Fighter Maker Shit

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Offset: Check this box if you want two attacks to cancel when contacting each
other, such as when two spells collide in Street Fighter for example.

Hit: The time the game will be frozen when an attack hits (100 = 1 second)

Guard: The time the game will be frozen when someone defends from an attack (100 =
1 second)

Offset: The time the game will be frozen when one attack hits another (100 = 1

Use Story mode: Check if you want your game to have story mode (for a player)

Use VS mode: Check if you want your game to have versus mode (for two players)

Use VS team: Check if you want your game to have 3-on-3 times (as in King of
Fighters, for two players)

Protect the game files and ressourses: Abilite to prevent others from entering the
source code of your game.

Numbers are shown on the life: do not know.

Cursor Stays: ...

Demo Select

Title: select the demo that will be the title (must be created one in the demos

Character selective 1P: The demo that will be used as select screen in story mode

Character selective VS single: The demo that will be shown in versus mode Character

Selective VS team: The demo that will be shown in VS team mode

Game Over: The demo that was used used as a continue screen

Opening demo: The demo that will be used as opening game



This is where you enter the sprites of your game system, such as power bars, time
numbers, round. I will not go into detail here because it's all obvious ...

"Hit Junctions"

Hit Junctions is where you program the way the characters react when they receive
hits. But in this part you just add the reactions.

"Common Images"

This is where we create the images that will be common to all characters. It is
very useful for creating pitches.

"Char. Selection Picture": This is where we organize the icons of the characters on
the selection screen.



Life gauge max: The number of hit points your character will have.

Special Stock Max: The maximum number of bars your character can stock to make
special hits. In Street Fighter, for example, you can accumulate 3 bars.

Special Gauge Max: The amount of energy the character will accumulate to complete a
bar, 100 is a good value.

Starting Stock: How many bars will your character have at the beginning of the

When Attack Hits: How much energy your character will gain by hitting a hit.

When Enemy Hits: How much energy your character will gain by taking a hit.

Guard Button: Enable this option if you want the defense to be done at the push of
a button, as in Mortal Kombat.

Neutral Guard: Enable if you want to have a neutral defense, ie, the character will
defend automatically if it is stopped. As in the "auto" mode of Street Fighter
Alpha, or as the Tekken defense.

Sky Guard: Enable if you want the character to be deflected in the air.

VS: Enable if the character can be selected in VS Mode. (as in the case of the
bosses, which serve only to face the player) I do not know what the rest of the
options on this tab are, I never needed them.


This is the most important part of the "Characters" tab, because it is where we add
sounds, sprites, and animate the game. First pay attention to the following

Open folder: This button is used to open an image in .bmp format, so you can get
the sprites of that image.

In Fighter Maker, all character sprites must be within a single .bmp file, and this
bmp should have a 256-color palette. You can add sprites from different .bmp files
to your character. Opening the BMP option we have:

Open folder: Opens a .bmp image of your choice NOTE: After selecting the BMP,
simply select the Sprite you want to add with the mouse, by opening a square around
the Sprite. The maker himself takes care of checking the transparent color, and
eliminating the excess.

Red New: adds the selected sprite to the left of the square.

Green new: Adds the selected sprite to the right of the square.
CPY: replaces the selected sprite on the cursor with the new sprite

White spread: select the .bmp file (useful to select those backgrounds that appear
when the character makes a special)

Shrink: Still do not know

Black square: Leave this button on for the Maker to eliminate the transparent

Yellow paint: Enable this button so the selected sprite does not enter the
character's palette. (Useful for adding effects to the character without the colors
of the effects mixing with the colors used in the character)

White paint: Adds the image without adding to the character's palette.

Red folder: I opened a directory of .bmp images and it shows for you. (if there are
sprites in the character spread across multiple .bmp files in a folder)

Cross: Deletes sprites that have not been used (Always do this after finishing
creating a character, to eliminate the useless sprites)

How to FLY
-first create 6 (7?) actions start flight, flight, flight front, flight back,
flight up and flight down

in the start flight put a gravity M of -2.00 duration of 15 and put a SG in the end
sending to the action flight

in the action flight put an M of velocity +10 and gravity -50 after the fesa frame
put 4 DB (character's condition) if front and preamble go to the front flight, if
after and preceeded to go after flight, if up and to go up and down

still in the action flight leave the first image with duration of 30 in the second
image put a gravity M +.15 repeat the process of the DB and leave the image with
the time of 20, in the third image add a m of speed _.10 and gravity -1.15 repeat
the process of the DB and leave the image with the time of 20 and soon after
putting SG to the beginning of the flight action

in the flight front flight add a M + 10.00 duration of 4 and put an SG in charge of
the flight
in the flight action after adding a M-10.00 duration of 4 and put an SG sending the
flight action

in the flight above add a M -6.00 duration of 5 and put an SG sending the action
in the low flight action add a M +5.00 duration of 5 add a landing and indicate the
fall action and put an SG sending the action flight

Breakable Objects

<div>Breakable Stage Objs/Stage Interaction

Everyone has wonder if making Breakable objects in FM2002 was possiable.

