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General Motors’ vision is to be the

Vision Statement world leader in transportation products
 describes the desired future position of the and related services. (Author comment:
company. Good statement)
Mission Statement 2. Tyson Foods’ vision is to be the world’s
 defines the company’s business, its objectives first choice for protein solutions while
and its approach to reach those objectives. maximizing shareholder value. (Author
Vision and Mission Statements comment: Good statement, unless
 often can be found in the front of annual Tyson provides nonprotein products)
reports. 3. Procter & Gamble’s vision is to be, and
 they often are displayed throughout a firm’s be recognized as, the best consumer
premises and are distributed with company products company in the world.
information sent to constituencies. (Author comment: Statement is too
Vision and Mission Statements vague and readability is not that good)
 The statements are part of numerous internal Comprehensive Strategic-Management Model
reports such as: “How Companies Define Their Mission”
1. Loan requests  A mission statement is the foundation for
2. Supplier agreements priorities, strategies, plans, and work
3. Labor relations contracts assignments. It is the starting point for the
4. Business plans design of jobs and organizational structures.
5. Customer service agreements  “What is our business?” is almost always a
What Do We Want to Become? difficult question and the right answer is usually
 A vision statement should answer the basic anything but obvious. The answer to this
question, “What Do We Want to Become?” question is the first responsibility of strategists.
 A clear vision provides the foundation for  Some strategists spend almost every moment
developing a comprehensive mission on administrative and tactical concerns, and
statement. strategists who rush quickly to establish
 The vision statement should be SHORT, objectives and implement strategies often
preferably ONE SENTENCE. overlook the development of a vision and
What Is Our Business? mission statement.
 Current thought on mission statements is  Some companies develop mission statements
based on guidelines set forth in the mid-1970s simply because they feel it is fashionable, rather
by Peter Drucker. than out of any real commitment.
o Who is called “the father of modern  However, as described in this chapter, firms
management” for his pioneering studies that develop and systematically revisit their
at General Motors and for his 22 books vision and mission statements, treat them as
and hundreds of articles. living documents, and consider them to be an
o Harvard Business Review has called him integral part of the firm’s culture realize great
“the preeminent management thinker benefits.
of our time.” Vision versus Mission
 Drucker says that asking the question “What Is  Mission statement answers the question “What
Our Business? is synonymous with asking the is our business?” the vision statement answers
question “What Is Our Mission?” the question “What do we want to become?”.
 The mission statement is a declaration of an  For many if not most corporations, profit rather
organization’s “reason for being”. It answer the than mission or vision is the primary motivator.
pivotal question “What Is our Business?” But profit alone is not enough to motivate
 A clear mission statement is essential for people.
effectively establishing objectives and  Profit is perceived negatively by many
formulating strategies. stakeholders of a firm. It clearly indicates that
 Sometimes called a creed statement, a both profit and vision are needed to motivate a
statement of purpose, a statement of workforce effectively.
philosophy, a statement of beliefs, a statement The Process of Developing Vision and Mission
of business principles, or a statement “defining Statements
our business”. 1. Select several articles about these statements
 A mission statement reveals what an and ask all managers to read these as
organization wants to be and whom it wants to background information.
serve. 2. Then ask managers themselves to prepare a
Vision Statement Examples vision and mission statement for the
3. A facilitator or committee of top managers 3. Inspiring
should then merge these statements into a 4. Identify the utility of a firm’s products
single document and distribute the draft 5. Reveal that the firm is socially responsible
statements to all managers. 6. Reveal that the firm is environmentally
4. Next, a request for modifications, additions, and responsible
deletions is needed along with a meeting to 7. Include nine components: customers, products
revise the document or services, markets, technology, concern for
5. To the extent that all managers have input into survival/growth/profits, philosophy, self-concept,
and support the final documents, organizations concern for public image, concern for employees.
can more easily obtain managers’ support for 8. Reconciliatory
other strategy formulation, implementation, 9.Enduring
and evaluation activities. Conclusion
Importance (Benefits) of Vision and Mission  Every organization has a unique purpose and
Statements reason for being. This uniqueness should be
1. To make sure all employees/managers reflected in vision and mission statements.
understand the firm’s purpose of reason for  Drucker says that developing a clear business
being. vision and mission is the “first responsibility of
2. To provide a basis for prioritization of key strategists.”
internal and external factors utilized to  The nine basic components serve as a practical
formulate feasible strategies framework for evaluating and writing mission
3. To provide a basis for the allocation of statements.
resources.  As the first step in strategic management, the
4. To provide a basis for organizing work, vision and mission statements provide direction
department, activities, and segments around a for all planning activities.
common purpose.  Well-designed vision and mission statements
 Another benefit of developing a are essential for formulating, implementing,
comprehensive mission statement is that and evaluating strategy.
divergent views among managers can be
revealed and resolved through the process.
Ten (10) Benefits of Having a Clear Mission and
1. Achieve clarity of purpose among all managers
and employees.
2. Provide a basis for all other strategic planning
activities, including internal and external
assessment, establishing objectives, developing
strategies, choosing among alternative
strategies, devising policies, establishing
organizational structure, allocating resources,
and evaluating performance.
3. Provide direction.
4. Provide a focal point for all stakeholders of
the firm.
5. Resolve divergent views among managers.
6. Promote a sense of shared expectations
among all managers and employees.

7. Project a sense of worth and intent to all

8. Project an organized, motivated organization
worthy of support.
9. Achieve higher organizational performance.
Achieve synergy among all managers and
Characteristics of a Mission Statement
1. Broad in scope; do not include monetary
amounts, numbers, percentages, ratios, or
2. Less than 250 words in length

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