Ethics Essay

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Name: Chuxin Chen

Date: 11/27/2019

The reason why we should follow the Code of Ethics is because with the continuous

development of engineering technology, the negative effects of engineering technology have

become increasingly prominent. The emergence of a series of problems such as environmental

pollution and energy crisis has made engineering ethics issues that are most closely related to

engineering technology become issues of widespread concern in society.

When I faced with an ethical situation I will abide by the rules of engineering ethics, have a

sense of social responsibility in engineering activities, correct values, interests, and a strong

sense of ethics and morals, in order to consciously bear the ethical responsibility of safeguarding

human common interests.

In the class, our group read several cases of ethical issues. For me, I read the AmazonEchoIssue.

It was happened in November of 2015. A man called Victor Collins found to be murdered in his

friend’s house. And the owner of the house James Andrew Bates was the suspect in this case.

The key witness in the case was his Amazon Echo, since Amazon Echo was always listening

through the built-in microphones. So, if the police can get the data from the Amazon, it would

help the case a lot. However, the Amazon so far declined to provide the information to the

police. And the company claimed that they will not release the customer’s information “without

a valid and binding legal demand properly served on us. Amazon objects to overboard or

otherwise inappropriate demands as a matter of course.”

For my opinion, I think in this case the Amazon should provide the information to the police.

Based on what I read from the IEEE Code of Ethics we as the engineers need to “accept

responsibility in making decision consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and

to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment.” So, in this case,
Name: Chuxin Chen
Date: 11/27/2019

Amazon has the responsibility to provide the information since it relates to the safety of the

society. However, one of my group members has a different point of view than mine, he thinks

that in this case the Amazon should keep the customer’s information. He said according to NSPE

Code of Ethics “Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.” So,

in this case the client is the owner, and the client use amazon’s product because they trust

amazon will protect their privacy. But after all, we can be able to come to a consensus that the

most ethical decision will be if the police has the enough evidence of determine the suspect but

need more evidence to be sentenced. The engineers should try to provide any useful information

to support the police.

After I read the Virtue of Ethics, I think the Integrity, Responsibility, and Honesty are the most

related to our case study. First, I think the not only in this case study but also in everywhere in

the world, the integrity is the one of the most important characteristics a person should have. For

the engineers of integrity, engineers can perform the job with the correct ethical standard. The

engineers of integrity can be able to reject bribery in all it’s form. For the responsibility, I think a

responsible engineer can perform the expert knowledge, and they will be responsible for the

society, the environment and the safety of the people, they know what they are doing, which is

quite important. For the honesty, I think the engineers with honesty can be able to build the trust

between the employer, clients, and the society. In our case study, the integrity is really important

factor here, the Engineers with integrity will provide the information that is helpful evidence for

the police to solve the case, since the engineers doesn’t have any obligation to provide any help

in this case. And the responsibility relate to this case is because even the amazon doesn’t have

the obligation for this case, but they do have the responsibility to provide the useful information

to the police, since by definition, the responsibility includes “recognizing moral obligation to act
Name: Chuxin Chen
Date: 11/27/2019

for the good of others.” And for the honesty, the honesty is comprised of fairness. In this case, it

is unfair to the passing life, since if the amazon fails to deliver the information to the police,

there will be much hard to sentence the suspect. I think for this case, charity, self-discipline, and

fidelity will be less relevant, since the product itself doesn’t have any potential harm to the

society, and the engineers doesn’t have any actual obligation for this case.

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