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ISSN Full Journal Title

0001-6993 Acta Sociologica

1476-7503 Action Research
1476-7503 Action Research
1469-7874 Active Learning in Higher Education
1059-7123 Adaptive Behavior
1059-7123 Adaptive Behavior
0095-3997 Administration & Society
0001-8392 Administrative Science Quarterly
0001-8392 Administrative Science Quarterly
0741-7136 Adult Education Quarterly
0886-1099 Affilia
0886-1099 Affilia
0002-0397 Africa Spectrum
0304-3754 Alternatives
0002-7642 American Behavioral Scientist
0002-7642 American Behavioral Scientist
0002-8312 American Educational Research Journal
1098-2140 American Journal of Evaluation
0890-1171 American Journal of Health Promotion
0098-8588 American Journal of Law & Medicine
1557-9883 American Journal of Men's Health
1532-673X American Politics Research
0275-0740 American Review of Public Administration, The
0003-1224 American Sociological Review
0002-7162 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Scie
0002-7162 ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Scie
2053-0196 Anthropocene Review, The
1463-4996 Anthropological Theory
0146-6216 Applied Psychological Measurement
0146-6216 Applied Psychological Measurement
0084-6724 Archive for the Psychology of Religion
0095-327X Armed Forces & Society
0095-327X Armed Forces & Society
0117-1968 Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
1010-5395 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
1073-1911 Assessment
1836-9391 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
1039-8562 Australasian Psychiatry
0004-8658 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology
0004-8674 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
0004-9441 Australian Journal of Education
0312-8962 Australian Journal of Management
0312-8962 Australian Journal of Management
1362-3613 Autism
0145-4455 Behavior Modification
0198-7429 Behavioral Disorders
0198-7429 Behavioral Disorders
0198-7429 Behavioral Disorders
1357-034X Body & Society
0308-0226 British Journal of Occupational Therapy, The
1369-1481 British Journal of Politics and International Relations
1369-1481 British Journal of Politics and International Relations
0007-6503 Business & Society
0008-1256 California Management Review
0008-1256 California Management Review
0008-4174 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy
0706-7437 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
0829-5735 Canadian Journal of School Psychology
0265-6590 Child Language Teaching and Therapy
0265-6590 Child Language Teaching and Therapy
1077-5595 Child Maltreatment
1077-5595 Child Maltreatment
0907-5682 Childhood
0920-203X China Information
1534-6501 Clinical Case Studies
1534-6501 Clinical Case Studies
1359-1045 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
1359-1045 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
1359-1045 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
1054-7738 Clinical Nursing Research
0887-302X Clothing and Textiles Research Journal
0887-302X Clothing and Textiles Research Journal
2167-4795 Communication and Sport
2167-4795 Communication and Sport
1525-7401 Communication Disorders Quarterly
0093-6502 Communication Research
0010-4140 Comparative Political Studies
0738-8942 Conflict Management and Peace Science
0094-3061 Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews
0069-9667 Contributions to Indian Sociology
1354-8565 Convergence
0010-8367 Cooperation and Conflict
0010-8367 Cooperation and Conflict
1938-9655 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
1938-9655 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
1938-9655 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
0011-0000 Counseling Psychologist, The
0011-1287 Crime & Delinquency
1741-6590 Crime Media Culture
1741-6590 Crime Media Culture
0093-8548 Criminal Justice and Behavior
0093-8548 Criminal Justice and Behavior
1748-8958 Criminology & Criminal Justice
0261-0183 Critical Social Policy
0261-0183 Critical Social Policy
0896-9205 Critical Sociology
0308-275X Critique of Anthropology
1069-3971 Cross-Cultural Research
1474-4740 Cultural Geographies
1474-4740 Cultural Geographies
1749-9755 Cultural Sociology
1354-067X Culture & Psychology
0011-3921 Current Sociology
1471-3012 Dementia
0145-7217 Diabetes Educator, The
2043-8206 Dialogues in Human Geography
1750-4813 Discourse & Communication
0957-9265 Discourse & Society
0957-9265 Discourse & Society
0957-9265 Discourse & Society
1461-4456 Discourse Studies
0888-3254 East European Politics and Societies
0888-3254 East European Politics and Societies
0143-831X Economic and Industrial Democracy
1035-3046 Economic and Labour Relations Review, The
1035-3046 Economic and Labour Relations Review, The
0891-2424 Economic Development Quarterly
0891-2424 Economic Development Quarterly
0891-2424 Economic Development Quarterly
0013-1245 Education and Urban Society
0013-1245 Education and Urban Society
0013-161X Educational Administration Quarterly
0013-1644 Educational and Psychological Measurement
0013-1644 Educational and Psychological Measurement
0162-3737 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
1741-1432 Educational Management Administration & Leadership
0895-9048 Educational Policy
0013-189X Educational Researcher
1754-0739 Emotion Review
0276-2374 Empirical Studies of the Arts
0958-305X Energy & Environment
1042-2587 Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice
0013-9165 Environment and Behavior
0013-9165 Environment and Behavior
0308-518X Environment and Planning A
0308-518X Environment and Planning A
2399-8083 Environment and Planning B
2399-8083 Environment and Planning B
2399-8083 Environment and Planning B
2399-8083 Environment and Planning B
2399-6544 Environment and Planning C
2399-6544 Environment and Planning C
2399-6544 Environment and Planning C
2399-6544 Environment and Planning C
0263-7758 Environment and Planning D
0263-7758 Environment and Planning D
0956-2478 Environment and Urbanization
0956-2478 Environment and Urbanization
1468-7968 Ethnicities
1466-1381 Ethnography
1466-1381 Ethnography
0265-6914 European History Quarterly
0265-6914 European History Quarterly
1474-5151 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
0267-3231 European Journal of Communication
1477-3708 European Journal of Criminology
1367-5494 European Journal of Cultural Studies
0959-6801 European Journal of Industrial Relations
