Week 08 Final Draft Writing Lesson Plan

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Final Draft: Process Writing Lesson Plan

Context: (This section should be the same as your previous lesson.)

School Students Grade Level(s) Content Area Other
TAS 65 6th Grade ELA ––
Theme: Facing Challenges

 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact
and collaborate with others.

Content Objective(s): Language Objective(s):

Students will be able to . . . Students will be able to . . .
 Create their own autobiographical piece  Verbally share a piece of writing they
of writing based on a memory. created with their peers.
 Collaborate with their peers to gain  Revise a piece of writing based on peer
feedback on their memory pieces. feedback.

Instructional Sequence:
Note: This lesson was designed for a 100 minute block, which our school currently runs on.

 Do Now (10 mins)

o On your Do Now templates in Google Classroom, brainstorm a list of five or six of
your fondest childhood memories. These can be memories that are special to you or
that mean a lot to you for whatever reason. Start each bullet point with “I
Remember . . .” (Ex. I remember my 8 th birthday party or I remember going to the
 NOTE: On the whiteboard, provide a definition of the word fond.
 Share Out (7 mins)
o Because of the more personal nature of this Do Now, only student volunteers will be
chosen to share what they wrote.
 Introduce Lesson (8 mins)
o Have students quickly jot down their own definition for the word “autobiography” In
their notebooks. (They should know be familiar with this word from previous lessons).
Go around the room and check to see that their definitions are correct before moving
o So far in this unit, we have read excerpts from Francisco Jimenez’s “The Circuit” and
Mildred Taylor’s “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.” Both of these texts were
autobiographical, which we know means the authors were writing about events that
happened in their own life. Today, we will be writing our own autobiographies about
one of our fondest memories and posting them to our online blog.
 “I Remember” Activity (30 mins)
o Make sure you have your Chromebooks out and your “I Remember” lists (on Google
Classroom) out in front of you and review what you typed up.
o Looking at your list, write down one name that you associate (or think about) with
each of the memories you selected.
o Write down the most important sense that goes with each of your memories (touch,
sight, smell, hearing, taste).
o Now, choose the “I Remember” that you would most like to write about and share
this memory with the people sitting in your group. – 15 minutes
o Next, write out the part of the memory that makes it memorable or important to you.
Share this with your group.
o Finally, writing as fast as you can for 10 minutes, see how much of the memory you
can jot down in your Google Doc. Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation for this
part of the activity.
 Peer Collaboration (20 minutes)
o In your groups, you will each take turns sharing out what your wrote. Each member of
your group will give you suggestions on what could be improved to make your paper
more clear.
o As students are working in groups, the teacher will be observing their participation
and filling out a simple 1 2 3 4 rubric for how well they shared and listened to their
group members.

 Blog it! (25 minutes)

o After receiving feedback from their peers, students will have the opportunity to revise
what they wrote and post it to our classroom blog.
o Because the whole class has access to our blog, once students have submitted their
work online, they will be able to read what their classmates all posted and leave
positive feedback on what was shared.

Lesson Rationale:
 “By discussing authorship in the context of their own reading and writing experiences,
students come to see themselves in a new light and gain a deeper understanding of the
relationship between reading and writing” (Peregoy 293).
 The “I Remember” writing activity for this lesson allows English learners to write about their
own memories, through which they are able to bring a wealth of experience and knowledge.
 By allowing students the opportunity to post their work to an online blog, students will be
held accountable for posting work they are proud of and will have the opportunity to
celebrate their work and the work of their peers.

Assessment Integration Rationale:

 In the “Introduce Lesson” portion of class, the teacher will check students’ understanding of
the word “autobiography” to make sure everyone is on the same page before moving on.
 In the “Peer Collaboration,” the teacher will be filling out a brief rubric for each student to
better determine how well each student performs in their group. This data will assist the
teach in identifying which students can present well to a group, and which students still need
additional support.
Technology Integration Rationale:

 Having students type up their responses to the “I Remember” activity helps shift the focus
away from penmanship and messy writing and helps them organize their thoughts on a
Google document in Google Classroom. The Google document also helps students when it
comes to revising their work since they will only need to clean it up rather than rewrite it
 Allowing students to publish their work on our online blog not only enables students to
celebrate the “publishing” of their work, but it allows them the opportunity to improve their
online literacy skills.

Color Key
Purple Reading Strategies Integration
Blue Technology Integration(s)
Green Assessment Integrations

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