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0 = ^ S by IAAF

6:1; 27-33. 1991

An examination of speed endurance

GaiA' Winckler

• • Starting from the premise thai .sprini 1 Introduction

training and performance should be Sprint perionnance should be consid-
considered as a complex interplay tf ered as a complex request matle of Ihe IXHIV
biocnergeiic. biimiotor and involving the participation of differeni bul
biomechanical par-ameters. the aulhor strictly related and integrated muscular and
defines and examines the lelation.ship ner\'ous systems. Figure I. on the follow-
belween .speed. rna.\imum speed and ing page, shows the relationship of the key
speed endurance. He uses tables to ingredients of sprini pertbniiiuice.
clarify the types of iraining which Too often coaches will think of train-
develop speed cnduiaiice. incorporating ing in lemis of the evolution of distinctly
the work-loads into a periodized plan. separate qualities which can be trained in
He concludes with a iraining matrix isolation. This dcinonslrales a lack of
intetuled to help focus the nianx vaiiahles understanding of Ihe inlerplay of all ihe
invidved. % • biomotor qualilies. and of their mulual
development. Training is a complex priK-
ess. and each iraining unit will usually
contribute to the overall development of
the athlele in a multilateral manner.
Such is Ihe case in the deveiopmeni of
the qualilies of speed and speed endunmce.
Tliis pa|X'r will be an attempt to provide a
description ofthe relationship lx;iwcen speed
imd s|X'cd enduranccc; an explanation for
why sjxied endurance is impiiniint in sprint-
ing; how il should be developed nielh(Kli-
cally. without sacrificing speed and tech-
nique: and how we can develop a means of
communicating il both lo athletes and lo
other coaches for the establishment i>f a
Gary Winckler is the Head Track cC Field more effective iraining inlrasirtictuie.
Coach for woinen at the Univer.siiy if
Illinois in the USA. He is also Chairman 2 Speed
of the Coaching Education Committee of In simple tenns. siride length and stride
The Athletic Congress of the USA. frequency detennine speed. To improve
Table 1: Strido length and frequency determine speed

Stride length Stride frequency

Initial speed 6 ft 3/sec, 18 ft/sec.
New speed 5 ft 4/sec. 20 ft;sec.

.speed, an increase in one or both of these proach training in the mosl appropriate
parameters must occur wiihin the context manner. Knowledge of ihe precise roles
of sound lechnique. The coach musl bear played by each of the various muscle groups
in mind that it is possible lo increase speed has improved, now serving much more
by improving one parameter to the detri- effectively lo orientate the development of
ment of Ihe other. Tliis is illustrated by an strength in the sprinter's lower limbs (i.e.
example in Table I. the importance placed for several years upon
Stride length and frequency can be the development of the quadriceps has now
improved through ihe development of co- been replaced by a more rational emphasis
ordination and speed, strength, technique, upon the gluteals. hamstrings and ga.stroc/
.specific endurance and flexibility. These soleus complex).
factors all work together, blending to pro- Recent sludies by biomechanists have
duce a better sprini perfonnance. A bal- brought to light some of ihe more critical
anced pn)gramnie and a sound leaching areas of technical deveiopmeni which must
sequence will improve benh stride length be mastered. Moreover, within the last few
and frequency, developing ihem - and Ihere- years, examination of work done by sport
fore speed - holisiically. scieniisis has aimed to clarify the relaiion-
Wiihin this framework il is mandatory ship belween speed, speed endurance and
to clarify ihe lechnical. biomechanical and good performance. 1 will now examine this
bioenergetic Sprint model in order lo ap- relationship a little more carefully.


X \ .