1354-0661 European Journal of International Relations
1368-4310 European Journal of Social Theory
1350-5068 European Journal of Women's Studies
1356-336X European Physical Education Review
1465-1165 European Union Politics
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies
0969-7764 European Urban and Regional Studies
1356-3890 Evaluation
0163-2787 Evaluation & the Health Professions
0193-841X Evaluation Review
1474-7049 Evolutionary Psychology
0014-4029 Exceptional Children
0014-4029 Exceptional Children
1044-3894 Families in Society
1044-3894 Families in Society
0894-4865 Family Business Review
0959-3535 Feminism & Psychology
0959-3535 Feminism & Psychology
1557-0851 Feminist Criminology
0141-7789 Feminist Review
1464-7001 Feminist Theory
1525-822X Field Methods
1525-822X Field Methods
0142-7237 First Language
0142-7237 First Language
1088-3576 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
1088-3576 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
1088-3576 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
0957-1558 French Cultural Studies
1555-4120 Games and Culture
1555-4120 Games and Culture
0891-2432 Gender & Society
0891-2432 Gender & Society
2397-0022 German Journal of Human Resource Management
2397-0022 German Journal of Human Resource Management
0016-9862 Gifted Child Quarterly
0016-9862 Gifted Child Quarterly
1757-9759 Global Health Promotion
1059-6011 Group & Organization Management
1059-6011 Group & Organization Management
1368-4302 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
1090-1981 Health Education & Behavior
0017-8969 Health Education Journal
0017-8969 Health Education Journal
1833-3583 Health Information Management Journal
1363-4593 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal
1363-4593 Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal
1937-5867 HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
0739-9863 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
0957-154X History of Psychiatry
0957-154X History of Psychiatry
0073-2753 History of Science
0952-6951 History of the Human Sciences
0952-6951 History of the Human Sciences
1088-7679 Homicide Studies
0018-7208 Human Factors
0018-7208 Human Factors
0018-7267 Human Relations
0018-7267 Human Relations
1534-4843 Human Resource Development Review
0019-7939 ILRReview
0019-4646 Indian Economic and Social History Review
0971-5215 Indian Journal of Gender Studies
0266-6669 Information Development
0046-9580 INQUIRY
1748-0485 International Communication Gazette
0020-7020 International Journal
0091-4150 International Journal of Aging and Human Development, The
0091-4150 International Journal of Aging and Human Development, The
0165-0254 International Journal of Behavioral Development
1367-0069 International Journal of Bilingualism
2329-4884 International Journal of Business Communication
2329-4884 International Journal of Business Communication
0020-7152 International Journal of Comparative Sociology
1367-8779 International Journal of Cultural Studies
0020-7314 International Journal of Health Services
1470-7853 International Journal of Market Research
0255-7614 International Journal of Music Education
0306-624X International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative C
0306-624X International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative C
1940-1612 International Journal of Press/Politics, The
1940-1612 International Journal of Press/Politics, The
0091-2174 International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, The
1609-4069 International Journal of Qualitative Methods
0020-7640 International Journal of Social Psychiatry
1747-9541 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
1747-9541 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
0197-9183 International Migration Review
0192-5121 International Political Science Review / Revue internationale d
0160-0176 International Regional Science Review
0160-0176 International Regional Science Review
0160-0176 International Regional Science Review
0047-1178 International Relations
1012-6902 International Review for the Sociology of Sport
1012-6902 International Review for the Sociology of Sport
0020-8523 International Review of Administrative Sciences
0266-2426 International Small Business Journal
0266-2426 International Small Business Journal
0020-8728 International Social Work
0268-5809 International Sociology
1053-4512 Intervention in School and Clinic
2041-6695 i-Perception
0743-5584 Journal of Adolescent Research
0898-2643 Journal of Aging and Health
0898-2643 Journal of Aging and Health
0021-8863 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The
0021-8863 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The
0733-4648 Journal of Applied Gerontology
0021-9096 Journal of Asian and African Studies
1087-0547 Journal of Attention Disorders
1087-0547 Journal of Attention Disorders
0095-7984 Journal of Black Psychology
0021-9347 Journal of Black Studies
0021-9347 Journal of Black Studies
1050-6519 Journal of Business and Technical Communication
1050-6519 Journal of Business and Technical Communication
1069-0727 Journal of Career Assessment
0894-8453 Journal of Career Development
1367-4935 Journal of Child Health Care
0022-0027 Journal of Conflict Resolution
0022-0027 Journal of Conflict Resolution
1469-5405 Journal of Consumer Culture
1469-5405 Journal of Consumer Culture
1043-9862 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
0891-2416 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
0891-2416 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
0022-0094 Journal of Contemporary History
1078-3458 Journal of Correctional Health Care
0022-0221 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
1044-2073 Journal of Disability Policy Studies
0022-0426 Journal of Drug Issues
0272-4316 Journal of Early Adolescence, The
0272-4316 Journal of Early Adolescence, The
1053-8151 Journal of Early Intervention
1053-8151 Journal of Early Intervention
1053-8151 Journal of Early Intervention
1076-9986 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
1076-9986 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
1076-9986 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
0735-6331 Journal of Educational Computing Research
1063-4266 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
1063-4266 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
