to carry n CDISPATCH.COM
the terms of signed by an agent, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 n 7B
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Legal Notices University for Women, 1100 March 11, 2020 scheduled closing time for the or all projects and to waive in- General Help Wanted
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LOWNDES COUNTY BOARD OF Columbus, Mississippi 39701 EXECUTRIX March 25, 2020 (45) days. CALEDONIA BUSINESS
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the same probated and re- Box 158, 1512 Kemper Street, sponsibility from the State
Sealed Bids for the construc- Mississippi University for Wo- gistered by the Clerk of the Scooba, Mississippi 39358 un- Board of Contractors. Each bid, JBHM Architects, PA
tion of the Charleigh Ford Drive men Chancery Court of Lowndes til 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April exceeding $5,000.00, must be P O Box 9127 (39705) OFFICE HELP NEEDED!
will be received by the Lowndes Whitfield Hall, Office of Re- County, Mississippi; that Let- 7, 2020 at which time bids will accompanied by the Bidder's 104 THIRD Street SOUTH Must know: Quickbooks,
County Board of Supervisors at sources Management ters Testamentary were gran- be open. certified check or a bid bond, (39701) Microsoft Excel, Purchas-
the offices of Lowndes County 1100 College Street, MUW- ted to the undersigned ANN duly executed by the Bidder as COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI ing, Inventory & Sales.
Board of Supervisors located at 1628 MARIE CURTIS JOHNSON, by Location for Receipt of Bids: principal and having surety PH: (662) 329-4883 Fax resume to
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- Columbus, Mississippi 39701 the Chancery Court of Lowndes thereon, a surety company ap-
County, Mississippi in Cause proved by the Owner and DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT: 662-327-7004
bus, MS 39701 until April 6, EAST MISSISSIPPI COM-
2020 at 10:00 a.m., at which OR No. 2020-0053-F, on the 6th signed by an agent, regularly Wednesday, March 4, 2020 or email to
time the Bids received will be day of March, 2020; that a fail- GOLDEN TRIANGLE CAMPUS commissioned and licensed to Wednesday, March 11, 2020
publicly opened and read. The Location for Receipt of Elec- ure to probate and register ADMINISTRATION CONFER- transact business in Missis-
Project consists of construct- tronic Bids: such claims with the Clerk of ENCE ROOM, 2ND FLOOR sippi, in the amount of five per-
ing Grade, drain, and tempor- the Chancery Court of Lowndes STUDENT UNION BUILDING cent of the bid. All bid bonds
must be accompanied by the
ary gravel surface. County, Mississippi for ninety 8731 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD
(90) days, from the first public- MAYHEW, MS 39753 appropriate Power of Attorney.
Bids will be received for a Plans and Specifications En- ation hereof, will bar such No Power
Medical of Attorney is neces-
/ Dental
single prime Contract. Bids titled: claims. Location for Receipt of Elec- sary with a certified check.
shall be on a lump sum and/or tronic Bids:
unit price basis, with additive MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR Witness my signature on this The Owner reserves the right to
and/or deductive alternate bid WOMEN the 5th day of March, 2020. reject any and all bids on any
items as indicated in the Bid HASTINGS HALL - REROOF Plans and Specifications En- or all projects and to waive in-
Executrix of the Estate of MARY
The Issuing Office for the Bid- May be inspected at the office P. CURTIS EAST MISSISSIPPI COM- OWNER:
ding Documents is: Calvert- of the Architect named below, MUNITY COLLEGE
Spradling Engineers, Inc.; P.O. or may be obtained from the Ar- PUBLISH:3/11, 3/18, GOLDEN TRIANGLE CAMPUS EAST MISSISSIPPI COM-
Drawer 1078, 7085 Highway chitect as set out below: 3/25/2020 DOUGLAS HALL-PHASE 3 MUNITY COLLEGE
45 North Alternate, West Point, REROOF P O BOX 158
MS 39773. Prospective Bid- Pre-Qualified Prime (General) MAYHEW, MISSISSIPPI 1512 KEMPER STREET
ders may examine the Bidding Contractors, Subcontractors, SCOOBA, MISSISSIPPI 39358
Documents at the Issuing Of- and Material Suppliers are re- IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF May be inspected at the office
fice on Mondays through Fri- quired to register and order bid LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- of the Architect named below, ARCHITECT:
days during regular business documents at SIPPI or may be obtained from the Ar-
hours, and may obtain copies chitect as set out below: JBHM Architects, PA
of the Bidding Documents from IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- P O Box 9127 (39705)
