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The importance of water for paper,
printing and packaging

The three elements: water, air and heat

For many years, the printing industry has been characterised by price wars and 1
overcapacities. Cost-effectiveness is therefore more important than ever as a
means for ensuring competitive strength. Optimising production, processes and
operating conditions together with modern building technology are the keys to
success. And water plays its part as a factor of production: for plant, personnel Quality
and process materials! Costs

The processing of paper, cardboard, foil, outlay for a professional water treat- A controlled indoor climate with optimal
labels and other materials is absolutely ment system is recouped relatively humidity ensures quality, higher pro-
dependent on the delicate interplay quickly, thanks to process tool cost sav- duction speeds and fewer disruptions
of a wide range of parameters. Paper ings and especially as a result of the to process flows.
and other organic materials respond standardisation of the offset printing
dynamically to their immediate environ- process. In some cases, the water Low-cost cooling
mental conditions. More than in any treated for use in a humidification plant In many factory buildings and rooms,
other industry, the three elements of can also offer the benefit of being usa- significant thermal loads due to waste
water, air heat decide whether or not ble for fountain solution production. heat from machinery requires additional
the production process runs smoothly cooling in order to keep working condi-
and achieves the desired level of quality. Optimal humidity tions bearable for employees. In addition,
When working with hygroscopic mate- humidity is relative and therefore depends
The right water rials (i. e. those capable of absorbing directly on room temperature: the higher
In offset printing, it all depends on get- moisture), humidity must be kept uni- the temperature, the lower the relative
ting the water right: For offset, the most formly constant. In most production humidity. The energy costs for cooling
widespread technique used for printing processes in the printing industry and an entire production building can be
advertising, newspapers, books and post-press industry, a relative humidity enormous. By utilising the principle of
packaging, water is a factor that decides of 50 – 60 % is ideal with room temper- evaporative cooling, a direct room humi-
quality. Salts of minerals such as calcium atures of 20 – 22 °C. Air that is too dry dification system can significantly cut
and magnesium in particular can cause will cause material changes, the build- the costs of air conditioning.
major problems. Untreated water is up of electrostatic charge, increased
unsuitable for use as process water for dust bonding and health risks affecting
producing fountain solutions. The capital the mucous membranes, eyes and skin.

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Humidity and process water


Issues we can help you with Boosting quality – cutting costs i

As a factor of production, water affects quality, costs and time both in the Water is a factor for production
printing process and post-press processes. Yet the actual cause of problems in that decisively affects cost-
the production process is not always immediately obvious. The table below effectiveness. Optimal humidity
offers a summary of typical problems met in the areas of paper handling and and standardised process water
post-press work. guard against processing problems
and fluctuations in quality.

Issue Definition Potential causes How water can help

Air Process Cooling
humidity water

Setoff Transfer of the fresh printing ink to the back of the • Build-up of static charge on the paper
following sheet in the output stack on the printing • Wavy edges or paper under tension
machine. • Emulsified printing ink

Roller glazing Ink roller does not accept printing ink. • Water hardness too high

Doubling Double outline of elements of the printed image on • Lack of paper flatness
the following sheet, due to mismatched transfer of • Major differences between temperature and
the ink transferred from the previously printed sheet humidity in the press room and paper stack
onto the blanket.

Electrostatic Sticking of materials together due to static electricity. • Indoor climate too dry
• Materials/printing stock too dry

Emulsification Excessive absorption of fountain solutions by printing • Proportion of fountain solution too high in
ink in offset printing. the printing ink
• pH value too low

Creasing Excessive deformation of the paper when passing • Lack of paper flatness
through the printing machine as a web or sheet. • Wavy or tight edges

Register differences The individually printed inks are not transferred to • Dimensional changes in the paper
the paper’s surface to achieve 100% matching cover- • Wavy or tight edges
age, which causes blurring of the printed image. • Static electricity

Toning Printing of an extra, unwanted visible colour tone • pH value is suboptimal

over the entire sheet.