1063-4266 Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
1556-2646 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
0075-4242 Journal of English Linguistics
1070-4965 Journal of Environment & Development, The
1070-4965 Journal of Environment & Development, The
1070-4965 Journal of Environment & Development, The
0958-9287 Journal of European Social Policy
0958-9287 Journal of European Social Policy
2043-8087 Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
2043-8087 Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
0363-1990 Journal of Family History
0363-1990 Journal of Family History
0363-1990 Journal of Family History
0363-1990 Journal of Family History
0192-513X Journal of Family Issues
1074-8407 Journal of Family Nursing
1074-8407 Journal of Family Nursing
0022-1465 Journal of Health and Social Behavior
0022-1465 Journal of Health and Social Behavior
0022-1465 Journal of Health and Social Behavior
0022-1465 Journal of Health and Social Behavior
1359-1053 Journal of Health Psychology
1355-8196 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
1096-3480 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
0022-1678 Journal of Humanistic Psychology
0022-1856 Journal of Industrial Relations
0165-5515 Journal of Information Science
0268-3962 Journal of Information Technology
0268-3962 Journal of Information Technology
1069-031X Journal of International Marketing
0886-2605 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
0886-2605 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
0886-2605 Journal of Interpersonal Violence
0261-927X Journal of Language and Social Psychology
0261-927X Journal of Language and Social Psychology
0261-927X Journal of Language and Social Psychology
1748-720X Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1748-720X Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
1548-0518 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
0022-2194 Journal of Learning Disabilities
0022-2194 Journal of Learning Disabilities
0961-0006 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
1086-296X Journal of Literacy Research
1086-296X Journal of Literacy Research
0276-1467 Journal of Macromarketing
0149-2063 Journal of Management
0149-2063 Journal of Management
0149-2063 Journal of Management
1056-4926 Journal of Management Inquiry
0022-2429 Journal of Marketing
0022-2437 Journal of Marketing Research
1359-1835 Journal of Material Culture
1359-1835 Journal of Material Culture
1558-6898 Journal of Mixed Methods Research
1611-8944 Journal of Modern European History
0825-8597 Journal of Palliative Care
0825-8597 Journal of Palliative Care
0022-3433 Journal of Peace Research
0022-3433 Journal of Peace Research
1043-4542 Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
0739-456X Journal of Planning Education and Research
0739-456X Journal of Planning Education and Research
0885-4122 Journal of Planning Literature
0885-4122 Journal of Planning Literature
1098-3007 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
1098-3007 Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
0734-2829 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
0091-6471 Journal of Psychology and Theology
0743-9156 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
0022-4278 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
0022-4294 Journal of Research in Music Education
1059-8405 Journal of School Nursing
1094-6705 Journal of Service Research
0265-4075 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
0265-4075 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
0265-4075 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
1469-6053 Journal of Social Archaeology
1468-0173 Journal of Social Work
1440-7833 Journal of Sociology
0973-1741 Journal of South Asian Development
0022-4669 Journal of Special Education, The
0193-7235 Journal of Sport and Social Issues
0193-7235 Journal of Sport and Social Issues
1527-0025 Journal of Sports Economics
1527-0025 Journal of Sports Economics
1028-3153 Journal of Studies in International Education
0022-4871 Journal of Teacher Education
1078-3903 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
1078-3903 Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association
0003-0651 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
0003-0651 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
0951-6298 Journal of Theoretical Politics
1043-6596 Journal of Transcultural Nursing
0047-2875 Journal of Travel Research
0096-1442 Journal of Urban History
0096-1442 Journal of Urban History
1356-7667 Journal of Vacation Marketing
1356-7667 Journal of Vacation Marketing
1470-4129 Journal of Visual Culture
0145-482X Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness
1464-8849 Journalism
1077-6990 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
0963-9470 Language and Literature
0023-8309 Language and Speech
0023-8309 Language and Speech
1362-1688 Language Teaching Research
1362-1688 Language Teaching Research
0265-5322 Language Testing
0094-582X Latin American Perspectives
0094-582X Latin American Perspectives
1742-7150 Leadership
0731-9487 Learning Disability Quarterly
0731-9487 Learning Disability Quarterly
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly
0893-3189 Management Communication Quarterly
1350-5076 Management Learning
1470-5931 Marketing Theory
1329-878X Media International Australia
0163-4437 Media, Culture & Society
0163-4437 Media, Culture & Society
1077-5587 Medical Care Research and Review
0025-8024 Medicine, Science and the Law
1750-6980 Memory Studies
1750-6980 Memory Studies
1097-184X Men and Masculinities
0305-8298 Millennium: Journal of International Studies
2050-1579 Mobile Media & Communication
0097-7004 Modern China
1029-8649 Musicae Scientiae
0924-0519 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
1461-4448 New Media & Society
0899-7640 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
1455-0725 Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
0969-7330 Nursing Ethics
0969-7330 Nursing Ethics
0894-3184 Nursing Science Quarterly
0030-2228 OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying
0030-2228 OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying
1350-5084 Organization
1086-0266 Organization & Environment
1086-0266 Organization & Environment
0170-8406 Organization Studies
2041-3866 Organizational Psychology Review
2041-3866 Organizational Psychology Review
