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Words to Use Instead of VERY!! Learn 150 useful ways to avoid the word VERY
in English: Very creative = innovative; very cute = adorable; very dangerous =
threatening; very dark = lightless,…with ESL printable infographics.

The word “very” often does not communicate enough information on the
sentences. It’s been called one of the most useless words in the English
language. So how does one avoid using the word “very? The following is a
powerful list of strong adjectives, nouns & verbs to use instead of “very”. For
example, instead of saying, “very rich”, you should say “wealthy.” This list is an
excellent starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in

Words to Use Instead of VERY

Here is the list of better ways to use instead of Very in English:

 very creative = innovative

 very crowded = bustling
 very cute = adorable
 very dangerous = threatening
 very dark = lightless
 very dear = cherished
 very realistic = practical
 very rich = wealthy
 very risky = perilous
 very deep = profound
 very beautiful = exquisite
 very bright = luminous
 very accurate = exact
 very afraid = terrified
 very angry = furious
 very bad = atrocious
 very busy = overloaded
 very calm = serene
 very careful = cautious
 very charmed = mesmerized
 very cheap = stingy
 very clean = spotless
 very clever = brilliant
 very cold = freezing
 very colorful = vibrant

 very compete = comprehensive

 very competitive = cutthroat
 very confused = perplexed
 very conventional = conservative
 very core = gist
 very depressed = despondent
 very detailed = meticulous
 very big = immense
 very boring = dull
 very brave = courageous
 very dull = tedious
 very eager = keen
 very easy = smooth
 very empty = desolate
 very evil = wicked
 very excited = thrilled
 very willing = eager
 very windy = blustery
 very fancy = lavish
 very far away = distant
 very fast = quick
 very fat = obese
 very fierce = relentless
 very fond = attached
 very fortunate = blessed
 very friendly = affectionate
 very funny = hilarious
 very different = disparate
 very difficult = challenging
 very disagreeable = obnoxious
 very distressing = dreadful
 very dry = parched
 very glad = overjoyed
 very good = excellent
 very greedy = impatient
 very happy = ecstatic
 very hard = difficult
 very hard-to-find = rare
 very high = soaring
 very huge = colossal

 very exciting = exhilarating

 very expensive = costly
 very humble = courteous
 very interesting = fascinating
 very jolly = carefree
 very kind = considerate
 very large = huge
 very lazy = indolent
 very light = luminous
 very gracefully = lithely
 very great = terrific
 very limited = finite
 very little = tiny
 very lively = animated
 very long = extensive
 very long-term = enduring
 very hungry = starving
 very hurt = battered/crushed
 very important = crucial
 very inexpensive = cheap
 very loose = slack
 very loud = deafening
 very smelly = pungent
 very smooth = sleek
 very soft = downy
 very scared = petrified
 very loved = adored
 very lovely = stunning
 very mean = cruel
 very messy = slovenly
 very much = enough
 very neat = immaculate
 very necessary = essential
 very nervous = apprehensive
 very nice = kind
 very noisy = deafening
 very painful = excruciating
 very pale = ashen
 very perfect = flawless
 very pleasant = amiable

 very poor = destitute/underprivileged

 very powerful = compelling
 very pretty = beautiful
 very protective = defensive
 very proud = honored
 very numerous = diverse
 very often = frequently
 very old = ancient
 very open = transparent
 very quick = rapid
 very quiet = silent
 very raining = pouring
 very rainy = drizzly
 very roomy = spacious
 very sad = sorrowful
 very shy = timid
 very simple = basic
 very skinny = skeletal
 very sleepy = lethargic
 very slow = sluggish
 very serious = grave
 very sharp = keen
 very shiny = gleaming
 very short = brief
 very strong = unyielding
 very stupid = idiotic
 very sure = certain
 very talented = gifted
 very tall = towering
 very tasty = delicious
 very thin = gaunt
 very valuable = precious
 very warm = hot
 very weak = frail
 very wet = soaked
 very tight = constricting
 very tired = exhausted
 very ugly = hideous
 very sorry = apologetic
 very special = exceptional

 very unhappy = miserable

 very upset = distraught
 very wicked = villainous
 very wise = sage
 very worried = distressed

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