Drying delay Retardation to the printing ink drying process in the • pH value is suboptimal
stack with sheet- or web-fed offset.

Water as a factor of production

5 6 1 Three aspects of cost-effectiveness

2 The right water for good print quality

3 Optimal humidity protects the paper

4 Cooling through humidification

5 Flatness in sheet-fed offset

6 Constant humidity for web-fed offset

Humidity and process water


Paper is dynamic
Incorrect handling and a failure to keep humidity constant have serious
consequences for the flatness of paper and cardboard. As dynamic materials,
they are very quick to respond to deviations in equilibrium moisture content.
The trouble-free handling of these materials in the printing machine – their
printability or “runnability” – are decisively influenced by the humidity.

Paper and cardboard printing stock is equilibrium with a relative humidity of temperature. Warm air can absorb more
primarily composed of fibres of plant 50 – 60 %. If differences between the moisture than cold air. When no more
origin, which are hygroscopic: they can paper’s equilibrium moisture content water vapour can be absorbed, the air is
gain or lose moisture from and to the and the relative humidity are too large, said to be “saturated”, and relative hu-
air. The degree (if any) to which this then the paper will experience changes midity is 100 %. The relative humidity is
occurs depends on the material’s due to it gaining or losing moisture – the ratio of absolute humidity and
equilibrium moisture content, the causing the paper’s fibres to elongate the maximum possible moisture for the
relative humidity and the ambient or shrink. same temperature value. If temperature
air temperature. rises with absolute humidity constant,
Relative humidity then relative humidity falls. For practical
Equilibrium moisture content When assessing room climate, the inter- purposes, relative humidity is the most
Hygroscopic materials seek to bring play of the physical quantities of tem- important metric for assessing the room
their absolute moisture content into perature, absolute humidity and relative climate.
equilibrium with the ambient air in humidity must be taken into account:
their environment. This equilibrium The quantity of water (= absolute hu-
moisture content is then achieved midity) that the air can absorb in the
once the paper neither gains nor loses form of water vapour depends on the
moisture into the room atmosphere.
Depending on the materials from which absolute humidity in g/m3 air
it is made, the absolute humidity of the rel. humidity = x 100 (%)
max. absolute humidity in g/m3 air
paper (4 – 9 %) is typically in a state of

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Image: Fogra

Humidity and process water


Influence of humidity 5

Paper moisture content (in %)

Depending on the relative humidity, the paper’s plant-derived fibres can gain
or lose moisture, resulting in the fibres either swelling or shrinking, respectively.
As a result, the fibres either grow longer (swelling) or become narrower (shrin-
king). These specific changes to fibre width and length result in the paper sheets
losing their flatness, causing problems such as misregistration, doubling and
wrinkling. low
low high
Relative humidity (in %)

Tight edges Wavy edges Recommended humidity and temperature

Tight edges is a paper problem that Sheets of paper start to develop wavy
Application Temperature (°C) Relative Humidity (%)
always occurs if a paper stack with edges when the paper’s moisture con-
Paper storage 18 – 20 60 – 65
normal moisture content is exposed tent is less than the humidity of the
Pre-press 20 – 22 45 – 55
to ambient air that is too dry. Since ambient air. The edges of the sheets
Sheet/web-fed printing 20 50 – 60
relative humidity is too low, the edges begin to absorb moisture, causing the
Digital printing 20 – 22 45 – 55
of the sheet lose moisture, shrinking paper to elongate at the edges while Screen printing 22 50 – 60
in relation to the middle of the sheet. the middle of the sheet remains un- Post-press 20 – 22 50 – 60
The paper’s edges and corners tighten, changed. Wavy edges are therefore the
causing the sheet to become concave. result of exposing paper that is too dry Typically, there is virtually no risk of tight
The tight edges problem typically oc- to a higher humidity or paper with a or wavy edges occurring for deviations
curs in cold weather. normal equilibrium moisture content in equilibrium moisture content caused
to room air that is excessively humid. by up to a 5 % change in relative humid-
ity. A change of 8 – 10% in the relative
humidity is considered to be a critical
threshold for dimensional changes in
the paper.

