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U nit Topics M ain language
All about me ^ M y friends j Her Mum is always angry with us.
I usually practise for an hour.
^ M y heroes Q He's / She's in my favourite film. I really love him / her.
pp 4-11 j I mas short We were sleepy every morning.
^ This was me

Clothes zone Our clothes ' , my / you'' / his / her / its / our / their
© I'm going to wear a blue hat. Are you going to be a pirate?
0 Dressing up
'• 4
PP 12-19 *3 uJJ uiiijiji Je-iijj dijd ■J'-jJjli'ijJ I

PP 20-21 Do you rem em b er? 1

■j My alarm d od i rang. / didn’t want to get up.

At work ^ A day's w ork O Do you have to (make your bed)? Yes, I do. / No, I don't
He / She has to / doesn’t have to (dean the floor).
^ Home chores ^ Did Cook explore Australia? Yes, be did.
Did Monroe ily planes? No, she didn’t
pp 22-29 From history When did Amy go to Australia?

Focus on food ^ M ealtim e a biscuit / an apple / some biscuits / some apples / some soup
You must / mustn’t e a t ... every day.
^ Come and buy! 0 Can I have some tomatoes, please? Have you got any onions?

pp 30-37 ^ -ии iib o u i jjjecj'iil fuij'JJ

PP 38-39 Do you rem em b er? 2

At sea Sea creatures A blue whale is bigger than a great white shark.
A dolphin is more intelligent than a lobster
W atersports O Bodyboarding is the easiest Standing up is the most difficult.
pp 40-47 Joshua was sleeping when a loud noise woke him.

My body Keep fit ~ How do you go to school? How often do you eat sweets?
^ We should call an ambulance. We shouldn’t move her
W hat's the m atter?
pp 48-55 Ull U’OOU’i 'jo u r •Ijjj-jli'jj.iy iJO'JyJ I
..................................... ■' ' - " ' T '" *' ................... *
pp 56-57 ... Do you rem em b er? 3

щ Around town

pp 58-65
W here are you?
A day out
** I’m waiting in the cafe. We aren’t moving. Are you coming?
Q Revision: going to
Revision: Past simple: questions

I’ve seen the moon. I’ve never been in an aeroplane.

in space " Space travellers

Q Have you ever been to another planet? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Revision: Past continuous.
0 Planet X
pp 66-73 uJJ u b o iJi :iyci'yb uf iJjy Улч\ \
Mil.IW ! — —^ ....................... — *

pp 74-75 II Do you rem r In» ■?

^ШВЗИ^ШВШк P la y 1 - The Robot Teacher

P la y 2 - The Cake T h ie f
All about me
1 Read the magazine page. Match the photos w ith the texts.

M y > ^ - a n d o in t s

Readers around the world tell us what they love -

and hate - about themselves.

My best point is that i'm very

iVIy best point is that I'm
sporty. I often piay footbaii or
really musical. I play the
basi<etbaii in tiie afternoon
saxophone in a band
witfi my friends and 1always
and I usually practise for
go swimming on Saturday.
an hour every evening.
IViy worst point is that I'm messy
My worst point is that
and I hate tidying my room. -
I'm not very sporty and
1really hate football.
Pernille from Copenhagen, 11

o Kim from Seoul, 12.

I think my best point is that

I'm funny and I always make All my friends come to me when they
my friends laugh. My bad need help with their homework - or
points are that I'm lazy and ® with their computers. 1think being
I'm very talkative! I talk on helpful is my best point. My worst?
the phone all the time, and I'm very shy when I meet new people,
sometimes I'm not very nice and I can never think of anything
to my Mum. to say to them, but I like being with
my friends.
Silvia from Buenos Aires, 12
Alex from London, 11

2^ W ho are their best friends? Listen and w rite the names from 1.

L 1 .1
a c
b d

Her Mum is always angry with us.

I usually practise for an hour every evening
I can never think of anything to say.
3 Listen and read.


4 Make a ‘W ho is it? ’ puzzle about a friend in your class.

This person is clever We often go rollerblading

and very talkative. in the afternoon.

She's sporty too, and She isn't musical, and she isn't
she's good at drawing. very tidy, but she's always happy.

w o rd !
SAVER 1 clever m e ssy spo rty I think she's nice and very helpful
funny m usical talkative ^
helpful nice tidy
< > lazy shy
o Talk about the stars.

Picture a is Nakata. Picture b is Penelope Picture c is Westlife.

He's a football star. Cruz. She's an actress. They're a pop group.
He's Japanese. I don't She's Spanish. I like her. They're Irish. I don't
know much about him. like them.

if International superstars

© Talk a b o u t your h ero es. My favourite pop group is S-Club

They're British. I really love them

— ly ----------------------------------------

He's in my favourite film. I really love him.

She's pretty. I quite like her.
Unit 1 Stage 2
They're the best Irish pop group. He likes them
Listen and m ark the sentences T (True) or F (False).
Fantastic Teens heroes %


Teenymon can change into twenty

Catboy has got nine lives.
different animals.
The Fantastic Teens are on TV The 'Martins' comic comes out
on Friday afternoon. every Saturday.
Frogman's secret identity is pop star The Conductor is Thunder Woman's
Rick Lakeman. worst enemy.

Invent a superhero.

/V a/n e : P W

: f^ U s ir c d u o T L

S e c re t

s u jr ^ C n ^ s f e L T

p O lu e / 'S ' CajTL

't * ^ n r L e ls tJe r ij

e m r T w : S r e t t 3 u u J lc L e r -

a n d o j^ ^ r o u r jL c < iC e s
Talk about the Superkidz when they were younger and now.

tall short thin fat long straight curly dark blond

( Jade was short and thin. Now she

2 ^ --------------

Listen and circle the differences. Listen again and write the correct words.

L 1 .4
This was us in Year 1, oh yeah, this was us in Year 1.
This was us in Year 1, oh yeah, this was us in Year 1.
I was short. She was fat. He had long hair. You had braces.'
I was good at Maths. You were into making faces.
You were happy on your first day. She was very sad
To be there in the classroom far from Mum and Dad.
Chorus *
We all had nicknames. We were often naughty!
I was ‘Beanpole'. She was 'Freckles'. He was 'Spike'. You were 'Shorty'.
I was into baseball. She was good at dancing.
I was teacher's pet. We were sleepy every evening.
I'm very different now to how I was at five.
It's fun to see old photos - brings my memories alive!
You're very different now to how you were at five,
It's fun to see old photos - brings our memories alive!

I was short.
We were sleepy, every morning.
^4% Read the portfoUo. Answer the questions.


Sophie Prendergast

Me and my family My early memories

My name’s Sophie and I’m eleven years old. I don’t remember much about Canada, but
I live in Spain but I’m not Spanish, I’m I remember it was very cold and there was a lot
English. My parents are from London but o f snow. My best friend there was Emily. We were
I was bom in Hungary. into playing with ‘Barbie’ dolls.
When I was eighteen months old, we went to I remember my first day at school in Spain. I was
live in Canada. My brother William was born four years old. I was very scared because I couldn’t
there. When I was nearly four, we came to speak any Spanish. My hair was short and curly
live in Spain. My sister Gloria was born here. and lots o f people thought I was a boy because
She’s six years younger than me. I didn’t have earrings. My first teacher was Rosa.
Next year w e’re going back to England. She was very nice. I was shy in class but I was
good at drawing.

My first words were in Hungarian, but now Now I’m leaving primary school
I don’t speak it at all. I speak English at home
Now I’m the oldest girl in my school. My best
with my family and Spanish at school. I also
friend is Nadia. We’re into the same music and the
study Valenciano at school, and lots o f my
same fashions. I think my best point is that I’m
friends speak it at home.
a good friend. My worst point is that I’m messy.
I prefer reading in English to reading in
Next year I start secondary school in England.
Spanish, but my spelling isn’t very good in
I’m scared o f going to a big school. There are
English, so I prefer writing in Spanish.
only 85 children in my school in Spain. I want to
work hard at secondary school and make lots of
new friends there.

a Where were Sophie's brother d W hat was Sophie good at

and sister born? when she was four?

b Who was Sophie's best friend e How many languages can she speak?
when she was in Canada?
f W hat is she like now?
c W hat were they into?

^5^ W ork w ith a partner. Talk about when you were younger.

best friend be good at be into nickname scared o f |

^ W h at were you like when you were four? ^ was good at drawing and I was into swimming.
My best friend's name was Azucena.

\JkcrSon ^ p 'n y v t r c b p a g e o
IV ^

You need:

a sheet 4 photos scissors sticky felt pens

of card tape

3F/#»cf p H o t o s o fy ^ o u ^ y ^ o u r f a m il y ',
y o u r f r i c n t i s , a n t i y o u i n t iw c p a s t .

Stick the top o f the photos to r 3J Under each photo, w rite

your web page and label them. about you and your life.

4 ) Give your web page a title.

0 ^ Where on Earth? Ц
^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

1 Find the clothes in the picture.

a striped jumper

a plain short-sleeved dress

a light brown jacket

a long-sleeved checked shirt

a pair of baggy navy

blue shorts

a pair of light grey boots

a bright yellow sweatshirt

a pair of dark grey

tracksuit bottoms

a pair of patterned leggings

a tight blue top

a pair of black and white


Listen and match the names w ith the people. Amy Jemma Karen Ryan Will

( S )

P la y ‘Guess w ho?’ w ith your class.

Her top is blue and His tracksuit bottoms

white. It's striped. are dark green.
Marta. ^ Juan. ^

■ V
Read and match the questions w ith the answers.

What is your favourite thing in your wardrobe?

Do you want to change anything ; "

Jordan Calvert is 14 and lives in Guildford. about your uniform?
Danielle Green is 12 and lives in Kent.
Tell us about the clothes you are wearing now./
They both go to Sylvia Young Theatre School
in London. They tell us about their clothes.
Do you like your school uniform?

What do you wear at the weekend?

1 .

J: Yes. It's OK, because it's smart.