1094-4281 Organizational Research Methods
1094-4281 Organizational Research Methods
1539-4492 OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health
1354-0688 Party Politics
0301-0066 Perception
0031-5125 Perceptual and Motor Skills
0146-1672 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
1088-8683 Personality and Social Psychology Review
1757-9139 Perspectives in Public Health
0031-7217 Phi Delta Kappan Magazine
0048-3931 Philosophy of the Social Sciences
1473-0952 Planning Theory
1098-6111 Police Quarterly
1065-9129 Political Research Quarterly
0032-3217 Political Studies
1478-9299 Political Studies Review
0090-5917 Political Theory
0263-3957 Politics
0263-3957 Politics
0032-3292 Politics & Society
0032-3292 Politics & Society
0032-3292 Politics & Society
1470-594X Politics, Philosophy & Economics
1470-594X Politics, Philosophy & Economics
0032-8855 Prison Journal, The
1464-9934 Progress in Development Studies
0309-1325 Progress in Human Geography
8756-9728 Project Management Journal
0033-2941 Psychological Reports
0305-7356 Psychology of Music
0305-7356 Psychology of Music
0305-7356 Psychology of Music
0361-6843 Psychology of Women Quarterly
0361-6843 Psychology of Women Quarterly
0033-3549 Public Health Reports
0091-0260 Public Personnel Management
0091-0260 Public Personnel Management
0952-0767 Public Policy and Administration
0963-6625 Public Understanding of Science
0963-6625 Public Understanding of Science
1462-4745 Punishment & Society
1049-7323 Qualitative Health Research
1049-7323 Qualitative Health Research
1049-7323 Qualitative Health Research
1077-8004 Qualitative Inquiry
1468-7941 Qualitative Research
1468-7941 Qualitative Research
1473-3250 Qualitative Social Work
1747-0218 Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
0306-3968 Race & Class
0306-3968 Race & Class
0306-3968 Race & Class
0306-3968 Race & Class
0306-3968 Race & Class
1043-4631 Rationality and Society
0034-3552 Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
0741-9325 Remedial and Special Education
1540-7969 Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
1540-7969 Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
0164-0275 Research on Aging
1049-7315 Research on Social Work Practice
0034-6543 Review of Educational Research
1089-2680 Review of General Psychology
0734-371X Review of Public Personnel Administration
0486-6134 Review of Radical Political Economics
0091-732X Review of Research in Education
2158-2440 SAGE Open
1403-4948 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
0143-0343 School Psychology International
1075-5470 Science Communication
0971-7218 Science Technology and Society
0162-2439 Science, Technology & Human Values
0267-6583 Second Language Research
0267-6583 Second Language Research
0967-0106 Security Dialogue
1079-0632 Sexual Abuse
1079-0632 Sexual Abuse
1363-4607 Sexualities
1046-4964 Small Group Research
1046-4964 Small Group Research
1046-4964 Small Group Research
0037-7686 Social Compass
1948-5506 Social Psychological and Personality Science
0190-2725 Social Psychology Quarterly
0894-4393 Social Science Computer Review
0894-4393 Social Science Computer Review
0539-0184 Social Science Information
0539-0184 Social Science Information
0306-3127 Social Studies of Science
2156-8693 Society and Mental Health
0081-1750 Sociological Methodology
0049-1241 Sociological Methods & Research
0049-1241 Sociological Methods & Research
0731-1214 Sociological Perspectives
1360-7804 Sociological Research Online
0038-0261 Sociological Review
0735-2751 Sociological Theory
0038-0385 Sociology
0038-0407 Sociology of Education
0038-0407 Sociology of Education
0081-2463 South African Journal of Psychology
1206-3312 Space and Culture
1206-3312 Space and Culture
1536-867X Stata Journal, The
1532-4400 State Politics & Policy Quarterly
1476-1270 Strategic Organization
1476-1270 Strategic Organization
0888-4064 Teacher Education and Special Education
0098-6283 Teaching of Psychology
0098-6283 Teaching of Psychology
0092-055X Teaching Sociology
0092-055X Teaching Sociology
1527-4764 Television & New Media
1362-4806 Theoretical Criminology
0959-3543 Theory & Psychology
0263-2764 Theory, Culture & Society
0961-463X Time & Society
0271-1214 Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
1354-8166 Tourism Economics
1354-8166 Tourism Economics
1468-7976 Tourist Studies
1363-4615 Transcultural Psychiatry
1363-4615 Transcultural Psychiatry
1524-8380 Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
1524-8380 Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
1524-8380 Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
1078-0874 Urban Affairs Review
0042-0859 Urban Education
0042-0859 Urban Education
0042-0980 Urban Studies
0042-0980 Urban Studies
1077-8012 Violence Against Women
1470-3572 Visual Communication
0968-3445 War in History
0968-3445 War in History
0193-9459 Western Journal of Nursing Research
0730-8884 Work and Occupations
0730-8884 Work and Occupations
0950-0170 Work, Employment & Society
0950-0170 Work, Employment & Society
0950-0170 Work, Employment & Society
2165-0799 Workplace Health & Safety
0741-0883 Written Communication
1103-3088 Young
1103-3088 Young
0044-118X Youth & Society
0044-118X Youth & Society
0044-118X Youth & Society
1473-2254 Youth Justice
1541-2040 Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
JCR Category (Social Science) 2018 Impact 2-yr IF ranking
Sociology 1.925 38
Management 0.824 197
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 0.824 73
Education & Educational Research 2.294 49
Psychology, Experimental 1.362 71
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.362 51
Public Administration 1.698 28
Business 8.024 5
Management 8.024 5
Education & Educational Research 1.438 124
Social Work 1.028 26
Women's Studies 1.028 20
Area Studies 0.833 36
International Relations 0.320 85
Psychology, Clinical 1.444 77
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.444 46
Education & Educational Research 3.170 15
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.492 44
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 2.636 31
Law 0.762 101
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.409 107
Political Science 1.143 105
Public Administration 2.602 12
Sociology 5.391 2
Political Science 1.789 61
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.789 31
Environmental Studies 3.111 34
Anthropology 1.509 28
