Literacy and Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Elementary and Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Alissa Greeson Date: 11/12/2019

Course: ECE 4403 Lesson Plan #: 1
Subject Area(s): Social Studies Grade Level/Time Frame: 3rd/

Step 1: Identify Learning Context Description of the learning environment(s) where the learning experience
Learners will take place
(Classroom  Describe the various boards/wall-based resources (e.g. white
Context) boards, smart boards, word wall, etc.) and where they are located
 How are the desks/table(s) arranged and why?
 What “special” areas (carpet, book shelves, “peace” chairs, etc.) are
in the room?
 Describe the technology tools located in the classroom/school
 Students have their own laptops that they use during the school
day. Student desks are in groups of 4 with an extra desk for their
supply box.
 Every student has their own laptop.
 There is a rug in the front of the room under the whiteboard and
 Each student has a cubby and mailbox.
 There is a kidney table and the table I use for small groups.
 There is a classroom library in the back of the classroom as well on
the bulletin board in the back of the room are sections for anchor
charts created in class and student work to be displayed.
Learner Description Number of students in class:
 Number of males: 10
 Number of females: 9
Learning Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
Students w/ IEPs or 0 N/A
504 plans
Students w/ EIPs 3 Small group
Extra interventions
Area supports and interventions
Support during interventions
Small group pull out time
Quick Reads
English learners 1 He has none because he is only
monitored ESOL at this point in his
academic career. He tested out. He
is also a gifted student.
Gifted 9
Students with gaps 3 Extra interventions
in academic Area supports and interventions
knowledge Support during interventions
Small group pull out time
Quick Reads
Other learning 0 N/A
Personal Assets, Cultural,
Assets, Community  Personal: How will you use students’ interests, knowledge,
Assets (also referred to as everyday experiences, family backgrounds, etc. to support
Funds of Knowledge) learning?

 Students prior knowledge is used to inform instruction and create
meaningful learning.
 Cultural: How will you use students’ traditions, languages and
dialects, worldviews, literature, art, music, dance, etc. to support
 Students worldviews will be tested and changed as they learn about
different Native American groups and how they lived.
 Community: How will you use students’ community resources, such
as local landmarks, community events and practices, etc. to support
 The students will be going on a fieldtrip to learn about different
Native American groups and cultures.
Step 2: Identify Georgia Standard (s) of Write out standards that apply to the lesson. Write the number and the
Curricular Excellence, WIDA statement. Remember to include those that apply to every subject area you
Priorities Standard(s), etc. are integrating in the lesson.
SS3H1 Describe early American Indian cultures and their development in
North America.
a. Locate the regions where American Indians settled in North America:
Arctic, Northwest Southwest, Plains, Northeast, and Southeast.
b. Compare and contrast how American Indians in each region used their
environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter.

ELAGSE3RI1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a

text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers
ELAGSE3RI2: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and
explain how they support the main idea.
Prior Academic What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will this lesson
Knowledge and activate?
Prerequisite Skills What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will students need
for this lesson?
Students will need to know a bit about Native Americans and their ways of
Central Focus, What are the important understandings and/or core concepts that you want
Overarching Goal, Big students to develop?
Idea, or Essential The central focus of this learning segment is for students to locate regions
Question(s) where Native Americans lived and compare and contrast how they used their
environment to obtain and make shelter. It also is for students to ask and
answer questions using evidence from a text and determine the main idea
with key details.

Learning Objective(s) or This (or these) should support the central focus, overarching goal, big idea,
Learning Target(s) or essential question(s); should be measurable; should indicate what
students will be able to do at the end of the lesson (These can be written as “I
can” statements)
I can locate regions where Native Americans lived.
I can compare and contrast how Native Americans used their environment to
obtain and make shelter.
I can ask and answer questions using a text as the evidence.
I can determine the main idea and support it with key details from the text.
Potential Misconceptions What potential misconceptions or developmental approximations are
and/or Developmental possible with this content and how will you address each?
Students may believe any person who has a darker skin tone is Native
American. I will correct this by explaining that there are different races and
groups of people with a darker complexion that are different from one
another but also have similarities. I will use my own personal experience of
having a bit of Native American ancestry.

Students may believe that Native Americans are not around today but I will
explain that many groups live on reservations now and show some of their
culture. I will also show Native Americans living among us such as Deb
Halaand who won a congress seat in New Mexico.