D: Yes, but I don't like the tie because it's tight.
J: Well, I like our uniform, but I don't like its colours
very much.
D: The tie.
Ready for school
J: My white Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt.
D: I've got lots of favourite things! I really like
my long purple jeans.
4. ?

J: I like wearing jeans and T-shirts.

D: I usually wear jeans or tracksuit bottoms and a top.
5. ?

J: Well, these are my favourite trousers. They're really

comfy. I like this T-shirt a lot because it's bright.
I don't often wear white, but I like these tracksuit
bottoms because I think I look good in them.
My top is new. I don't usually wear light blue, but
I think it looks good with white tracksuit bottoms.
In their own clothes

W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer. • What's your favourite thing in your wardrobe?
Make notes to tell the class.
• W hat do you wear to school?

• W hat do you wear at the weel<end?

my / your / his / her / its / our / their

U nit 2 Stage 1 ( O
Look. W ho are they going to be? Listen and read.
up Label the costumes.
Batwoman Cleopatra a clown L2.2
51^ -
a cowboy a spy a pirate

ft's carnival! We're going to have a party,

re going to sing and dance, and we're going to have fun.

I'm going to wear a long I'm going to wear a curly wig I'm going to wear a hat
black beard, And my nose is going to be red. and boots
A scarf, and a wooden leg. Chorus And a waistcoat with a gun.

I'm going to wear a wig I'm going to wear a moustache I'm going to wear black tights
and earrings. and glasses. and a mask.
And some make-up. I'm going to put on a raincoat W ith a long cloak on my back.
Oh, what fun! and a hat.

ft's carnival! We're going to have a party.

I^ ere going to sing and dance. Are you going to come.

W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer.

I'm going to wear a big brown hat.

Are you going to be a spy?

No, I'm not.

Are you going to be a cowboy?

Yes, I am.

I'm going to wear a blue hat.

Are you going to be a pirate?
Unit 2 Stage 2
She's going to be a spy.
Read the article. Answer the questions.
^ \ up

It's very colourful, it's very famous, and it's the

biggest carnival in the world - it's the Rio de
Janeiro carnival in Brazil and it takes place in
February. Carnivals take place in towns and cities all over Britain
Every year there is a competition to be Momo, during the summer. Notting Hill Carnival in London started
the King of the Carnival. To be the King, you in 1964. Notting Hill is an area in north-west London
must be a Brazilian man, live in Rio, and weigh where there are lots of people from the Caribbean.
more than 110 kilos. You must also dance the At carnival time you can listen to steel bands playing
samba really well. calypso music and you can dance to it too. You can also
eat Caribbean food such as fried bananas. Notting Hill
You can see hundreds of floats in the huge Rio
Carnival is now ihe biggest street festival in Europe.
street parade, or you can watch them on TV. All
the people in the parades wear great costumes
and they all dance the samba.

The most famous carnival in the United States is in New

Orleans. It takes place in February. It is called Mardi Gras,
which means 'Fat Tuesday' in French. People dress up in
purple and gold clothes - the festival colours. Every year
there is a carnival king 'Rex' and his queen. They travel
on a float with people who are called 'maskers'. The
maskers throw money, sweets, and other things to the
crowds in the streets.

a Which Which carnival has colours

of gold and purple?
b Which
Which carnivals have a carnival king?
c Which

© Talk about festivals in your country.

When do you have festivals?
W hat do people do?
Are you going to dress up for your next festival?
W hat are you going to wear? Who are you going to be?
Read all _r _f
about it!
f f
i J D i. I j j j

Unit 2 Stage 3
Read all ^ I
J E A N S ©AN T i v S H i R T S about it! 1

W h a t y o u d o

» ‘« • " T - s h ir t ?

Advertise Do-it-yourself
These days we use
T-shirts to advertise
everything. The very
first advertising
1. Tie up T-shirt .2. Put in dye, 3. Untie string
T-shirt came out in
with string. wash then dry. and wear.
1939 to pronnote the
film 'The Wizard of Oz'. In the 1960s, travellers to India discovered how
to tie-dye T-shirts. All you need is an old T-shirt,
some string, and a packet of coloured dye.

Say what you like Scratch and sniff it

In the early 1970s music A new range of T-shirts
/1 fans started to wear pop in the 1970s had big
music T-shirts. You wore pictures on them. The
a T-shirt to tell the world pictures were strawberries
who your favourite band or other nice food and
was. Now you can tell the flowers. You could scratch
world about your favourite the picture and then you
sport or football team with could smell strawberries
your T-shirt. too!

Say what you think T-shirts now and in the future

In the 1980s people in Now you can buy
the United States started T-shirts with your
to write messages on their photo on, T-shirts
T-shirts. These messages which glow in the
told everyone what they dark, or T-shirts which
thought about the world. change colour as you
Nowadays you can buy get hotter or colder.
T-shirts with messages,
about most things.

And T-shirts of the futu e? Your imagination is the Simit!

f o s H i o n p a g e

You need:

a large magazines scissors felt pens

of card

Find pictures of
famous people and
clothes in magazines.

Glue the pictures

onto the card to make
strange fashions.
Draw extra things
if you like.

Invent names for

your fashions and
w rite about them.

Present your fashions

to the class. Vote for:
• the strangest
• the funniest
• the ugliest

Unit 2 Stage 4
0 ^ Where on Earth? a

How many horses are

there? (W-E)

How many castanets can

you see in picture 2? (N-S)

Turn to page 80.

Complete the phonecard.
Find the next country.
¿jaq u iaiu ai no^ oq

•Auun^ Aj 3a s ,3|-| -m o u >| | 'sa^

■q6nB| 3|do3d sa>|Bai s Ab m |b uijor

:s iip a id o a d a ip ;n o q B >nBX

s, J 3A3U J36oy l^mb sse p u| M

s Ae m |b Sind Aiio|/\| Abm b s>|ooq j 3L| 6 S30p J3A3U Aue >|UBJJ >|JOM3SnOL| p

l.UOp >||BJ sijo d s J3A3U AuB Aj b |/\| saop a

3|do3d M3U 01 u u y pue a iji A||Bnsn j suL|3 puB |JBO u a jjo spuau^ jp m dpn q

SJ3MSUB 3L|i ||B s Ab m |b saoiBf SM0U>| 3 UL|Of s Ab M|B S9>|BLil L|6nB| 3|d03d B

• S3 D U 3 ;U 3 S 35[Bl/\[

W ork in teams. You have five minutes to w rite

sentences about the people in the picture.

T h u o ld la J^ w o A s h o rt k e r cU ^ s wvus p a tte rru zct. H e r h /z ir mz^s s^ xort a rtd ^re^.

3 Listen to your teacher. Score 1 point

for each correct sentence.
•UMop apisdn 5[ooq m o A u jn x . z

■noA OQ
•ainuiui 3uo jp j ajn^Did aq; ?[ooq
P la y ‘Dressing up’.___
You need a dice Roll it four times to find two squares:

Six ... six and ... five ... one.

I've got a black cloak f| Do you
and some glasses. i|4t!memberl
Make a sentence w ith the two things: I'm going to dress up
as Harry Potter.
If the class agrees w ith you, tick / the squares, V.
If you get a square w ith a tick, throw again.

Do you rem em ber?

/ ,

Listen and number the jobs. Listen and check.

journalist police officer

Choose a job. W ork w ith a partner. Describe and guess your jobs.

This person works outside. He wears

special clothes and a hat. He works with I know! A builder!
big machines. He doesn't work at night.

-s" with ...

during the day

at the weekend
i big machines


a uniform

- special clothes
~\ -s 'I'V O
outside w on her own
Read the article. Correct the sentences.

Vet Sarah Cunnings tells us about a typical day's work My first case was Coco, a dog with a broken leg.
at New York City's Animal Medical Centre, the biggest I put a bandage on her leg and gave her two
animal hospital in the world. injections. Then I went back to bed.
Last Friday I was on duty all night for emergency I didn't sleep for long. At 6.00 a.m. the alarm
cases - that means I can sleep until the alarm rang again. It was a boy with a parrot with
goes. I slept for three hours and then at 3.00 a.m. broken ribs. 'My sister shut him in a door!
the alarm woke me. She didn't see him.'

Parrots have very thin

bones and it's difficult to
put a bandage on them.
I couldn't do it on my
own so two other vets
helped me. We finished
at 7.30 a.m., and then I
had breakfast.

My next patient was Boza, a boa

constrictor. It is too cold in New York in
winter for tropical snakes so I told Boza's
owners that they need to keep her warm,
and I gave her some medicine.
At 9.00 a.m. the non-emergency cases began. First I At midday I went home to bed.
operated on Ryoku, an iguana. Iguanas usually eat fruit At 8.00 p.m. my alarm clock rang. I didn't
and leaves, but people give them dog food and it makes want to get up ... but I love my job at
them ill. the Centre!

a Sarah slept for two hours before Coco arrived, d Sarah gave the snake an injection,

b Coco had a broken neck, e Sarah operated on the iguana after lunch.

c The boy with the parrot arrived at 4;00 a.m. Sarah put a bandage on the snake.

Sarah didn't sleep for two hours before

Two other vets helped me. Coco arrived, she slept for three hours.
My alarm clock rang.
I didn't want to get up.
She didn't see him.
© Match the questions and answers.
a Why does Bulldog /e to tidy up? 1 Because he can't get to the sink.

b Why does he have do the shopping? 2 Because his bowl is dirty.

c Why does he have Hn the wa<;hinn-iin? 3 Because he can't get to his food cupboard.

d Why does he have 4 Because he spills the milk.

e Why does he have 5 Because he hasn't got many Dogflakes.

clean the floor make (your) bed

do the shopping take the rubbish out I
do the w ashing-up tidy up
3 W ho does w hat? Listen and w rite L (Lalkali), J (Jom o) or A (Ahmed).

.3 .4

Helping at home

look after younger go to market

brothers and sisters

Lalkali, 10, from Nepal Jomo, 15, from Kenya

o look after wash the clothes

the animals

do the cooking
Qcollect firewood
Ahmed, 11, and his sister Fatma from Egypt

make the fire clean the floor fetch water

41 W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer.

r Do you have to do the shopping?

