English V

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Q1 A. Give one word for the following: 5 Marks

a. A steep rock face on the coast:

b. A right to act or speak freely:
c. A course along which someone or something moves:
d. Move across a sea:
e. Violent rush of wind:
f. Costly:
g. Very tasty:
h. A pot usually made of mud:
i. Speaking unclearly:
j. Narrow gaps/ openings:

Q1 B. Write the poem. ‘The Kite’ 2 Marks

When string ……………………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………….. Top of a tree.

Q1 C. Answer the following questions: 7 Marks

a. Where did the dogs live in early days?

b. Who wrote the poem ‘The Kite’?
c. Who did the dog choose third as his master?
d. Who did dog finally choose as his master?
e. Who wrote the poem ‘A house of home’?
f. Why did the dog leave bear as his master?
g. Why did the dog leave wolf as his master?

Q1 D. Answer the following questions: 6 Marks

a. Why did the dog choose man as his master?

b. What is a home?
c. What are the things that we need to build a house?
d. Why did the emperor reward Taro?

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