Academic Language Academic Language Whole Class Supports Differentiated Supports
Language function: Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
 Words and
Main Idea Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
phrases with
Key Details Resources: Books, help with unknown
subject specific
Online, videos. words.
meanings that
Using various resources.
differ from
Images of unknown
meanings used in
words provided.
everyday life
Multiple meaning Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
(e.g., table, ruler,
words: Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
Powwow Resources: Books, help with unknown
 General academic
Native American Online, videos. words.
vocabulary used
Indian Using various resources.
across disciplines
Images of unknown
(e.g., compare,
words provided.
analyze, evaluate)
Academic vocabulary: Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
 Subject-specific
Compare Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
words defined for
Contrast Resources: Books, help with unknown
use in the
Ask Online, videos. words.
Answer Standard Breakdown Using various resources.
Describe Chart. Images of unknown
Language Function: the
Locate words provided.
content and language focus
of the learning task (e.g.,
activities, discussions)
represented by the active
verb in the learning Subject-specific Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
objective(s) or learning vocabulary: Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
target(s) (e.g., apply, Cherokee Resources: Books, help with unknown
evaluate, cause and effect, Seminole Online, videos. words.
sequence, hypothesize, Anasazi Using various resources.
infer, summarize, describe, Hopi Images of unknown
explain) Pueblo words provided.
Language Supports: Inuit
instructional supports that Syntax: Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
help students understand Anchor Chart Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
and successfully use the Word Wall Resources: Books, help with unknown
language function (e.g., Caption Slide Online, videos. words.
sentence starters, graphic Using various resources.
organizers) Images of unknown
words provided.
Syntax: set of conventions Discourse: Anchor Charts Reading text to them.
for organizing information Discussion Word Wall Using a peer buddy to
(e.g., sentences, graphs, Small group work Resources: Books, help with unknown
tables); organizes language Caption Slide Online, videos. words.
to convey meaning Using various resources.
Images of unknown
words provided.

Discourse: how members How will students demonstrate understanding of the academic language in
of the discipline talk, write, the different language demands (e.g., writing, speaking, reading, listening) in
and participate in the lesson?
knowledge construction They will use this language throughout the unit and use it within the shelter
using the structures of and caption project slides.
written and oral language;
discipline specific discourse
has distinctive features or
ways of structuring oral or
written language, or
representing knowledge

Step 3: Assessment Plan

Assessment Georgia Performance Corresponding Learning Format of Assessment(s)
Framework Standard(s) Objective(s) or Learning
SS3H1 Describe early I can locate regions where KWL Chart
American Indian cultures Native Americans lived. Checklist, observation, and questioning
and their development in I can compare and Performance Task/ Project
North America. contrast how Native
a. Locate the regions where Americans used their
American Indians settled in environment to obtain and
North America: Arctic, make shelter.
Northwest Southwest, I can ask and answer
Plains, Northeast, and questions using a text as
Southeast. the evidence.
b. Compare and contrast I can determine the main
how American Indians in idea and support it with
each region used their key details from the text.
environment to obtain
food, clothing, and shelter.

ELAGSE3RI1: Ask and

answer questions to
demonstrate understanding
of a text, referring explicitly
to the text as the basis for
the answers
ELAGSE3RI2: Determine the
main idea of a text; recount
the key details and explain
how they support the main
Type of Assessment Format of Assessment Supports, Evaluation Criteria
(e.g., quiz, test, checklist, Accommodations, How will you know or
KWL chart, performance Modifications measure if the
task) (Differentiated students have met
Assessments, the learning
Culturally Relevant objective(s) or
Assessment) learning target(s)?
Pre-assessment KWL chart Reading text to them. Students will show
Using a peer buddy to prior knowledge.
help with unknown
Using various
Images of unknown
words provided.
Formative assessment(s) Checklist, observation, and Reading text to them. Teacher will ask
questioning. Using a peer buddy to questions and
help with unknown observe if students
words. are understanding
Using various the material.
Images of unknown
words provided.
Summative assessment(s) Performance Task/ Project Reading text to them. Rubric for the shelter
Using a peer buddy to and caption project.
help with unknown
Using various
Images of unknown
words provided.
Pre-Assessment Data Summary
Summarize the results of the pre-assessment data and explain how it will drive your instructional practices.
This will drive my instructional practices as I will know what students' prior knowledge is and expand upon
that, allowing students to learn new, relevant information.
Students have also been learning about the different Native American groups for several weeks now.
Step 4: Materials Needed Teacher Resources (must include podcasts): List all textbooks, children’s
Create literature, CDs/DVDs, videos, and on-line sources that are resources for you,
Learning the teacher, in determining the content and in teaching the lesson. Provide
Activities proper APA references.
Supplies for the shelter projects, books, videos, and other resources compiled
for student use, copies of instructions for each group.

Student Resources: List, and include, all handouts, worksheets, and other
materials, including assessments, that you will have students use in this
lesson. Please make sure you cite your reference in APA style. Include slide
shows you plan to use. Note that slide images can be copied from Power Point
and pasted into Word documents. List all other materials needed, and the
amount of each.
Personal laptops, pencils, resources, supplies.

