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A Research Paper

Presented to

Mr. Robert T. Dela Cruz

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in English 10 Subject


Bacarro, Sherah Dee R.

Resomadero, Jomel B.

Ruello, Lenny Jane A.

Bertocio, Ma. Jetril B.

Largo, Chrisa Mae V.

Bansiloy, Nicole T.

March, 2020


Cutting Classes is intentionally not attending a required class in one’s formal

education without valid reason. It is significant for the academic performance and for the

behaviour of students. Cutting classes can cause many problems such as lower grades,

violence in school, rash attacks from teachers and the worst one, the Dropout. The one

reason of skipping classes is laziness, some students is just very lazy to listen to their

teacher while discussing their lessons. (Samuel Weiss)

Cutting of classes have its important collaboration towards the student’s

Academic Performance. When students do such thing, there would be a possibility that

they will miss on test, they will miss the attendance and they will have a problem on how

to cope up to the lesson and you will never be able to listen to the important words that

the teacher said on that topic thus gets zero score. It’s like cutting their education too.

Being absent in a class would be a problem because cutting classes can affect the

student’s Academic Performance which means their grades would be affected. Being

always present in school is one factor towards a student’s success, not just a student

but also a person who will be managing his/her life in the future.

In Philippine context, according to Department of Education (2009) cutting

classes become rampant problem in public schools in the Philippines. Public school in

the Philippines where there is inefficient security and a relatively high number of

students thus making it hard to monitor each student (Viola 2016). The alarming growth

of students is one of the reasons why it’s too hard to monitor the students in school.
This issue questioned us why students keep on breaking the rules and regulation

of the school. Are the students not aware that education is important? Cutting classes is

not just a concern of the institution but it is also a concern for Parents, Teacher and

most especially for the students. Cutting classes obviously decreases opportunities for

them to learn and as what we had mentioned above, it can affect the students’

Academic Performance. A student with failing grades would have a possibility to have a

problem for his/her occupation in the future. Students like us should know the

importance of Education because learning is one the basic foundations of all human

beings and this are particularly needed for the development of every student.

According to study Cutting class is a routine absence or skipping on your class

that harms the student’s exams score, missing pre-exams, reviews, and quizzes.

Cutting class is a coined term that actually means intentionally not attending a required

class in one’s formal education without a valid excuse/reason. Educational institutions

are not only responsible for teaching certain knowledge to students but also for

correcting, disciplining any forms of behavioural, moral, and social problems being

faced by the students. The researchers are convinced and self-assured to say that

student’s problem has enough time for growth and development.


The purpose of this study is to know the main stand-point why they do cutting

classes and on how to prevent this kind of problem. And another one, to help the

students as well as their parents and teachers addresses the problem in its early stage

to avoid having much greater problem in the future.

Research sub-questions

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Sex

2. What are the factors?

2.1 Laziness

2.2 Family Problems

2.3 Peer of pressure

3. What are the effects?

3.1 Academic Performance

3.2 Behaviour

3.3 Violence in school


The aim of this study is to help the people know the importance of education. We

want to eliminate the number of the students who escape class, to know the impacts of

cutting classes, and why they do such thing.

This study is beneficial to the following:

Students. The result of this study will give the students a realization that cutting

classes is not useful at all. This study could help them know how education is

important, how they could avoid cutting classes and they would be able to

become responsible.

Teachers. The result of the study could help the teachers understand why

students do cutting classes and would be able to help the students understand

that cutting classes is not good for them.

The Parents. Just like the teachers, the result of this study could help the

parents know why their children do such thing. The results will help them

discipline their children and can make an action on it.

Administrators. This study would be beneficial to the administrators because

the findings could help them learn the action to the students.

For a clear presentation of this research proposal, some terms are defined

Cutting Class

It is a routine absence of skipping on your class that harms the student’s exam
scores, missing the reviews from teacher and quizzes.

Junior High School

Is the middle school that the students learning needs to develop and upgrade.


The causes of situation or problems.

Our Lady of Peace Mission School Inc.

A school where students are studying and it is located at So. Agbulod Brgy.
Prosepeidad San carlos City Negros Occidental.

Academic Performance

It will test the student leanings.


Are the one who engaged to the issue which is cutting classes.

This study focused only in to the factors why the junior high school students of Our
Lady of Peace Mission School, Inc. keeps on cutting classes and how could it affect
their academic performance.

The Students of the Junior High School are the participants. This research paper is
about Cutting Classes.


 Factors why
 Questionnaire  Cause of
students cutting
 Survey cutting classes
among the
 Junior High
Junior High

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram

This study aimed to identify the factors of “Cutting Classes among Junior High School”.

We used structured survey to selected Junior High School Students. Furthermore,

Survey was employed to gather permanent data for this study.

Because we want to know what they are want to say about this situation.

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