Some have made them by using the story mode by making the obj a player file and
setting it up that way.
Well this way is ALOT different as this enables you to have breakable objs in all
modes Vs and Story. This also enables the ablitiy to make hazards in stages also
and even ring outs.

So now your asking yourself How did he pull this off. Well its simple just make a
obj set to picxy with a M. number of 8 or 9 set on the start skill of your
character you can place a skill on the stage ne were.

Now that I explained how it works lets check the requirements for this scripting.
The following is what is required for getting this started:
7 skills is needed in each character names as follow:
Player init<br />
Breakable Obj 1 P1<br />
Breakable Obj 2 <br />

P1<br />
Breakable Obj 2 P1<br />
Breakable Obj 2 P2<br />
Breakable Obj OFF<br />
Stage <br />

Interaction<br />
2 skills needed in each stage for the Objs you plan to make <br />

breakable<br />
1 system variable for each obj you plan to put on the stage to set <br />

it to broken or unbroken<br />

<br />
Ok lets get this tutorial started shall <br />

we!!<br />
<br />
First of all make the skill called Player Init I use this skill alot <br />

in all my projects get to know it<br />

very well as it enables you do to alot of <br />

things in Fighter Maker.<br />

<br />
This is what the Player Init Skill looks like in <br />

the editor go ahead and make yours look like this in the<br />
your <br />

editor.<br />
<br />
<img height="111" src="breakobj/Breakobjs1.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=316 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
The first variable is a char var set to replace Use <br />

This Data: X coor +600 It's Above and it points to after the End skill or <br />
<br />
Frame 5 of the skill.<br />
<br />
Second variable is char var set to 1 I used N <br />

for this you can use whatever char var letter you want to use.<br />
<br />
Third <br />

variable is a Task var set to A Replace Use This System var A (This is really
<br />

not needed but what this does is make it<br />

so if there is data in System <br />

variable A it will also be in Task var A)<br />

<br />
End skill pretty much says it <br />

all<br />
<br />
Fourth variable is a Char Var set to 2 and its also N<br />
<br />
The last <br />

variable is same as the Third variable just that the System variable is <br />

B<br />
<br />
Now that you have this you can use Char Var N to split skills between <br />

players I use this in alot of the stuff<br />

I make in FM including my Finsh Him <br />

System In UMKV.<br />

<br />
Now lets get started on the first Breakable Obj Skills. <br />

Name 3 new skills Breakable Obj 1 P1,Breakable Obj 1 P2 and Breakable Obj <br />

Off.<br />
<br />
<img height="119" src="breakobj/Breakobjs2.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=408 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
The image above as you can see is what P1's version <br />

looks like it has a extra variable at the beginning of it<br />

P2's version <br />

doesn't use the first variable as seen below.<br />

<br />
<img height="143" alt=" " /><br />

alt="IPB Image" src="breakobj/Breakobjs3.jpg" width=398 <br />

border=0&gt;<br />
<br />
Breakable Obj Off disables the objs that will be placed in the <br />

Start skill as you can see its set to a M. number of 8<br />
reason why is cause Im <br />

not using a Obj set to that M. Number so it will be on screen till this skill is
<br />

actived and it will not <br />

keep calling the obj on screen and lower your frame <br />

rate.<br />
<br />
After the End Skill is the same as the beginning of this skill just <br />

with the M. Number set to 9 to disable the second obj more on that <br />

later.<br />
<br />
<img height="321" src="breakobj/Breakobjs4.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=305 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
Ok now set up the Breakable Obj 1 P1 skill as seen in <br />

the image and its set up like this<br />

<br />
First Variable is Char Var N Cond <br />

Branch Its's the Same 2 and have it point to the Breakable Obj 1 P2 <br />

skill<br />
<br />
Second Variable is set to Sys Var D It's the Same +10 and it points <br />

to the Breakable Off Skill<br />

<br />
the Detect Skill (DS) is set to in offset and <br />

points to Frame 7 or to the FA after the SG<br />

<br />
Now the Frame Attacks power <br />

is set to 0 and Guard Fail is checked<br />

<br />
the other settings below the check <br />

boxes are in the image below as you can see the red attack box isnt<br />
on screen <br />

in the editor but if you go to Options and click Half mode you will<br />
see that <br />

the Attack Frame is far down as this most be like this so it will not mess with <br

the fighting thats going on<br />

plus it must be like this to even be able to <br />

trigger the DS.<br />

<br />
<img height="320" alt="IPB Image" /><br />
src="breakobj/Breakobjs5.jpg" width=296 border=0&gt;<br />
<br />
<strong>In Half <br />

