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mint IN DETAIL 13



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The new draft of the Direct Tax Code (DTC)
alters the proposals that were presented in
the earlier version. Here’s a look at how it
compares with the existing provisions and the
earlier version of the DTC.
Income from
benefits and perquisites THE ROUGH EDGES
Retirement benefits exempt from taxability


subject to specific monetary limits
envisaged under the concerned provisions A nine-month-long wait has ended with the government
presenting a revised draft of the Direct Tax Code (DTC) on
Tuesday. The new code, slated to replace the five-decade-old
Retirement benefits to be exempt only if deposited in retirement income-tax law, will be tabled in Parliament in the upcoming
benefits account and will be subject to tax on withdrawal monsoon session. A reading of the revised code and the
PROVISION fine-tuning of the original proposals in the draft Bill show the
Minimum alternate tax (MAT) Contribution of employer towards specified retirement benefits to government’s commitment to implementing the new legislation
continue to be exempt subject to specified monetary limits. with the least possible resistance from both taxpayers and the
INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 Scheme of setting up retirement benefits account dispensed with. tax administration.
MAT levy on book profits: 18% Method of valuation of perquisites to be notified The draft Bill, unveiled in August last year, generated a large
number of suggestions from industry and experts alike. After
ORIGINAL DIRECT TAX CODE BILL (DTC) taking into consideration the proposals and concerns of
MAT levy on gross assets: stakeholders, the working committee reworked the original
2% (0.25% for banks) draft with significant changes in 11 areas.
Not surprisingly, the proposal to levy a gross assets tax (at a
Wealth tax flat 2%) was left out in favour of the current minimum alternate
Book profits to continue to form the basis for application of MAT. tax (MAT) on book profits. The rate of tax determination has,
Rate to be decided Wealth Tax Act, 1957 to apply however, been left out and I hope that the rates are brought to
a reasonable level compared with the present 18%. Replacing
“gross assets” with “book profits” as the basis for the MAT levy
Wealth tax to be levied at the rate of would be cheered by non-banking finance companies and
0.25% on net wealth in excess of Rs50 insurance companies in particular, which have been on
crore on the date of valuation tenterhooks since the Bill was unveiled. However, leaving the
Taxation of savings instruments tax rate determination to the legislature is a setback. The only
Wealth tax to be levied broadly on the same lines as provided in logical reason I can think of for procrastinating on the rate
the Wealth Tax Act, 1957. Wealth tax not to apply to NPOs
Exempt, exempt, exempt (EEE) scheme determination is the lack of data on what lower tax rates augur,
applicable in respect of specified savings coupled with a deferral of tax liability on capital-linked
Exempt, exempt, taxation scheme: Sweeping powers accorded to the tax administration for
withdrawal at any stage from savings overriding tax treaty provisions have been rightly fettered, in
scheme to attract tax General Anti-Avoidance line with the spirit of the Vienna Convention. Limited
Rules (GAAR) provisions have been enabled for domestic law, overriding the
tax treaty in circumstances where the General Anti-Avoidance
EEE scheme to continue for specified savings, viz GPF, PPF, RPF, Rules (GAAR) or Foreign-Controlled Corporation (FCC)
specified pension fund; approved pure life insurance products NO concept of GAAR is envisaged
under the extant provisions provisions are invoked or where foreign companies are paying
and annuity schemes. EET to apply for other saving instruments branch office tax. The last rider can leave foreign companies in
a tizzy until the fine print of DTC is available.
Tax authorities given power to use provision in case the
In another positive move, GAAR provisions have been
purpose is to obtain tax benefit
proposed to be made more specific, with guidelines to be
prescribed by the Central Board of Direct Taxes for tax
Specific situations prescribed that will trigger application of administration invoking GAAR; yet, I believe the mere two
GAAR provisions. Further, certain safeguards against
Non-profit organizations (NPOs) application of GAAR also prescribed
pages devoted to this important piece of legislation do not
reflect its significance. For
instance, qualitative tests for a
Income of NPOs exempt subject to the COLUMN transaction lacking commercial
specified threshold limit and conditions expediency or bonafide business
for utilization of funds purpose, or arm’s length nature or misuse or abuse of the code,
Long-term capital gains (LTCG) objective thinking that may be required in framing the rules.
NPOs to be taxed at 15% of total income on on transfer of listed securities/ The “effective management test” prescribed for residence of
a foreign company in India would allay misgivings of
