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FORM LD2 NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A LAYOUT:DESIGN [Section 11(1), Rule 33] (Tobe filled in triplicate) s Inthe matter of Application No, —————— by 1 we’ ——— hereby give notice of my (our) intention to oppose the registration of the semiconductor integrated circuit layout-design advertised under the above number in the semiconductor integrated circuits layout-design Journal dated the ———— day of — 20— , No. page —. The grounds of opposition are as follows,» All communication in relation o these proceedings may be ent othe following address in India’ Dated this day of ———. To ‘The Registrar of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Office of the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Registry at’ —. Slate ll eae and ads, An ads fi servic in Indi shoul be given if the oppeert has no plac of basins or resident in India Give proofdtils if opposition ison the ground tha he lyoutdsin apliedforregitration is not origina, Give proof fhe opposition ison the ground that he layout-dsign has been commercially exploited fora period more than wo years nthe date on which the aplication i applied for registration. |. Tobe sated ely by an opponet who his given the aes of his principal place of busines or frien in nda but who sie to give forthe purposes ofthe oposton proceedings addres in India different frm tat adres, Signature of the applicant or his agent (legtl practitioner or registered layout-design agent or person inthe sole and regular employment of the applicant. See section 84.) 6. State the name ofthe pce ofthe appropri ofce ofthe Semiconducor Integrated Cres Layout Design Regis.

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