the Issuing Office as de- Bid documents are available as TATE OF MICHAEL LEE Qualified Prime (General) Con- 104 THIRD Street SOUTH
scribed below. paper prints or as digital cop- MRAVICH, DECEASED tractors, Subcontractors, and (39701)
ies on CD. Cost of CD (.pdf Material Suppliers are required COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI
Printed copies of the Bidding Format) is $50 per CD. Bid doc- NO. 2020-0051-PDE to register and order bid docu- PH: (662) 329-4883
Documents may be obtained uments are non-refundable and ments at
from the Issuing Office, during must be purchased through the NOTICE TO CREDITORS DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT:
the hours indicated above, website. Bid documents are available as Wednesday, March 4, 2020
upon payment of a non-refund- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all paper prints or as digital cop- Wednesday, March 11, 2020
able deposit of $150.00 for Questions regarding website re- persons having claims against ies on CD. Cost of CD (.pdf
each set. Checks for Bidding gistration and online orders the Estate of Michael Lee Format) is $50 per CD. Bid doc-
Documents shall be payable to please contact our web sup- Mravich, Deceased, that Let- uments are non-refundable and
Calvert-Spradling Engineers, port line at (662) 407-0193. ters Testamentary were gran- must be purchased through the
Inc. Upon request and receipt ted the undersigned, Barbara website.
of the document deposit indic- All plan holders are required to M. Vlahakis, Executor of said
ated above plus a non-refund- have a valid email address for estate, by the Chancery Court Questions regarding website re-
able shipping charge, the Issu- registration. of said County on the 5th day gistration and online orders
ing Office will transmit the Bid- of March, 2020, and all per- please contact our web sup-
ding Documents via delivery Partial sets will not be issued. sons holding claims against port line at (662) 407-0193.
service. The shipping charge that estate are hereby notified
amount will depend on the Proposals shall be submitted in to have same probated and re- All plan holders are required to
shipping method selected by duplicate only upon the blank gistered according to law by have a valid email address for
the prospective Bidder. The proposal forms provided with the Chancery Clerk within registration.
date that the Bidding Docu- the specifications and must be ninety (90) days from the first
ments are transmitted by the accompanied by Proposal Se- date of publication of this no- Partial sets will not be issued.
Issuing Office will be con- curity in the form of Certified tice; otherwise, such claim or
sidered the Bidder’s date of re- Check or acceptable Bid Bond claims not so probated will be Proposals shall be submitted in
ceipt of the Bidding Docu- in the amount equal to at least forever barred. The first date of duplicate only upon the blank
ments. Partial sets of Bidding five percent (5%) of the Base publication of this Notice to proposal forms provided with
Documents will not be avail- Bid; such security to be for- Creditors is March 11, 2020. the specifications and must be
able from the Issuing Office. feited as liquidated damages, accompanied by Proposal Se- Medical / Dental
Neither Owner nor Engineer will not penalty, by any bidder who This the 5th day of March, curity in the form of Certified
be responsible for full or par- fails to carry out the terms of 2020. Check or acceptable Bid Bond
tial sets of Bidding Documents, the proposal, execute contract in the amount equal to at least
including Addenda if any, ob- and post Performance Bond in /s/ Barbara M. Vlahakis five percent (5%) of the Base
tained from sources other than the form and amount within the BARBARA M. VLAHAKIS, Ex- Bid; such security to be for-
the Issuing Office. time specified. The Bid Bond, if ecutor of the Estate of Michael feited as liquidated damages,
used, shall be payable to the Lee Mravich, Deceased not penalty, by any bidder who
Official bid documents can be Owner. fails to carry out the terms of
downloaded from Central at Michael D. Tapscott, Esq. the proposal, execute contract Elec- Bids on the Project must be re- Hillen, Wicker & Tapscott, P.A. and post Performance Bond in
tronic bids can be submitted at ceived on or before the period 322 Jefferson Street (38804) the form and amount within the For scheduled for the Project and P. O. Drawer 409 time specified. The Bid Bond, if
any questions related to the no bid withdrawn after the Tupelo, Mississippi 38802- used, shall be payable to the
electronic bidding process, scheduled closing time for the 0409 Owner.