Psychology, Mathematical 1.155 9
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 1.155 28
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0.533 126
Political Science 0.781 135
Sociology 0.781 111
Demography 0.717 25
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.743 73
Psychology, Clinical 3.804 14
Education & Educational Research 0.606 217
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.943 118
Criminology & Penology 1.082 41
Psychiatry (SSCI) 5.000 14
Education & Educational Research 1.147 163
Business 1.183 122
Management 1.183 179
Psychology, Developmental 3.898 10
Psychology, Clinical 2.263 52
Education, Special 1.343 22
Psychology, Clinical 1.343 84
Psychology, Educational 1.343 39
Sociology 1.595 55
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 0.779 61
International Relations 2.252 17
Political Science 2.252 42
Business 5.013 19
Business 5.000 20
Management 5.000 26
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.098 48
Psychiatry (SSCI) 4.080 22
Psychology, Educational 0.571 56
Education, Special 0.860 33
Linguistics 0.860 97
Family Studies 4.047 3
Social Work 4.047 2
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.957 25
Area Studies 0.970 28
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.867 122
Psychology, Clinical 0.867 103
Psychiatry (SSCI) 1.360 97
Psychology, Clinical 1.360 82
Psychology, Developmental 1.360 56
Nursing (SSCI) 1.500 39
Business 0.897 130
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 0.897 70
Communication 1.220 53
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.220 41
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 0.720 62
Communication 3.087 11
Political Science 3.190 18
International Relations 1.345 47
Sociology 0.455 133
Sociology 0.778 112
Communication 1.607 41
International Relations 1.877 21
Political Science 1.877 54
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 2.492 18
Management 2.492 92
Sociology 2.492 24
Psychology, Applied 1.518 48
Criminology & Penology 1.965 20
Criminology & Penology 1.737 25
Sociology 1.737 48
Criminology & Penology 2.164 17
Psychology, Clinical 2.164 58
Criminology & Penology 1.485 28
Social Issues 2.185 13
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 2.185 19
Sociology 1.481 62
Anthropology 0.911 55
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.324 54
Environmental Studies 1.736 84
Geography 1.736 45
Sociology 1.239 81
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.338 73
Sociology 1.746 47
Gerontology 2.238 12
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.910 65
Geography 3.875 5
Communication 0.983 66
Communication 1.237 52
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.237 79
Sociology 1.237 82
Communication 1.678 38
Area Studies 0.524 55
Political Science 0.524 151
Industrial Relations & Labor 1.557 11
Economics 1.254 174
Industrial Relations & Labor 1.254 16
Development Studies 0.776 35
Economics 0.776 267
Urban Studies 0.776 37
Education & Educational Research 0.972 183
Urban Studies 0.972 33
Education & Educational Research 2.313 47
Psychology, Educational 2.051 18
Psychology, Mathematical 2.051 5
Education & Educational Research 3.127 18
Education & Educational Research 1.804 87
Education & Educational Research 1.955 69
Education & Educational Research 3.386 9
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 4.547 9
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.000 94
Environmental Studies 1.092 102
Business 6.193 12
Environmental Studies 4.093 19
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 4.093 12
Environmental Studies 2.459 48
Geography 2.459 28
Environmental Studies 2.825 41
Geography 2.825 21
Regional & Urban Planning 2.825 12
Urban Studies 2.825 8
Environmental Studies 2.382 51
Geography 2.382 29
Public Administration 2.382 14
Regional & Urban Planning 2.382 16
Environmental Studies 2.730 43
Geography 2.730 25
Environmental Studies 3.015 38
Urban Studies 3.015 7
Ethnic Studies 1.066 11
Anthropology 1.034 49
Sociology 1.034 96
History 0.415 59
Political Science 0.415 160
Nursing (SSCI) 2.497 8
Communication 2.015 29
Criminology & Penology 2.211 16
Cultural Studies 0.773 19
Industrial Relations & Labor 1.347 14
International Relations 2.756 11
Sociology 1.443 64
Women's Studies 1.023 21
Education & Educational Research 2.000 63
Political Science 2.600 30
Environmental Studies 2.375 52
Regional & Urban Planning 2.375 17
Urban Studies 2.375 13
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.843 28
Health Policy & Services 1.604 54
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.297 55
Psychology, Experimental 1.823 51
Education, Special 2.854 1
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 2.854 1
Family Studies 0.819 36
Social Work 0.819 32
Business 6.188 13
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.538 58
Women's Studies 1.538 10
Criminology & Penology 1.750 24
Women's Studies 0.932 25
Women's Studies 1.111 19
Anthropology 2.020 19
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 2.020 20
Linguistics 1.032 79
Psychology, Developmental 1.032 65
Education, Special 1.327 23
Psychology, Developmental 1.327 59
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.327 39
Cultural Studies 0.200 37
Communication 1.574 42
Cultural Studies 1.574 5
Sociology 3.058 12
Women's Studies 3.058 2
Management 0.759 199
Psychology, Applied 0.759 71
Education, Special 1.304 24
Psychology, Educational 1.304 41
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.253 117
Management 3.104 68
Psychology, Applied 3.104 16
Psychology, Social 2.641 17
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 2.190 49
Education & Educational Research 0.839 198
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 0.839 147
Health Policy & Services 1.742 48
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.480 93
Social Sciences, Biomedical 1.480 24
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.545 89
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0.733 114
History Of Social Sciences 0.500 22
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.500 137
History & Philosophy Of Science (SSCI) 0.744 22
History & Philosophy Of Science (SSCI) 0.839 20
History Of Social Sciences 0.839 12
Criminology & Penology 1.310 34
Ergonomics 2.649 2
Psychology, Applied 2.649 24
Management 3.367 54
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 3.367 3
Management 2.487 93