stride Length Stride Frequency

Strength C o - o r d i n a t i o n & Speed

\ 1 /
\ Flexibility
Specific Endurance

2J^ Figure I
Table 2: Zones of energy requirement

Zone Duration of Level of System producing Ergogenesis %

work intensity the energy
for work Anaerobic Aerobic

1 r-iy Up to ATP-CP 95-100 5-0


2 15"-60" Maximal ATP-CP + LA 80-90 20-10

3 r-6' Sub- maximal LA + Aerobic 7040 30-60

4 6'-30' Medium Aerobic 40-10 60-90

5 Over 30' Low Aerobic 5 95

3 Speed endurance mu.scular involvemenl does not require the

I defined speed above and so now would maximum potential power of the process.
like to provide a working definition for speed 3.1.1 Alactic power
endurajice. This is not an easy task, as lit- Power is linked to the veltKity of the
erature and coaching lemiinology provide biochemical responses regulating the re-
us wilh a wide range of commonly used lease of energy. This biochemical veloc-
definitions. Most coaches understand the ity response is in turn related lo the acfiv-
quality of speed endurance to be the abil- ity of enzymes. Therefore we can say that
ity of the athlete to maintain high levels of power is a funclion of the enzymatic activ-
speed for long periods of time. The work- ity of a system capable of self-tran.sforma-
load prescribed as necessary for the devel- tion.
opment of this quality is enonnous: the
athlete must work at an intensity of 15- 3.}.2 Alaciic capacity
l(X) % of his maximum over distances of Capacity is linked to the available trans-
30-600m. This involves several separate formable substrates and therefore to poten-
but related energy levels, defined briefly tial chemical energy.
below. As the intensity of work increases, the
energy cost of the external work pcrfonned
3.1 Zones of energy leciuirement
grows exponentially. Thus also ihe decrease
The alaciic anaerobic process is the basic of energy-cost of work as a resull of ef-
bioenergetic process necessaiA' for speed forts below the maximum follows an ex-
evenis (KX) metres. 200 metres and 4(X) ponential trend. From this we can con-
metres). During the lasl ten years the role clude that a slight departing from maxi-
played by the ATP-PC sysiem has been mum-work power can save a large amouiu
clarified. Italian physiologist Dr Pasquale of energy by using fewer muscle fibres.
Bellotli (198f)) points out the possibility of Thus for a work-load of less than 7-10
using phosphates (ATP and CP) to express seconds we can maintain power, whereas
the potential energy for a work-load of more for work-loads exceeding 7-10 seconds -
thiui 7-10 secontis, as long as the relevant or of less ihan 7-10 seconds but repeated 29
once or several times at shorter time inter- of their best 2(K) metres lime in the first
vals - we shall use only a percentage of half of the 400 metres.
maximum power. This will allow us to This simple fact has far-reaching im-
keep aciive only some of the muscle fibres, plications in the development of speed and
and to consume less phosphates. Tlius ii speed endurance, ij" alhletes are lo achieve
becomes imponani to stress iraining meth- faster performances they must achieve
ods aimed at improving the efficiency of higher maximum speed levels so as to al-
this process trom the viewpoint of power low for greater speeds al less than maxi-
and capacity. mum efibrts. From a praciical coaching
3.2 Ma.ximitni speed and .speed viewpoint, then, it makes for sound meth-
endurance odology to develop maximum speed quali-
ties throughoul the training year, parallel
In races where speed endurance is of to speed endurance iraining. The speed
importance (2(K) metres. 4{X) metres) good endurance training should also take the fomi
results will be dctemiined by the athleie's of distances and intensities which will
ability u> maintain quality speed perionn- support and complement the lechnical
ance throughout the race dislance. This is aspecis of maximum speed sprini ing.
nothing startling and is knowledge that every Traditionally, many coaches have devel-
sound coach uses when iraining athletes oped speed endurance eariy in the prepa-
over these race distances. However, whal ration, neglecting the aspect of maximum
is nol always underslcxxl in the Iraining speed deveiopmeni unlil late into the prepa-
process is how to maximize this ability. ration period or even ink) the compelititHi
The key or basic ingredient will always period. Such an approach jeopardizes the
be maximum spieed. The higher lhc maxi- athletes technical skill development, thus
mum speed the alhlcle ciui attain, the taster removing from the racing arsenal the abil-
will f>e Ihat athlete's speed when she/he is ity to express speed over the full dislance
perinmiing at sub-maximum eflbrts. Mosl of the race.
athletes can only hold their true maximum
speed for 10-30m. Tlius for all bul a few A rough progression designed lo develop
very elite athletes the role of speed endur- speed wilh endurance in a complex fash-
ance becomes important even in the KX) ion might look as follows:
metres. - Develop proper sprinting mechanics;
Statistics gathered from the II Worid - introduce runs at higher inlensity over
Championships of Athletics. Rome. 1987. shorter distances with the objective of
and the Games of the XXIVth Olympiad. lechnical improvemenl:
Seoul. 1988, show that in the 200 metres - work on speed development over dis-
the best athletes were those able lo keep tances of 10-fiOm:
the lime differential belween the first and - work on Ihe deveiopmeni of speed en-
second halves of the race to 1 second or durance over distances of 50-I50m;
less. Likewise, in the 400 metres event, - keep the intensity of the work between
the differential between the first and sec- sub-maximum and maximum and only
ond sections ol' the race was on average allow the athlete to mn as l ^ as their
lx;iween 1 and 2 seconds for tlie mosi ettl- lechnique will allow.
cieni perfomiers. This demands the abil- Naturally, a sequence of this nature
ity to run the first half of the 200 metres requires lime. Such a development may
race at a speed of 97-98 *> of their best for lake weeks, monlhs or even years. Ho\\-
that race dislance (i.e. the first KK)m of ihe ever, for a young sprinter this type of pro-
200 metres is mn al 97-98 Vr of the alh- gression could yield great results in a 4-6
30 lete's best KX) metres time) and 95-96 % year programme starting from tlie age of
13-14 and culminating in college or be- mes contained large amounts of such work.
yond. Of course, work over long distances Allhough ihey were primarily l(M)-200
is needed, particulariy in the case of 400 metres athleles, Mennea on more than one
metres ninners. This is necessary largely occasion ran 44.4.S for a leg of the 4x4(X)
from the standpoint of psychological prepa- metres relay.
ration. Table 3 might serve to clarify a pro-
Series of repetitions such as 4x4x60m gression of work leading lo g(X)d develop-
12 min. & 4 min.l have been used suceess- ment of speed speed endurance char-
luliy to prepare quality 2(X)-4(K) metres acieristics;
alhletes even at international level. Pietro Wilh this delineation of tenninology the
Mennea (ITAt and Valerie Bor/ov (URS) coach can more easily devise the schedul-
are' examples of alhleies whose program- ing of work-loads and intensities in the

