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Relationship between the Law and Your School

Raymond Barton

Grand Canyon University: EAD 505-Educational Law

Relationship between the Law and Your School 2

Relationship between the Law and Your School

There is a lot that goes into running a school. The primary purpose of school is to provide

a safe place where students are taught to become successful and can contribute to society. To

accomplish this goal it is imperative to create policies, bylaws, and procedures that meet these

goals; this is the job of the school board. As an educational leader, you must have a firm

understanding of the board policies and rules that are in place. You must understand the

expectations that have been created for your staff and student’s professional and a principal must

have intimate knowledge of the procedures that will allow your students and staff to reach those


The Law, Bagdad High School, and Bagdad School District

The Bagdad School District policy manual covers twelve sections (BUSD, 2010) this

paper will look at three main sets of policies; these policies are personnel, instructional

programs, and to students. The paper will focus on how school leadership enforces the different

district, and site-based policies. As well as the legal consequences of not implementing the

procedures. Lastly, this paper will look at how leadership enacts policies while ensuring the

school's vision.

The role of the principal in enforcing school, teacher, and student-related policies

The principal's role is to ensure that schools are functioning at the highest level and all of

the staff and students are abiding by the procedures set forth by the Governing Board and

district. The principal's power comes from the responsibilities passed down from the

Superintendent. This starts with the personnel of the school. Section G of the Bagdad Unified
Relationship between the Law and Your School 3

School District policy manual (2010) outlines the handling of personnel. The process of

recruiting staff members is the responsibility of the Superintendent, he/she may involve other

staff members as needed. Since the principal is in charge of the school they are the ones that

inform the Superintendent of staffing needs, as well as finding the best qualified candidates. The

site principal is also responsible for providing professional development to improve performance

and retention of all employees (BUSD, 2010).

Principals are in charge of instruction and ensuring that instruction meets district goals.

BUSD instructional goals are provide individualize learning programs in order for each student

to be successful. Protect the legal rights of students. Create a learning environment that provides

for positive engagement. Develop student’s personal and civic responsibility through meaningful

experiences as school citizens. Deal with student discipline matters in a fair and consistent

manner. Provide for the safety, health, and welfare of students. Promote regular attendance and

good work to ensure that students feel respected (BUSD, 2010).

With students, the primary job of the principle is to enforce site-based policies, and these

policies are found in the student handbook. These procedures provided students and parents a

guideline for the student responsibilities. Each student is given the Student Procedures Handbook

on the second day of the school year teachers go through every page of the handbook, as well as

the student discipline guide, with the students. The students then sign a paper saying they have

gone over both books and agree to abide by the policies creating a binding contract between the

student and the school. The principal's role, in this case, is to ensure that all procedures are

followed. The significant areas of enforcement are attendance, tardiness, dress code, enforcement

of closed campus, and graduation and promotion requirements (BUSD, 2019).

Legal consequences for failing to enforce these policies

Relationship between the Law and Your School 4

There are consequences for failing to follow the procedure of the district and site, and it

is the job of the educational leader to deliver those consequences. BUSD policy manual (2010)

section GBEB discusses employee misconduct. It lays out what the consequences to employees

who violate policies will be. Violations of policy may result in anything from a verbal warning

to criminal prosecution, depending on the nature of the breach. The Employee

Conduct/Discipline Regulation GBK discuss the due process procedures for employee conduct

and discipline (BUSD, 2016). The procedures for discipline for certified staff falls under Arizona

State Statute (A.R.S.) 15-341 (BUSD, 2010). Violations under A.R.S. 15-341 will become part

of the personnel record (BUSD, 2010). The first step is for the principal to notify the staff

member of their violation by holding a meeting between the principal and employee (BUSD,

2010). The second step is for the principal to conduct an informal discipline hearing. In the

conference, the principal will discuss the violation and explain what evidence they have to

support the offense the employee is being accused of (BUSD, 2010). The third step will be a

formal written communication to the employee of the decision made (BUSD, 2010). The final

step, the employee's right to appeal if they do not agree with the decision. The school board will

hear all appeals (BUSD, 2010).

The principal is responsible for enforcing any violations to the Student Procedures

Handbook. Students also have the right to due process (BUSD, 2019). Violation of the

procedures are documented, and the appropriate consequences are given. For any disciplinary

action, a parent contact is required (BUSD, 2019), whether the teacher or principal does it. Minor

incidents that result in detentions the communication may be in the form of e-mail. If the

occurrence is more severe, the parents/guarding will be called, and a meeting will be set up to

discuss the punishment (BUSD, 2019). All students have a right to appeal decisions made by the
Relationship between the Law and Your School 5

principal. BUSD policy manual (2010) JIA covers appeals. Initial appeals can be made to the

Superintendent. Decisions made by the Superintendent can be appealed to the school board; the

decision of the school board is final.

Enacting Policy-based Decisions on School Vision

Bagdad High/Middle school's mission statement is “Challenge and empower all students

for success (BUSD, 2019). The principal works closely with the Superintendent and the school

board to make sure the policies of the board reflect the mission of the school. The curriculum

policies implemented at the site level must have the approval of the school board BUSD, 2010).

The creating of new curriculum or revising of existing ones are performed by committees made

up of subject matter teachers and the principal. Allowing the school to develop new policies and

regulations in this manner supports the overall goals and visions of the district to ensure the

success of all students (BUSD, 2016).

Relationship between the Law and Your School 6


BagdadSchool District. (2016). School Board Policy retrieved from


BagdadSchool District. (2016c) Student Handbook Procedure, Bagdad, AZ.

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