Yes, I do - sometimes.
— --------------------------------------

Í Do you have to clean the floor?

No, I don't.

Do you have to make your bed?

Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
He has to clean the floor.
She doesn't have to do the shopping.
Match the professions w ith the people.

actress artist explorer inventor nurse pilot scientist writer

lA/illiam Shakespeare Florence

Amy Johnson

Albert Einstein Guglielmo Marconi Marilyn Monroe James Cook

Read the song. W ho are the m ystery people? 3“ Listen and check.

P. L3.5

, I^ - r \ There werb artists and explorers, there were scientists and writers.’'^^

There were nurses and inventors, there were actresses and pilots.
H - l - S - T - O - R - Y . They're from history, they're our history

)id ? paint strange pictures? Did ? invent the radio?

\ No, he didn't. That's not true. No, he didn't. That's not true.
He wrote lots of plays and poems, He sailed around New Zealand,
And explored Australia too.
And he sometimes acted too.
Chorus Chorus
Did ? fly small planes? Did ? study atoms?
No, she didn't. That's not true. No, she didn't. That's not true.
She acted in the movies. She cared for poor, sick soldiers.
And was very pretty too. And gave nursing classes too.
Chorus I Chorus
^4 ' Read the article. M ark the sentences T (True) or F (False).
, From ,
Ц history

Amy Johnson was bom on 1st July 1903 in Hull,

in the north-east of England. She had two younger
sisters: Irene and Molly. Amy was good at Science at
school and loved sports, especially hockey and cricket
Women didn't usually go to university at the time,
but Amy was an unusual woman. She went to the
University of Sheffield and studied Economics.
When she left university she moved to London.
She wanted a job in Economics, but at the time
people didn't give women these jobs, so she took
a job as a secretary.
- Amy thought that her job

— was boring, so she wanted an
" exciting hobby and she began
to fly at the London Aeroplane In 1930 Amy flew 11,000 miles from England
to Australia on her own in nineteen and
a half days.
8°^ pilot's licence. She died in 1941 during World War II when
, ’f l j She was also the first woman her plane crashed into the River Thames.
become an aeroplane Amy Johnson was Britain's most famous
woman pilot. There was a song about her
Amy wanted to show people called Amy, Wonderful Amy. Many women
that women could do the same became pilots because of her. She showed
things as men and she decided that women were as good as men at the job.
to become a great pilot.

She began to fly when she was

a Amy Johnson was English. twenty-five.
She was the first woman to get
studied Science at university,
iher pilot's licence.
Amy's journey to Australia took
c She was happy with her first job. more than two weeks.

W ork in teams. W rite questions about A m y Johnson.

D id Am^ к о м е tw o s U t s jr s ? Now close your books.

W h e re d id A m y g o to ихш / ^ it t j ? Ask and answer w ith
other teams.

Did Cook explore Australia? Yes, he did.

Did Monroe fly small planes? No, she didn't.
When did Amy go to Australia?
Use a dictionary to
/ like ... It's ... You can ... label the pictures.
c fo n c c tt
f o r y o u r /o ib ?
You have to ... f4 J W rite two paragraphs for your
poster: w hy you want to do the
job and what you need.
Find or draw pictures
to make a job poster. r 5 j Look at other posters w ith
your classmates. Ask and
answer questions.
How many maple leaves
can you see on the tree
outside the stadium? (N-S)

Turn to page 80.

Complete the phonecard.
Find the next country.
Focus on food
1 Listen and tick / .

W hat is Jack going W hat does Anna w ant
to have for lunch? for breakfast?

O biscuits Q O ju ice O
O toast O bread
O fruit

p _

sandwiches CD water

W hat do Carl and Jo y choose?

O soup O eggs

”^ 3 ^alad
o meat

o chicken

C ) chips o fish

(3 spaghetti o vegetables

o cheese

Talk about your meals and snacks yesterday. breakfast snack lunch dinner

( had some cereal for breakfast.

I had an apple for my morning snack.

a biscuit some biscuits some soup

an apple some apples
Listen and number the parts o f the song.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Burger and chips are nice lunches too. Yum! Yum! We love this food.
Pizza and salad - that's good for you. It is our favourite dish.

Let's have it every day. Sausage and mash we have once a week.
Spaghetti bolognaise. Roast meat and veg we don't like to eat.

But there's one dish that we all like - It's time to have lunch now.
It's delicious - we agree! What is that lovely smell?

What is for lunch today? But when we are really hungry

Spaghetti bolognaise. We just want our special food

I am still hungry and Can I have seconds, please?

I want some more to eat. Spaghetti bolognaise.

j bo you
look a f te r
\ your body?
Do you follow Eagle’s eating rules? Read and tick / .

E agle’s Eating Rules

o You must eat some fresh fruit

and vegetables every day if
you want to be healthy.
You must brush your teeth
after every meal.

o You mustn’t eat more than

three eggs a week.
You must drink more water when
it is hot or when you do sport.

o You mustn’t eat a lot of

sugar. It’s bad for your teeth.
You mustn’t eat lots
o f snacks between meals.

o You mustn’t put a lot of salt

on your food.

5 Make yourself a food plan. Am i rm it ea tjru im fiu d .


You must eat some fruit every day.

You mustn't eat more than three eggs a week.
and b u y!v
o Talk about the differences between the market stalls.

There are some peaches in A

There are more cherries in B than in A.
and there aren't any peaches in B.

2 ) Listen. W hich picture?

L43 1O 2O 30 O 5 0

Can I have some tomatoes, please?

Have you got any onions?
U nit 4 stage 2
I haven't got any peaches.
W ork w ith a partner. Make a shopping dialogue.

I help y o u ? ^
^ Y e s , please. Have you g o t...?
No, I'm sorry. I haven't got
Can I have ... then?

Certainly. How many? J

.... And can I have ... too, please?

Here you are. Anything else? j

No, thank you. That's all.
1 7 ------------------------------------

Read the adverts. M ark the sentences M (M uffins), V (Veggie dogs) or Z (Z-bars).


My blueberry muffins i Eating a lot of meat isn't good for you. If you
have got fresh Canadian' want a change, try my delicious 'Veggie
blueberries in, and lots of them! My vegetarian hot dog 'sausages' have got«
They are a perfect snack at any time of day. cheese and nuts in them. Try them with
Have them with some milk in the morning, ketchup, mayonnaise,
mustard or on their own.
with some juice at break time or even with
They're delicious - and
some ice cream for pudding. good for you too!

Moose's Marvellous Muffins - everyone wants more Eagle's healthy answer to easy meals without meat

Do you feel tired when you're playing football?

Do you have to stop when you're running
home? You need some Z-bars in your pocket!
With their delicious yoghurt and chocolate
stripes, my Z-bars give you the energy that you
le h ia 's W a i s need to be a true sports star.
............... jr::::::;::::;:;:::”
I Z-bars - brown and white stripes of energy!

a You can put them in your pocket, They're good when you are tired,

b They're for people who don't like'meat, hey taste good with ketchup.

c They've got fresh fruit in them. They're a kind of cake.

1 1
Read a ll, ^ _r 1 _r Í r 1
about it!
*- J


'Los Dias de los Muertos' (The Days of the Pancake Day takes place in Britain on She was in her kitchen when
Dead) take place in Mexico on 1st and Shrove Tuesday in February. It started suddenly she heard the church bells.
2nd November. The festival isn't a sad time as a celebration to use up all the She ran outside to go to church - in
- it's a celebration of life. Children dress up eggs in the kitchen before Lent. All her apron and with her fr/ing pan in
as ghosts and parade through the streets over Britain people make pancakes her hand! Now there are pancake
with paper coffins. People throw sweets and they eat them with sugar and races all over Britain.
and fruit into the coffins. Chocolate skulls, lemon juice.
marzipan skeletons, and 'pan de muerto' People also have pancake races.
(a kind of bread in the shape of bones) The most famous race takes place
are favourite treats. in the village of OIney in England.
Only women and girls can take part.
The race started in the 15th century.
The story is that on Shrove Tuesday
1445, a woman wanted pancakes
for her breakfast.

United Nations' World Food Day takes place every year on 16th October.
i On this day children all over the world study world hunger and problems with food.

The festival of Janmashtami
takes place in northern India
in August. It celebrates the life
of Krishna, the most important
Hindu god. Groups of actors
perform a play about Krishna's
life when he was a boy and
he stole butter from pots in
trees. People hang clay pots
TIBET of butter high up in trees or
The festival of Losar is the celebration of the New Year in on poles. Groups of boys
Tibet. It takes place in February. The night before Losar, the make human pyramids to
typical meal is dumpling soup and each dumpling has climb up to the pots and
something with a special meaning for the person who eats it.
break them.
On New Year's Day, 'tsampa' (barley flour) is very important
in the religious celebrations. People throw it up into the air
for the gods. At home the oldest person in the family throws
some 'tsampa' into the air and then eats the rest.
ear as saJ
t a l i a n fo

King had three beautiful daughters. One day the King

asked his oldest daughter, ‘Do you love me?’
‘Father,’ she replied, ‘you are very dear to me - as dear
as bread.’
The King smiled. There was always bread on his dining table. You
couldn’t live without bread.
Then he asked his second daughter, ‘Do you love me?’
‘You are very dear to me, Father - as dear as wine,’ she answered.
The King smiled again. There was always wine on his dining table.
Wine was very important.
Then he asked his youngest daughter, Selina, ‘Do you love me?’
‘Father,’ she said, ‘you are very dear to me - as dear as salt’
The King was angry. Salt was for the kitchen, not the dining table.
‘Leave my house!’ he shouted, and he told his men to kill her. rrriTTT

The Queen was very sad. She put Selina When Prince Flavin came home, there
into a big candlestick, and her servant wasn’t any supper for him. He was angry
took it to the market. and woke all the servants, but no one
‘Sell it to a Prince,’ said the Queen. could explain the empty plates.