Dimensional changes

6 6
7 1 Corners and edges become curved

2 Humidity affects runnability

3 Crucial for sheet-fed offset: flatness

4 Lack of flatness in the stack

5 Paper moisture and relative humidity

6 Tight edges

7 Wavy edges

Humidity and process water


A highly-charged atmosphere 1

The build-up of electrostatic charge can cause serious problems when

working with paper, foil and packaging. Static electricity is the typical result
when non-conducting or poorly conducting materials are subject to rapid
friction or sudden separation. Optimal humidity promotes the harmless
dissipation of electrical charge.

The term “electrostatic” refers to a On non-conducting surfaces such as on the output stack can dissipate too
positive or negative charge on material plastic rollers or inorganic printing stock quickly, causing setoff of fresh printing
surfaces that is unable to dissipate. In such as foils, a thin film of moisture is ink onto the back of the new sheet. Poor
the printing industry, static electricity then formed, which makes the surface paper handling in the printing machine
primarily builds up on materials to be conductive enough that a dangerous can also result in misregistration and a
processed as a result of friction or sudden build-up of electrical charge cannot occur. substandard printed image.In web-fed
separation – such as when feeding the offset, excessive electrostatic charge
material through the printing machine. Problems with electrostatic often causes problems in the folding
In the printing process, rolls and sheets A critical lower limit for preventing the unit or folded sheet stack.In port-press
of paper are exposed to high levels of build-up electrostatic charge is consid- and book binding, problems with sticking
friction from guide rollers and thus a ered to be relative humidity of 40 % for to the folding unit feeder or misfeeding
risk of static electricity – especially if the stack and a relative humidity of into gathering pockets and cover feeder
rollers are coated with rubber or plastic, 45 – 50 % in the press room. If values attachments are also caused by static
which cannot dissipate charge since they drop below this limit, then the attractive electricity.
are excellent insulators. forces unleashed can cause multiple
sheets to be fed into the printing machine
Humidity increases conductivity from the input stack, resulting in mal-
Paper is a weak conductor of electricity functions within the paper handling
and its conductivity increases when it process. Materials with low grammages
absorbs moisture. If its moisture content respond more dynamically to static
is sufficiently high, then the paper’s electricity than papers with a higher
conductivity is improved to a level where weight. In addition, the temporary air
it can easily dissipate electrical charge. cushion separating the printed sheets

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Image: Fogra Image: Fogra

Humidity and process water


Humidity is the solution 5

The right humidity is a quality factor for many production techniques in

the printing and packaging industry. For many specialised applications and
techniques, only a trouble-free production process without delays and at
the right quality can guarantee the desired level of productivity and profitability.