please call Central Bidding at Project for a period of thirty Telephone: (662)842-1721
225-810-4814. (30) days. Transportation
Facsimile: (888)559-0138 Bids on the Project must be re-
Solicitors for Executor ceived on or before the period
Bid security shall be furnished All bids submitted in excess of scheduled for the Project and
in accordance with the Instruc- $50,000.00 by a Prime or Sub- Publication Dates: no bid withdrawn after the
tions to Bidders. contractor to do any erection, March 11, 2020 scheduled closing time for the
building, construction, repair, March 18, 2020 Project for a period of forty-five
Sponsor: Lowndes County maintenance, or related work March 25, 2020 (45) days.
Board of Supervisors must comply with the Missis- April 1, 2020
By: Harry Sanders sippi Contractors Act of 1985, All bids submitted in excess of
Title: President by securing a Certificate of Re- $50,000.00 by a Prime or Sub-
Date: March 2, 2020 sponsibility from the State contractor to do any erection,
Board of Contractors. Each bid, building, construction, repair,
Publish: March 4, 2020, exceeding $5,000.00, must be maintenance, or related work
March 11, 2020 accompanied by the Bidder's must comply with the Missis-
certified check or a bid bond, sippi Contractors Act of 1985,
duly executed by the Bidder as by securing a Certificate of Re-
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF principal and having surety sponsibility from the State
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- thereon, a surety company ap- Board of Contractors. Each bid,
SIPPI proved by the Owner and exceeding $5,000.00, must be
signed by an agent, regularly accompanied by the Bidder's
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- commissioned and licensed to certified check or a bid bond,
TATE OF TALMADGE COX transact business in Missis- duly executed by the Bidder as
SHELTON, also known as TAL- sippi, in the amount of five per- principal and having surety
MAGE COX SHELTON, DE- cent of the bid. All bid bonds thereon, a surety company ap-
CEASED must be accompanied by the proved by the Owner and
appropriate Power of Attorney. signed by an agent, regularly
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0026-RFP No Power of Attorney is neces- commissioned and licensed to
sary with a certified check. transact business in Missis-
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION sippi, in the amount of five per-
The Owner reserves the right to cent of the bid. All bid bonds
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI reject any and all bids on any must be accompanied by the
or all projects and to waive in- appropriate Power of Attorney.
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of formalities. No Power of Attorney is neces-
Talmadge Cox Shelton, also sary with a certified check.
known as Talmage Cox OWNER:
Shelton, deceased, and Any The Owner reserves the right to
Unknown Parties In Interest MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR reject any and all bids on any
WOMEN or all projects and to waive in-
You have been made a defend- P O BOX W-1606 formalities.
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- 1100 COLLEGE STREET, W-
tion of Heirs [Doc. No. 2] filed 1628 OWNER:
on February 12, 2020, by COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI
Valerie Shelton, Trustee of The 39701 EAST MISSISSIPPI COM-
Shelton Family Revocable MUNITY COLLEGE
Trust, dated August 1, 2019, ARCHITECT: General Help Wanted P O BOX 158
seeking to determine the heirs- 1512 KEMPER STREET
at-law of Talmadge Cox JBHM Architects, PA SCOOBA, MISSISSIPPI 39358
Shelton, also known as Tal- P O Box 9127
mage Cox Shelton, deceased. 104 THIRD STREET SOUTH ARCHITECT:
Other than you, the only other (39701)
interested parties in this ac- COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI JBHM Architects, PA
tion are Billy L. Shelton and 39705 P O Box 9127 (39705)
Vera Shelton Keisling. PH: (662) 329-4883 104 THIRD Street SOUTH
and represent your interests Wednesday, March 4, 2020 PH: (662) 329-4883
against said Petition before the Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Honorable Rodney P. Faver, DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT:
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- Wednesday, March 4, 2020
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 11, 2020
the 13th day of April 2020, at
the Oktibbeha County Court- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
house in Starkville, Missis- TATE OF HERBERT JONES
sippi, and in case of your fail-
ure to appear your interest in CAUSE NO. 2020-0010-RPF
this matter will not be con-