The servant sold the candlestick to Prince The next night the same thing happened.
Flavin and the Prince took it home for his On the third night, the servants put the
dining room. supper on the table, but Prince Flavin hid
As often happened, Prince Flavin was out in the room. When Selina came out of
late that evening, so his servants put his the candlestick, he fell in love with her
supper on the table and went to bed. because she was so beautiful.

When all was quiet, Selina came out of ‘Will you marry me?’ he asked.
the candlestick, ate the Prince’s supper, ‘Yes,’ said Selina, and then she told him
and climbed in again. her story. Together they made a plan.

Flavin invited many Kings and Queens to his wedding feast and
Flavin’s chef made special food for Selina’s father without any
salt. Selina wore a veil so that no one could see her face.
Selina’s father couldn’t finish his meat because it was tasteless.
‘There isn’t any salt in this food. Food is horrible without salt!’
he said. Then he started crying and he told Flavin about Selina.
‘1feel very sorry,’ he said.
Selina lifted her veil and said, ‘Here I am. Father!’
Then they were all happy again, the chef brought more food,
and they ate and drank together.

Unit 4 stage 3 (3 5
o fa b / « » o c f ©

You need:

thinking an empty paper scissors glue felt pens

time box

Invent a new food product.

Draw a name and logo for it.

Decorate the box. Add your

logo and w rite a description
of your product on the box:
what is special about it?

• •

T4 j You w ant people to buy your product. Im agine that you’re on

....... television. Perform your
W hat can you say? W rite an advert.
advert for the class.
, BiAyWy
AMAZINQ- 3 -coune lunclnbiscMits.

Thty Ve great when tliere's somctlning you Vote for the best product.
«teh’t likf -fflr School lunch. Put -them in
your School bag qn<J (jour lutjch iS read ijl

^oX a b ijcu it qn4 f ir jt you cqn‘t«ste chicken

5oup,-thcir> Spoigh^^i boloqnciis«, Qio<f tVjen
ice cfeatifi w itfi chocolqCe Sciucc.

Ak^'S AMAilNif biscuits. Agrwt

yiMAZE yow*" friends- a\ the luncVj ioible/

Unit 4 Stage 4
0 ^ Where on Earth?

How many boys are playing

beach football? (W-E)

How many blue stars

are there on King Momo's
carnival float? (N-S)

Turn to page 80.

Complete the phonecard.
Find the next country.
Do you remember?
r Look at the picture. y2V Turn your book upside down.
Do you
remember? I W hat does Koala
have to do today?

c She has to clean the windows

■— V -----------------------

■SMOpUjM 3L|1 UB3|3 3L|S

c D
■jooij 3L|i paueap 3L|s

*S3DU3;U3S 35[Bl/\[
¿ÀBpj3is3À op B{B03 pip

3 W ho says w hat? Match the sentences w ith the jobs.

c h e fJU computer programmer B | doctor lawyer I police officer

a ‘You must take him for a walk every day.' d ‘You mustn't go to school tomorrow.'

b ‘You mustn't go with people that you e ‘You must answer all my questions.'
don't know.'
f 'You must write the password before you
c ‘You must try this, it's delicious.' play the game.'

W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer.

a W hat did the vet do to Coco the dog? e Where did the Queen's servant take
the candlestick?
b Where did the boy's sister shut Pablo
the parrot? f Did Pancake Day races start in Scotland?
c Did Captain Cook explore America? g Why did the vet operate on Ryoku the iguana?

d When did Amy Johnson fly to Australia? h Did Marconi invent the radio?

Do you remember?
' I)
Pla y ‘Fast food’.
You need a dice and counters

Your teacher has Food cards.

W hen you land on a plate They're fruit.

take a Food card. Make sentences like this They're long and yellow.
for your team to guess in 30 seconds: Monkeys like them.

afe-r- i;;.
Do you remember? 2
At sea
Complete the song. 2 Listen and check.


A is faster than a killer whale, "

A killer w hale is faster than a I m T,
But a j y can sting you and it's more poisonous
^ Than lots of other creatures in the sea.

^ fu n n ie r than a
A walrus is funnier than swordfish
But a^ ^ ^ t alks with lots of sounds and it's more intelligent
Than lots of other creatures in the sea.

octopus ^

A is harder than a lo b ste r,^

A lobster is harder than an
But an M f i changes colour and it's more colourful
Than lots of other creatures in the sea.

W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer.

^W hich is bigger: a walrus or a sea lion?^

Which is more dangerous: a shark or a dolphin?

A blue whale is bigger than a great white shark.

A dolphin is more intelligent than a lobster.
Read the article. Answer the questions.

The female blue whale is the queen of the sea. She
grows to more than 30 metres long and is heavier than
25 African elephants. Baby blue whales are 8 metres
long when they are born. That's longer than 2 cars!
Whales lived in the sea 10 million years before humans
walked on Earth, but when humans arrived, they
became the whales' enemy. Whales are mammals,
not fish, and when they go to the surface to breathe
air, hunters can catch them easily.

Danger! It's got more than 2,500 sharp teeth and attacks
They're fast. They're scary. They're better swimmers many swimmers every year.
than other fish and they can smell their food from Is there anything more dangerous in the sea?
far away. They lived in the sea before dinosaurs
Yes! The blue-ringed octopus is shorter than your
lived on Earth. They're sharks!
little finger and its blue rings get brighter when it's
scared. People think it
looks pretty, but if you
see one, don't pick it
up! It hasn't got sharp
teeth, but its sting is
more poisonous than
The king of sharks, the great white shark, is smaller the cobra snake, and
than a baby blue whale, but it's a lot scarier. worse than a shark bite!

Colourful creatures
Near a coral reef you can find many different kinds
of fish. They swim in 'schools', all wearing the same
colours like football teams.
Many fish can change colour too. Angelfish get
more colourful when they are looking for a partner.
Butterflyfish get brighter when they fight. Fusilier
fish are dark blue and red when they sleep on the
sea bed, but when they swim up to the surface,
their colours get lighter.
And did you know that coral, the colourful 'rock'
of the coral reef, is really tiny animals?

a W hy is it easy to catch whales? d W hy are ‘schools' of fish like football

b Were there dinosaurs on Earth before
there were sharks in the sea? e W hat happens when angelfish are
looking for a partner?
c When do the rings on a blue-ringed
octopus get brighter?
Look at the advert. Can you do these sports?

Surf's up
Do you think standing up is easy?
On the 'Surf's Up' holiday standing
up is the most difficult thing! Our
expert instructors introduce you to
surfing, water-skiing, and
windsurfing. And when you're too
tired to stand up, lie down and try
bodyboarding - the easiest sport
at this camp.

On the boats
If you prefer sitting down
when you're on the water,
this is the best holiday for
you. Our instructors take you
sailing at sea and canoeing
on the River Torridge.

In the waves
Do you want to sp en d your holiday
undenA/ater? Come an d see the most
amazing creatures in the sea! Our
experts teach you snorkelling and

TKe'best holidays at sea!

For the most exciting collection
of watersports in Britain,
come to Summer Sea Camp!
Choose from our three
great holidays!

Listen. AAHiich holiday did they go on? W hich was their favourite sport?
Nick Helen. Becky

4 ^ Unit 5 stage 2
Match the speech bubbles w ith the cartoon

Listen and check.

(^ .i)

Talk about the watersports.

difficult exciting expensive interesting

I thinl< scuba-diving's the most dangerous.

think surfing's
the most difficult.
Snorkelling's the easiest.

Bodyboarding is the easiest sport at the camp.

Standing up is the most difficult thing.
I was the worst in our group.
Listen and read.



was Wednesday 10th April, 1912.
I Joshua Rose arrived at Southampton
with his mother. They were on their
way to New York to meet his father.
Joshua was reading a book when
the train stopped. He looked out.
He wanted to be the first to see
the world’s largest ship, the Titanic.
Suddenly he saw her. She was

Joshua and his mother went on board, but they

couldn’t find their cabin at first. The Titanic
was like a huge hotel. There were 1,500
passengers and 700 crew on the new ship and
everyone was lost! Joshua and his mother found
their cabin after an hour. Then Joshua went to
explore the ship. He found hundreds o f cabins,
six restaurants, a library, a hairdresser’s, a gym,
and even a swimming pool. At 12 o ’clock they
were having lunch when there was a loud hoot
and the ship started.

It was the fourth night on board. Joshua

was sleeping when a loud noise woke him.
He could hear people in the corridor.
T saw a huge iceberg.’
‘We’re lucky that the ship can’t sink.’
Suddenly there was another loud noise. The
cabin moved and Joshua fell onto the floor.
He heard another voice in the corridor.
‘It was an iceberg! We’re sinking!’
Joshua and his mother waited at the back.
Joshua’s mother opened the door. Lots o f
While they were waiting, a sailor shouted:
people were running towards the stairs.
Joshua and his mother followed them. There ‘Women and children first!’
was a huge crowd on deck and everyone They pushed through the crowd and climbed
was trying to climb into the lifeboats. into a lifeboat.
When the sailors were rowing away from the
T Ita n ic r ’
ship, the passengers looked back. The front o f
the Titanic was going underwater and the back was ''
going up in the air. There were lots o f people still
on board, but there weren’t any more lifeboats.
Suddenly there was a terrible noise and the ship broke in two. i
First the front o f the ship sank into the sea, then the back. j
Lots o f people fell into the freezing water. The sailors rowed
back and helped more people onto the lifeboat.

Joshua was tired, and he slept a little. It was getting

light when he woke up and in the distance he could
see a ship. It was the Carpathia. The sailors rowed
the lifeboat towards the big ship. The crew o f the
Carpathia pulled Joshua into the ship in a large
bag. He was freezing and scared, but he was lucky
- Joshua and his mother survived.

Match the parts o f the sentences to tell the story.

a Joshua was travelling to New York and the ship broke in two.

He was reading a book and they saw that the Titanic was sinking.

Joshua and his mother found their cabin when a loud noise woke him.