Web-fed offset point as the paper is fed through the Packaging

Compared to sheet-fed offset, web-fed machine. Other negative consequences In packaging printing and packaging pro-
offset is less sensitive with regards to of can include additional spoilage, pro- duction, optimal humidity is also one of
humidity. Serious problems can occur, duction stoppages and potential delays the most important climatic parameters.
however, if relative humidity is too low in outbound delivery. For the punching and bonding of chromo-
in the areas where roll stands are used duplex board, a sufficiently high level of
to store unpacked paper rolls prepared Digital printing humidity guards against dimensional
for splicing. Here, optimal conditions are As with conventional offset printing, changes while ensuring a 100 % fit for
assured by a target humidity of 50 – 60 %. dimensional changes in the material to the final, assembled products. When
If this is not provided, then two factors be processed and the build-up of electro- processing and laminating synthetic
can lead to significant problems in pro- static charge are the key problems that foils, problems with materials sticking
duction. First, the external layers of the are caused by air that is too dry. A lack of together, material handling difficulties,
paper rolls can lose moisture and start humidity also has a stronger effect on setoff issues, creasing and disruptions in
to dry out. The shrinkage that results print quality than in offset: If electro- ink transfer can all be avoided.
then causes significant tension in the static charge builds up within the ma-
paper, leading to tears in the outer layers chine due to rapid frictional processes,
or breakages in the splice between the then the pigments can be deflected in
end of one roll and the “roll nose”, i. e. a diffuse manner between the machine
the start of the next roll. In addition, the and printing stock. The result is an uneven
paste on the prepared rolls can also dry printed image that appears “cloudy”, i. e.
out prematurely. This results in pasting having alternate bright and dark patches.
errors during the automated roll changing
procedure or web breaks at the pasting
Static electricity

6 7 1 Humidity reduces static electricity

2 Multiple sheets pulled off the input stack

3 Misfed sheets

4 Sheets stick together

5 Polypropylene plates become charged

6 Pasted joins dry out

7 Synthetic foils

Humidity and process water


The right water is the key!

In print shops, water is used in many applications – in rubber blanket washing
facilities, for humidification and for fountain solution production in particular.
Untreated water from the mains cannot be used as process water in any of these
areas. The reason for this is to be found in the large number of substances in
water that can cause serious problems.

The quantity of calcium and magnesium Optimal pH value printing machine makers define maxi-
salts – which determine the overall hard- Alongside overall hardness, the printing mum limits, as these compounds are
ness of the water – has a substantial process is also strongly affected by highly damaging. Treated process water
influence on print quality. Calcium and the proportion of hydrogen carbonate. protects against corrosion and can in-
magnesium ions have the ability to bind Hydrogen carbonate neutralises acids, crease roller service life by as much as
to the saponifiable compounds in print- thereby influencing pH. In offset print- 70 %. Other direct cost-saving potential
ing inks to form insoluble “lime soaps”. ing, the fountain solution’s optimal pH results from savings made on alcohols
In the printing machine, these insolu- value for printing is slightly acidic, in the and other fountain solution additives
ble solids are deposited on the inking pH range 4.8 to 5.5. Fountain solution such as isopropanol (IPA), and the reduced
rollers, making these increasingly hydro- additives are buffered to keep the pH need for routine cleaning.
philic and thereby impairing the quality value consistent even in the event of
of ink transfer. One effect on the ink roll- factors caused by papers or inks. If un- Water quality = process quality
ers is “glazing”, i. e. printing ink is no treated mains water has a hydrogen With a water treatment system, any
longer smoothly transferred from the carbonate content of over 150 mg/l, drinking water supply can be used to
ink fountain to the printing plate. The however, then some of the acid buffer produce standardised process water
perfect fountain water has an over- will be neutralised. Fluctuations in the that has constant hardness and a low
all hardness of 8–10° dH (German pH value lead to difficulties with print- hydrogen carbonate content, and is
Degrees). In this region of average ing, such as delays in drying, toning free from corrosion-promoting slats
hardness, the formation of “lime soaps” and excessive emulsification. and microorganisms. A cost-effective
is no longer a problem. additional benefit is also possible if
Corrosion the treated water can also be simul-
For corrosive constituents found in water, taneously utilised for humidification.
namely chlorides, sulphates and nitrates,

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Image: Fogra

Humidity and process water


Low-cost cooling 700


Absorbed heat (in kW)

High temperatures in production are a burden on personnel, plant and 500

process materials. On the other hand, the cooling of production rooms 400

requires a lot of cooling capacity, resulting in high energy costs. With a 300

direct room humidification system using high-pressure nozzles, the costs 200

for deploying climate control units can be significantly reduced. 100

200 400 600 800 1000

Evaporated water (in l/h)