You are not required to file an THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI

answer or other pleading, but LOWNDES COUNTY
you may do so if you desire.
Letters Testamentary have
Issued under my hand and the been granted and issued to the
undersigned upon the Estate of
seal of said Court, this the 2nd
day of March 2020. Herbert Jones, deceased, by
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
Looking for goods
County, Mississippi, on the
21st day of February, 2020. or services?
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- This is to give notice to all per-
SIPPI sons having claims against
said estate to Probate and Re-
(SEAL) gister same with the Chancery
BY:/s/ Shantrell W. Grander- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
son, D.C. sissippi, within ninety (90) days
from the first publication date
PUBLISH: 3/4, 3/11, of this Notice to Creditors. A
3/18/2020 failure to so Probate and Re-

Find it in the
gister said claim will forever
bar the same.

This the 24th day of February,

Read local. 2020.
Wanda Jones, Executrix

PUBLISH: 2/26, 3/4, &

8B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2020 The Dispatch •
General Help Wanted Farm Equipment & Supplies Motorcycles & ATVs

JOHN DEERE MODEL M 2015 Harley Davidson

TRACTOR. A set of one row VROD Night Rod Edition. ON THE WEB
cultivators w/ hydraulic lift, Dark Red with 8,000 miles.
has been repainted, looks Excellent Condition. Visit
good & runs good, $3500. $8,500.00
Call 662−436−2037. 662−574−9663 for a printable copy of
Furniture 2014 Harley Davidson CVO these puzzles.
Limited. Silver and Sunset
OAK FURNITURE Orange, approx. 20,000
Round oak table and 5 miles, new front and rear
chairs $300. Oval oak tires and battery.
table with extra leaf and 6 Excellent Condition.
chairs $300. Oak China $15,500.00
cabinet $250. 662−574−9663
Call 662−328−0057.
Trucks, Vans & Buses
General Merchandise


662.435.0641 UPGRADE TIRES TOW
548 Hwy 45 N. PKG GREAT GAS
Frontage Rd. 10−till. MILAGE BOUGHT NEW
By appt, 662.352.4460 AT 28300 SELLING DUE
Furn, home decor, TO HEALTH $18,500.00
linens, Tonneau cover, 662−327−2469
kit appl/utensils, etc.
No junk.

new, still in box. Paid
General Help Wanted Houses For Rent: North
$130. Will take $100. Call


2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath
REAL ESTATE WANTED FREON R12. Travel & Entertainment Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
part-time secretary to work Fenced in yard. $675.
We pay CA$H.
R12 R500 R11. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 8 6 2 4 1 3 9 7 5
4 hours per day, M-F. Excel- 662−549−9555. ADS STARTING AT $25 Convenient.
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 9 7 6 5 8 2 4 1

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

@ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
lent clerical, communica- Ask for Glenn or text. Certified professionals. Open Wed, Thur & Sat. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 1 5 4 7 9 2 8 6 3
tion, and organizational
skills required. Strong com- Houses For Sale: New Hope
312−291−9169 7am−6pm grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 8 1 5 7 9 3 2 6
Houses For Rent: New Hope
puter and social media For rates call given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 2 7 6 1 3 4 5 9 8
skills imperative including 16 WIDNER IN NEW HOPE 662−386−8591
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
3 Bedroom/2 Bath House
numbers 9 3 5 2 8 6 7 1 4
contains the1same to 9 number
experience with Microsoft Newly remodeled. 3BR/
w/ fenced back yard in WHITE POSTER
Office products. Applicants New Hope. Renovation
2BA home. Approx. 1,500
BOARDS. the empty spaces so 7 1 9 3 6 5 4 8 2
Need a new only once. The difficulty
should email cover letter sq. ft. Has 25’x30’ wired
and resume to
currently underway w/ new metal shop w/ roll−up front 24"x23" that each row, each 5 4 8 9 2 1 6 3 7
ceramic tile & wood floors, $0.50 each. level increases from & side door. $158,500. column and each 6 2 3 8 4 7 1 5 9
bathroom fixtures, kitchen
appliances & all new paint.
662−549−9298. 100 in stock.
Visit 516 Main St. or companion? Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 3/10