They were having lunch the survivors into the ship in a large bag.

Joshua was sleeping and they climbed into a lifeboat.

When they opened their cabin door he saw a big ship.

On deck everyone was waiting to meet his father.

They pushed through the crowd lots of people were running to the stairs.

They looked back from the lifeboat after an hour.

Suddenly they heard a loud noise when the ship started.

When Joshua woke up when the train stopped.

The crew of the Carpathia pulled to climb into the lifeboats.

/=3 1 WORD
SAVER 1 move - moved s t a r t - sta rte d break - broke 1
1 pull - pulled stop - stopped find - found 1
n push - pushed w ait - waited ^h e ar - heard P
sr- i J shou t - shouted

While they were waiting, a sailor shouted.

Joshua was sleeping when a loud noise woke him.
U n its stages ( 4 5
Lots of people were running towards the stairs.
(p l y y

o You need:

a large a pencil scissors felt pens a sheet thinl<ing

sheet of paper time
of card

Fold and cut the card 3 ; Make four storytelling cards with pictures like this:
to make four squares.
Card 1 boat, canoe, ship,
Card 2 storm, iceberg.
sharks, pirates
Card 3 killer whale, dolphins.
giant squid, blue whale
Card 4 beach, treasure island.
lifeboat, rescue ship

Invent a hero for your

sea adventure story. Make notes: Read about M arina, then w rite
your story using the red words.
N am e:
Age: Once there was a girl called
Marina. She was 12 and she lived in
New Zealand near the sea. One day
Hobties; she went canoeing. Suddenly there
was a terrible storm. Marina's canoe
broke in two and she fell into the
Put a pencil through sea. She shouted 'Help, Help!' but
the middle of the cards there weren't any boats. She heard
to spin them. Make a noise and then she saw a killer
notes for your story. whale. She was very scared. It swam
under her and then swam up. She
W hat was your hero doing? Spin card 1 .
was sitting on the killer whale's back!
W hat was the problem? Spin card 2. The whale swam back to the beach
with her When they were near the
W hat happened?
beach, the whale swam down and
W hat rescued your hero? - Spin card 3. put Marina in the sea again.
Manna's parents were waiting for
How did it rescue your hero?
her on the beach. InAhe^end______
W hat happened in the end? Spin card 4. Marina was cold and tired but OK.

46) U nits stage4

0 ^ Where onEarth?
# # # # # # # # # # • # # # • # # #

Read the rap. Label the pictures. Say the rap.

If you want to keep fit, here Is what you have to do,
You have to do exercise and play sports too.
But wait! Don't forget to warm up first -
Without warming up, your muscles can get hurt.

Let's do the rap.

The warm up rap.
The warm up rap.
Stamp your feet arid clap.
Let's do the rap.
Don't sit there and nap.
The warm up rap.
Let's do the warm up rap.

Put your hands on your hips and hold your tummy in.'
Keep your back straight - I said ‘Hold your tummy in!'
Bend forwards, then sideways, then backwards, and around
Make a circle five times and don't fall down.


Lift your arms up and stretch your fingers out. ^

Keep your shoulders down and wiggle them about.
Now twist your wrists around and around.
Bend your elbows in and look at the ground.


Sit on the floor with your legs out wide.

Keep your knees straight and bend to the side.
Hold your right ankle with your right hand.
Stretch your left arm and touch your toes if you can.


finger knee
foot (feet)
hip toe
Do the quiz.

How fit are you? START H ER E

How do you Once or twice. More than How long do you 5

go to school? B three times. sleep every night? |

By bus By bike or Between six Between eight

or car. : on foot. and eight hours. and ten hours.

How far do you

B How often do y o u l^ W ^ r : walk every day? How much water L
J eat sweets? J||| flp i do you drink a day? |n
Around the More than
house. 1 kilometre.
Every day. Once or twice One or two Three or more
^ a week. ^ glasses. glasses.

Oh dear! y o u don't look j '; Great! You look after You're a keep fit star!
after yourself very well! i yourself and have fun too. Well done, but relax too!

Complete the speech bubbles.

^ W h a t's W ho is who? Listen and point.
r"^.the . ,-fi
_ V m atter? ^
1163 Pauline Sophie Vince Akram Jemma Tony

© W ork w ith a partner.

Ask and answer.
I’ve g o t ...
What's the matter? a broken arm cu ts a te m p eratu re
I've got cuts on my b ru ises e a rach e toothache
arms and my legs a cold a headache tum m y ache
a cough a so re th ro at
You're Tony. ^ I feel sick.
7^ My ■
■■is in plaster.____________
Read the article. Choose the best title.

A day in the snow Je ff saves his friend

o D a n g e lo
On 15th December 2001, Jeff Kramer, 13, was sledging in the
snow with two friends, Keri and Adam.
It was getting late. 'We should go home soon', said Jeff.
'I'm going to go this way. It's quicker', said Keri, and she started
to sledge down the hill.
'Watch out for the trees!' shouted Jeff. 'You shouldn't go down
there.' It was too late. Keri's sledge crashed into a tree.
The two boys ran down to their friend. Keri was lying next to the
tree. Her right arm was under her body. She groaned but she
couldn't talk.
'What should we do?' asked Adam.
'We shouldn't move her. Maybe something is broken' said Jeff.
'We should call an ambulance. Adam, you go! I'm going to look
after Keri.'
Adam ran off down the hill. Jeff was freezing, but Keri was colder
than him. Jeff took off his jacket and jumper and put them on her.
Suddenly he heard a noise. A sledge was coming down the hill
very fast and a boy was following it.
'Watch out! My sledge!' the boy shouted.
Jeff jumped in front of Keri. The sledge crashed into him and he
fell over.
When the Rescue Service arrived, they took Keri and Jeff to
hospital. Keri had a broken arm and her head was badly bruised.
Jeff hurt his ankle and had bruises on his back.

Im agine you are Jeff. FIRST AID TIPS

Tell the story around the class. What should you do when someone has an accident?
1 You ... send someone to call a doctor or an ambulance.
2 You ... move the person.
Complete the first aid tips.
3 You ... keep the person warm.
4 You ... give the person anything to eat or drink.
5 You ... leave the person alone.
6 You ... talk to the person all the time.

W hat sliould we do?

We sliould call an ambulance.
W e shouldn't move her.
_r ' _r ' 1

r J D i . f f >— J J J J

Fantastic facts
[There are more than 40 muscles in
[your face. The strongest muscles In
fyour body are in the side of your
mouth - you use them when you eat.


You use 10 muscles You use 12 muscles

when you smile. when you frown.

IO r *

You've got about 5,000,000 hairs on your body -

X but only 100,000 on your head. Your hair grows
about 2 millimetres per week. That's more
than 10 centimetres per year! It grows
faster in summer than in winter. About
70 old hairs fall out every day.
^ ^ b o d travels round your body
in blood vessels. There are
96,000 kilometres of blood
vessels in your body. That's the
same as a journey 2 ’/2 times
round the Earth!
Every time you breathe you take
in and then breathe out about
V2 a litre of air. This means that Nerve signals travel round your body
in one day you can blow up at 120 metres per second. That's the same
1,000 balloons! as 432 kilometres per hour... faster than
a high speed train!
КивУ-tibeCtgP BL00PC£LL
Hello, everyone! My name's Ruby. I'm a red Every second, 3,000,000 old cells die, and
blood cell. There ore about 25,000,000,000,000 3,000,000 new red blood cells are born inside
(that's 25 trillion) of us in your body you! We live for about four months.

We travel round your body in blood vessels. job is to take oxygen

We go towards your heart in your veins and we go rrom your lungs to
away from your heart in your arteries. different parts of your
body. 0>^gen gives you
energy. First I pick up
some oxygen in your lungs.
The oxygen makes me very
red! Then I go to your
heart. Your heart pushes me
out and I travel along your
arteries and round your body.
Your arteries are our
motorways - wide, fast roads!
We travel in the middle of
your arteries and we can go
1 metre per second.

""This is my friend Willy. He's a white blood cell. Here I am in your foot. I'm giving my oxygen
White blood cells go slowly along the sides of your big toe. I feel lighter nowfl need more
arteries. They look for germs (the things that oxygen so I have to go back to your lungs.
make you ill), and they kill them.

I'm on my way to your lungs and your heart again And now I'm near your lungs again. I'm going to
so I have to travel in your veins. I'm purple now pick up more oxygen, and my amazing journey
because I haven't got any oxygen. starts again. Bye!
That's why the blood in your veins looks blue.
In small veins we travel slowly - about 2 metres
per hour.

U nite stages (53

fb O c w WCccf» f i t g a ,
1 ) W ork w ith a partner or in sm all groups. You need:

a sheet a pencil a large ruler felt pens thinking

of paper sheet time
of card

r2 J Plan a game board on Copy your plan onto

a sheet o f a paper w ith: the card like this:

33 31 31 30
a Start square
3 red squares with arteries up

3 blue squares with veins down

3 green squares

5 yellow squares

a Finish square FinUh


Use pages 48-51 to help you w rite:

3 KEEP FIT quiz questions like this: 3 exercises that you can do
Do you go to school on foot? in the classroom:

If the answer is YES, go up. Touch your toes 5 times.

3 KEEP FIT quiz questions like this: 5 health problems and what
happens in the game:
Do you go to school by car?
You feel sick. M iss a turn.
If the answer is YES, go down.
You've got a had cold. Go back
to square ...

W rite your questions, exercises, P la y your game.

and problems on your board.
□ ^Where Oil Earth? ^
Do you remember?
In A the old man's got a broken
Do you
Make sentences about the differences. wrist. In B he's got a broken ankle.

Correct the blue words to make true sentences.

How good is your memory?

a A blue whale is one hundred times heavier than an African elephant,
b Walruses are the most intelligent creatures in the sea.
c A giant squid is smaller than a great white shark,
d Angelfish are more dangerous when they are looking for a partner,
e Giant clams are faster than sharks,
f The blue-ringed octopus is the biggest octopus in the sea.

