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trained for the role of fighting on foot to

Infantry engage the enem y face to face and have

historically borne the brunt of the casualtie
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv of combat in wars. As the oldest branch of
Infantry 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 2+ combat arms they are the backbone of
armies. Infantry units have more physically
demanding training than other branches of
special rules armies, and place a greater emphasis on
discipline, fitness, physical strength and

Infantry in the first days in warfare against

the orks suffered greatly us they training
regime though it did indeed cover close
combat was nothing to how skilled the ork
were so a new class of soldier was invented
for this role the Shield Guard armed a Shie
and a heavy pistol to stop the orks form ge
close to the main gun line. Were once they
lost 97% to close combat now the lose 56%
"Let us be clear about three facts: First, all battles and all wars are
won in the end by the infantryman. Secondly, the infantryman
always bears the brunt. His casualties are heavier, he suffers
greater extremes of discomfort and fatigue than the other arms.
Thirdly, the art of the infantryman is less stereotyped and far harder
to acquire in modern war than that of any other arm.” Field
Marshal Earl Wavell
Light Infantry Traditionally light infantry (or skirmishers)
were soldiers whose job was to provide a a
skirmishing screen ahead of the main body
infantry , harassing and delaying the enem y
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv advance.
Light 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 2+
Infantry against the orks Light Infantry went back t
this tradition role by slowing and stem the
specia l ru les advance of close combat troops. With the
Fleet of B oot expansion of there role the new shield guar
became light infantry. Though they have m
H it and run, close combat training and a enlarged role, t
still show 20 century thinking on light
infantry they are still more lightly armed th
normal troops and still don't ride in APC if
they do there technically not light infantry.

Light Infantry are seen as a step between

SpecialForces and normal troops
Armored Transports
There are many different
transports for the perpuse of
this we will lump them into 4
class Humvee, Light APC, name type FA SA RA Bs
heavy APC and unarmed APC Heavy APC Transport 12 12 11 3

Transport 10

name type FA SA RA Bs
Hummvee Transport 10 10 10 3

Transport 5
can tow a Howitzer name type FA SA RA Bs
Unarmed Transport 10 10 10 3

Transport 10
name type FA SA RA Bs
Light APC Fast 12 11 11 3
Transport 10
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Paratroopers are used for tactical advantage asParatroo 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 2+
they can be inserted into the battlefield
from the pers
air, thereb y allowing them to be positioned in
areas not accessible by land. It is one of the three
types of "forced entry" strategic techniques for special ru les
entering a theater of war; the other two are by deep strike
land and sea. This ability to enter the battle from
different locations allows paratroopers to evade Fleet of B oot
fortifications that are in place to prevent attack H it and run
from a specific direction, and the possible use of
paratroopers forces an arm y to spread their
defenses to protect other areas which would
normally be safe by virtue of the geography.
Another common use for paratroopers is to
establish an airhead for landing other units.
Paratroopers often lunch attacks deep behind ork
lines to slow the ork attacks they also assisted
assaults that need support. Because Paratroopers
must travel light due to dropping out of a plane,
they are a type of light Infantry
An attack helicopter is a military helicopter
specifically designed and built to carry weapons
for attacking targets on the ground, such as
enem y infantry, armored vehicles and structures.
Weapons used on attack helicopters can include
autocannons, machine-guns, rockets, and guided
missiles such as the H ellfire. M any attack name type FA SA RA Bs
helicopters are also capable of carrying air to Helicopter
air Skimmer/T 10 10 10 4
missiles, though mostly for purposes of self- ransport
defense. Today's attack helicopter has two main
roles: first, to provide direct and accurate close specia l ru les
air support for ground troops, and the second, intank hunters
the anti tank role to destroy enem y armor
concentrations. Attack helicopters are also used
to supplement lighter helicopters in the armed
scout role.
Light tank
Light tanks, such as the
PT-76, continue to play
name type FA SA RA Bs
an important role in tank warfare. Although many
are losing favor to cheaper, faster, lighter Light tank Fast tank 12 12 11 3
armoured cars. The light tank still fills an special ru les
important niche in many armies, especially Scout
nations with airborne divisions, or those which
do not have the resources and funding to Light tank
maintain a large number of MBTs. Additional, can not tank shock does not gain
they have important advantages over heavier
tanks in Southeast Asia and other nations in the
+1 w hen ram m ing for bein g a tank
Equatorial region. Their size allows them to
maneuver through thick rainforests and their
weight reduces the risk of getting stuck in muddy
terrain. This makes the light tank the preferred
choice for infantry support in Equatorial nations.
Medium tank
M edium tanks have heavier armor then light
tanks but not as much as the heavy tanks
name type FA SA RA Bs
these is no official class for medium tanks instead tank 13 13 12 3
they are battle tanks that heaver then light tankstank
but not as heavy as the heavyset often they are special rules
tanks that have been moth balled and then pulled
back into active service for the emergency.
Heavy tank
These is no heavy tank designation instead the
heavyset main battle tank (MBT) have been put
in this category

Advances in tank design, armor, and engine

technology allowed tank designers to increase
the capabilities of tanks significantly without
always resorting to heavier designs, although
weights did gradually increase. High explosive
anti-tank (HEAT) ammunition was a threat to
tanks and could penetrate steel amour thicker
than was practical to put on a tank. Advances
such as the British-designed Chobham armour
limit the effectiveness of weaker HEAT rounds,
but the vulnerability still remained.
The MBT would form the backbone of modernname type FA SA RA Bs
ground forces. It is armed and armoured to faceheavy tank tank 14 14 13 3
as many kinds of threats as possible, but
especially direct hits from other tanks and special rules
lighter infantry anti-tank weapons.
tank hunter
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
A howitzeris a typ e of artillery piece thatcrew
is 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 2+
characterized b y a relatively short barrel and thespecial rules
use of comparatively small explosive charges to
propel projectiles at relatively high trajectories,Artillery
with a steep angle of descent. In the taxonomiestow ed (if not self propeled) note if
of artillery pieces used b y Europ ean (and tow ed the crew rides in the
European-style) armies in the eighteenth,
nineteenth, and tw entieth centuries, the howitzertransport.
stood betw een the "gun" (which was
characterized b y a longer barrel, larger prop elling
charges, smaller shells, higher velocities and
flatter trajectories) and the "m ortar" (w hich has
the ability to fire projectiles at even higher angles
of ascent and descent). H owitzers, like other
artillery pieces, are usually organised in groups
called batteries.
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
crew 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 2+

A mortaris a muzzle-loading indirect fire
type FA
Transport 10
weapon that fires shells at low velocities, short special rules
ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories. It
typically has a barrel length less than 15 times its Artillery
caliber.Light and medium mortars are portable, tow ed (if not self propeled) note if
and usually used by infantry units. The chief
advantage a mortar section has over an artillery
tow ed the crew rides in the
battery is the flexibility of small numbers, transport.
mobility and the ability to engage targets in the
defilade with plunging fires. It is able to fire
from the protection of a trench or defilade. In
these aspects the mortar is an excellent infantry
support weapon, as it can be transported over any
terrain and is not burdened by the logistical
support needed for artillery.
A mortar can be carried by one or more men
(larger mortars can usuallybe broken down into
components), or transported in a vehicle. An
infantry mortar can usually also be mounted and
fired from a mortar-carrier; a purpose-built or
modified armoured vehicle with a large roof

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