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Installation and Initial System Configuration


User’s Manual
Nimbus Version


Step 1: Download the Nimbus application. 3
Step 2: Create the Branch Groups and Branch via Nimbus CMS. 3
How to create BRANCH GROUPS: 3
How to create a BRANCH: 6
Create Cashier Stations 7
Step 3. Install Applications 9

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version


This manual is designed to help you with the step-by-step procedures to complete the NIMBUS
system set-up for your cafe.

Below are the basic requirements you need to set-up using Nimbus system:

Step 1: Download the Nimbus application.

❏ Download the CLIENT and CASHIER installer.

➔ Start your computer

➔ Register Account
➔ Download the installer file from our website ​https​://​ ​ for
CLIENT and or CASHIER application.

Step 2: Create the Branch Groups and Branch via Nimbus CMS.

This step is required to generate your a license key which you will use to complete installation processed
for both client and cashier applications.

How to create BRANCH GROUPS:

1. Log-in to Nimbus Cafe CMS using your credentials.

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version


2. After log-in, the CMS dashboard will be displayed.

Look for BRANCH MANAGEMENT section and click Branch Groups button.

3. Upon clicking Branch Groups, Branch Groups page will be displayed; click ADD Branch
Group located at the upper-right corner of the screen.

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

4. Upon clicking ADD BRANCH, a new screen will be displayed. You will then need to add
the NAME of your Branch Group; then click the ADD button.

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Nimbus Version

You have now created your Branch Group.

★ Now that you have already created your BRANCH GROUP, next step is to create a

How to create a BRANCH:

Reminder:​ To create a BRANCH, make sure that you have already created a BRANCH

1. From the CMS Dashboard go to Branch Management section and click BRANCH.
2. A new screen will be displayed and then click ADD BRANCH button located at the
upper-right corner of the screen.

3. After clicking ADD Branch button, below screen will be displayed; enter required details,
then click the ADD button.

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Nimbus Version

Note: Diskless Server MAC and Diskless Server IP Addresses are optional which can be added at a later time.

****You have now created a Branch.****

Create Cashier Stations

Note: The license key, along with the CyberCafe ID will be used to activate your CASHIER application.

1. Click BRANCH section from the dashboard and look for LISTS column, then click

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

2. Upon clicking the CASHIER STATIONS button, below screen will be displayed; enter
required details.
a. You will need to enter your cashier station’s MAC and IP address.

Hint:​ Having problems in finding your station’s MAC and IP address, click ​here​ for instructions.

Note:​ Instead of using ​-​ (dash) as a separator for MAC address, replace it with ​:​ (colon).
E.g: instead of entering 00-14-22-01-23-45, enter using this format 00:14:22:01:23:45

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

Step 3. Install Applications

It is up to you which application you would like to install first; but for this module, we will start
with cashier application followed by the client application.

To fully enjoy the best experience with the app, we recommend that you adjust your screen
resolution to 1920 x 1080.

A) Cashier Application

❏ CyberCafe ID and License key.

➢ Complete Cashier App configuration.

➢ Run Cashier Installer.
○ Click the file (.exe) of the cashier application and below screen will be displayed.
File Name: ​NimbusCashierSetup.exe
○ Select your desired installation path and;
○ Enter a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID to begin the installation process,
then hit VERIFY button.

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

★ How to find your CyberCafe ID:
➔ From Nimbus CMS Dashboard, go to My CyberCafe menu > CyberCafe ID
★ How to find your License Key:
➔ From Nimbus CMS Dashboard, go to BRANCHES menu > License Key

○ Upon clicking VERIFY button given that a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID
was entered, a validation prompt will be displayed - ​Successfully verified.
○ Then click the NEXT button to proceed.

Note: Once you have entered a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID, you will no longer be
allowed to edit it.

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

● After clicking the NEXT button below screen will be displayed; Click INSTALL button

● Upon clicking the INSTALL button, the installation process will begin. This may take a
few seconds to complete. Below screen will be displayed.

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Nimbus Version

● Once cashier app installation is completed, you will see this final screen; hit FINISH


Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

B) Client Application

You are almost done with the installation! Now, let me you walk you through with the CLIENT
app installation process.

❏ CyberCafe ID and License key.

➢ Complete Client app configuration.

○ Click the file (.exe) of the cashier application and below screen will be displayed.
File Name: ​NimbusAgentSetup.exe
○ Select your desired installation path and;
○ Enter a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID to begin the installation process,
then hit VERIFY button.

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

○ Upon clicking VERIFY button given that a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID
was entered, a validation prompt will be displayed - ​Successfully verified.
○ Then click the NEXT button to proceed.

Note: Once you have entered a valid License Key and CyberCafe ID, you will no longer be
allowed to edit it.

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Nimbus Version

○ After clicking the NEXT button below screen will be displayed; Click INSTALL

● Upon clicking the INSTALL button, the installation process will begin. This may take a
few seconds to complete. Below screen will be displayed:

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

Nimbus Version

● Once client app installation is completed, you will see this final screen; hit FINISH

To apply the changes, you can either wait for the system to automatically restart your PC
one (1) minute after installation is completed or you can manually restart your computer.
The client application will be launched automatically.

​ IUM​ ​Cafe Management System​- ​NIMBUS​!
You can now start enjoying a ​FREEM

Nimbus Installation and Initial System Configuration Manual © 2019

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