Industrial Relations & Labor 2.198 8
History 0.622 36
Women's Studies 0.233 41
Information Science & Library Science 1.265 45
Health Policy & Services 0.769 75
Communication 0.944 70
International Relations 0.708 76
Gerontology 1.175 26
Psychology, Developmental 1.175 64
Psychology, Developmental 2.015 34
Linguistics 1.259 57
Business 1.293 116
Communication 1.293 48
Sociology 1.289 74
Cultural Studies 1.122 8
Health Policy & Services 1.750 47
Business 0.726 136
Education & Educational Research 0.506 221
Criminology & Penology 1.871 22
Psychology, Applied 1.871 41
Communication 3.000 12
Political Science 3.000 23
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.949 117
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 2.257 17
Psychiatry (SSCI) 1.370 96
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.253 40
Psychology, Applied 1.253 57
Demography 1.738 11
Political Science 1.769 65
Environmental Studies 1.447 94
Regional & Urban Planning 1.447 32
Urban Studies 1.447 28
International Relations 1.385 43
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.771 30
Sociology 1.771 45
Public Administration 2.174 17
Business 3.706 36
Management 3.706 47
Social Work 0.603 38
Sociology 1.169 88
Education, Special 0.682 36
Psychology, Experimental 1.367 70
Psychology, Developmental 2.073 29
Gerontology 2.007 15
Health Policy & Services 2.007 37
Management 1.676 141
Psychology, Applied 1.676 44
Gerontology 2.248 11
Area Studies 0.433 61
Psychiatry (SSCI) 3.656 29
Psychology, Developmental 3.656 13
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.516 61
Ethnic Studies 0.621 17
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 0.621 80
Business 0.900 129
Communication 0.900 71
Psychology, Applied 1.707 43
Psychology, Applied 1.431 50
Nursing (SSCI) 1.505 38
International Relations 2.471 14
Political Science 2.471 37
Cultural Studies 1.670 4
Sociology 1.670 51
Criminology & Penology 1.000 46
Sociology 0.895 105
Urban Studies 0.895 35
History 0.769 22
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.101 130
Psychology, Social 1.416 41
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 0.854 56
Substance Abuse (SSCI) 1.118 29
Family Studies 1.750 15
Psychology, Developmental 1.750 48
Education, Special 1.294 25
Psychology, Educational 1.294 42
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.294 43
Education & Educational Research 1.767 92
Psychology, Mathematical 1.767 7
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 1.767 18
Education & Educational Research 1.543 114
Education, Special 1.775 12
Psychology, Educational 1.775 25
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.775 50
Ethics 1.234 25
Linguistics 0.864 94
Development Studies 3.156 7
Environmental Studies 3.156 32
Regional & Urban Planning 3.156 10
Public Administration 2.119 18
Social Issues 2.119 14
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.812 125
Psychology, Clinical 0.812 108
Anthropology 0.340 85
Family Studies 0.340 43
History 0.340 66
History Of Social Sciences 0.340 31
Family Studies 1.607 20
Family Studies 1.891 13
Nursing (SSCI) 1.891 22
Psychology, Social 2.419 20
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 2.419 39
Social Sciences, Biomedical 2.419 11
Sociology 2.419 25
Psychology, Clinical 2.256 53
Health Policy & Services 2.303 27
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 2.849 13
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.591 54
Industrial Relations & Labor 1.714 10
Information Science & Library Science 2.327 26
Information Science & Library Science 3.125 14
Management 3.125 65
Business 3.375 47
Criminology & Penology 3.064 9
Family Studies 3.064 5
Psychology, Applied 3.064 17
Communication 1.014 64
Linguistics 1.014 80
Psychology, Social 1.014 55
Ethics 0.734 38
Law 0.734 103
Management 1.597 146
Education, Special 2.578 4
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 2.578 4
Information Science & Library Science 1.203 51
Education & Educational Research 1.886 76
Psychology, Educational 1.886 22
Business 1.517 111
Business 9.056 4
Management 9.056 3
Psychology, Applied 9.056 1
Management 1.986 125
Business 7.821 6
Business 4.200 26
Anthropology 0.958 53
Cultural Studies 0.958 14
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 3.524 1
History 0.483 50
Health Policy & Services 0.364 80
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 0.364 162
International Relations 2.518 13
Political Science 2.518 35
Nursing (SSCI) 1.670 28
Regional & Urban Planning 2.667 15
Urban Studies 2.667 11
Regional & Urban Planning 2.125 21
Urban Studies 2.125 16
Education, Special 2.641 2
Psychology, Clinical 2.641 39
Psychology, Educational 1.404 35
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0.326 133
Business 2.457 66
Criminology & Penology 3.273 7
Education & Educational Research 0.820 199
Nursing (SSCI) 1.768 24
Business 4.071 29
Communication 1.678 38
Family Studies 1.678 19
Psychology, Social 1.678 35
Anthropology 1.323 39
Social Work 1.178 19
Sociology 1.096 91
Development Studies 0.231 41
Education, Special 1.537 18
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.308 39
Sociology 1.308 72
Economics 1.107 203
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.107 44
Education & Educational Research 2.547 33
Education & Educational Research 3.263 12
Nursing (SSCI) 1.111 74
Psychiatry (SSCI) 1.111 112
Psychiatry (SSCI) 0.867 122
Psychology, Psychoanalysis 0.867 1
Political Science 0.922 120
Nursing (SSCI) 1.278 60
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 5.338 4
History Of Social Sciences 0.339 32
Urban Studies 0.339 38
Business 1.865 93
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.865 29
Cultural Studies 0.133 40
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 0.627 64
Communication 2.691 15
Communication 2.030 28
Linguistics 0.692 114
Linguistics 1.436 45
Psychology, Experimental 1.436 64
Education & Educational Research 2.319 45
Linguistics 2.319 18
Linguistics 1.154 65
Area Studies 0.718 41
Political Science 0.718 141
Management 1.246 168
Education, Special 1.525 19
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.525 31
Communication 1.193 56
Management 1.193 175
Management 1.935 129
Business 3.577 40
Communication 0.713 77
Communication 1.886 35
Sociology 1.886 41
Health Policy & Services 2.577 20
Law 0.532 122
Cultural Studies 1.984 2
History 1.984 1
Sociology 1.923 39
International Relations 1.684 30