the basis of cash system of accounting equity-oriented fund multinational companies; the introduction of explicit FCC
provisions would certainly be a dampener for Indian
Exempt, if transaction of sale is multinational companies that were otherwise not paying tax in
Basic exemption limit to be prescribed in respect of income of NPO undertaken at stock exchange (securities India on non-repatriated part of their offshore earnings.
from charitable activities. Public religious trusts and transaction tax, or STT, is payable) Whereas such legislations are prevalent in many jurisdictions,
religious-cum-charitable trusts eligible for exemption subject to it is premature in the Indian context as domestic companies
specified conditions LTCG on transfer of listed securities to be taxed at special rate of have internationalized only in the past decade. I will earnestly
30%. Indexation benefit will be available where asset is held for hope that the FCC regime, if introduced, is adequately
more than a year buttressed by robust foreign credit mechanisms to mitigate the
impact on profit after tax.
Graded taxation for LTCG. Gain after specified percentage of The revised discussion paper has mixed tidings for foreign
deduction taxable as ordinary income. Specified percentage of institutional investors (FIIs); while clarity on income
Concept of residence in case of a deduction to be separately prescribed. Indexation benefit not characterization for FIIs would save expensive litigation, the
company incorporated outside India available in this case. Rate to be decided classification of income as a capital gain is likely to translate
into higher tax costs for investors. Rethinking the calibration of
the securities transaction tax could be a double whammy for
Foreign company will be treated as resident in FIIs, especially where gains are taxable as short-term capital
India if the ‘whole of control and management’ gains at ordinary income-tax rates. The dilution of special
of its affairs is situated in India taxation of long-term capital gains in listed securities in favour
LTCG on transfer of other of graded taxation would mitigate the misery of taxpayers to
Foreign company will be treated as resident in investment assets (other listed some extent, especially for long-term strategic investors and
India if the ‘control and management’ of its securities/equity-oriented fund) individual traders.
affairs is situated ‘wholly or partly’ in India In another encouraging proposal for industry, the revised
discussion paper proposes to allow existing tax benefits for
Taxable at the rate of 20% special economic zones to (SEZs) run their full course; it,
A company incorporated outside India will be treated as however, remains to be seen in the fine print of DTC whether
resident in India if its ‘place of effective management’ is in Taxable at special rate of 30%. Indexation this would apply to all units existing until the date of
India. ‘Place of effective management’ defined benefit will be available where asset is held commencement of the code. A lack of clarity as to the manner
for more than a year of computation of a tax holiday for SEZ units (income-based or
investment-linked), however, is a handicap.
Taxable as ordinary income of taxpayer. Indexation For individual taxpayers, the government has, in a bold
benefit to be available. Rate to be decided move, proposed restoring the EEE (exempt-exempt-exempt)
Double Taxation Avoidance taxation scheme for savings instruments such as Government
Provident Fund, Public Provident Fund, Statutory Provident
Agreement (DTAA) Fund and approved pure life insurance products and annuity
schemes. Nevertheless, the EET (exempt-exempt-tax) scheme
Provisions of the DTAA to prevail over Short-term capital gain (STCG) for other saving instruments would still hurt certain classes of
domestic law, if DTAA provisions more
beneficial to the taxpayer on transfer of investment assets investors who have exposure to unit-linked saving schemes.
In summary, I assess this interim effort on the government’s
part as laudable and encouraging. Clearly, the government has
Taxable at 15% (if STT is payable). In other
In the case of a conflict between the cases, it is taxable at the ordinary rate of
reaffirmed its commitment to introduce the new legislation by
provisions of a treaty and DTC, the one tax
the next fiscal. But I would prefer to be circumspect before
later in time will prevail passing a final verdict. That will have to wait until after I see
the fine print of the code.
Taxable at special rate of 30%. Indexation benefit will not be
Between the domestic law and relevant DTAA, the one which available where asset is held for less than a year Mukesh Butani is a partner at BMR Advisors. His views are
is more beneficial to the taxpayer will apply. However, DTAA personal.
not to have preferential status over DTC if the provisions of STCG to be taxed at the ordinary rate of the taxpayer.
GAAR/controlled foreign corporation are invoked or branch Benefit of indexation not available for STCG (asset held
profit tax is levied for less than a year). Rate to be decided

Source: BMR Advisors

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