Mode</strong><br />
<br />
<img height="512" src="breakobj/Breakobjs6.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=294 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
the image has a wait time of 1 an is a blank image to <br />

make one of these just open the bmp window and unclick the 7th option then <br />

select a area on your <br />

sprite sheet that is the BG then click the 7th option <br />

again to make it transparent <br />

<br />
the SG points to frame number 0 of the <br />

skill or points to the beginning<br />

<br />
the FA after the SG is just a FA that <br />

has no settings to cancel the first FA<br />

<br />
the third variable in this skill <br />

is sys variable D set to 10 replace<br />

<br />
the object in this is to cancel the <br />

object obj you set in the start skill with no skill set on it<br />
with M.number <br />

set to 8<br />

<br />
The Player Stop (PS) is set to Enemy Time: 4<br />
<br />
the image <br />

has a wait time of 100 an is the same as the first image so you can use the same
<br />

Image number for it<br />

<br />
the sg points to the second image to make it so it <br />

doesn't reapper after being broken<br />

<br />
Now that you have made Player 1's <br />

version of this now its time to make Players 2's<br />

<br />
Basiclly all you have to <br />

do is copy Player 1's version and delete the first variable from the beginning
<br />

of the skill<br />

<br />
and then set up the SG's and DS's to were they need to be <br />
<br />
<br />
also the MOST important thing you need to do is change the FA's Red box <br />

position to how I have it in the Pic below<br />

<br />
<img height="318" alt=" " /><br />

alt="IPB Image" src="breakobj/Breakobjs7.jpg" width=254 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
As <br />

you can see the differents is the M.number is 1 and the X axis is set to 30 this
<br />

is to make sure the Red boxes are not <br />

touching each other cause if they did <br />

they wouldn't apper on screen and thus making this not work at <br />

all....<br />
<br />
<br />
The other 2 skills are Breakable Obj 2 P1 and Breakable Obj 2 <br />

P2 these are set up the same way as the above 2 just that the system variable D <br

is set to <br />

11 replace and the Object is set to a M.number of 9<br />
<br />
So all <br />

you will have to do is copy the Breakable Obj 1 P1 and Breakable Obj 1 P2 and
<br />

just change what is said above very simple to do..<br />

<br />
Now that we have those <br />

skills made we need to make the Stage Interaction skill this skill is set as a
<br />

object on the hit junctions<br />

you would like for your object to <br />

break<br />
<br />
<img height="332" src="breakobj/Breakobjs8.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=448 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
This is pretty must explains itself so just make <br />
yours the same way I have in the image above<br />
<br />
As for placing this object <br />

on your hit junction this is also pretty simple as all you have to do is set a
<br />

object like below<br />

<br />
<img height="324" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

src="breakobj/Breakobjs9.jpg" width=490 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
As you can see in <br />

the image its a parent obj set to a M.number of 6 also make sure you place this <br

M.number in your get up skill like I did below<br />

<br />
<img height="320" alt=" " /><br />

alt="IPB Image" src="breakobj/Breakobjs10.jpg" width=361 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
Now <br />

that we have all that set up lets place it inside the Start skill of your <br />

character<br />
<br />
At the beginning of your Start skill place a SC or Call Skill <br />

and set it to your Player Init skill this is a MUST <br />
<br />
Place a obj set to <br />

PicXY with a M.number of 8 with the Depth set to 127 X is set to +160 Y is set
<br />

to +50 and select the<br />

Breakable Obj 1 P1 as the object<br />
<br />
<img height="325" alt=" " /><br />

alt="IPB Image" src="breakobj/Breakobjs11.jpg" width=261 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
The <br />

second Obj you will place is for the second breakable obj so place a new object <br

after the one you just placed<br />

and set it up like this<br />
<br />
Check PicXY and <br />

set the Depth to 127 with a M.number of 9 X 1080 Y +50 with the object set to
<br />
the Breakable Obj 2 P1 skill<br />
<br />
<br />
Time to set up the objs you want to be <br />

breakable in your stage the stage I used is Guiles Stage from Street Fighter 2
<br />

as I already<br />
had the crate and the breaking animation for it but ne way <br />
<br />
<br />
<img height="346" src="breakobj/Breakobjs12.jpg" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

width=585 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
As you can see the crate is there with a variable in <br />

front of it the variable is system variable D its the same +10 it points to the <br
<br />
image after the SG and as always with a variable the SG points back to the <br />

beginning of the skill<br />

<br />
<img height="353" alt="IPB Image" /><br />

src="breakobj/Breakobjs13.jpg" width=554 border=0&gt;<br />

<br />
The other crate is <br />

set up the same way just on the other side of the stage uses system variable D
<br />

but set to its the same +11<br />

<br />
<br />
Now then load up play test and see if <br />

everything is working right if not read over the tutorial again or you<br />
can <br />

just download my SvC ken thats on the characters page to see how its set up in
<br />

him<br />
<br />
But ne way hope this helps all of you and enables you to add in <br />

breakable objs to your stages and even hazards</div>

<br />


Variables can be whatever you want them to be they have no meaning or they
do nothing till you make them do something here is a simple example of
how to use a variable
Using Task Variable A


