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Lesson #5 02/01/20 b” As soon as we believe we reached it, we already lost


c” But Jesus can empower us to overcome our arrogance
1. THE CENTRAL TRUTH IS: Humility must dominate everything and live a humble life.
we do. b’ Daniel chapter 4 records the personal testimony of King
2. The Need in the Life of my Students is: Try to understand the Nebuchadnezzar.
importance of humility. a” The king had a hard time and suffering.
3. Special  objectives: c’ Nebuchadnezzar recognizes that pride was the cause of his
a’ Cognitive: Learn the difference between pride and humility. fall and the loss of his kingdom.
b’ Affective: Feel what the true original sin is. a” He tells us how God taught him that through humility
c’ Psychomotor: Recognize our true state in which we find he could recover everything he had lost.
ourselves in relation to humility. d’ Thirty years of achievements after the history of the
4. Illustration: An image of Nebuchadnezzar. burning furnace and its vain glory of the creation of his
5. Search the Scriptures: Daniel 4:3. golden statue in Daniel 3.
6. Application: Thank you very much Lord for helping me understand a” He had another very interesting dream.
that all the gifts I have come from you and I must use them for your b” He dreamed a gigantic tree that provided shelter and
honor and glory! sustenance for all creatures on earth.
c” At its climax of his dream, by divine order the tree
A) The arrogant emperor of Babylon had already had three d” And again Daniel could explain the dream and give
opportunities to understand that he should attribute all his him his explanation.
achievements to the Hebrew God. But because he did not learn e’ Explanation of the dream.
the lesson, God gives him one last to help him understand the a” The lush tree represented the king himself in his
difference between pride and humility, and to have a glimpse of arrogance.
God's character. b” It is very interesting that in the Holy Scriptures, trees
B) What three themes about the life of King Nebuchadnezzar does and vines symbolically represent the arrogant kings and
this week's lesson tell us? kingdoms that God finally brings down.
C) Today we will study three themes about Nebuchadnezzar's life: a”’ Ezekiel 17: 1-15; 19: 10-14; 31: 3-12.
1) His pride, 2) He learned what humility is and 3) The c” Daniel using his great skill and pastoral or
conversion of the king. psychological ethics, explained that the tree represented
II. From pride to humility. d” And God would remove him from the throne unless
1. Your pride. (Daniel 4: 1-33) he changed his attitude towards the subjects. (Daniel
A) The ideal of each Christian. 4:27)
a’  Overcoming pride and humbling ourselves is an ideal that we f’ As we all know, pride has repercussions at all levels and
cannot achieve in human terms. especially in the social sphere.
a” Humility is a difficult goal to achieve. a” And the time had come for him to pay his "accounts"
for his arrogant and dictatorial administrative style.
b” The king had to change oppression and abuse for
justice and mercy. 3. The conversion of the king. (Daniel 4:34 and 35)
c” He had to reflect the character of God in his affairs of A) Is there evidence that Nebuchadnezzar has converted to the true
his kingdom. God?
g’ It was very sad that the king did not want to change, nor leave a’ This is a question that often arises in this regard.
his arrogance and attitudes. a’” Did he really convert or not?
a” A year later, he walked and delighted with the b” Although some commentators believe there is not
achievements he had obtained for his architectural enough evidence to confirm an authentic conversion.
constructions. a’” If there are enough indications that point in
b” Humanly they were one of the seven wonders of the that direction.
ancient world. b’ In analyzing the confession of the king in Daniel 4:34 and 35
c” His judgment came. (Daniel 4:29, 30) we observe four elements.
h’ At the same moment when the king boasted of his "greatness" a” First he confesses the sovereignty of God, who
came a mental illness, possibly a mental disorder known as establishes a kingdom that has no end.
"zoantropy or lycanthropy." a”’ “  “God does according to his will in the army
a” In which the person believes that he has become an of heaven, and in the inhabitants of the earth, and
animal and behaves like an animal. there is no one to stop his hand and say: What are
b” This disease lasted seven years. you doing? (Daniel 4:35)
c” He lived among the beasts of the field. b’” When he says: "his kingdom for all ages."
i’ How ironic that he believed himself a god became less than (Daniel 4:34)
human. c’” Here he is hinting at the infinite and eternal of
a” “As the writing says: "Before brokenness is pride, and God.
before the fall the arrogance of spirit." (Proverbs 16:18) b” Second, the king confesses the condition as a creature
of humanity: "All the inhabitants of the earth are
2. He learned what humility is. (Daniel 4: 34-37) considered as nothing." (Daniel 4:35)
A) Nebuchadnezzar learned the lesson God gave him. a’” He who considered himself the greatest, now
a’ After seven years of being among the beasts, the king had a is nothing before the majestic Lord.
radical change in attitude. b’” This recognition is a sign of a submissive
a” “I Nebuchadnezzar lift my eyes to heaven." (Daniel 4:34) heart.
b” Look up indicates Nebuchadnezzar's change of mind. c”’ Man is a created, dependent being and not an
c” Previously he looked down from the height of pride. autonomous being.
b’ When one looks up three important things happen. d’” When he recognizes his true dependence on
a” He was healed of his mental illness ("My reason was Deity.
returned") a’” Find the true joy and fullness of life.
b” He recognized that God was the ruler of the universe and c” Third, confess the truth and justice of God.
c” He was restored on his throne. (Daniel 4: 34-36) a’” All works are true and their paths fair. (Daniel
a’” Please read clearly what it says in Daniel 4:37. 4:37)
c’ Now Nebuchadnezzar knew what happens "with those who
walk with pride." (Daniel 4:37 u.p.)
b’” God has treated him harshly, but he
acknowledges that God's judgments have been
true and just.
d” Finally, he come to recognize that God resists the
proud and gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34)
a”’ His life was a representation of Peter's
application of the following principle.
b’” Humiliated yourselves, then, under the
mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you
when the time comes. ”
e’ The pattern of God's saving grace. Always rest on this
precept of humility.

A) We have studied three themes about Nebuchadnezzar's life:
1) His pride, 2) He learned what humility is and 3) The
conversion of the king. How interesting was Nebuchadnezzar's
life, because each of us looks a lot like this king.
Humility is a difficult goal to achieve, therefore, how important
it is to allow Jesus to take control of our lives, he is the only one
who can help us overcome every temptation of pride and be
humble through the Holy Spirit.
B) Do you wish with all your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to guide
your life and can you overcome the innate pride we inherit day
by day?
C) Prayer
Pastor Joaquín Cázares, MD
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