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Lesson Nº 1 - Welcome Unit / Revision – 02/03/2020

Barreto Rocío, Diaz Melisa, Fernández Pamela

INSTITUTION: Colegio Latinoamericano

FORM: 6° A – C- D

Title of the Unit of Work: My community

Lesson Purpose:

During the lesson learners will be able to:

● Experiment with the language met in the lesson

● Recognize and use the vocabulary associated with the verb to be.

Stage Teacher’s activity Purpose/Objectives Language system

W T introduces herself. Purpose: To place Lexis: Greetings
A T tells Ls about classroom rules. the learners in the Function: To greet
R T explains how the classes, tests and marks will be during the year. English lesson. people. To introduce
M oneself to others.
Time: 3 min.
L - On the board, T sticks a poster that she’s going to show. Purpose: To Lexis: Family members
E - T asks Ls what they think the passage will be about introduce the Unit of
A work (by previewing
D new vocabulary)
I Time: 10 min
M T sticks a poster that my neighbour’s sister has made: Purpose: To show Lexis: Family members.
N the structure in
L context Grammar:
I Affirmative form of the
C Time: 5 min verb to be
T asks if they know some of the words shown.

T asks Ls to look at the first poster on the board and say what family members are
mentioned. T asks Ls to tell their classmates about their families (with the help of
the teacher if necessary)
N T explains the grammar presented in the sentences. (by eliciting the rules) Purpose: To Grammar: affirmative
O understand the and negative form of the
T *T uses L1 to avoid misunderstandings at this stage. difference between verb to be
I singular and plural
C statements.
N Time: 5 min

E Activity 1: Purpose: To Grammar:

X experiment with the Affirmative and negative
P new structure. form of the verb to be
E To internalize lexis
R and grammar. Lexis: Family members.
M Time: 10 min

Activity 2: T writes “Write the correct verb to be

A) My name ……. Bart. I …... ten years old.

B) This is Lisa. Her brother ……. Bart.
C) Patty and Selma……. sisters.
D) Ling …… a baby.
E) Clancy and Jackie ……… Maggie’s grandparents.
F) Bart and Herb……. brothers.

Activity 3: T asks Ls to turn all the sentences into negative.

R T asks Ls what they have learnt during the lesson. Purpose: To recall Lexis: Family members.
E T asks Ls to write three sentences about their family and relatives. what they have just
F learnt. Grammar:
L Affirmative and negative
E Time: 5 min form of the verb to be

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