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In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

PART I. Directions: There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture on
your test paper and you will hear four short statements. The statements will
be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. When you hear the four
statements, look at the picture on your test paper and choose the statement
that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer
Now let’s begin with the picture marked number one (1) on your test paper.

1. 2


PART II. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a
question or statement spoken in English followed by three responses, also
spoken in English. They will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed
on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question or
statement and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with question number four (4) on your test paper.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

PART III. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear a
short conversation between two people. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will
read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by
four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark
it on your answer sheet.

Now, let’s begin with question number seven (8) on your test paper.

8. What are they talking about ? 10. What can be said about the man?
A. How to leave at the Gate 4 in Surabaya. A. He employs a secretary.
B. How to go to Surabaya in 15 minutes B. He does his own business
C. Bus schedule to Surabaya C. He’s buying some computers
D. Trip to Surabaya by bus
D. He works at John Corporation
9. What happened to John’s car ? 11. What is the man probably going to do ?
A. It was stolen A. Call a real estate agent .
B. It had a flat tire B. Buy a new furniture
C. It was in an accident C. Write some papers
D. It was sent to the shop for repairs
D. Sell the house.

PART IV. Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken
TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen
carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you
will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each
question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the following short talk.

12. What is mainly talked about ? 14. Who is most likely the speaker ?
A. Visitors to department stores. A. A recording studio manager
B. Discounts at a supermarket. B. A museum employee.
C. New shopping regulations C. A security personnel.
D. Daily shoppers at Frankie D. A daily visitor .

13. What does the speaker suggest ? 15. Where are the guards standing ?
A. Having lunch at the store delicatessen A. Next to one another
B. Getting wto gallons of milk for $1.09. B. At the entrance
C. Visiting the store’s dairy section . C. Under a poster
D. Buying flank steak for $5.50 D. Along the way


In this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English.
There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

PART V. Directions: From questions 16 – 24, four clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or
(D), are given beneath each incomplete dialog. Choose the one
clause/sentence that best completes the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the question and mark your answer.

16. Rangga : This assignment is very confusing.

What Should I do ?
Amelia : .....the website is full of information that can help you
Rangga : Oh, that’s a good idea, thanks

A. You should check your assignment

B. Why don’t you go to ruang
C. Would you help me with the website ?
D. How about sending it to me via email ?

17. Ryan : Why don’t you wear a sweater? It’s very cold tonight .
Anto : Oh, I forgot to bring mine, I didn’t really expect it could be like this.
Ryan : .....I have one more in my suitcase.
A. That’s too bad, poor you
B. Would you lend me your coat ?
C. Why don’t you buy a new one ?
D. I can give you one if you don’t mind

18. Susie : Andy, drive me to the hospital , please.

Andy : Why are you so hurry ? What’s the matter ?
Susie : My father got a heart attack ....
A. I have to take him home.
B. I need to check him there .
C. I must call my father , first .
D. I shouldn’t care about my father

19. Satria : I need your help. I have to go to the central office. … ?

Syahril : My pleasure. Please wait a moment.
A. Can you call me a taxi
B. Would you type this letter
C. Will you turn on the computer
D. Could you help me with this report

20. Vina : Hi Santi, have you seen the new student at our school ?
Santi : Yes, I have , I think he is handsome.
Vina : Tell me how does he look like
Santi : .........
A. He is smart and creative
B. He comes from other country
C. He has white skin and brown eyes
D. He is in the accounting class .