Temperature plays a crucial role in the One consequence of this is a drop in absorption of the microscopic, atomised
relationship between paper and climate: relative humidity – with serious conse- water droplets in the air causes heat to
the relative humidity of a room depends quences for material handling and pro- be drawn out of the room. The principle
on the temperature of the air. A change cess stability. Personnel also suffer by of adiabatic evaporative cooling achieves
of 1 °C in the temperature corresponds being exposed to these adverse working an extremely cost-effective lowering of
to a change in relative humidity of about conditions. By controlling the room tem- the room temperature: 100 l water from
3 %. As the temperature falls, the relative perature, businesses can make a useful a high-pressure humidification system
humidity rises. Conversely, relative hu- contribution to quality control as well as absorbs around 70 kW heat while con-
midity itself falls as temperatures rise – increasing employee satisfaction. suming only 0.6 kW of energy, achieving
always assuming that absolute humidity a potential reduction in room tempera-
remains the same (see fig. 6). For most Evaporative cooling ture of between 2 °C and 5 °C.
production processes in the printing, Climate control in production facilities
paper and packaging industries, optimal requires a lot of cooling capacity, result-
climatic conditions are typically achieved ing in high energy costs. With the right
with a relative humidity of 50 – 60 % and design and technology, the deployment
a room temperature of 20 – 22 °C. of a direct room humidification system
can reduce the costs of air-conditioning
Much too warm or simply reduce the room temperature
Generated by the enormous thermal independently of such a system. This
losses of machinery, heat loads in pro- is due to the positive side effect of the
duction and post-production facilities high-pressure nozzles, which spray cold
are typically so severe that temperatures water at 85 bar directly into the room air
are much higher than the optimal values. without causing droplets: the complete
Process water and cooling

6 7 1 pH value of 4.8 to 5.5 is optimal

2 Water determines printing quality

Relative humidity (in %)

3 Colour rub-off due to drying problems
4 Corrosion reduces roller service life
5 Humidification absorbs heat
15,5 18 21 24 27 30 32
Temperature (in °C) 6 Temperature and relative humidity

7 High-pressure nozzle humidifier

Humidity and process water


One goal, multiple options

To ensure adequate humidity, the printing industry uses a wide range
of systems and technologies. Nozzle- or ultrasound-based fogging units,
steam humidifiers and evaporators are the kinds of technologies typically
deployed, and differ in terms of energy consumption, maintenance effort
and humidification performance.

Water and high pressure


In general, we can distinguish between sure higher levels of humidification as microbes and bacteria are reliably killed
two basic principles in humidification: needed. off by this process. For electrode- and
direct and indirect humidification. With resistor-based steam humidifiers, energy
a direct room humidification system, Technologies consumption is very high, and the service
separate humidification units are installed The technologies available today for use life of the steam cylinder is limited
directly in the room, and also clearly in direct room humidification systems due to lime scale. With humidifiers,
visible. With indirect humidification, vary in terms of their energy consump- water is broken into a spray of tiny
moisture is added to the air in centralised tion, maintenance costs and humidifi- water droplets. A fan then propels the
air-conditioning system and fed into cation capacity. With evaporators, a aerosols so generated into the room air,
the working area by using a system of fan is used to draw in room air, which where they are absorbed immediately.
ducts and outlets. In the printing indus- is then passed over a moist wick. The Fog humidifiers are available with ultra-
try, direct humidification systems are humidification process itself is caused sonic oscillators and compressed air or
mainly used, primarily because they by evaporation on the surface of the high-pressure nozzles. Fog humidifiers
offer more targeted and tailored control wick. While these kinds of humidifiers can humidify large interior spaces while
over humidification. Production areas require very little electricity to run, consuming very little energy. Fog humidi-
used for different kinds of work and with humidification performance is also fiers typically require a water treatment
different humidification requirements – low, and there is a high risk of bacterial plant capable of producing sterile,
such as paper storage, pre-press and growth without thorough cleaning and demineralised water.
post-press – can be humidified precisely inspection. Steam-based humidifiers
according to demand. For specialised generate steam in a heatproof plastic
machinery and applications, targeted or stainless steel cylinder, in which the
“spot humidification” for areas or mate- humidifier water is heated to 100 °C.
rials can also be implemented, to en- Steam humidifiers are hygienic, since