First Variable is set to Replace 0 this will reset it back to Zero

Second Variable is set to Add 1 if its above 14 have it point to the last image in
the skill
Three Image functions to make a simple loop of a animation
SG back to the Second Variable
Last Image is a blank image

is a simple loop whenever you SG back to the second variable it will
keep adding 1 to it when it reaches 15 it will go to the last image and
end the loop if you wanted it to continue you could place a SG at the
end and point it to the beginning

But in closing

A task
variable only works in the skill you place it in you can't set task
variable A to 1 in skill 1 and think you can use a condition branch
using the same variable in skill 2 it will not work cause task variable
A isn't 1 in that skill...and also these variables are split between

A character variable is split between players and can be

used thought out the character you can set char variable A to 1 in
skill one and use a condition branch in skill 2 and it will work

system variable is the most powerful variable in Fm2nd you can use
system variables in all tabs but these are not split between characters
if you want to use these for player 1 and 2 you will have to use 1 for
each players say System variable A for player 1 and System variable B
for player 2

I hope this helps anyone that reads this when to comes to variables but most of the
time you won't learn them right off it times some time to get use to

Basic Cancels or Somehin

So your wanting to make moves cancel in to each other well this is pretty much this
basic of how to make a custom combo system its pretty simple to do this and I will

say you have a punch skill and a kick skill you want these to cancel in to each
other. Lets say your punch looks like this

and your Kick looks like this

in the FA functions I have cancel checked Cond. hit checked also shave checked for
block damage

yes this is also the proper way to make a punch or kick

But how to do make them cancel in to each other

Click on the skill name of your punch you should see

"Sk Level" this means Skill Level this is used with the Cancel Condition Function

We are going to keep this at 10 same for your Kick skill

On your Punch Skill make it look just like this


Set the first Cancel condition to Fail this will turn off all other cancel
conditions that might have been turned on just a small note if you use this
function you will need to place a cancel condition set to fail on all your hit
junctions if you don't bad things will happen when the character is AI controlled

now on the second Cancel Condition Function set it to Uncod. then were you see
Cancelcondition you should see Level set the first number to 10 then set the next
one to 11 you can set the next one to whatever you want so it can cancel in to a
range of other attacks within these skill levels like say 10 to 15

Now go in to test play and now your punch can cancel in to itself and you can also
cancel in to your kick and your kick can also cancel in to itself

If you don't want your cancels like this just change the skill levels to what you
want your attacks to cancel in to its pretty simple stuff

Powering Up

Step A: First of all, you have to make/create two new skills.

One called "power up" (SK1) and the other one called "power up end" (SK2).
Keep the Skill Level for the "power up" skill at "1" and make it "2" for your
"power up end" skill.

Step B: The power up skill will look like this as an example:

O I S O FD O C EB GC s i i i i SG

O: This first object is used for a dust special effect. Make it unconditional and
have the OUT-Depth checked.
I: This image is the chharacter beginning to power up.
S: Preferably screaming.
O: This object is the aura of the power up. Parent, and OUT-Depth.
FD: The defense frame with doing and striking checked.
O: The feet aura effect. Uncod, but have it IN so the character stand son it.
C: Make it unconditionally cancel to level 2 skills.
EB: This let's you shake the screen with the number you give it. You can actually
play the way you want in this but, but make it a Fade out shake with a d5 and S7
for the X value. Note: you can also use "fade in shake" to give it a slowly but
powerfull start. How higher the number, how stronger it shakes. I have duration set
to "5" and the Shake set to "7".
GC: Modifies the special guage for this example. Increase by 5.
S: Charging noises.
I1-4: The character charging up.
SG: Point this to go ALL the way back to the second object.

Step C: Power Up end. Here's what you do: Give it a FD, and give it an I. DONE.

Step D: Create a Command with a command time of 1 and have it require holding down
a button for 5 (This command is for using the power up).
Create a second command with a CT of 2 and have it be held down for 10, using the
same button (This one is for ending it).

Beat em up combos

*NOTE**** ALL FA's that have a "R" (Reaction) frame need to have "Cancel" checked
for this tutorial to work.
Go to whatever attack you have set to the "D" button. Let's assume this attack is a
4-image attack. with everything already set up (FD's, R's, FA's, and any obj based
This attack should look like this: FD I O R FA FD FD I FD FA I I

now, what we want to do, is add a 2nd attack onto this skill that activates ONLY if
the first attack connects, and the button is hit again in the right amount of time.
So what we need to do now is add an E at the end of the skill, followed by a BLANK
FA with no R (reaction) and then a Com (command input) followed by the "ending of
attack" image(s) of the first attack, followed by an SG. Also add a DS (Detect
Skill) inside the first attack as shown here: FD I O R FA FD FD DS I FD FA I I E

Next, after the SG, put your 2nd attack. And go back to the Com (command input) we
put in. It points to a blank FA at the start of attack 2 (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ONE!)
Now, go back to the DS we put in earlier.

