Analysis of Factors Causing Difficulty Learn Math Basic School

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Mathematics is a means to solve deep problems daily life so that it needs to be mastered well, but most
students assume that mathematics is a difficult subject, especially elementary school students.
Perception that mathematics is a difficult subject to be strengthened by the learning outcomes of
mathematics which are still low. The problems discussed in this paper are 1) What is the difficulty of
learning mathematics experienced by students ?; 2) Why do students have difficulty learning
mathematics ?; 3) What efforts can be made to overcome the difficulties of learning mathematics? This
paper aims to describe the types of difficulties experienced by students, the factors causing difficulties
mathematics, and efforts to overcome the difficulties of learning mathematics.

Conclusions from the results of this study are the types of learning difficulties experienced by students,
namely difficulty understanding the concept of fraction comparison, difficulty in calculating integers, and
difficulty solving problems in story problems. Factors that cause students' learning difficulties consist of
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include negative attitudes in learning mathematics,
learning motivation is still low, body health is not optimal, and sensing abilities. While external factors
include the lack of variation in teacher teaching, the use of instructional media that has not been
maximized, infrastructure in schools, and family environment.

It is recommended to teachers to teach mathematics in accordance with the theory of learning

mathematics along with teaching aids to increase motivation and foster positive attitudes of students.
Students should have a positive attitude towards mathematics and reproduce the practice questions.
For parents should pay attention to the development of student learning, especially in the difficulty of
learning mathematics by collaborating with teachers.

Keywords: Learning Difficulties, Mathematics, Elementary School, Learning Theory.


Difficulty Learning Mathematics

a. Difficulty Understanding Concepts

The concept refers to the basic understanding of students. The lack of understanding of the concepts
makes it difficult for students to work on problems because the teacher teaches in a way that is not
appropriate and does not use examples of congresses related to daily life.

Difficulty learning mathematics experienced by students consists of three components, namely difficulty
understanding concepts, difficulties in skills, and difficulty solving problems. Factors that cause
mathematics learning difficulties come from internal factors and external factors. Internal factors
originating from students include student attitudes in learning mathematics, student motivation to learn
is still low, body health that is not optimal, and students' sensing abilities are lacking. While external
factors originating from outside students include the lack of teacher teaching variation, the use of
instructional media that has not been maximized, infrastructure in schools, and family environment.
Efforts that can be made to reduce the difficulty of learning mathematics based on the difficulties
experienced and the underlying factors include teaching mathematics fun, using learning media that is
congested, increasing the practice of questions, and establishing cooperation with parents of students.

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