21. Raisa : I think we need to have a short break this week , going out somewhere and
forgetting about our routine tasks for a while. Why don’t we go to Pangadaran
Hamish : ....because we are running on the deadline of the annual financial report
A. I agree with you
B. That’s good idea
C. I am at the same line with you
D. I am not on your side

22. Jean : Where is my breakfast meal Mom ?

Mom : It’s on the table , dear .
Jean : Who cooked the meal, Mom ? the taste is not like the usual one.
Mom : .....dear. He is a good chef , too
A. It is made by your dad.
B. It was given by your aunty.
C. It is prepared by the waiter.
D. It was bought by your sister

23 Deneisya : How are you going to spend this new year’ eve?
Ghufron : … .
A. I’m going to take my annual leave
B. I plan to have my vacation in Bali
C. I love celebrating my anniversary
D. I have to spend my holiday soon

24. Sandi        : So, how was your vacation?

Sifra          : Oh! … I’ve ever had in my life. I like it very much.
Sandi         : Wow! Where did you go?
Sifra        : We went to the Bahamas. It’s such an amazing placeIt can be downloaded from Youtube.
A. This is the worst dream.
B. This was the best trip.
C. This was horrible vacation
D. This is the happiest moment

PART VI. Directions: Questions 25 – 32 are based on a selection of text dialogs. Choose the one
best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the
questions following each text dialog on the basis of what is stated or
implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and mark your answer.

Question 25- 27 based on the following short dialog
Ida : Nisa, do you have plans for the weekend?
Nisa : I have nothing definite planned. Why?
Ida : Saturday is Wita’s birthday party. Would you like to join with us?
Nisa : Sure, I could come to his party. Where are you going to have it?
Ida : It's going to be a pool party at Kalibata's apartment building.
Nisa : That sounds like fun. Is it a potluck?
Ida : Yes, we would like four people to help us by bringing side dishes and drinks.

25. What is the dialog mainly about?

A. A new apartment building
B. A large swimming pool
C. A various side dishes
D. A party invitation

26. What will each of them do before going to the party?

A. Prepare certain food to take with them.
B. Buy a new swimsuit for the party.
C. Decorate the apartment room.
D. Blow some colorful balloons.

27. “… by bringing side dishes and drinks.” What is the synonym of the underlined
A. container
B. beverages
C. tableware
D. ingredients

Questions 28 – 30 are based on the following text dialogue.

Rico : Hi! What are you doing here ?

Sifa : I’m waiting for the morning school bus.
Rico : What time does the bus come ?
Sifa : It comes at 6.15 every morning and it’s free of charge.
Rico : Oh , I see. Maybe next time I will take the bos too
Sifa : It’s only for students. The workers have special buses from the local government.
Rico : Are the workers allowed to take the school bus ?
Sifa : No, they are not. The workers usually take the yellow bus and the students take the green one
Rico : Is there any regulation about who takes the bus ?
Sifa : Yeah....I think so

28. From the dialogue above, we can conclude that....

A. Rico takes the school bus
B. The school bus is only the students
C. Sifa invites Rico to take the same bus
D. Sifa is a worker so she can’t take the bus

29. What is the difference between the school bus and the worker bus ?
A. The regulation
B. The bus color
C. The seating position
D. The departure time

30. “It comes at 6.15 every morning and it’s free of charge”
The word “charge” in the dialogue above has a similar meaning to ....
A. Fee
B. Power
C. Accusation
D. Responsibility

Questions 31 – 32 are based on the following text dialogue.

Steven : Look at the fashion items in this magazine. They’re so beautiful.

Shanaz : They are designed by my aunt. She is a fashion designer.
Steven : Really? she must be very talented
Shanaz : Yes, she graduated from London Fashion School and she has been creating a lot of amazing
works since then.
Steven : I really admire her work. I hope she can be even more successful

31. What does Steven think about Shanaz’ aunt ?

A. She is a fashion designer.
B. She is a successful person .
C. She is a talented designer.
D. She creates many fashion items

32. “They are designed by my aunt” (line 2)

The word “they” refers to...............
A. Magazine
B. The fashion items
C. Shanaz’ aunt
D. Fashion designer

PART VII. Directions: Questions 33 – 50 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as
notices, letters, forms, articles, advertisements, etc. Choose the one best
answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions
following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated or
implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and mark your answer.