is opening a new location

$900.00. 917−324−3347. Houses For Sale: Caledonia
call 662−328−2424. the same number only once. The difficulty level
in Columbus. increases from Monday to Sunday.
Licensed Cosmetologists Houses For Rent: South FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5
are needed. ACRES. 1600 sqft. WINGBACK CHAIR, $200.
No booth rent. FOR RENT: 408 11th Ave Completely remodeled. Oak finish computer desk
No clientele needed. S. 3BR/2BA, CH/A, $178,000. 662−386− w/ hutch, $100. 4−drawer
For more info, call or text garage, fenced yard, quiet 7113. oak finish filing cabinet,
662-312-8727 or email neighborhood, recent $50. Accent table, $25. remodel. Call 662−752− Lots & Acreage tan loveseat & chair, $400.
9010. Glass top coffee table,
1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/ $100. Call 662−328−
Mobile Homes for Rent Bad Credit Options. Good 0057 between 1−6pm.


credit as low as 10% down,
$299/mo. Eaton Land,
CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! 662−361−7711.
Sporting Goods

ADS STARTING AT $25 Utilities & cable included, ED SANDERS GUNSMITH

When looking
from $145/wk − $535/mo OPEN FOR SEASON!

Columbus & County School 9−5: Tues−Fri &
locations. 662−242−7653 9−12: Sat.
Apts For Rent: South
for a new pet,
or 601−940−1397. Over 50 years experience!
Repairs, cleaning,
3BR/1.5BA TOWNHOME @ ADS STARTING AT $12 refinishing, scopes

adoption is
1705 Bell Ave, beside mounted & zeroed,
MUW. $600/mo + $600 RV/MOBILE HOME SITE
near CAFB, Caledonia Bargain Column handmade knives.
dep. 678−949−6877. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
schools. Call 601−940−
2BR/2BA, newly renovated
downtown apt. Roof deck,
1397. Nautica jacket Men’’s
white Nautica jacket with
of West Point, turn right on
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
left on Darracott Rd, see
always a
Office Spaces For Rent blue logo. New with tags.
open concept. $1,200/mo
+ dep. 662−328−8655.
Size 2X. 662−549−1669.
sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
left. 662−494−6218. good option.
Apts For Rent: West
LEASE. 1112 Main St.,
Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Shop
Plenty of private parking.
Classifieds VEHICLES

Houses For Sale: Other ADS STARTING AT $12

Apartments & Houses Autos For Sale


2 Bedroooms 60K MILES ON NEW
3 Bedrooms
Furnished & Unfurnished STUDENT OR TOW VEHICLE You’ll find the best deals
1, 2, & 3 Baths
$3,750. 662−327−2469. when you advertise
Lease, Deposit Campers & RVs and shop here!
& Credit Check
2012 JAYCO EAGLE 5th WHEEL, 39ft, 4 slide−outs.
327-8555 2BR, 48" TV & 27" TV.
$26,500. 662−386−9605.
Five Question: ACROSS
Apts For Rent: Other Motorcycles & ATVs 1 Benefit
5 Door part
1−2 BR Apt: $350−435
VOYAGER XII Only 25,500 1 Doritos 9 Rough peaks
1−2BR TwnHm: $625−650 miles. Runs & looks good. 11 Flower part
Lease, Dep, Credit Check. No problems. $3000 OBO. 12 “Help!”
2 Macada-
Coleman Realty Can be seen local.
662−329−2323 501−545−7750. drummer
13 Tag info
1999 ROADSTAR 1600 mia 14 Battleship
Only 45k miles. Hard bags, letters
rider & passenger back 15 Lab
3 Steven
rests w/ luggage rack, has
windshield. Ready to ride! containers
$3000 OBO. Can be seen 17 Check
local. 501−545−7750.
Tyler recipients
19 Barracks
2017 Harley Davidson CVO sight
4 Sudoku
Street Glide Special
Starfire Black. Beautiful 20 Sleep sound
Bike with 2 luggage racks 21 Rooster’s 39 Muscular 8 Fortunate
and saddle bag inserts. mate
Excellent Condition. power 10 Gets serious
22 Grammar
5 Enro 40 Thomas 11 Relaxing
662−574−9663 topic Hardy heroine resorts
24 Ready to go 41 Garden areas 16 Device for a