3 Listen to a story. Make notes about what happened. 4 W rite the story.

L 6 .ll

56) Do you remember? 3

Play ‘Sea adventure’.
You need a dice and counters

Treasure Island 28 27

To escape, name
S T R O N e W IN D S
three dangerous
Go back to port.
sea creatures or
go back to port.

20 21 23

To escape, Say a verse of the S p e ll... or miss Tell the story of
name three fast Warm up rap or a turn. Bulldog and the
throw a 6 to move. surfboard. Go

sea creatures or
go back to port. forward 3 spaces.

19 17 16

S p e ll... or miss Tell the story of
a turn. Jeff and the sledging
accident. Go
forward 3 spaces.

10 12 13 14

S T R O N G W IN D S S p e ll... or miss To escape, name
Go back to port. a turn. three big sea

creatures or go
back to port.
Sing a verse of the C A LM SEA S S P E L L IN G SH A R K SEA M O N S T E R
sea creature song or Tell the story of the Sp ell... or miss To escape, name
throw a 6 to move. Titanic. Go forward a turn. three watersports

3 spaces. or go back to

Port Your journey

STA RTS here.

Go back to port.

Do you remember?

Around town

1 You are at the station. Go out of the station and 5 You are lost. Turn round and walk back to the
turn left. Walk along the road. Go straight on at the station and start again.
traffic lights. What can you see on your right?
6 Walk along the road past the big house on your
A farm GO TO 6. A cafe GO TO 4. left. Take the second turning on your left. What
can you see on your right on the other side of
the road?
2 You are lost. Turn round and go back to the
supermarket. Stand outside it and read the end of A cafe GO TO 7. A sweet shop GO TO 3.
clue 3 again.
7 You got it wrong, but don't worry! Go back to
3 Walk past the bank. When you are*outside the the main road and walk past the school. Turn left
supermarket, cross the road and turn left. Walk a opposite the library and walk along the path.
short way along the road and turn right. What can At the end of the path, cross the road and turn
you see at the end of the road? right. What is on your right?
A playground GO TO 8. A tennis court GO TO 2. A police station GO TO 3. A pub GO TO 5.

4 Turn round. Walk back along the road. Turn left 8 Walk along the road. Simon's house is the
and go back to the station. Read clue 1 again. second house on your left. What colour is it?

W rite directions from one SAVER

along on your left / right 1
place to another on the map. opposite C ro s s the road. ■

W ork w ith a partner. Give outside Go stra ig h t on. 1

p ast ; Take the (first) turning ... ^
and follow directions.
at the end of the road Turn left / right.
a t the traffic lights
3 Listen and find the people

4 Listen and circle the differences. 5 Listen again and w rite the correct words.

I'm sitting in the cafe
I'm waiting at a table
Next to the cinema.
With my second cup of coffee.
I'm looking at my watch -
It's raining very hard now.
It's nearly half past three.
Why aren't you here with me?
Am I early? Are you late?
Chorus __ _
Have I got the right date?
I'm waiting and I'm all alone. I'm looking all around now.
Where are you? Should I phone?^ I think I'm going to go.
Did we say half past four?
I'm opposite the cafe. I think so. I don't know.
I'm getting cold and wet.
Am I early? Are you late?
I'm watching all the cars.
Have I got the right date?
Why aren't you here yet?
I'm waiting and I'm all alone.
Chorus I wasn't early. You weren't late.
OK, I think I'm going to phone.'
And it is the right date.
We're happy now we're not alone
It was a good idea to phone.

I'm waiting in the cafe.

We aren't moving.
Are you coming to see me?
Read the web page. Circle the correct times in the sentences.

ip A

-U V -fortKe
best day out in the N orth^list.
We open at 9.00 and close at 5.50. Do you like fast cars? Then our Co-karting track is the place
Visit the Gift Shop to buy yourself a souvenir for you. Try your skill on one of our karts.
T-shirt, cap or badge. Open all day.
You can have meals, snacks or a cup of tea and
a cake in our Restaurant. Lunch from 11.30 a.m.
till 2.00. Afternoon tea from 3.30. Closes
at 4.50.
A ride around Riverside in one of our
Pedal boats lasts 45 minutes. See the whole
park from the water. The boats leave every Bring your own rollerblades or skateboard and practise on our
20 minutes starting at 10.00. Skateboarding rink. Don't miss the special half hour 'On Wheels'
If it's raining or you show at 12.00. Watch the experts, learn new tricks, and sign up for
prefer to be inside, one of the special 5-minute trick lessons between 12.30 and 1.00.
look for our Cool down on a hot day on our Ice rink,
Don't forget to bring warm socks and i
How many skittles glovesl Learn to ice-skate in 'Beginners'
can you knock over Hour" or practise your skills on your own.
with one ball?
Beginners: 3.10-4.10.
Sessions start at:
9.40, 10.50, 12.00, Are you going to climb Everest one day?
1.10, 2.20, 3.30, Try our outdoor Climbing wall first!
4.40. It's like the real Himalayas! There are
climbs every half hour starting at 10.00.
Climbing time 25 minutes.

a You can go on a pedal boat ride at ten past eleven. twenty to twelve,

b The restaurant closes at ten to four. ten to five,

c You can start bowling at ten to eleven.twenty past eleven,

d The last skateboarding trick lesson is at five to one. five past one.

e The ice-skating 'Beginners' Hour' starts at twenty to three. ten past three,

f You can have tea in the restaurant at twenty-five past three. twenty-five to four.

W O RD JIKev words
SAVE” ^®— five to seven jrKsW five past six
ten to seven |5.50 1 . ..... 15.10 [ ten past six
tw enty to seven I5.M0 i . J 5.20 I tw enty past six
< > twenty-five to seven 635II&.25

Unit 7 S ta g e !
Listen and complete the dialogue.
Jemma What are you looking at?

Mark It's the Riverside website. I'm going to' there on

Jemma I went there last great! Do you know

There are lots of different activities!

Mark Well, first I'm going to have a ride on the M IB f

and then I'm going to a t'

Jemma Are you going to g o ^ ^ I ? You love it, don't you?

Mark Yes, I'm going to go to the special show.

Jemma And what are you going to d o ^ B . ?

Mark SESaf . I think, but I'm not a beginner, so I'm going

to go a t ^ ^ J . Hey, do you want to
I can ask my parents tonight.

Jemma Well, I need to ask my too, but yes, great!

W ork w ith a partner. W rite a dialogue like Jem m a and M ark’s.

Listen and read.

Read the text. Answ er the questions.

The Great Fire of London

EFORE 1666 most buildings in London were made of wood,

B but on 2nd September something happened that changed

London completely.
Charles II was King of England at the time. His favourite
baker lived and worked in Pudding Lane in London. Early in
the morning of Sunday 2nd September, the baker’s assistant
woke up. He could smell smoke downstairs, so he woke the
baker and his family and they all climbed onto the roof.
There were strong winds that night. Because the houses were
made of wood, the fire moved quickly from one building to
the next, and then from one street to the next. The baker’s
assistant and his family watched the fire from the roof of the
house, and then they escaped to a neighbour’s house.


People ran away from the fire across the River Thames
or into the hills of north London. They took all their
After the fire people started
things with them.
to build new houses, but
At last on Wednesday morning the strong winds
these were made of bricks
stopped, but the fire burned until Thursday night.
instead of wood. The people
The Great Fire of London destroyed more than 13,000 of London didn’t want their
houses and 87 churches. About 200,000 people lost great city to burn again!
their homes but only nine people died. ■A.Ail

W hat day did the Great Fire of London start? e How long did the fire burn?

Where did the fire start? f W hat were the houses In London
made of after the fire?
Did the baker's family die in the fire?

W hy did the fire move quickly?

R e tu rn
t^ast simple: questions

4:---------- -- _ _ _ _
W hich o f these London sights would you like to visit? W h y? i.

Ruth Hale,n, shows Juan A river boiFSde on th
Martinez, 12, some of her River Thames is a great
favourite places in the capital | | way to see the sights. Ruth
city of England. Here they are and Juan wait for a boat
outside Buckingham Palace. near Tower Bridge with its
It's the largest house in two famous towers. #
London with more than 660
rooms. You know the Queen
is at home if you can see
her flag. #

Juan and Ruth went for a ride on

fa Ruth and Juan visit the London Eye. This giant wheel is
London's oldest building. 132.5 metres high and goes round
The Tower of London is now 6,000 times a year. Juan and Ruth
a museum but it was a prison, counted 36 London bridges on their
a palace, and a zoo. In 1078 30-minute ride.
William the Conqueror built
his first castle here - more
than one thousand years ago!

Ruth and Juan learn

what Shakespeare's
theatre was like 400 years
♦ Juan and Ruth in front of a lion ago at the Globe Theatre.
statue in Trafalgar Square. Four huge The poor people threw
lions guard the 50-metre-high Nelson's food at the actors if they
Column in the centre of the square. didn't like the play!

3^ Listen and number the sights.

bridge square
1castle statue L7.5
museum theatre
palace tow er *4^ Talk about the sights in
a city in your country.
H c Z io n ^ 'n ;i f w n a g »
^ K /# e ,2^

You need:

a large a ruler a pencil felt pens thinking

sheet time
of paper ...............
a •

Look at the Key for this

map. W hich of these things
are there near your school?

'3J Make a map of the area

near your school. Draw
your school in the middle.

4 Choose a secret place to meet

a friend. W rite instructions.

You are outside the school.

Turn right and walk along
the road. Turn right again
and walk along the path.
A t the end of the path, turn
right and cross the road.
Turn right. Walk past the
playground to the traffic lights.
Turn left at the traffic lights.
See you at the bus stop on
your left at ten past five.