2 3 Steam 4

Air Air


Water supply

Humidity and process water


State-of-the-art technology Maintenance is a must

In recent years, many companies have A humidification system is only as
replaced steam and compressed-air hygienic, safe and reliable as the process
humidifiers with high-pressure nozzle water, and the service and maintenance
systems. These systems use a high- model that is in effect. Even if it appears
pressure pump and special nozzles to clear and pure, and is perfectly suitable
atomise the water into a fine mist as for use as drinking water, untreated water
part of a virtually silent process. Energy will typically be unsuitable for use in most
consumption is also only a fraction of humidification systems. This is because
typical values for nozzles powered by of the large number of substances found
compressed air or steam humidifiers. in water: bacteria, microbes, algae, sand, 5
The adiabatic cooling effect of cold suspended particles, salts and other
water evaporation also creates a pleasant minerals can pose a serious threat both of the hygiene standards of the various
indoor climate. To ensure operation is to human health and the functional humidification systems can be obtained
hygienic and trouble-free, only ultra- capability of humidifiers. Typically, a from certificates issued by independent
pure, demineralised water is used – reverse osmosis plant is used for the testing labs, and from manufacturers’
provided by a reverse osmosis plant treatment of the water to be used in maintenance and service programmes.
that is integrated into the humidification humidification systems. Despite opti-
system. In facilities where the water mal pre-treatment of mains water with
treated for use in the humidification a softener and filtration stages, undesir-
system can also be used as standard- able deposits can still form on reverse
ised process water for the printing osmosis membranes and other key com-
presses, this offers a practical and ponents within a humidification system.
cost-effective additional benefit. These are not only capable of seriously
compromising the performance and
service life of the plant, but also – and
above all – present a serious risk to
human health. Routine inspections,
maintenance, disinfection and the
replacement of heavily worn system
components are therefore absolutely
essential for the safe and hygienic oper-
ation of humidification plant. Details

Humidification technology

6 7 1 High-pressure nozzle humidifiers

2 Steam humidifiers

3 Ultrasonic humidifiers

4 Water treatment for high-pressure nozzles

5 Microbes and bacteria must be avoided

6 Routine maintenance

7 Internal hygiene monitoring

Humidity and process water


Speed and quality in digital printing

At its 4,000 sqm Demo and Training Centre in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona),
HP Inc. presents its customers with the latest digital printing technology, from
large-format printing to packaging and job printing. To ensure optimal results
for print and production, the HP Demo and Training Centre requires air humidity
values to be kept constant.

Every year, over 6,000 delegates from ventilation system with steam humidi- to ceiling suspension or wall-mounted,
the EMEA region visit the Demo and fication was no longer able to handle are each oriented both horizontally
Training Centre of this leading digital the requirements and was accordingly and vertically in the various rooms to
printing specialist to seek inspiration decommissioned. Since 2013,a direct ensure optimal humidity distribution.
and participate in training. The Spanish room humidification system with high- High-pressure nozzles spray out an ultra-
site views itself as “Dream Factory” that pressure nozzles has been ensuring fine fog with a droplet size of less than
aims to stimulate and foster new cus- constant, optimal humidity. 15 µm, which is immediately absorbed
tomer product ideas, and demonstrate by the air and uniformly distributed
the digital printing techniques for turn- Simple installation within the room.
ing them into reality. To ensure optimal Over 50 high-pressure DRAABE Turbo-
results for print and production, FogNeo humidifier units guarantee Lower energy costs
the HP Demo and Training Centre re- controlled humidification in various The required humidity is regulated using
quires air humidity values to be kept areas and parts of the building. For a digital control system. In each of the
constant. “Electrostatic charge, changes installation, HP Inc. merely required a individually defined humidification zones
to the paper dimensions and fluctuations mains water system and drain, plus an (rooms or parts of rooms), control units
in print quality all adversely affect our appropriate electricity supply. Everything measure the current level of humidity
training and demonstration work,” is supplied to the building from a central and activate the humidifiers when it
explains HP Trainings Manager Adam mechanical room, where both the water falls below the set target value. This
Goldthorp. “In addition”, says Goldthorp, treatment systems and the high-pressure means that rooms can be humidified
“the various printing technologies and pump are installed. These systems are individually, exactly as required for their
materials (e.g. plastic, cardboard) also connected to the humidifiers using spe- various uses.
need different levels of humidity for cialised high-pressure hoses and control
processing.” The existing centralised lines. The compact humidifiers, attached

