Memorandum Circular No. 2020-02 PDF

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PIOV/ded, That a= 「equi「e lCumentS have been subm請ed and aii required fees and

Charges have been paid. acknowledgment 「eceipt togethe「 With the o緬Cial 「e∞ipt

for payment of a= 「equi「edl fees issued to the appIicant o「 「equesting party shall be

enough proof or has th me fo「ce and effect of a license, Ciearance, Permit,

Smarter Initiatives.
Bette「 Ph掴ppines.
Ce面fication or autho「ization nde「 this automatic app「oval mechanism.’’(Section l O of
RA l「O32)

2.冊agove「nmento冊ceora ency fa=s to act on an appiication or request fo「 「enewaI

Of a license, Ciearance, Pe「 it, Ce輔ication o「 authorization subject for renewaI within

the p「escribed p「OCeSSing time, Said iicense, Ciearance, Pe「mit, Cer師cation o「

autho「ization shall automati alIy be extended.’’(Section lO of RA出O32)

Finaiiy, yOu are DIRECTED to subn t a reportl befo「e 7 March 2020 ofaIl application, requeSt,
Iicense, Ce輔ication, Pe「mit, CIea「a ce, Or autho「ization which wi= be issued by you「 agency
in compIiance with this Circuia「・ Th( Authority sha= conduct a random posトaudit to ve「ify your

COmP=ance to this Circula「 Starting 伯「ch 7, 2020,

A= submissions shaIl
勘’豊韮謹豊富e O「th「Ough emai一

Atty. E「nesto V.
Deputy Director GeneraI

1 see Annex ′’A’’.

重} GF. HPGV Bullding, 39S S帥a‘or G-1 Puya‘ Avenue. Maka(一C時PmlPPlneS 1200
p 478・509 1 /478・50%1478・5000

≫諜詳端整…: 重} www-a青a


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へミのき○遜nduヨQ毒u、aこそ○○  S①さのSOfざN容

繭こ芋  くり


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