Set it to "Attack Hits", and point it at the blank FA BEFORE the Command Input we
were just messing with. (In the pictures, the FA is after the command input, but
it's better to put it BEFORE the command input so that it cancels out any pre-
existing FA's. SO just ignore this in the picture and place the blank FA BEFORE the
command input)

Now that that's done, be sure that there is a blank FA (with no reaction frame) at
the start of attack 2.

(I'm no expert, but my way of doing it is probably better.)


So the following values below are where your character is on screen. You can use
these values inside the variable to enable and disable movement or other things.
This will also give objects a way to detect the walls since a (DS) Detect Skill -
Hit Wall doesn't working inside a object

Left Wall = X 50
Right Wall = X1230

The best way to detect the left wall is to set up a variable for it its below 51
then the right wall is if it's above 1229.

Now the Y coor is little different when your character is on the ground the value
is 920. So if you think about it this way your character has 1230 x 920 of

When your character jumps the Y coor value goes down so if you want a simple detect
for when a character is jumping you can set 920 it's below. This could also be used
to create your own shadow setting a fade in and out when a character is jumping and
hitting the ground

This can also be used to limit how far a character can go up in to the air great
for flying type characters or even Beat'em style games. You can use these variables
for many things the best use I get out of them is fixing objects that get cut off
in to the wall like Assist type moves.

Timer Variables

When you finish this, you should be able to create timers for whatever you need in
your game. The most common use would be cooldown timers for special moves or game
balancing purposes. But they can be used for all sorts of things, such as giving a
certain animation "time" based looping...or freezing a character for a certain
amount of time, etc.

You need the following :

A character
Attacks inside that character

The first thing you're going to want to do is make sure you have a Character
Variable free. Task Variables ----- WILL NOT WORK ----- for this tutorial. Make
a new skill and call it TIMER OBJ.

Inside this new skill, place the following: Variable, Blank Image (if you don't
know how to do this, I believe there is a tutorial on the forum somewhere) , SG
(Goto Skill), Variable, Blank Image, SG.

Assign both variables as Char Var H. Now, on the first one, make it look like this
(Add -100, then have it so that if it is the same as 0, make it go to the 4th part
of the timer obj.) Make the first SG point back to frame 0. Have the second SG
point back to frame 0 also.

The second variable replaces the value with 0.

And now we get to the fun part...making it do what we want it to do....act as a

timer lol This is done by assigning a stiff/wait time on the first image in our
timer skill, and then having the variable subtract a value after that image time is

For the sake of demonstration, we're going to set the first image to a stiff-time
of 100 (or, one second). With it set up this way, after 1 second of in-game time,
the variable will subtract 100 (we set that earlier) from whatever value it is
assigned by the attack.

It's also checking to see if it has reached 0, and if this is true, it goes to the
2nd variable (which is a fail-safe reset to make sure it actually goes back to 0)
and kills the timer until a value higher than 0 is assigned to the variable.

Now we go to our attack. Let's say it's a kick that we only want to be usable once,
and then it has a 1-second cooldown time before it can be used again. We've
already got the timer set up so onto the fun part

The first thing we need to do, is make the timer an active object in the character.
You can put it in any skill that you know will be called..the start-skill for
example...but for this tutorial I'm going to put it in the attack to keep things

Right click at the beginning of your attack and choose "Object", and point it to
the "Timer OBJ" skill we created earlier. Now, choose "Parent", and give it an M
Number just for good measure (this will ensure that any other objects of a
different M Number don't cancel it out).

Now, you'll see that there's a drop-down/pointer box at the bottom labelled "It's
Out", point this to the frame immediately following the object. (We're still in
your attack, by the way)

OK, still with me? Good. If not, you should probably go back and figure out
where you got lost lol It only gets trickier from here.

In our attack, we need to give our char var H a value. This can be any value...but
for the sake of the tutorial I'm going with 100. Setting it to 100, when the
Timer subtracts 100 every second, means that the timer will last exactly 1
second. Setting it higher than that, ex : 200, would mean at -100 every second, it
would last for 2 seconds, etc.

Anyway, all we have to do is put the Char Var H somewhere in the attack, and set it
to "replace" and +100. Then, you're done! For best results, I recommend
placing the variable AFTER the attack would have hit. That way, calling the attack
won't trigger the timer immediately and you'll get to use the move lol

EDIT: I forgot to mention that at the beginning of your attack, you need another
Variable (Still Char Var H). In this one, you need to set the bottom section to
"If Above", the number 0, and then point it to whatever you want it to do while the
move is "cooling down"

Cancelling Walls

So the skill looks like this: [V] [V] [E] [M] [E]

Both [V] are replacing the value by using the x:coor. This takes a little
tinkering, the walls have x values of 50 and 1300 for the left and right wall
respectively (See Acid's XY Tutorial for more info). The best way I found to
actually get close to the wall is the by adding for the left wall [V] and
subtracting from the right wall [V] half the largest colliding [FD] from that
value. The left wall [V] must be set to lest than and the right [V] must be set to
above. Both [V]s point to the [M] in the skill and this is where the actually
stopping happens.