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Humidity and process water


For José Baena from HP Inc. Global Real

Estate, the new technology offers major
advantages: “We now have optimal val-
Humidity is a must
For HP Inc., zero maintenance, all-inclusive
service and the individual humidification
Fact file i
ues across the various zones and print- solutions were the key reasons for picking Humidification: 54 high-pressure
ing systems. And we’ve also managed to the new high-pressure nozzle-based fogging units
cut energy consumption for humidifica- technology. Since then, the DRAABE Space: 18,000 m3
tion by over 95 %.” The energy-efficient humidification system has been providing Required 50 to 65 %
humidity: rel. humidity
high-pressure humidification system individually adjusted, optimal humidity
Commissioning: 2013
ensures a constant relative humidity of throughout the Demo and Training
50 – 65 %. Depending on the printing Centre, so as to protect against static
process and material, the relative hu- electricity and dimensional changes in
midity in the Demo and Training Centre printing stock. Impressed by the positive
can be adjusted quickly – and increased experience gained in their use, HP Inc.
for printing onto plastics, for example. also deploys high-pressure nozzle systems
for quality control at international trade
Automated maintenance fairs: at drupa 2016, the world’s flagship
Both the high-pressure system and trade fair for the printing industry,
the corresponding water treatment an entire exhibition hall was fitted out
unit are installed in small portable with a humidification system. “My team
containers that allow quick replace- and I were really pleased to see the
ment and servicing. The reverse osmosis effects of a perfectly balanced relative
system used for water treatment de- humidity on our machine demos and
mineralises and cleans the mains water the general room climate,” reports Rotem
of impurities. Every six months, these Sagi Shteinmetz, Operations Manager in
containers are automatically replaced HP Inc.’s drupa Team, summarising the
at HP Inc. with fully maintained and importance of optimal room humidity.
cleaned systems. The used systems can
be easily released from their wall brackets
and sent back to the manufacturer for
servicing, where they are dismantled,
inspected, rinsed out and cleaned. Worn
parts are replaced and technical up-
dates installed.

HP Inc., Barcelona

5 6 1 Demo and Training Centre

2 Humidity protects against static electricity

3 High-pressure nozzle humidifier

4 Individual positioning

5 Replaceable water treatment units

6 Rotem Sagi Shteinmetz

Humidity and process water


More than machines

With the Print Media Centre (PMC) Commercial and Packaging,
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in Wiesloch-Walldorf operates the
world’s largest showroom for commercial and packaging printing. Optimal
humidity and standardised process water increase performance while
ensuring a trouble-free printing process.