Communication 2.333 19
Area Studies 1.100 19
Psychology, Experimental 1.250 76
Law 1.120 70
Communication 4.800 2
Social Issues 1.925 15
Substance Abuse (SSCI) 0.875 31
Ethics 1.957 11
Nursing (SSCI) 1.957 21
Nursing (SSCI) 0.773 98
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.127 87
Social Sciences, Biomedical 1.127 34
Management 2.704 83
Environmental Studies 8.500 4
Management 8.500 4
Management 3.543 51
Management 4.111 36
Psychology, Applied 4.111 11
Management 6.551 13
Psychology, Applied 6.551 5
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.234 46
Political Science 2.615 29
Psychology, Experimental 1.503 62
Psychology, Experimental 1.049 83
Psychology, Social 2.603 18
Psychology, Social 9.903 1
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 3.033 19
Education & Educational Research 0.368 232
Ethics 0.604 44
Regional & Urban Planning 3.419 7
Criminology & Penology 3.368 6
Political Science 1.581 75
Political Science 1.624 73
Political Science 1.185 103
Political Science 0.912 121
International Relations 1.377 44
Political Science 1.377 89
Political Science 2.268 41
Social Issues 2.268 10
Sociology 2.268 29
Ethics 0.650 42
Political Science 0.650 147
Criminology & Penology 1.187 40
Development Studies 1.125 30
Geography 6.576 3
Management 2.043 121
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.023 93
Psychology, Applied 1.381 54
Psychology, Educational 1.381 36
Psychology, Experimental 1.381 69
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 3.264 21
Women's Studies 3.264 1
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 2.039 56
Industrial Relations & Labor 0.789 20
Public Administration 0.789 40
Public Administration 1.813 26
Communication 2.754 13
History & Philosophy Of Science (SSCI) 2.754 2
Criminology & Penology 2.423 15
Information Science & Library Science 3.030 16
Social Sciences, Biomedical 3.030 4
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 3.030 9
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.795 30
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 3.141 5
Sociology 3.141 9
Social Work 0.946 28
Psychology, Experimental 2.488 28
Anthropology 1.200 41
Ethnic Studies 1.200 10
Social Issues 1.200 28
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.200 60
Sociology 1.200 85
Sociology 0.531 129
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 0.854 56
Education, Special 2.617 3
Education, Special 1.795 11
Rehabilitation (SSCI) 1.795 16
Gerontology 1.675 19
Social Work 1.270 14
Education & Educational Research 8.985 1
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 2.786 27
Public Administration 2.825 9
Economics 0.568 311
Education & Educational Research 2.488 35
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 0.675 78
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI 1.761 72
Psychology, Educational 1.413 34
Communication 2.302 21
Management 0.647 207
Social Issues 3.160 4
Education & Educational Research 1.750 94
Linguistics 1.750 30
International Relations 2.295 16
Criminology & Penology 3.433 5
Psychology, Clinical 3.433 20
Sociology 1.474 63
Management 1.222 171
Psychology, Applied 1.222 58
Psychology, Social 1.222 47
Sociology 0.625 118
Psychology, Social 3.605 6
Psychology, Social 1.750 32
Information Science & Library Science 2.922 18
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 2.922 10
Information Science & Library Science 0.763 65
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 0.763 76
History & Philosophy Of Science (SSCI) 2.427 3
Sociology 1.280 75
Sociology 1.545 59
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 3.102 5
Sociology 3.102 11
Sociology 0.827 110
Sociology 1.181 87
Sociology 2.151 32
Sociology 2.171 31
Sociology 2.817 16
Education & Educational Research 3.146 16
Sociology 3.146 8
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0.782 109
Cultural Studies 0.800 17
Geography 0.800 74
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods 1.796 16
Political Science 1.675 70
Business 3.109 52
Management 3.109 67
Education & Educational Research 0.884 191
Education & Educational Research 0.980 180
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 0.980 98
Education & Educational Research 1.019 175
Sociology 1.019 97
Communication 1.245 51
Criminology & Penology 2.000 18
Psychology, Multidisciplinary 1.106 88
Cultural Studies 2.174 1
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.727 33
Education, Special 1.615 14
Economics 1.098 204
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.098 45
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism 1.391 37
Anthropology 1.558 27
Psychiatry (SSCI) 1.558 87
Criminology & Penology 5.457 1
Family Studies 5.457 1
Social Work 5.457 1
Urban Studies 2.081 19
Education & Educational Research 2.043 59
Urban Studies 2.043 20
Environmental Studies 3.272 29
Urban Studies 3.272 5
Women's Studies 1.636 9
Communication 0.767 74
History 0.238 81
International Relations 0.238 87
Nursing (SSCI) 1.457 43
Industrial Relations & Labor 2.655 5
Sociology 2.655 19
Economics 2.364 72
Industrial Relations & Labor 2.364 7
Sociology 2.364 26
Nursing (SSCI) 0.922 91
Communication 1.219 54
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 1.160 62
Sociology 1.160 89
Social Issues 2.523 5
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary 2.523 13
Sociology 2.523 22
Criminology & Penology 1.000 46
Criminology & Penology 2.981 10
No. of Journals in JCR 5-yr IF 5-yr IF
category rank
148 2.300 48
217 0.943 178
104 0.943 67
243 3.378 30
88 1.319 82
104 1.319 57
47 1.939 27
147 10.360 7
217 10.360 7
243 1.557 148
43 1.188 28
44 1.188 23
74 0.888 36
91 0.688 75
130 3.450 31
104 3.450 7
243 4.861 11
104 1.744 43
162 2.681 49
148 0.894 93
162 1.799 91
176 1.345 97
47 2.779 17
148 7.380 2
176 3.046 37
104 3.046 14
116 6.289 12
90 1.702 32
13 1.410 11
49 1.410 29
137 0.723 114
176 1.209 110
148 1.209 99
29 1.173 21
162 1.385 120
130 4.281 17
243 0.733 207
142 0.935 122
65 1.397 40
142 4.410 23
243 1.761 129
147 1.600 96
217 1.600 148
74 4.724 11
130 2.286 64
41 1.593 23
130 1.593 85
59 1.593 44
148 2.216 49
69 1.013 60
91 2.344 22
176 2.344 56
147 4.717 38
147 5.331 30
217 5.331 43
69 1.381 53
142 4.278 25
41 1.459 27
184 1.459 70
46 4.091 4
43 4.091 2
104 2.297 25
74 1.481 13
142 1.006 121
130 1.006 102
142 1.457 108
130 1.457 89
74 1.457 60
118 1.633 51
147 1.192 104
104 1.192 61
88 2.144 35
52 2.144 28
69 0.968 61