IC iy I house bws stop

playground W ork w ith a partner. Swap
C | ]0 shops your maps and instructions.
zehrm 1, 1,m tj
cir<rSi'mj Find the secret place.
p«rk @ s .h » l Ttraffclijl'ts
0 ^ Where on Earth? 0


What time is it when they

arrive in Warsaw? (W-E)

How far is Staszic's Palace

from the market? (N-S)

I KN O W ... WE'VE GOT Turn to page 80. r

DON'T YOU REM EM BER? WE HA VE TO PRESS Find the next country.
ii In space
Listen and match the pictures w ith the gaps.
I've seen through a telescope.
I've seen fall through the sky.
I've seen TV programmes on the
I've seen photos of the from up high.
But I've never seen a 1
No matter how hard I try!
Space age blues, space age fun -
The things I've never done, and the things I've done.

alien astronaut I've read about living in a

I've been on a 'Moon Walk' at the fair.
I've started a book about an
With purple skin and silver hair. shooting star
But I've never been in an aeroplane,
High above the clouds in the air.
I've seen every Star Wars movie.
And I've read all about the NASA base.
We've all studied Mars in Science -
It's a really amazing place. spaceship
But I've never put on a ^ ^ !
Oh, I want to be an in space.
flying saucer spacesuit
the moon Chorus

Look at the pictures in 1. Now work w ith a partner. Find 3 things

W rite 3 sentences w ith I've... that are the same. Tell the class.
and 3 sentences w ith I've never.
^ We've studied the moon in Science.^
been seen read studied

C We've never been in a flying saucer.^

I ’v^ stucUazL t/ic. rruTon ¿A Gcie/rice,

e n 5££/1 a.

if 1

I've seen the moon through a telescope.

I've never been in an aeroplane.
Read and match.

Vo 10\1 w 9N + +0 0N
It's very difficult to move in space.
Spacesuits are big and everything floats around. I
These 'space simulator' activities show you
what it is like to be an astronaut.

Put a chair down with its

back on the floor. 'Sit' on the
chair and look at the ceiling.
Stay like this for 10 minutes.
Teams of astronauts have to live
and work together in very small
Put on two pairs of trousers and three jumpers. spaceships for a long time.
Put on a coat and two pairs of gloves. Now Astronauts usually sleep standing
pick up a pencil and write with it. up. They have to cross their arms
or they float up to the ceiling
because there's no gravity.
Stand on a newspaper. Wash
yourself with a small towel and Astronauts sit like this for hours in
a water spray - but don't drop the spaceship when they are
any water. How much water waiting to take off
can you see on the paper?
In space, water floats in the air
Go into a small room or tent with three friends. because there's no gravity. The
Do your homework, have lunch, play some astronauts have to be very careful
games, and do some exercise there. with water because they mustn't
get water in the computers
and machines.
Put a scarf around your
eyes and ears. Stand in It's very difficult to move in
front of a wail and cross spacesuits, but astronauts have
your arms in front of you. to mend the spaceship and
Go to sleep. use computers.

4 Listen. W hich picture?


U n its Stage \(^

Read the story. Match these sentences w ith the gaps:
l^aneft a Then I met a hairy animal with sharp claws. d The alien sat in it.

b Then we left the house to go into town, e It ate ten plates,

c Last summer I stayed with my grandma. f We talked all night.

The Creature from Planet X

[One evening there was a The next morning we all had breakfast, but
knock on the door and when 1 the creature didn't want anything. 'We don't
opened it, I saw a funny red have these things on Planet X', it said. Then it
creature. 'I'm very sorry/ said the saw the kitchen cupboard.^ After that it
creature, 'but I can't find my was happy.
spaceship. I come from Planet X.
'Let's go to the cinema today. Have you ever
I've never been to another planet
seen a film?' Granny asked the creature.
and I don't know what to do. My spaceship landed in
your garden last night and I climbed out because 'Yes, I have,' said the creature. 'We have lots
I wanted to explore.j^When it went away, my of old Earth films on Planet X. That's how
spaceship wasn't there.' I studied English. I love films. Come on!
Let's go.'
'You can stay with Amy and me until your spaceship
comes back,' said Granny. 'B u t... Granny,' I said, 'what
are people going to say?'
'That's very nice of you. Have you ever been to another
planet?' the creature asked my grandma. Granny had a brilliant idea.
We got my old pushchair
'Oh, no, I haven't,' said Granny, 'but i've been to France.'
out of the garage.£~ We
That night I went to bed with an alien in put a big hat on its h<
my bedroonnP

© How does the story end? Choose from these ideas or w rite your own.

■90 cinema nobody

police officer spaceship school field
see go
see take door open leave
spaceship home
rescue for ever
live travel
go back planet

w o r d Ii
SAVER eat - ate - eaten sit - sat - sat 1
leave - left - left . stay - stayed - stayed ^
m eet - m et - met talk - talked - talked
1 ^ ^

Have you ever been to another planet? No, I haven't

Have you ever seen a film? Yes, I have.
^2^ Listen and repeat.

Have you ever

seen a dog No, I haven't. Have you
ever seen a Martian?
~ 2 y ~

No, I haven't.
Have you? Yes, I have.

Now w ork w ith a partner. Make dialogues. Take it in turns to be A m y and the alien.

a horse a space dragon the moon Mars a teac)ier a^luloan tihmese^oo^ pu^^ing
r J n - r 1 _r
_r ' 1 ■

l l D L >— JJ J J J

How much do you know about the solar system

1 Imagine that the Earth is this How long is a day and night
big Q . How big is the sun? on Jupiter?
a The size of a tennis ball. 9 Earth hours and 50 Earth minutes.

b The size of a football. 90 Earth hours and 15 minutes.

c The size of a big beach ball. 24 Earth hours.

How many planets are there What are Saturn's rings?

in the solar system?
a Coloured clouds.
a Nine.
b A line of moons that
b Eight. The moon's a piece of yellow cheese spin around the planet.

c Ten. High up in the sky. A long line of pieces

Green aliens in UFOs of rock and dust.
Often fly close by.
When they feel hungry.
Which is the
They eat a bit for dinner. r How long is one
hottest planet?
And so the moon is sometimes fat, year on Uranus?
. And sometimes it is thinner. 8 Earth years and
Venus. 4 Earth months.
Mars. b 84 Earth years.

18 Earth months.

4 Where does the planet Mercury's

name come from?
How far away is the planet Pluto
a A kind of metal. from Earth?
b The messenger of the Roman gods. a A 59-day flight in an aeroplane.
c A fast car. b A 400-year flight in an aeroplane.

c Scientists don't know - they haven't

been there!
Read all^l

re cre + r o f 4 -to iir v Si about it!

W liy tk.e s k y IS a r a w a y

ig e ria n o lL ta l

In the beginning, the sky was near the earth. People didn’t have to work
or cook food. When they were hungry, they put up their hands, they took
a piece of sky, and they ate it. The sky tasted of different things. Sometimes
it tasted of meat and sometimes it tasted of pineapple.
The King of the land was Oba. One morning it got dark near Oba’s palace.
The sky was angry because people took a lot of it, but they didn’t eat
everything. Suddenly a loud voice came from the clouds.
‘Oba! 1am warning you. You and your people mustn’t waste me any more.’
Oba was very scared and told his people.
For a while everyone was very careful, but then something terrible
On the last night of the biggest festival in the land, there was a party
at Oba’s palace. A woman called Adese went with her husband Otolo,
and they danced and ate all night.
Adese loved food, and she was sad when the party finished. ‘What a
wonderful evening!’ she thought. ‘What wonderful food we have from
the sky!’
She looked up and, without thinking, she took a huge piece. She wasn’t
really hungry but she wanted to taste the wonderful food again. She ate
a little and then she remembered.
‘Oh no! What have I done?’ cried Adese. ‘Otolo! Come here and eat this.
We mustn’t waste it.’
But Otolo wasn’t hungry, and he only ate a little.
Adese woke their children, but they didn’t want to eat any food.
Adese was tired. ‘I don’t care,’ she thought, ‘it’s just a little piece of sky’.
She made a hole and put it in the ground.
Suddenly there was a terrible storm over Oba’s palace.
‘Oba,’ said an angry voice, ‘your people haven’t looked after me! I’m going
to leave you and go far away’
‘But how can we live without you?’ cried Oba.
‘You must learn to grow food in the ground and hunt in the forests’,
answered the sky ‘You must learn not to waste nature.’
The people looked up and saw that the sky was high up, and from that day
they had a lot of work. And far above them was the sky, just as it is today
shoebox magazines scissors glue felt pens thinking
and lid and time

r 2^ Find pictures o f im portant people and events.

Cover the box and w rite Planet Earth Space Capsule and the year.

W hat can you put in the box to 1Б ^ tt\

'cxp\-ECixi on'b'accViii c i'll's l C ^ lo u ce jte r
and put them in your box. Englcinci
Solar systeni
D ear ?
These things te ll (кЬоц{ life onpwrtb jn
h e 2P" centMrj.

There are Some photos c f ипе

пои/ а Ы wheia we youngtr. Oo
yow havt fc w ilie s ? Do yov( ch w 0 e yjhen you
are oitier? How lon^ do

This 'S W cHocoU't-e b ar — "trij li i

Do yo4 lik t W bat is youir -рс11У0ЦГ1Ч£ -fbodf

Are у о и Ц ^ д Г е е п ? Ori E arth We "tliink

alien s are дгеею. H um ans av-c lo'ts' of
d iffe r e n t colowrj, b u t we (KYtTi^ green f

("4 J W rite a letter to an alien. Explain the See уоч on Bo.rtk 0(\t
things in your box and ask questions
M a r k R a f f Its
about life on their planet.
□ fiW h crc on

What are Aunt Rose's flight details?

Complete the puzzles on page 80,
then turn to page 83 of your Activity Book.
Do you remember?
Do you W ork w ith a partner. Describe your route. W here are you going?

I'm leaving the bus station. I'm crossing

2 W rite a true sentence about you for each picture.

IW rieacL th e . H cu rry Pottz^^ h a irk ^ ,.

r / £ rL c v e f h e & n to E n ^ ic u id .

