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94 =! No19.- RECITATIVE FOR ALTO" °° “THEN SHALL THE EYES OF THE BLIND BE OPENED” Taian xxxv: 5,6 Axro Soto *) ‘Thenshalltheeyes of theblind be open'd, andtheearsof the deaf unstopped’ Shall the lame man leap &s an hart, andthe tongue of thedumb shall sing. a = ? «)tn the original score, this is given to the Soprano, in the key of G. But, as the first part of N2 20 fe usually sung by a Contralto, is better that the Recitative should be sung by the same voice. NO 20.- AIR FOR ALTO “HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK LIKE A SHEPHERD” salah xi: 41 - Matt, xi: 28,29 Larghetto, e piano (e\s 112 yittiey fr ese aregr Ss Auro Soto » = — rE é - 2 pa e ae He shall feed His flock like a shep - _- ira, and F x OF GEER Pe pF often sung thus: SE} 22945 He shall eed Ris floc 22045 He shall feed Hisflock like @ shep- - herd, and ree eRieer He_ shall ga- ther the lambs with His arm, with His arm, ee t in Hisbo- som, and genfifly lesa those that are__ with young, and gen-tly lead those,___and RF [RS gen - - tly lead_~thosethat are__withyoung. TF A “ c SOPRANO SOLO » ee-scor ” fim, all ye that la - bour, come Ot DF BF un - to_Him, ye thet are_ heavy la-den,—and He will giveyou rest. » +) Come un- to Him,— all ye that la - bour, come — that are heav-y la-den,— and He_will give you rest. + ‘Take Hisyoke up-on you, and learn_ of Him, for | Lee} *) Often sung thus: 22045 ‘Come un- to Him, — ee-scor —— —— meek—_ and low-ly of heart, and ye-shallfind rest, and rest un- to__ your souls. Take His yoke up-on you,and learn ofHim, for He— is meek and r 22945

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