26 Current of air
book lover
29 The whole
DOWN 18 Decisive win
30 Some 1 Wash 21 Miami team
Quidditch thoroughly 23 Understands
players 2 Stands 24 Shirt part
CH&A, 1 story, W/D, PROMOTE YOUR SMALL BUSINESS STARTING AT ONLY $25 3 Dorothy, for 25 Brightens
historic district, 1 block 32 Lodge
from downtown.
Automotive Services Childcare General Services General Services makers one 27 Cat
$575/mo. + $575 dep.
NO PETS. 662−574−8789. 34 Track trip 4 Easter find 28 Bartered
Auto Sales CHILDCARE SERVICES GRAVEL, $360 OR LESS! WEEKEND WARRIORS. 5 Annoying 29 Monk’s leader
Peaceful & Quiet area.
LE S 35 Test
WHO ALE New & Used Look No Further!! Local delivery, 14 yd truck. You have problems, we
fellow 30 Porgy’s love
Tires Quality Childcare Services Backhoe & Dozer work. have answers. 30 years programs
COLEMAN Maintenance
Are Available For The
Golden Triangle Area!!
Mobile Home Pads &
exp in roofing, drywall,
painting, flooring, decking.
36 Self-respect
38 Kitchen
6 Individually
7 French
31 Gushes forth
33 Moving trucks
RENTALS UT Insurance 662.343.8386 or 662−497−1388 Free estimates. Local refs.

fixtures president 37 Umbrella part

662-605-5125 662.813.3672. Serious
Inquiries Only, Please!!
7596 Hwy 45 Alt N • West Point
General Services JEWELRY REPAIR Lawn Care / Landscaping

Building & Remodeling RKERS FOR ALL YOUR SPRING &



© The Dispatch

work, painting, storm removal. Free est. 100 Russell St. SERVICES.
DEPOSIT damage or additions. Serving Columbus
W ELER Starkville, MS We also specialize in

Free estimates. since 1987. Senior 662-268-8058 landscaping services.

AND 40 years experience. citizen disc. Call Alvin @ 662−435−8746 or
CREDIT CHECK 662−570−3430 242−0324/241−4447 662−272−8746.
"We’ll go out on a limb for
MONOGRAMMING Free estimates available.

662-329-2323 Carpet & Flooring you!"

2411 HWY 45 N
Re−Stretch & Repair also
Licensed & Bonded.
Just for Ladies JESSE & BEVERLY’S
Mowing, cleanup,
COLUMBUS, MS avail. I accept select jobs. Carpentry, minor electrical,
minor plumbing, insulation,
Mossy Oak Mall • West Point landscaping, sodding,
& tree cutting.
Call Walt, 662−574−8134.
painting, demolition, 662-492-4221 • Mon.-Sat. 662−356−6525
Commercial Property For Rent gutters cleaned, pressure CHILDREN’S & LADIES’ CONSIGNMENT
washing, landscaping, Painting & Papering
FOR RENT LOCATED NEAR cleanup work, moving help.
$545 plus Filing Fee
truck terminal, 9,500 sq. SERVICE. Special Prices.
ft. shop & 3,200 sq. ft. GET YOUR PRIVACY CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY Interior and Exterior
office/shop. Buildings can FENCE NOW! All Attorney Fees Through The Plan Painting. 662−435−6528
be rented together or Reasonable pricing. Jim Arnold, Attorney
separately. All w/ excellent New installations &
662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914 Are you a painter?
access & Hwy. 82 visibility.
662−327−9559. Grow your business. fence maintenance.
Text/Call 662−549−7167. 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Advertise here!

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