Have you ever read the

Harry Potter books?
Now swap papers as a class. Check who wrote it like this:

3 W ork w ith a partner. Do the Happy Earth quiz. Ask and answer.

Happy Earth Quiz

a W h a t did M a rco n i invent? e H ow long did A m y Johnson take to fly
b W hich is the oldest building from England to A ustralia?
in London? f W hen did Levi Strauss make his first p air o f jeans?
c W hich is the hottest planet? g W here was the Titanic going when it hit the iceberg?
d W hich is the biggest carnival h W h at were most Londoners doing
in Europe? when the G reat Fire o f London started?

Do you remember? 4
4 P la y ‘Space race’. Your teacher has Star cards. r'
You need a dice iP and a spaceship counter

Do you

ш ш т
M iss Calculator — the M a th s Teack
N ick N aughty
Gloria Good
Graham Good
Storyteller Scene 1: Before Miss Calculator
M r Roberts — the Robot Teacher
goes on holiday
and GRAHAM GOOD are sitting in class.
Miss Calculator Good afternoon, everyone!
Gloria and Graham Good afternoon, Miss Calculator.
Miss Calculator I’m going on holiday next week.
Nick Yes! No Maths for a week! Hooray!
Miss Calculator I heard that, Nick Naughty. You think you’re not
going to have Maths next week.
Nick That’s right! No teacher! No work! Нее ... hee.
Miss Calculator Well, you’re wrong. You’re going to have a new Maths teacher.
Nick But there isn’t another Maths teacher in the school ...
Miss Calculator Ah, but Mr Roberts isn’t an ordinary teacher.
Gloria Isn’t he?
Miss Calculator No, he isn’t. He’s a robot!
Graham A robot!
Miss Calculator Yes. I made him last week.
Gloria You made him?
Miss Calculator Yes. Er ... Mr Roberts. Come in here, please.
MR ROBERTS comes in.
Mr Roberts Hello, everyone. I am Mr Roberts, the robot teacher.
Gloria and Graham Hello, Mr Roberts.
Nick Naughty Oh no. A robot teacher. That’s terrible!
Miss Calculator Now Mr Roberts is going to ask you some questions.
Mr Roberts Gloria Good, what is six times six?
Gloria Six times six ... that’s thirty-six.
Mr-Roberts Correct. Graham Good, what is thirty divided by five?
Graham Thirty divided by five ... that’s six.
Mr Roberts Correct. Nick Naughty, what is four and four?
Nick Four and four is forty-four.
Mr Roberts False.
Miss Calculator Nick! You know that’s not true. Four and four is eight.
Nick Is it?
Miss Calculator Yes, it is. Mr Roberts doesn’t like false answers.
Nick Doesn’t he?
Miss Calculator No, he doesn’t. So be careful always to say the right thing!
Gloria and Graham Yes, Miss Calculator.
Nick (quietly) He doesn’t like false answers? That’s interesting.

The Robot Teache
Miss Calculator What did you say, Nick Naughty?
Nick Oh, nothing.
The school class bell rings.
I Miss Calculator Right. That’s all for today.
Mr Roberts See you next week, class.
Gloria and Graham See you next week, Mr Roberts.
Nick (laughing) Yes. See you next week, Mr Roberts.
and NICK NAUGHTY go off.
Miss Calculator Come on, Mr Roberts. I’m going to put you back in
your box.
Mr Roberts I’m coming.
Storyteller Scene 2: Miss Calculator is on hohday
NAUGHTY come in and sit down at their desks.
Gloria So where’s Mr Roberts, then?
Nick Perhaps he isn’t working today.
MR ROBERTS comes in.
Mr Roberts Good morning, everyone. I am Mr Roberts,
the robot teacher. I am going to teach you Maths
this week.
Gloria and Graham Good morning, Mr Roberts.
Nick (quietly) Oh no. I must do something to stop him.
Mr Roberts Now it’s question time. Nick Naughty, what is six
and six?
Nick Six and six is sixty-six.
Mr Roberts False.
Nick Yes, it is.
Mr Roberts I do not like false answers
Nick But I always give false answers.
Mr Roberts What did you say?
Nick I always say false things. I always lie.
Mr Roberts Is that true or false? ... I think it is true ...
but if you always lie, then it is false ... So it is not
true. But it is true. So it’s true and false! ..
and true! ... Aargh! I think I’m going
to explode!
MR ROBERTS breaks.
He stops moving and speaking.
Gloria Nick Naughty, why did you do that to
Mr Roberts?
Nick Because now we can’t have Maths for a week.
Ha ha!
Graham Nick, you are naughty!
Characters ^
M rs Blackboard - the Headteacher
_ , /•
M r PaintMell — the Caretaker
, ^ ^ M rs Fruitcake — the Cook
S h ir l^ Holmes


come in from one side. M R PA IN TW E LL comes R u f u s - t h e dog
in from the other side. He has a paintbrush in his ~ Musictleacher
hand with green paint on it.
Mrs Blackboard Is the hall ready, Mr Paintwell?
Mr Paintwell Yes, it is. Green walls, a green ceiling, and a green floor.
Mrs Fruitcake How lovely! Green's my favourite colour.
Mrs Blackboard Oh, Mrs Fruitcake, is Miss Mozart’s birthday cake ready?
Mrs Fruitcake Yes, it is. It’s a piano cake.
Mrs Blackboard Lovely. Where is it?
Mrs Fruitcake It’s in the kitchen. Shall I get it?
Mrs Blackboard Yes, please. Let’s have Miss Mozart’s birthday party and
then I can take Rufus for a walk.
Mrs Fruitcake All right.
M R S FRUITCAKE goes off
Mr Paintwell Well ... I’m going to wash my hands before the party.
M R PA IN TW E LL goes off
Mrs Blackboard Now where’s Rufus? Rufus! Rufus!
M R S FRUITCAKE comes bach in without the cake.
Mrs Fruitcake (worried) Oh no ... I can’t find the cake. It isn’t in the
Mrs Blackboard Oh dear! Perhaps a cake thief took it!
Mrs Fruitcake Well ... there are green marks on the kitchen floor and
the window.
Mrs'Blackboard Green marks? Perhaps a cake thief from another planet
took it!
SH IR LE Y HOLM ES and D E R E K W ATSON come in.
Shirley Hello. Are we late for the party?
Mrs Blackboard No, you’re on time. But we haven’t got a cake.
Mrs Fruitcake We had a cake, but someone stole it from the kitchen.
Shirley Someone stole it!
Mrs Fruitcake Yes. We have a cake thief in our school.
Derek Oh dear! A cake thief!
Mrs Blackboard Yes. What shall we do?
Shirley Don’t worry! I’m sure Derek and I can find the cake thief.
Mrs Blackboard Oh, thank you ... Now, where’s Rufus?
Derek We saw him outside in the garden.
Shirley Yes. His feet were green.
Mrs Blackboard Green?! Oh dear.
1^ n il m

., PAIXTWELL comes in.

eU Mrs Blackboard! There are footprints all over
the floor in the hall.
Bb cU iO A rd Footprints. Oh no!
Mr F m tw e ll Oh yes! And they are all over my new paint!
ShirlcT Er ... excuse me! What colour is the floor in the hall?
Wk Pmntwell It's green.
Shirley I think I know who the cake thief is?
Derek (whispering) Who is it, Shirley?
RUFUS the dog comes in with green feet.
Shirley Er ... here he comes.
Rufus Bow-wow!
Blackboard Rufus! You bad dog!
Mr Paintwell You ran down the hall ...
t e s Fruitcake You stole Miss Mozart’s cake ...
Derek You jumped out of the window ...
Mrs Blackboard And you ate the cake in the garden!
SH IR LE Y looks a t R ufus’ mouth with a magnifying glass.
Shirley Er ... wait a minute, everyone. I don’t think Rufus is the
cake thief.
Everyone What?
Shirley There isn’t any cake on his mouth.
Mrs Fruitcake Oh? But then who is the thief?
MISS M O Z A R T comes in with a piano cake.
Mrs Blackboard Miss Mozart!
Miss Mozart (singing) Hello, everyone. Look what I found!
Mrs Fruitcake Oh! Where did you find it?
Miss Mozart (singing) I was in the garden with Rufus and
we saw it through the kitchen window.
Mrs Blackboard And ...
Miss Mozart (singing) Well, I think Rufus wanted to eat the cake. He ran into
the hall, so I climbed in through the kitchen window and took it away.
Mr Paintwell I see.
Miss Mozart (singing) When Rufus ran into the kitchen, he couldn’t find the cake
so he jumped through the kitchen window into the garden.
M R S B LACK BO ARD pats Rufus on the head. .
Mrs Blackboard So you weren’t the cake thief, Rufus. i .
MISS M O Z A R T gives the cake to M R S FRUITCAKE.
Miss Mozart (singing) Here you are, Mrs Fruitcake, here’s your cake. ^^
M R S FRUITCAKE gives the cake back to MISS M OZART.
Mrs Fruitcake No, Miss Mozart. It’s your cake. Happy Birthday.
Miss Mozart (singing) Oh how lovely! Thank you, everyone.
Everyone Happy Birthday!
flM fh e r e
on W rite the numbers from each trip. 2 ‘ Add all the numbers
Earth? Find the country on the map. from the phonecard.

W rite the cities that L ily and Ben visit in order.

Copy the secret letters from the

coloured boxes in the correct order:

80] W here Qp Earth?

Happy Earth is a two-level topic-based course for children who are ready
to build on early reading and writing. It is suitable for use after Happy Street,
and extends the vocabulary and structures from the first years o f English.
Through a wide range o f factual information, it develops the children’s
language skills and awareness o f the world.
O ass Book
• Topic-based units with world information, animal fun, and fantasy
• Reading texts with an authentic feel
• Songs, chants, and ‘make-and-do’ activities with a language focus
• A puzzle adventure stoiy, ‘Where on Earth?’, giving a flavour o f culture
in different countries
• 4 ‘Do you remember?’ revision sections
• 4 optional ‘Read all about it!’ extended reading sections
• 2 plays for acting in small groups
Activity Book
• Vocabulary and grammar practice
• A writing syllabus with real-life tasks and guided picture composition
• Pronunciation puzzles and rhymes

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