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He gives a kind of teleological argument to support the claim of God’s existence.

This is universe is very organized

and the living things in this univers are also very much appears to be very much organized. There must be

someone who is behind this organizing act. Since we have the capacity to reason it will help us to know the law

that is given by God.

If there had not been natural laws then there would have not been limitation in human action. And
nobody would have thought about anybody. This means that we would have done what seems
pleasurable and there would have been no snese in which anyone could be considered virtuous or
vicious. The existence of the natural law, then, allows us to be sensitive to the
fact that there are certain pleasures that are more in line with what is
objectively right. He suggests that the studious man, who takes all his
pleasures from reading and learning will eventually be unable to ignore his
desires for food and drink. Likewise, the “Epicure,” whose only interest is in
the sensory pleasures of food and drink, will eventually turn his attention to
study when shame or the desire to “recommend himself to his Mistress” will
raise his uneasiness for knowledge

Ex- teleological argument: by our senses we come to know the objects

external world and, importantly, the regularities with which they move and
change. We also see that we human beings are part of the movements and
changes of the external world. Reason, then, contemplates these regularities
and orders of change and motion and naturally comes to inquire about their
origin. The conclusion of such an inquiry, states Locke, is that a powerful and
wise creator exists.

Locke says we can not be the creator of ourselves because we are imperfect
and we can not give eternal life. So there must be creator God. and that God
has power to command us. And he has the authority to do as he wants us to

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