Lecture 16

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eagle, A highspeed worl named Consits of reservory of compressed arr at had discharges throlegh convergent dnargent novele.. The fempenctire ana pressure hn #he reservoir are A0OF anc 300 psi gage, respectiely . Bash tet 56 ction $e Mach muinber ys 245, Tp the test section is 25 ix} what shouted the saroot OA be? Also calewlicte mass flow Anel presuve, : fempeture , ancl Or speed In tht test Section . a 7 Equ wap Solution Si4ilp pean Taran tea [22 Tur? Me25 At ML rn 7 ee ok past (eep2s* Pur oS fo = 200%, ~ st = Presswre-density relations across the shock 7 a a —w, ¥ B tem tle ergy uations St pp GR et eB _c (ht _P). hia - _ GiB) bul) = slur) rad —_tonhiee’ sega Une earl \ _—romnlstam —— atl ae, a, BeBe ame OMA Rone A pkey’ B. bec! Ce be Pe OE A the maximus possible density merease through o | shock wave is about 6 tres the undichurbed AMsity ) —— | _ a Satie Pressure Jump across @ Normal Shock . combne mowerhom and continuity equations: eee 4. =Y Me ie] Bam “if pond Ley ‘ funchon ae : Pe Me eh , . poe tl for air: But or PB 2¥Ms _ 2+ 24 Ur) M mM. We S4Ms a an (coe fr ar Ge pat define at criticad speedof sound , 7 UE 7, oui MEME =| I = chown fe pat uepae 1 a reo a “- et 04) Me Pe a bo To Ty uote we Ssece” FIGURE 4.9, ‘One geometry forthe study of foal pressure changes across a steady normal shock wave, ‘The two reservoirs are considerably larger than as drawn, My FIGURE 4.10 Property ratios versus upstream Mach number fora steady normal shock,

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