Questions 33 – 35 refer to the following news item

On Wednesday, approximately 2,000 street children and orphans went to the Fantasy World
(Dufan) amusement park at Ancol Dreamland Park without paying because the city administration and
business firms sponsored them.
This program was supported by Jakarta Governor, Anies Baswedan. He also said that such
activities should be held once or twice a month to give a chance for street children and orphans to relish
their childhood.
He was convinced there were some of us who have not yet visited Ancol so he asked all the
visitors to enjoy the game and have fun. He claimed that the activities were held to fulfill one of the
basic rights of children (the right of recreation).

33. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To know what Dufan is.
B. To invite people visiting Dufan.
C. To explain the facilities in Dufan.
D. To share about visiting Dufan without paying.

34. From the text above, we may conclude that . . . .

A. Recreation is not important for children
B. Dufan is the best destination in the world
C. All children who visit Dufan will get free accommodation
D. Visiting Dufan for free is needed to fulfill the basic rights of children

35. The activity was held . . . .” (Paragraph 3)

What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Conducted
B. Served.
C. Regulated.
D. Guided

Questions 36 – 38 refer to the following text

How to Order Ojek- Online Service Safely

You have to make sure that the ojek-online application has been installed in your smart phone. Then, you can follow
the instruction below to order it :
● Firstly , open the application and key in your pick-up and drop-off and drop-off locations to get your estimated fare
● Secondly , get a driver. The nearest available driver will find you soon . The application will track your driver and let
you know your driver’s location in real time.
●Thirdly , share your ride with your loved ones or your family to ensure extra safely. You will feel more comfortable if
your family or friends know where you are.

36. What is the topic of the text above ?
A. How to install an ojek-online application.
B. How to be an ojek- online rider or driver.
C. How to go safely by ordering ojek-online vehicles.
D. How to ensure extra safely in traveling.

37. What should we do first when we want to order an ojek-online service?

A. Share our ride with our family and friends.
B. Key in our pick-up and drop-off locations.
C. Call the driver to make sure he/she is available.
D. Search for the estimated fare to know how much it costs.

38. ‘The application will track your driver ….” (Line 5)

The word” track has a similar meaning to ...........
A. See
B. Find
C. trace
D. know

Questions 39 – 41 are based on the following text.

Pantai Indah Kapuk , located in North Jakarta, is one of the popular tourism destinations in Jakarta.
It is well known for the best seafood and oriental food in Jakarta. A Mangrove Forest is one of the tourist
attractions there. It comprises 99 hectares. Visitors can enjoy fresh air in this area. One of the special sights
is when we see some wild birds standing on wooden poles scattered among the trees, so that visitors experience
a different atmosphere.
Visitors can enjoy the water-boom beach. It always offers special promotions for visitors. There are
various kinds of water games offered there, such as the speed slide, aqua tube, and twister couple. If you want to
come here, you will only spend Rp 150.000 for adults and Rp 100.000 for children. Thus, you can enjoy a new

39. What is the communicative purpose of the text ?

A. To tell about the best food in Pantai Indah Kapuk.
B. To describe Pantai Indah Kapuk, a tourist destination.
C. To tell the readers about the events in Pantai Indah Kapuk.
D. To explain how to enjoy the facilities in Pantai Indah Kapuk.

40. What makes a different atmosphere in the Mangrove Forest?

A. The sight of some wild birds.
B. The trees in the Mangrove Forest.
C. The large area of the Mangrove Forest.
D. The fresh air around the Mangrove Forest.

41. The last paragraph mainly talks about .......................

A. the water-games.
B. a new experience.
C. The special promos
D. The water-boom beach

Questions 42 – 44 are based on the following text.

Paul Leonard Newman was born on January 26, 1925 in Cleveland, Ohio. He grew up in Shaker
Heights, Ohio, with his older brother Arthur and his parents, Arthur and Teresa. His father owned
a sporting-goods store and his mother was a homemaker who loved the theatre. He got his first
taste of acting while doing school plays, but it was not his first love at the time.

