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NAME ______________________ LAB SECTION __________ DATE __________


This experiment investigates the draining of a liquid from an open vessel through an orifice
or extended tube located in the bottom of a vessel. The goals are to broaden understanding of
the physical principles involved in terms of major and minor losses in pipe flows.

As shown in Figure 1, this experiment employs two open vessels having the same diameter
but with different outlet conditions, i.e., (a) sharp-edge orifice and (b) extended tube.

Figure 1. Open tank with two outlet conditions at the bottom

As shown in Figure 2, applying the one-dimensional energy equation for steady flow between
point 1 and point 2 yields:

p1 v2 p2 v2
+ 2g1 + y1 = + 2g2 + y2 + hf + hm (1)
ρg ρg

For the given geometry the friction loss occurs mainly in the small diameter pipe, since the
flow velocity there is relatively large. Similarly the friction loss in the tank can be neglected
because the velocity there is comparatively low. The major head loss is given by:

L v2
hf = f d 2g2 (2)

The empirical friction factor ‘f’ depends on flow speed ‘v2’ in the pipe having the diameter
‘d’. Minor losses are due to flow passage cross section changes associated with the presence

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

of valves, elbows, etc., and must be determined by experiment. The empirical minor head
loss is given by:

hm = K L 2g2 (3)

Figure 2. Open tank with extended pipe

Substituting Equations 2 and 3 into Equation 1, noting that the pressures at 1 and 2 are
atmospheric, and neglecting v1, the fluid velocity in the pipe is approximated as:
2g(y1 −y2 )
v2 = ( L ) (4)
1+f +KL

The friction factor is found from the Moody chart as a function of Reynolds number and pipe
surface roughness. For laminar flow, i.e. Red < 2300, this is given by:

f = 64/Red (5)

Likewise for turbulent flow:

1 6.9 ϵ/d 1.11

= −1.8log [Re + ( 3.7 ) ] (6)
f0.5 d

The Reynolds number in the pipe is defined as

ρv2 d
Red = (7)

In this experiment the surface roughness can be assumed to be zero. A trial and error method
is needed to calculate v2 from Equation 4 since f depends on Red, which in turn depends on
unknown v2.

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

For the sharp orifice opening it is assumed there is no friction loss. However due to the sudden
area change the minor loss is significant. Consider the case where the minor loss hm = 0. Then
Equation 1 can be solved for exit velocity:

v2,ideal = √2gy (8)

This is an ideal case since all losses are neglected. The actual velocity is found by multiplying
the ideal velocity by an empirical discharge coefficient ‘CD’, thus:

v2 = CD √2gy (9)

In that case the volume flow rate is expressed as:

Q = A1 v1 = A2 v2 = A2 CD √2gy (10)

However the liquid velocity in the tank is:

v1 = − dt (11)

Substituting Equation 11 into Equation 10 yields:

dy A
= −CD √2g (A2 ) √y (12)
dt 1

Assuming the discharge coefficient remains constant, integrating Equation 12 from 𝑦 =

y1 at t = 0 to y = y at t = t implies:

y(t) = (√y1 + KCD t)2 (13)


K = −√2 A2 (14)

Equation 13 provides the liquid level in the tank if the value of CD is known. Experimental
data can be used to approximate CD using the least squares method. The experimental data are
measured for N time steps, hence it can be shown that:

i=1(√yi -√y1 )t i
CD = (15)
K ∑N 2
i=1 t i

Note that y1 is the fluid level at t = 0.

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

1. Close the opening at the bottom of tank and fill the tank with water to an initial depth y =
11 in.
2. Remove the plug and start to drain the water. Measure and record the time and water level
in the tank until y =1 in. Use a stop watch to indicate the time at each 1 inch drop of water
level. Record these values in Table 1. Repeat the measurements once for each vessel with
different openings, and then average the results.

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

Table 1. Time and water level

Case a - sharp orifice

Fluid level Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)
(in.) trial 1 trial 2 average
11 0 0 0

Case b - long pipe

Fluid level Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)
(in.) trial 1 trial 2 average
11 0 0 0

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

1. Use a spreadsheet program to plot water level y (in.) versus time (sec) for both outlet
2. The theoretical discharge rate through the extended tube can be determined iteratively
using Equations 5 and 6. Calculate y (in.) versus time (sec) using a spreadsheet program
provided by the instructor. Graphically compare these values to the measured results.
Adjust the value of KL in increments of 0.1 until the model predictions best match
the experimental data; indicate the resulting value of KL on the graph. Carefully label
and scale the graph.
3. Using a spreadsheet program, employ the least-squares method to determine the discharge
coefficient for the sharp nozzle; indicate the resulting value of CD on the graph. Carefully
label and scale the graph.

The theoretical analysis used for both the long tube and sharp orifice opening is based on
instantaneous (quasi-steady state) conditions. To be more accurate, transient equations must
be used, but this is beyond the scope of this experiment.

ME 4751 Fall 2018 S. Idem

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