88 4.144 7
176 4.262 12
91 2.120 26
148 0.755 119
148 0.743 120
88 1.601 48
91 2.308 23
176 2.308 58
52 3.851 11
217 3.851 72
148 3.851 13
82 2.135 46
65 2.377 20
65 1.667 33
148 1.667 77
65 2.710 17
130 2.710 49
65 1.957 28
42 2.510 14
104 2.510 19
148 1.515 82
90 1.224 48
104 1.420 52
116 2.674 53
83 2.674 30
148 1.705 74
137 1.556 72
148 2.505 39
36 2.382 15
162 2.148 68
88 1.194 58
88 1.707 44
137 1.707 66
148 1.707 73
88 1.949 41
74 0.832 39
176 0.832 131
27 1.547 15
363 1.094 226
27 1.094 20
41 1.778 23
363 1.778 150
40 1.778 26
243 1.018 187
40 1.018 35
243 3.189 41
59 2.864 17
13 2.864 5
243 3.567 26
243 2.277 82
243 2.000 111
243 5.569 7
137 5.550 12
137 1.048 96
116 0.794 101
147 9.547 10
116 4.524 19
137 4.524 16
116 3.146 37
83 3.146 22
116 2.565 57
83 2.565 32
39 2.565 19
40 2.565 15
116 2.764 46
83 2.764 29
47 2.764 18
39 2.764 15
116 3.078 39
83 3.078 24
116 3.429 34
40 3.429 10
18 1.540 9
90 1.424 38
148 1.424 87
95 0.317 72
176 0.317 160
118 2.486 17
88 2.636 24
65 2.187 22
41 1.414 9
27 1.957 11
91 3.579 9
148 1.838 67
44 1.545 19
243 2.273 84
176 2.914 42
116 2.897 44
39 2.897 14
40 2.897 13
104 2.356 22
81 2.574 28
104 1.625 45
88 1.739 67
41 4.211 1
69 4.211 1
46 0.947 36
43 0.947 33
147 7.071 19
137 1.669 67
44 1.669 17
65 2.329 21
44 1.670 16
44 1.968 12
90 1.762 31
104 1.762 41
184 1.483 67
74 1.483 59
41 2.275 15
74 2.275 41
69 2.275 19
41 0.234 36
88 1.685 45
41 1.685 5
148 4.382 8
44 4.382 1
217 0.759 185
82 0.759 76
41 1.587 24
59 1.587 45
162 1.187 136
217 4.079 68
82 4.079 17
63 2.695 25
162 2.613 51
243 1.048 185
162 1.048 141
81 2.014 42
162 1.614 106
45 1.614 27
162 1.634 104
137 1.306 82
34 0.553 24
142 0.553 132
46 0.804 21
46 0.719 24
34 0.719 19
65 1.898 30
16 2.857 2
82 2.857 30
217 4.360 62
104 4.360 2
217 2.586 108
27 2.701 8
95 0.659 29
44 0.330 39
89 1.252 49
81 0.812 71
88 1.197 57
91 0.615 76
36 1.301 25
74 1.301 64
74 2.423 36
184 1.672 57
148 1.604 78
41 1.356 11
81 1.695 52
147 1.175 105
243 0.945 194
65 1.962 27
82 1.962 51
88 3.712 11
176 3.712 22
142 1.289 114
104 2.070 32
142 1.778 89
52 1.165 41
82 1.165 67
29 3.058 6
176 2.074 67
116 1.522 92
39 1.522 33
40 1.522 31
91 1.397 48
52 2.095 30
148 2.095 59
47 2.300 21
147 4.946 34
217 4.946 47
43 1.042 31
148 1.503 83
41 0.645 39
88 1.394 76
74 1.979 52
36 2.529 11
81 2.529 29
217 2.585 109
82 2.585 36
36 2.310 17
74 0.671 48
142 3.570 41
74 3.570 21
137 1.931 57
18 0.693 14
104 0.693 76
147 1.468 98
88 1.468 51
82 1.929 54
82 1.560 58
118 1.611 54
91 3.447 11
176 3.447 28
41 3.095 2
148 3.095 25
65 2.018 24
148 1.449 86
40 1.449 33
95 0.738 24
162 1.250 130
63 2.256 35
69 1.179 57
35 1.299 29
46 2.242 15
74 2.242 44
41 2.165 18
59 2.165 29
69 2.165 25
243 2.687 56
13 2.687 7
49 2.687 12
243 1.542 149
41 2.539 8
59 2.539 21
137 2.539 42
54 1.485 20
184 0.917 107
41 2.595 13
116 2.595 56
39 2.595 18
47 3.320 12
42 3.320 4
142 0.878 125
130 0.878 110
90 0.442 82
46 0.442 44
95 0.442 57
34 0.442 29
46 2.160 18
46 2.710 13
118 2.710 10
63 4.313 8
162 4.313 9
45 4.313 2
148 4.313 9
130 2.272 66
81 2.264 36
52 4.117 10
137 1.263 85
27 1.575 14
89 2.155 33
89 4.721 10
217 4.721 50
147 5.030 32
65 2.821 15
46 2.821 11
82 2.821 31
88 1.761 43
184 1.761 51
63 1.761 46
54 1.373 26
148 1.373 60
217 2.485 114
41 3.273 4
69 3.273 5
89 1.482 43
243 2.307 79
59 2.307 27
147 2.368 77
147 12.909 3
217 12.909 3
82 12.909 1
217 2.058 125
147 8.829 12
147 6.007 26
90 1.232 47
41 1.232 14
104 3.277 10
95 0.465 52
81 1.228 65
162 1.228 132
91 3.745 5
176 3.745 21
118 2.015 32
39 2.673 16
40 2.673 14
39 4.109 5
40 4.109 3
41 2.728 5
130 2.728 48
59 1.586 46
137 0.926 103
147 2.460 75
65 4.000 7
243 1.224 174
118 1.750 45
147 7.067 20
88 2.235 30
46 2.235 16
63 2.235 36
90 1.282 43
43 1.275 24
148 1.481 84
41 0.368 41
41 2.394 10
52 1.720 35
148 1.720 70
363 1.386 190
52 1.386 38
243 3.293 34
243 5.000 9
118 1.595 55
142 1.595 99
142 0.674 131
13 0.674 5
176 0.909 124
118 1.426 67
52 6.331 4
34 0.416 30
40 0.416 38
41 0.490 26
69 0.845 65
88 2.830 18
88 2.291 29
184 0.853 110
184 1.809 50
88 1.809 64
243 2.805 49
184 2.805 17
184 2.068 40
74 0.906 34
176 0.906 125
217 2.197 121
41 1.853 21
69 1.853 35
88 1.986 40
217 1.986 130
217 2.597 106
147 4.159 48
88 0.638 79
88 2.152 33
148 2.152 55
81 3.455 12
148 0.606 111
41 1.572 6
95 1.572 3
148 2.600 35
91 1.688 37
88 2.677 23
74 1.423 16
88 1.611 70
148 1.029 81
88 5.267 3
42 2.901 8
35 0.876 30
54 2.530 7
118 2.530 15
118 0.784 105
137 1.029 99
45 1.029 39
217 3.709 75
116 8.551 4
217 8.551 14
217 5.240 44
217 3.986 69
82 3.986 20
217 10.926 6
82 10.926 3
69 1.478 48
176 2.796 45
88 1.340 81
88 1.023 83
63 3.557 14
63 10.989 1
162 2.103 73
243 0.456 222
54 0.667 43
39 3.458 12
65 2.758 16
176 2.050 69
176 2.454 51
176 1.280 105
176 1.147 113
91 1.734 33
176 1.734 77
176 3.058 36
42 3.058 7
148 3.058 27
54 0.880 39
176 0.880 129
65 1.415 39
41 1.692 27
83 7.531 3
217 3.102 91
137 1.097 92
82 1.827 56
59 1.827 37
88 1.827 61
137 4.039 19
44 4.039 2
162 2.822 45
27 1.458 17
47 1.458 32
88 3.100 15
46 3.100 3
65 2.685 18
89 2.988 23
45 2.988 8
104 2.988 16
104 3.135 13
104 3.686 3
148 3.686 16
43 1.256 26
88 2.562 38
90 1.140 52
18 1.140 13
42 1.140 28
104 1.140 63
148 1.140 101
148 1.036 107
69 1.350 55
41 3.463 3
41 2.449 9
69 2.449 13
36 1.886 20
43 1.798 13
243 11.292 1
137 2.776 37
47 2.716 19
363 0.778 278
243 4.040 16
162 1.873 84
59 2.029 36
88 2.955 17
217 0.927 179
42 3.238 6
243 2.048 107
184 2.048 41
91 3.643 7
65 3.597 9
130 3.597 26
148 2.020 63
217 1.914 132
82 1.914 55
63 1.914 41
148 0.870 110
63 3.438 15
63 2.747 24
89 3.361 19
104 3.361 9
89 0.907 60
104 0.907 70
46 3.277 2
148 2.154 53
148 3.191 24
49 5.767 3
148 5.767 5
148 1.375 89
148 1.366 90
148 2.442 43
148 2.762 33
148 3.355 21
243 4.515 12
148 4.515 7
137 0.756 112
41 1.053 16
83 1.053 68
49 3.090 9
176 1.645 87
147 4.550 42
217 4.550 56
243 1.481 154
243 1.104 179
137 1.104 90
243 1.103 180
148 1.103 103
88 1.523 49
65 2.667 19
137 1.178 87
41 3.119 1
104 2.009 35
41 2.297 14
363 1.246 207
52 1.246 39
52 2.134 29
90 2.406 19
142 2.406 69
65 6.094 2
46 6.094 1
43 6.094 1
40 2.395 18
243 2.415 70
40 2.415 17
116 3.810 29
40 3.810 6
44 2.169 9
88 1.045 66
95 0.333 69
91 0.333 82
118 1.652 50
27 2.846 7
148 2.846 30
363 3.202 63
27 3.202 6
148 3.202 23
118 1.029 91
88 2.091 36
104 1.272 59
148 1.272 96
42 2.582 13
104 2.582 18
148 2.582 36
65 2.957 14

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