The [M] is set to replace and the y values have the stop checked, this way the x
movement will be negated but the falling will not be. You can change the x valuse
to something so that there is some push back when you hit the wall but I find it
easier to just negate it 100%.
In the hit junctions I use a [SC] to call the skill. I usually place it in a loop
or after the first image of a knock back so even if you are knocked into a wall
there will be push back it just will only happen at the first few images. Also I
suggest placing one of these in the loops in the skill or after any [FD] change. It
is very effective to put it in every image but for games with a lot of frames of
animation it just as effective.

It is a very simple skill to add to you games so those corner only combos can be a

Force Turning

First thing you want to do is create a new skill and call it Turn fix make the
skill look like this


Follow below on how to set this up

Set a task variable that has Use This checked with Data X set to 600 it's above and
point it to the second R reaction function (This will be player 2's skill set up)
Set a FA this should auto add the R reaction function keep reaction function blank
The FA has the set up of: Cont Hits, +0, +2020, + 640, + 5, assume everying else is
Position the SG to the M Movement function.

The second reaction is blank and te second FA is: M#1, Cont Hits, +0, +2045, + 640,
Set the movement function to have a X +3.00

hen the I Image Function can be a blank image for a modded image with a Y that's
below the stage

On your RI (Shadow Skill) set an blank image again like above doing this will
remove the in-engine shadow but you can get it back with the method above in bold

Now place an object function in front of your blank image on your RI skill set it
to Uncond and to the Turn Fix skill we just made

Once this skill is active all you have to do now is set this FD on the skill you
want to turn and the character will turn I place this in the front of it so it will
turn no matter what
FD: M#19, DOING, 100, +0, +1685, +640, +1000

Easy Meter

So in Fighter Maker 2nd the meter system allows for basic control over the meter.
My biggest problem with the system is that you cant really do a Street Fighter 3rd
Strike style EX system. There are many ways to accomplish this but I wanted to do
it as easily as possible and is easy to just copy over or even use a Skill Call for
more convenience.

So let's get started,

The first thing that you need to do is in the [Basic Script] tab in the [Game
System] Section. Find the <Special Stock Number> Skills, this is very important and
is the only reason this works, when you are setting up the UI you will need to put
the image for <Special Stock Number 0> in <Special Stock Number 1> and so on and so
forth. This will be explained later.

The next thing that you will need to decide is if you would like to have your EX
meter check as a Skill Call or at the beginning of the actual skill. The only
benefit to not having it as a Skill Call is you save a Variable. Putting it at the
beginning will not allow you to see the animation.

For a Skill Call:

>The actual <EX Check> Skill

[GC1] [GS] [GC2] [V] [E]

GC1 - This Gauge Mod subtracts X amount of meter.

GS - This Gauge Check checks if the Stock Number is less than 1. This is the reason
that you shifted all the Stock Number Images down 1. Fighter Maker cannot check if
the meter is actually less that 0 Stock changing the "0" stock number to "1" you
are able to check if the meter has gone below "0". Set the fail pointer [E].

GC2 - Now to ensure you only lose meter if you are able to do the Skill. The Gauge
Mod adds the amount of meter lost in [GC1].

V - This is the only Variable that is need but is has to be a Character Variable
and it is only a switch. Replace the value of the Variable to whatever you want it
is a switch, 1 is preferable. This tells the skill that the the player does not
have enough Meter.

E - END, This returns it to the skill.

>The <EX Move> Skill

[SC] [V1] [V2] [----Rest of the Skill-->]

SC - Point to <EX Check>

V1 - This Variable is the same as the Variable from <EX Check>. The condition
branch for this Variable Points to the <Fail EX Move> if the Value if the value is
above, or below if the value you chose is negative, 0.

V2 - Replace the value of the same Variable that has been used to 0. This ensures
that if you fail but then try again and can do it then you will be able to. *NOTE*
put this variable in the <Fail EX Move>

For the start of the skill

[GC1] [GS] [GC2] [SG] [----Rest of the Skill-->]

GC1, GC2 - Same as the Skill Call section

GS - Same as the Skill Call section, but points to the rest of the skill

SG - The only difference between the two methods is the lack of the variable in
this method. This replaces the switch and just points to the <Fail EX Move>
whatever you want it to be.

I know I kinda lied in the description about not having to use Variables but it is
still simpler that most other methods.

