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InTech Diploma of business –make up assignment

Assignment 2
Activity 1:
For this activity students need to discuss more examples of situations in the business
environment that call for meeting to be organised. Student also need to discuss the
above example of situations in the business environment that calls for meetings to be
held and the examples’ effectiveness in each situation.

Ans. Purpose and Objective: The client for the Santossa Greenland project wants some
modification with the current design. Based on the findings from this session, we will
redesign the number of drawings to fine-tune our planning process.

Requested Participants: Bol Mayen- Project Manager

Design Engineer
Execution Department
Purchase Manager
Planning Manager
Quality department
Human Resource Department

Proposed Agenda:
1. Overview and agenda review by project Manager(15 minute)
2. Old drawing presentation and discussion of the problem with old drawings by Design
engineer(45 minute)
3. Proposed new drawing by design engineer (90 min)
4. Working lunch and reporting back (30 min)
5. Brainstorming discussion session on proposed design
6. Discussion wrap up and review of the next step by project manager

Old drawings are available on the server. The meeting summary and will be available 48
hours after the meeting. All the participants must be present in the meeting on time. And if
you cannot attend the meeting, please reply no later than 31st August, 2010.

Activity 2
Discuss the difference between formal and informal meetings.
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InTech Diploma of business –make up assignment

Ans. A formal meeting is a pre-planned meeting. It has a predetermined set of topics that
one wishes to discuss along with a set of objectives that one wishes to achieve at the end
of the meeting. At a formal meeting, generally it is a senior executive who presides over
the affair. The members of the meeting are often given a considerable period of notice
before the meeting, preferably through formal means such as memos. As the title suggest,
the atmosphere in such meetings is generally formal e.g. board room.

Informal meetings are generally not planned well in advance. The members are not
notified through formal means. They generally take place in neutral surroundings, for
example in a restaurant rather than a boardroom.

Activity 3
For this activity students need to research the definition of the following terms that
relates to meetings:

 A constitution
A constitution may be defined as an organization of offices in a state, by which the method
of their distribution is fixed, the sovereign authority is determined, and the nature of the
end to be pursued by the association and all its members is prescribed. Laws, as distinct
from the frame of the constitution, are the rules by which the magistrates should exercise
their powers, and should watch and check transgressors.

 A motion
Motion a proposal put before a meeting for discussion. Usually members of a company
who attend a meeting of the company receive a notice of motion to enable them to
consider the motion before the meeting.

 An agenda
An agenda is a list of points to be discussed at a meeting.

 A casting vote during a meeting

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InTech Diploma of business –make up assignment

A casting vote during a meeting is an extra vote that someone in charge of a meeting can
have, which is only used if there are exactly the same number of votes for and against

 General business as part of a meeting

General business items are announced singly by the Chairperson and a discussion or
debate follows each one. Motions that suggest methods of resolving issues are put forward
and to a vote. Once the motions receive a simple majority, or a majority as defined in the
standing orders, they become resolutions. Sometimes amendments to a motion are put
forward. Only after the amendments are debated and voted upon can the revised
substantive motion be brought to the vote.

 An amendment
An amendment is change in a legal document made by adding, altering, or omitting a
certain part or term. Amended documents, when properly executed, retain the
legal validity of the original document.

 A meeting notice
A meeting notice is the legal one-page notice to security holders stating the date, time and
place of the shareholder meeting. This page is normally attached to the front of the proxy

 Public meeting
Public meeting is an announced meeting conducted by transportation officials designed to
facilitate public participation in the decision-making process and to assist the public in
gaining an informed view of a proposed project during the Transportation Development

 Annual general meeting

An annual general meeting is a meeting that official bodies, and associations involving
the public , are often required by law to hold. An AGM is held every year to elect the
Board of Directors and inform their members of previous and future activities.

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InTech Diploma of business –make up assignment

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