Technology Connection How will you, the teacher, use technology to drive instruction?
Students will be shown videos and resources to use about their Native
American Groups.
How will the students use technology to enhance their learning?
Students will use their personal laptops in a group to make a caption slide for
their shelter.
Supporting Diverse How do you plan to differentiate your instruction related to the learning
Learners objective(s), learning target(s) and/or central focus (e.g., content, process,
product; representation, action & expression, engagement). Explain how the
support will assist a specific student and/or group with respect to the specific
learning objective(s) or learning target(s). For example:
 I will support my students who struggle with reading by
differentiating the content through the use of leveled reading books
that address the concept of motion.
Note: Make sure you address the needs of the learner(s) identified in the
learning description (refer to Step 1).
Gifted: These students may extend their final project to include a narrative
story about a fictional Native American family that lived in their shelter model
using details from their chosen Native American group's ways of life such as
clothing, hunting, farming, and culture.
Struggling Readers: These students will be given texts on their level and will
have these texts read aloud to them. They will also have a peer buddy who
they can ask what different words are and their meaning when they are
Culturally Responsive How is the content of your lesson connected to the students’ assets (personal,

Teaching cultural, and/or community) within your classroom? Be specific to the content
of the lesson and the assets of your students.
The students are learning about different Native American groups and they
will experience more on their upcoming fieldtrip. (Pre-teaching)
Research and Theory, or What specific research, learning theories, and/or principles of child
Principles of Child development guided your instructional choices for this lesson? How are they
Development applicable to your learning objective(s) or learning target(s)?
Meaningful Learning: (Ausubel) New knowledge is related to previous
Scaffolding: (Vygotsky and Bruner) The support given during the learning
process is tailored to students needs with the intention of helping the student
achieve their learning goals. Teacher is a guide.
Constructivism: (Piaget, Vygotsky, etc.) Knowledge is constructed by the
Social Constructivism: (Piaget, Vygotsky, etc.) Groups construct knowledge for
one another, collaboratively, creating a small culture of shared artifacts with
shared meanings.
Experiential Learning: (Kolb) Knowledge is continuously gained through both
personal and environmental experiences.
Instructional Strategies Students have been learning about the various Native American groups and
and Learning Tasks (include where they were located in North America in Social Studies. In ELA they have
activities, discussions, or been discussing the Main Idea and key details as well as asking and answering
other modes of questions using evidence.
participation that engage Students will have chosen their desired Native American Group and began
students to develop, working on their caption slide. They may have it completed at this time.
practice, and apply skills Students will continue their work with their caption slide if it is not completed
and knowledge related to a and they will use the various resources provided (Passages, books, online
specific learning sources, videos, etc.) The teacher will give instructions to each group along
objective(s) or learning with their materials and a copy of instructions. Students will get to work
target(s). Learning tasks constructing their models of Native American homes and shelters. The
may be scaffolded to teachers will be circling and guiding students, scaffolding when needed. They
connect to prior knowledge will also be asking questions of students such as:
and often include formative Which Native American home would you like to live in and why? Why do you
assessments) think that your group has these materials and other groups do not? Explain
your reasoning. Would this kind of shelter work today? Why or why not?
What kind of materials would you use today to improve the shelter you chose?

Connection to the Arts How would you incorporate creative expression through drama, movement,
visual arts, and/or music into the lesson? (OPTIONAL but should be included as
often as possible)
Students are creating models of Native American homes based on the region
in which these people live(d).
Higher Order Thinking Create at least 5 higher-order thinking questions (along with anticipated
Questions (HOTQs) answers) using Bloom’s Taxonomy (level 3 and above) or Webb’s Depth of
Knowledge (DOK) levels (level 2 and above), then identify what level each
question represents. Embed these questions into your instructional strategies
and learning tasks section above and highlight them in green. Remember
these questions will occur before, during and after the lesson.
1. How are shelters and homes today different than that of the Native
Americans? How are they similar?
2. Which Native American home would you like to live in and why?
3. Why do you think that your group has these materials and other
groups do not? Explain your reasoning.
4. Would this kind of shelter work today? Why or why not?
5. What kind of materials would you use today to improve the shelter
you chose?

Re-teaching, Re- Describe at least one new strategy for re-teaching the content and/or skills
Engagement, Practice presented for students who did not successfully meet the learning objective(s)
or learning target(s) identified in the lesson.
Students who still do not understand the content or skills will create a flipbook
containing the different groups of Native Americans and the facts about them.

Extensions Describe at least one new strategy for enriching, challenging or extending the
content and/or skills for students who successfully met the learning
objective(s) or learning target(s) identified in the lesson.
I will use the extension provided for gifted students as my extension of
content. These students may extend their final project to include a narrative
story about a fictional Native American family that lived in their shelter model
using details from their chosen Native American group's ways of life such as
clothing, hunting, farming, and culture.
Lesson Closure Give a brief synopsis regarding how you will wrap up the lesson. How will
students summarize and/or share what they have learned related to the
objective or learning target?
Students will share their shelter and one fact about their chosen group of
Native Americans from their caption slide.

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