Important *NOTES*
> In the character you MUST set the Start Meter Value to at the smallest 1 because
it is "0"
> Keep in mind for Supers and such 0 is "1" so it ensure you never go below "0"
ensure the check value us 1 more than the cost
> This method only allows you to have at max 8 stocks not 9, small issue really.
> This works well if you want the clean look of of a SF4 super meter you only need
to use 2 stock, 0 and 1, for characters
> This is easily modified to for stuff like meter dependent systems that you would
not like to use up and entire stock.

Le Freezing (Or just look into Frost's Favorite Fighter shit

This will explain in detail how to make a "Sub Zero" style "Freeze" system.

Things you need to have done : All of your attacks, hit junctions (including one
for the freeze, which we will be modifying), and basic movements.
Things you need to have clear : 1 character variable, A lot of freetime, and one
System variable (Having a system variable free is VERY important for this to work)

Now, to start off, I'm going to explain the theory behind this in a few summarized
thought steps...(Yes...FM Theory...imagine that! haha)

1. Sub Zero (in the 2D Mortal Kombat games) had a freeze move.
2. That freeze move would stop them mid-frame regardless of what they were doing.
3. I wanted to make it in Fighter Maker.
4. The only way to do this reliably was using VARIABLES. (get the fear out of your
head because they are your FRIENDS)
5. Using variables, tell the "system" what frame the characters are on at any given
time, then exploit it for our own evil purposes.
6. Devise a deviously simple, impractical, and effective "detection" system to read
the "frame value" and bend it to our will.
7. Using a hit junction, call the "frame detect system" (from step 6)
8. Use a precious system variable as a timer so that the victim isn't frozen for
the whole fight (unless that's how you get your lol's)
9. Freeze the unlucky opponent's A.....errr....NOSE off!

Now, since the "theory" section above was all but completely pointless (unless you
realized "HEY! It's NOT that pointless because it details the method behind this
idiot's madness!" )
As Nacho (watch Nacho Libre if you haven't seen it yet) would say..."Let's get down
to the neety greetyy"

Step 1!

Go to the top of your character (THE STANDING SKILL!).

Let's just use the standing skill from my current WIP template character for my
current WIP game "Bleach - Betrayal"...Byakuya.
Standing------------ FD FD I I I I I I I I

What we want to do is pick a Character Variable (I used Char Var N for this
because, well, the letter N has Nothing to do with freezing people haha)
Now that you have your variable picked out, look at the first image in the standing
skill. Now look at the Image's number (the number inside the box labelled 'I') in
my case, this value is 0 (ZERO for

those of you who can't tell the difference between O and 0)

So what we want to do, is place our Character Variable just BEFORE this image. Like
so --


And set it to "Replace" and set the value to 0 (because that's the number value of
that image...don't worry, you'll understand in a minute)

Now copy that variable, and place it right AFTER the image. Like so --


****Now, because I'm sure almost none of you have any idea what I'm talking about.
I'm going to diagram for you the image #'s in my "Standing" skill to give you a
better idea.

FD FD I(0) I(1) I(2) I(3) I(4) I(5) I(6) I(7)


Now that you have that variable pasted after the 2nd image, change the "replace"
value in the new variable to (if your image numbers match mine) '1'.

Now copy, and paste again, like before, then change the value to match the image,
just like before. And you should end up with this. (the numbers under the "V's" in
the following example are their "Replace"

values which match the Image #)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Now do the same thing with ALL of your basic movements,attacks, etc, changing the
"Replace" values to the values of the Image #'s (if you can't do this you should
just stop reading)

Step 2!

Go down to the verrrrrrry bottom of the "Sk list" (if you don't use this window
you're an idiot) and create a skill called "====Freeze System====" and don't put
anything in it.
Now right below that, create a new skill called "Standing FRZ" (you'll understand
80% of how the freeze system works after this)

Go up to the "Standing" skill (the one we gave a child's lifetime worth of

variables to earlier) and right click on "Standing" and choose "Copy Skill"

Now go down to the "Standing FRZ" skill you just made and right click on that and
click "Paste into Skill"

Now take the two FD's and all of the variables out of the "Standing FRZ" skill. (So
now it should just be 8 images)

Now, create a skill called "Unfreeze - Standing" at the bottom of the character.
Take the first frame of the standing skill and paste it into this skill. Set the
Image Time to 3.

Now let's figure out which SYSTEM variable we are going to use as a timer. I used
"System Variable G" (As in "Gee...I sure don't have anything to do with being
frozen" )

Now, in the "Unfreeze - Standing" skill place our "Character Variable" and set it
to 0, as well as our new SYSTEM variable, set it to replace and value 0. Like so--


That's all there is to the "Unfreeze - Standing" skill for now. We're going to come
back later on to make two more (One for crouching, one for in-air)

Now, go to the "Standing FRZ" skill and place our SYSTEM variable before, and after
the first image. Now set it to "It's the Same" and set the Value to 0 (ZERO) and
point the little box thingy to "Unfreeze -

Standing" (It's all starting to click isn't it).