Newman turned to acting after getting kicked off the football team in college. He made his
Broadway debut in William Inge’s Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy Picnic  in 1953 and began
doing television and films, eventually becoming known as one of the finest actors of his time. He
created a food company, Newman's Own, that donates all proceeds to charity. Newman died of
cancer on September 26, 2008.
Even though Newman passed away in 2008, he is a memorable actor who also deserves to be
recognized for his amazing entrepreneurship. According to Business Insider, Newman launched
his line of food products, Newman’s Own, in 1982. What first started out as just selling salad
dressing quickly expanded into selling many items, including popcorn, pasta sauce, lemonade,
and salsa.

Newman’s first year of business had profits that exceeded $300,000. In 2008 and 2011,
respectively, Newman’s Own also introduced frozen pizza and skillet meals, writes Newman’s
Own Foundation. There are now over 100 product varieties sold throughout the U.S. and
abroad. Newman’s profits go to a great cause, too. According to Newman’s Own Foundation,
the company donates 100 percent of its profits and royalties to charities. In 2012, the
organization had given $380 million in contributions to nonprofits worldwide.

42. The main purpose of the text writer is ….

A. to advise depositing more money for business
B. to tell that entrepreneurship guarantees success in life
C. to inform more about an artist who succeeded in business
D. to notify that cancer is the most dangerous disease for human

43. According to the text, Paul Newman ….

A. passed away because he was badly sick
B. turned to acting when he was in high school
C. gained profits in business in less than $300.000
D. created his first company called Business Insider

44. What can be inferred about Newman?

A. He was never involved in selling food
B. He was one of successful entrepreneurs
C. He saved all his business profits for his family
D. He founded many organizations all over the world

Questions 45 – 47 are based on the following text.

28 Vocational High School

Jl Maritim N0 26 Jakarta


Graduation ceremonies will take place at the Vocational School Sports Center on May
20th. The 10. a.m. ceremony will recognize graduates by receiving special awards and prizes in
academic achievements, sports,arts and engineering competitions. The 11 a.m. ceremony will
recognize all graduates.
Each graduate will receive four Slang concert tickets to allocate to his or her family and
friends. Ticket will be at the Administrative Office beginning May 21st at 10 a.m.; and May 22 at
8 a.m.. The office closes at 2:30 p.m. If any extra tickets are available on the afternoon of May
22, they will be administrated on a limited basis by the administrative Office on a first-come first-
served basis
45. To whom is the announcement addressed?
A. 28 Vocational School.
B. The students of the 12th grade.
C. Band personnel.
D. Students’ family and friends.

46. When will the winner of Go Green Machine Competition receive his prize?
A. On May 20th.
B. On May 21st.
C. On May 22nd.
D. On May 23rd.

47. What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?

A. The Administrative Office opens at different times.
B. The time when students can get extra concert tickets.
C. The guests who will perform at the graduation party.
D. The distribution of concert tickets for graduates.

Questions 48 – 50 are based on the following text.

Mr. Johan Bright,

HR Manager
ABC 12 Company Ltd
Jakarta, 17430

Dear Mr. Bright,

According to your advertisement in last Friday’s Jakarta Post newspaper for a sales
executive vacancy, I would like to apply for that position. As requested, I have attached my
complete resume and my recent photograph.
I am interested in the job and I believe that I fulfill the qualifications for the job. I graduated
from the marketing department at a reputable university. I have two years’ work experience as a
sales executive in an international marketing company, so I have good communication skills in
English, both oral and written. I am also skilful in operating computers.
If you wish to give me a chance to discuss further my past experience and skills, I can be
contacted at the following email address or phone at 08111665243. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,
48. Why is the applicant interested in the position?
A. He read an advertisement.
B. He has two years experience.
C. He has the qualifications for the job.
D. He masters oral and written English.

49. What is the topic of the text?

A. Information to apply
B. A sales executive position.
C. An advertisement in Jakarta Post newspaper.
D. An application letter for a sales executive position

50. From the text, we know that the applicant........

A. Will be interviewed soon.
B. is smart and has multi-skills.
C. needs the job as soon as possible.
D. meets the requirements for the position.


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