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PSYC 1004 Assignment (15%)

Psychology is a huge field with many areas of research. While the content of this research varies dramatically
from study-to-study, most research articles have the same basic ingredients. This assignment involves you
reading and analyzing a psychology article to get an understanding of what goes into research. The assignment
is due on March 24, 2020 before 11:59:59 PM.

1. Using the Library Services at UNB, access PSYCINFO and then find the article entitled, “The conspiracy-
effect: Exposure to conspiracy theories (about global warming) decreases pro-social behavior and science
acceptance” by van der Linden (2015). If you cannot find the article, ask a librarian.
2. Answer the questions below using a format that is easy to understand. See the attached example if you are
unsure of what that would look like.
3. Unless otherwise specified, point form is fine for answering questions.
4. You are submitting an identical assignment twice, both no later than the due date.
a. Digitally: use the PSYC 1004 portal on D2L -> Assessments -> Assignments -> Assignment.
i. Ensure your submission is in PDF format. If you are unsure of how to do this, Google it.
b. Physically: submit a paper copy of the assignment to the drop box outside of HH5.
5. Late assignments will lose 10% per day.
6. While you are permitted to work in groups, if there are strong similarities across assignment (e.g., Q11 &
Q12), this may be construed as academic misconduct. Basically, you’re allowed to collaborate with peers,
but everything you write (including how it is structured) should be your own creation.

With few exceptions, multiple part questions are all-or-nothing, either you get everything right, or you do not
get the marks. Given that 1/5 of the marks are for spelling, grammar, and organization, you’re going to want to
ensure that you carefully edit your submission. Follow the sample assignment (see below) in order to ensure
that you will get full marks for style.

1. What journal was this article published in? (1 mark)

2. What were the keywords to describe this article? (1 mark)
3. Search the reference section, what was the title of the paper that Dagnall, Drinkwater, Parker, Denovan,
& Parton (2015) wrote? (1 mark)
4. Which university is the author from? (1 mark)
5. What does this study appear to expect to happen with its experiments? Basically, what is its general
hypothesis? (1 mark)
6. How many people participated in the study? (1 mark)
7. If a person answered the political ideology question with a “2”, what would this indicate (i.e.,
conservative, moderate, liberal, etc.)? (1 mark)
8. What was the correlation between the behaviour of signing the petition and the belief in the scientific
consensus? (1 mark)
9. How many groups were the participants divided into? What were the names of those groups? (2 marks)
10. Find a paper that cited the van der Linden (2015) paper that you have read, and provide a reference for
this paper in APA style version 7. Feel free to use Google Scholar and search for “Cited by”. (1 mark)
11. Using your own words, and in complete sentences, describe what this article was about, what its
findings were, and what conclusions it drew. (3 marks)
12. Using your own words, and in complete sentences, describe what you did not understand about this
article (it would help if you took notes). (3 marks)
13. Provide an APA 7 style reference for this article (i.e., write out a citation for this article using APA 7
style). (3 marks)

Grammar (2 marks), style (1 mark), and spelling (2 marks) – you will lose ½ mark per category, per error.

Total 25 marks

By: Ima Student

Student #: 123456789

For: Dr. Speed

1. What journal was this article published in? (1 mark)
a. Journal of Awesomeness Studies

2. What were the keywords to describe this article? (1 mark)

a. caffeine; Game of Thrones; jackhammers

12. Using your own words, and in complete sentences, describe what you did not understand about this article
(it would help if you took notes). (3 marks)
a. I didn’t understand how they could do Dany like that for the final season. I get she’s all like “Fire
and blood” because she’s a Targaryen, but that was the fastest heel turn in history. I mean,
Revenge of the Sith was ridiculous where it had Anakin apparently change teams in a shorter
period of time than it takes to read this sentence, but he was only a two-dimensional whiny
character to begin with. Dany had seven seasons to build a reputation as a strong and
compassionate character, which was all for naught as apparently she is now going to be
remembered as the “Mad King’s Daughter”. Sigh. Also, the character of Euron Greyjoy
vacillated between “skilled warrior” and “buffoonish clown” and Dorne was a wholly useless
subplot that was not worth investing in.1, 2

13. Provide an APA 7 style reference for this article (i.e., write out a citation for this article using APA 7 style).
(3 marks)

Grammar (2 marks), style (1 mark), and spelling – you will lose ½ mark per category, per error (2 mark).

I wasn’t going to write about the actual articles, so these are things I didn’t understand about Season 8 of Game of Thrones.
However, it is important to note that GOT was still amazing. That scene with Lyanna Mormont and the giant was metal!
Please, be more formal when you’re writing your response than what I’ve presented here.

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