Now, set the image time (of all the images) in "Standing FRZ" to 100.

Now, immediately after that variable (the one after the image), place the same
SYSTEM variable. Only this time, set it to "No Cond Branch" and up in the "#
Calculate" area, choose "Add" and change the value

to " -100 ". ( Can you hear me now?.....Good)

Now, immediately after THAT variable, place an SG, and point it back to the image
(the first image)

Now copy and paste the two variables between each image in the "Standing FRZ"
skill. Like this --


Next, put an SG after every 2nd variable (skill will look like below when you're
done) and point each SG to the Var that is just before the image. (the numbers
under the SG in this example are under the

Variable that the SG should point to, I placed the numbers under the images as well
to better illustrate the point)

0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
5 6 6 7 7
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Step 3! (This is why you need a LOT of free-time)

Make a "FRZ" variation of each skill (Like we just did with Standing) that you want
them to be able to be frozen in. It's a pain, but trust me, the effort is well
worth the results.

NOW we get to the part that I'm probably going to confuse the living crap out of
all of you with. The FRAME DETECTOR!

Make a new skill called "Frame Detect Part 1" (You're going to want to separate
this into sections once you have all of the FRZ skills me)

In this skill place the character variable. Set it to "It's the same" and leave
the value at 0 (ZERO). Point the box thingy at the FIRST image of our "Standing
FRZ" skill

now copy, and paste this variable. Change the new value to 1, and point it at the

repeat this process for all 8 values in the standing skill (or however many you

The "Frame Detect Part 1" skill should look like this (if you have 8 values)


Now do the same thing you just did for all of your "FRZ" skills. Just remember not
to put the same Var in the "Frame Detect" skill twice, otherwise it will freak out
and make you cry.

If your "Frame Detect Part 1" skill gets super hu-normous (like mine did) simply
make a "Frame Detect Part 2" and put an SG at the end of "Frame Detect Part 1"
that points to the "Part 2" and put the rest

of the V's you need in there. And if that one gets too big, make a part 3, etc.

Step 3! (ALMOST DONE!)

This step assumes you have a hit junction ready to be forcefully converted into
your slave, and an attack that makes that hit junction happen.

Go to your hit junction.

now, we don't want this hit junction to do anything except freeze the pants off of
the unlucky pants-wearer that gets hit...

SO, before ANY images, place an SC (Call Skill) like so (If your hit junction has 3


Point the SC to "Frame Detect Part 1"

Now, BEFORE the SC, place our SYSTEM variable. And set it to "Replace" and give it
a value corresponding to how many seconds you want them frozen. (Mine is set to
600, for 6 seconds)

After the SC, place the System variable, but set it to Replace 0, with no cond
branch (This is a fail-safe to make sure the variable resets when the timer is
over). And after this var, place a Move frame and

set the Y gravity to "+ 0.80" (this is a fail-safe to make sure they don't get
stuck in the air when the freeze ends)

It will look like this (the hit junction I mean)


Step 4!

TADAA! we're pretty much done!

Go into Test Play and use the move that calls that hit junction. Now cry a bucket
full of happy tears because it's so amazing (as long as you did everything

Step 5!

Now, earlier I mentioned making a variation of the "Unfreeze" skills for In-Air,
and Crouching. In order for these to work, you need to make Jumping (this
includes forward and backward jumping) and

crouching assign a value to a character variable (NOT the same one that you used
for the frame-assign/detect) )

For example.

Jumping assigns Character Variable F a REPLACE value of 20.

Crouching Assigns this variable a Replace value of 10.

Standing (yes, you'll need to put one here too) assigns this variable a replace
value of 0

Now what you do is go down to the bottom and create the two new "Unfreeze" skills.
Now go to "Unfreeze - Standing" and at the very beginning, place the same character
variable you used for Crouching, Jump, etc. Set it to "It's the same" and change
the value to 10 ( if that's what you made

Crouching set it to ) and point it to "Unfreeze - Crouching"

Do the same thing again, change the value to the same one that "Jumping" sets it
to, and point it to "Unfreeze - In-Air" and you're done.

Congratulations, you can now turn your character into an angry freeze-pop!
(Provided of course that you're still reading this and followed it correctly...if
you didn't, I suppose I'll be answering your

question soon.)

Special Intros

You need a System variable for this broseph. In the start skill of a Player, have
one of the starting frames add a value to a Sysvar, and then add a cond. branch
that checks what that value is.

Then, for the fighter that she is supposed to have a special intro with, have that
one's skill do the same thing.

EX: Rei needs to have a special intro with Leon. In Rei's start skill's first
frame, there is a V that adds +2 to Sysvar D. Then, in that same V, there is a
branch that checks if Sysvar D equals 5, and if it does, it then goes to her VS
Leon intro skill.

Leon's start skill has a V that adds +3 to Sysvar D, then does the same other
stuff as Rei's. If the System variable is 5, then he goes to his Vs Rei intro

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