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(a) Overview of Course

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a solid introduction to the
principles of transportation engineering, Highway classification, Geometric
design, Soil classification and Pavement design. This course will serve as a
foundation for future coursework in transportation and highway engineering. `
(b) Course Objectives/Goals
The objective of this course is to give students a basic understanding of the
factors influencing road vehicle performance transportation engineering is a
major component of the civil engineering .The course would give students the
understanding of transportation planning, design, construction, maintenance, of
transportation facilities. The materials and thickness used in the pavement
design geometry (vertical and horizontal alignment) will be examined.
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
 Understand highway classification
 Understand railway and airport transportation system
 Identify the Factors affecting highway route location
 Identify Factors affecting geometric design
 Understand Vertical Alignment
 Understand Horizontal Alignment
 Understand Super elevation
 Transition Curve
 Understand the factors affecting railway and airport design and operation
 Know the requirement of pavement
 Identify the types of pavement
 Distinguish between various Pavement materials

(C) Methods of Lecture Delivery/Teaching Aids

Assignments will be given to reinforce the knowledge acquired during lectures.
Lecture slides will be projected in class and relevant videos will be
projected in class to
Reinforce the understanding of the students.
(d) Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to Transportation and Highway Engineering
 Introduction to transportation engineering
 Introduction to highway engineering
 Highway Classification
 Engineering Survey for Highway
 Factors affecting highway route location
 Transportation system
Module 2: Geometric Design of Highway
 Factors affecting geometric design
 Road Cross-Section
 Width of roadway (right of way)
 Vertical Alignment
 Crest Vertical Curve
 Sag Vertical Curve
 Sight distance
 Horizontal alignment
 Super elevation
 Transition Curve
 Layout of vertical curve
 Coordination of vertical and horizontal curve
Module 3: Pavement Structure and Design
 Requirement of pavement
 Types of pavement
 Failure of flexible pavement
 Rigid pavement
 Types of rigid pavement
 Failure of rigid pavement
Module 4: Soil Aspect of Highway, Railway and Airway
 Pavement materials: Soil
 Pavement materials: Aggregate
 Pavement materials: Bitumen
 Stabilization
(e) Structure of Program / Method of Grading
Course Assessment would be as follows:
• Continuous Assessment 10 %
• Quiz 5
• Mid-Semester Examination 15%
• Final Examination 70%
• Total 100%
(f) Ground rules & regulations
All Covenant University regulations must be strictly adhered to during lectures.
lectures is very important. Laptops and iPods should not be used during lecture
Late submission of homework/assignment will not be accepted. Students
should be honest and exhibit high-integrity. Anything otherwise, will attract an
undesirable consequence.
(g) Text Book adopted for this Course
Telimoye M.Oguara (2006).Highway Engineering Geometric Design
Partha Chakroborty and Animesh Das (2011) Principles of Transportation
Telimoye M.Oguara (2006).Highway Engineering Pavement Design, construction
and mentainance.
Clarkson H. Oglesby (1975). Highway Engineering

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