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Background Information Project: Student B

MUED 480: Block 3

Student B:

During my student teaching experience, I was tasked with a project of learning

the background information of two different students with varying needs and

accommodations. The first student I sought to observe and get further information on,

Student B, was in one of my choir classes. Student B was integrated into the same choir

class as all of the other students but faced more difficulties learning theory than the

others. After observing closer, talking to other professionals and getting further

information on this student, I found out that their cognition abilities fall within the

average range, but struggle with a specific learning disability, dyslexia.

Some of the strengths of Student B include being polite, respectful, strong in

beliefs and opinions, and speaks their mind. They want to do well in school and

participate in extracurricular activities. They are on time for class, will bring needed

materials, and they are organized and able to submit things on time. Some of the noted

academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student include becoming

distracted in less structured activities, but generally participating well in large and small

group activities. They respond well to prompting and will get back on task when asked.

They struggled with being a strong advocate for themselves and asking for help when

needed. By doing this, it will help them be successful in their classes, especially in

math, which is the student’s highest area of processing difficulty. Because of their
specific learning disability, it sometimes takes them longer to comprehend the subject at


When teaching this student, I found it most beneficial for them to individually go

up and ask them if they needed help, or explain the material in a different way so they

could better understand. Because the student doesn’t like to ask questions when they

don’t understand, I found it best to go up to them during individual work time to check

for understanding, even if they didn’t raise their hand. This seemed to work best, and

the student seemed to appreciate taking the time to explain it to them in other ways to

make sure they understood the new material. This student strives to do well in all of

their classes and did well through individual remediation and structure.

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