Table .M I h e dc^el(>pmenl of s | x v d a n d s p e e d e n d u r a n c e

Common Lenglh Component and Energy jyilem % of besi Rest

tenninalogy of run description of objective pefonnance reps/sets

EXTENSIVE < 200m Aerobic capacily (AC) Aerobic <69% [< 45'&2'1
> 100m Aerobic power lAPj Aerobic 70-79% [30-90" &:-3i

INTENSIVE > 80m .\naerobic capacily (ANP) Mixed aerobic/ 80-89% 130"-5'&3-lO'l
TEMPO ILactic acid capaclEyj anaerobic

20-80m Speed (S) Anaerobic 90-95% 13-5' & 6-8'l

lAnaerobic power] alaciic 95-100% 13-5' & t 8 ' l
[Alactic acid strength]
30-80ra Alactic shon speed endurance Anaerobic 90-95% (!-:•& 5-7'l
fASSE) alactic 95-100% i:-3'&7-10'l
(Anaerobic power]
(Alaciic acid capscilyt

< Sik Glycolyiic short speed Anierobic 90-95% [I & 3 - t ]

endurance {GSSE) glycolyiic 95-100% [1&4'1
[Anierobic cipacily]
SPEED [Anaerobic power]
ENDURANCE [Laclic acid capacily]

80-150m Spe«d endurance (SE) Anaerobic 90-95% (5-6'&6-i0]

Anaerobic power glycolyiic 95-100%
Lactic acid slrenglh

SPEC1.\L 150-300m Long speed endurance (LSE) Anaerobic 90-95% 110-i:'&12l5'l

ENDURANCE! [Anaerobic pow'cr] glyeolytic 95-100%

SPECIAL 30(WO0m Uciiie tolcnncc (LAT) Lactic acid 9^95% it5-:0' & fuU]
ENDURANCE 11 (Lactic acid capacity] tolerance 95400%

Table 4: Fniphiises in an a n n u a l |)lan of preparuli<in for a s p r i n t e r



Major eQ^hasis Major emphasis Major ernphasis

Geneml eodurance Specific endurance Speed (S)

Aerobic capacily (AC) Anaerobic capacity (ANC) Specific endurance
Aerobic power (A?) Alaciic short speed endurance (ASSE) Speed endurance (SE)
General slrength Speed (S) Glyeolytic short speed endurance (GSSE)
Flembility Specific and general strragth Long speed endurance (LSE)
Co-ordinaiioQ Lactate tolerance (LAT)

Minor emphasis Minor emphasis Minor emphasis

Speed (S) General endurance General and specific slrength

Anaerobic capacity Aerobic po\^'er Flexibility
(ANC) Aerobic capacily Aerobic power


Alactic Short SE
Glyeolytic Short SE


Long SE


Strength Endurance Eridurance

Co-ordination Mobility

32 Figure 2: Trüinin^ nia1ri\

annual plan of prcparaiidn. A very gen- lhc total picture ;UKI lhc central theme of
eral scheme might lake the t'onii of the that picture should never be loo far oul of
following, where the genemi preparation ftx-us. 'Die development of the qualilies
period is strictly pre-season. and the spe- nienlioned here and others is ver> complex
cillc preparalion peritKl encompasses late and musl he given great iln)ught and skil-
pre-season and early comivtition (see Table ful application. Tlie following may help
4 on the previous page). lo focus the subject at hand ;uid the many
Training is never un easy task for coach variables to Iv blended in that aspect of
or alhlcle. Il is imponant to understand the coaching which we refer lo as 'the art'.
various means and mcth(xls ol developing
all of the biomotor qualities present. Yel D


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