“More than machines” is the claim as- Fault-free sheet feeding Water treatment
serted for the two fully equipped print To ensure optimal climatic conditions The right water plays a major role in
shops, spread over an area of about for machine demonstration work, the ensuring the quality of offset printing
10,000 m2, where the primary focus is PMC Commercial, opened in 2015, at PMC Commercial. Accordingly, germ-
on the integrated overall processes and controls relative humidity with a high- free, demineralised water is produced
the required components. With its com- pressure nozzle system featuring the as part of a multi-stage process both for
prehensive portfolio of offset and digital latest generation of humidifiers. “Our the high-pressure nozzle fogging units
machines, software, consumables and presentations have to be right on the and as specially treated process water
services, the PMC covers any and every money and must not be disrupted by for the printing machines. The process
topic likely to be faced by a modern, wavy or tight edges or electrostatic begins with water softening. Here,
industrial-scale print production business. build-up on the paper. Perfect sheet the calcium and magnesium salts
Over 1,200 individual customer demos feeding is a basic requirements for responsible for water hardness are
are held yearly, educating international our demonstrations,” explains Head replaced with readily soluble sodium
delegates in how real-world production of Print Media Centre Roland Krapp. salts. Once treated, this soft water is
processes can be organised to be more In choosing its humidification system, then purified by being passed through
economical and more reliable. The Print Heidelberg can draw on almost 20 years a two-step mechanical filter stage.
Media Centre Heidelberg forms part of of experience: the first high-pressure
the Global Print Media Centre Network. humidifiers were installed in Heidelberg’s
Other members include the Print Media manufacturing facilities back in 1996.
Centre Atlanta in Kennesaw and the Over 200 units are now in use, ensuring
Print Media Centre Shanghai in Qingpu, that printing and testing in the assem-
which serve the US and Asian markets, bling halls proceed as intended.

2 3 4

Humidity and process water


This separates out solid contaminants

with a particle size of up to five-thou-
sandths of a mm. The heart of the
tank. By deploying this standardised
process water, Heidelberg ensures that
the ink/water balance for the ink in
Fact file i
water purification process is the the machines remains stable, and that Humidification: 36 high-pressure
third stage, reverse osmosis. Here, toning, roller glazing or setoff does not fogging units
a membrane separation technique is occur. The water has a constant quality, Space: 4,700 m3
used to effectively sterilise and demin- with a pH value between 4.8 and 5.5 Required 45 % rel.
humidity: humidity
eralise the pre-treated water. The and a hydrogen carbonate content of
Commissioning: 2015
reverse osmosis process is entirely less than 150 mg/l.
self-contained and runs in a portable,
compact module that enables the For personnel and plant
comprehensive maintenance and At Print Media Center Commercial, opti-
disinfection of the plant by simply mal humidity and standardised process
replacing the entire module. This water are key parameters that guaran-
standard service is performed by tee maximum performance while avoid-
the manufacturer automatically at ing disruptions to the printing process.
half-yearly intervals. From the reverse In selecting its humidification system,
osmosis plant, some of the pure water Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG has
produced is fed directly to the humidifi- devoted particular attention to maxim-
cation system. ising operational reliability and constant
hygiene, emphasises Roland Knapp:
Process water as an additional benefit “Requirements for occupational safety
To produce the fountain solution, the and health as well as maintainability
95% demineralised water passes were reviewed in great depth by the
through a fourth process stage, in specialist departments beforehand.
which a specialised hardness concen- And we are very happy with the result:
trate is added to the water. After this Our new humidification system reliably
standardising step, the process water creates the conditions required for peak
now has a residual hardness optimised performance by our personnel and plant.”
for offset printing and is routed to the
Heidelberg printing machines via a sep-
arate supply line. Some of the treated
water is also held in reserve as a foun-
tain solution for subsequent use, in a
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

5 6 1 Print Media Center Commercial

2 Printing machine at PMC

3 High-pressure nozzle humidifier

4 Optimal: humidity and process water

5 Water treatment at PMC Commercial

6 Expert know-how at Heidelberg

Humidity and process water


This brochure has been produced in close

consultation with Fogra.
We thank Fogra warmly for their support
and the photographic material supplied:

FOGRA Graphic Technology Research Association

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