First Quarter Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division Of Silay
District IX
City of Silay


1. Read carefully the instruction before answering.
2. Do not write anything on the questionnaire. Write your answer in your answer sheet provided.
3. Be honest, CHEATING and using of CELLPHONE is strictly prohibited.
4. Exam duration: 1 hour.

1. Give the domain and range of the relation. {(11, -3), (2, -2), (2, 0), (6, 2), (18, 4)}
A) domain: {-3, -2, 2, 4}; range: {11, 6, 2, 18} C) domain: {-3, -2, 0, 2, 4}; range: {11, 6, 2, 18}
B) domain: {11, 6, 2, 18}; range: {-3, -2, 2, 4} D) domain: {11, 6, 2, 18}; range: {-3, -2, 0, 2, 4}
2. Which of the following numbers is farthest from number 1 on the number line?
A. -10 B. -5 C. 5 D. 10
3. Given the function f(x) = 2-3x, what is f(-4)?
A. -10 B. 2 C. 4 D. 14
4. What is the best way to determine whether a graph is a graph of a function or not?
A. horizontal line B. slanting line C. vertical line D. zigzag line
x 2+ 10 x +25
5. Find the domain of the given ration function f ( x )=
x 2+ 8 x +15

A. { x|x is a real number and x ≠ -3 and x ≠ -5 } C. { x|x is a real number and x ≠ -3 and x ≠ 5 }
B. { x|x is a real number and x ≠ 3 and x ≠ -5 } D. { x|x is a real number and x ≠ 3 and x ≠ 5 }

2 x +4 3
6. Multiply the given rational expression and simplify your final answer. •
x 6 x +12
1 x
A. 1 B. x C. D.
x 1
7. Which of the following best describes about the graph given.
A. The graph is a graph of a function because the x-value corresponds to two y-value.
B. The graph is a graph of a function because the x-value corresponds to only one y-value.
C. The graph is not a graph of a function because the x- value corresponds to only one y-value.
D. The graph is not a graph of a function because the x-value correspond to two y-values

8. Which of the following rational expression best describe on this statement,

−1 2
D = { x|x is a real number and x ≠ and x ≠ }
2 3

10 x+ 25 10 x +25 10 x +25
A . f ( x )= B. f ( x )= C. f ( x )= D.
6 x2 −x+2 6 x 2−x−2 6 x 2+ x−2
10 x +25
f ( x )= 2
6 x + x+2
8 x2 + 4 x
9. Simplify.
A. 2 x+1 B. 2 x2 +1 C. 4 x2 +2 D. 4 x+2

10. The following equations are examples of rational functions except one, which one?
1 x−4 √3 x x 2−1
A. f ( x )= B. f ( x )= C. f ( x )= D. f ( x )=
x x+8 x +5 x 2+ 2 x +1

z2 z 2 +3 z+ 2
11. Multiply. •
z+1 z 2+3 z
z 2 +2 z 2 z +1 z+2
A. B. C. D.
z +3 z +3 z+3
z +z
z+ 3

12. Which set of coordinates describes a function?

A. {(- 5, - 1), (- 3, - 3), (- 1, - 5), (- 5, - 7)} C. {( 6,  3), (4,  5), (2,  3), (0,  5)}
B. {( 4, - 3), ( - 4, - 6), ( 4,  3), ( - 4, 6)} D. {( 2, 4), ( 2, - 4), ( 4, 8), ( 6, 2)}
1 1 4
13. Solve the equation + = 2 for x.
x+2 x −2 x −4

A. x = -2 B. x = 1 C. x = 2 D. x
14. Evaluate f (x) = -x2 + 1 for x = –3.
A. –9 B. – 8 C. –4 D. 4
15. Which of the following defines function.
A. A function is a relation where each element in the domain is related to two values in the range.
B. A function is a not a relation for each element in the domain is related to only one value in the
C. A function is a relation for each element in the range is related to only one value in the domain.
D. A function is a relation where each element in the domain is related to only one value in the
7a 7
16. Simplify: + 2
a+8 a −64

7 a−49 14 14
A. B. C. 2 D.
(a−8)(a+8) (a−8)(a+ 8) a +a−56
7 a+63
(a−8)(a+ 8)
−2 4
17. Solve the equation for x: =
x+ 4 x +3
13 −8 −11
A .− B. -11 C. D.
6 3 3
18. Domain: Input Range: _______
A. Function B. Relation C. Output D. Rational
19. Which of the following 2
mapping diagrams represent functions? 5
3 4 6 3
5 6 7
7 8 8
9 10 9 9
A. C.

B. D.
5 2 1 2
4 3 4
3 6 5 6
8 7 8
1 10 9 10

20. For , .

A. 9 B. –17 C. –3 D. 17

21. Identify which of the following are functions.

i. ii. iii.

A. graph i B. graphs ii and iii C. graphs i and ii D. graph iii

22. Which graph from question 21 is linear?

A. graph i B. graphs ii and iii C. graphs i and ii D. graph iii

23.Use the vertical-line test to determine which graph represents a function.

A. C.
y y

8 8

4 4

–8 –4 O 4 8 x –8 –4 O 4 8 x

–4 –4

–8 –8
B. D.
y y

8 8

4 4

–8 –4 O 4 8 x
–8 –4 4 8 x


4 x 2−12 x
24. Which value of x makes the expression undefined?
x 2−9
A. x ≠ 0 and x≠ 3 B. x ≠ 0 and x ≠ -3 C. x ≠ 3 and x ≠ -3 D. x ≠ -3 and x ≠ 6
27 x6 −9 x 4
25. The expression is equivalent to
3 x3
A . 3 x (3 x−1) B. 3 x (3 x2−1) C. 3 x (9 x5 −1) D.
9 x 3 ( x−1)
26. Find the domain and range of the relation and determine whether it is a function.

–8 –4 O 4 8 x


A. domain: all real numbers; range: all real numbers; Yes, it is a function.
B. domain: positive integers; range: positive integers; No, it is not a function.
C. domain: x= 0; range: y = 3; No, it is not a function.
D. domain: x > 3; range: y > 0; Yes, it is a function.
27. Which table of values is NOT a function?
A. B. C. D.
In Out In Out In Out
-3 -2 -3 5 -3 7
-2 -2 28. -2 6 For , -2 5
-1 -2 -1 . 7 -1 3
A. 09 -2 B. –17
C. –3
0 8 D. 17 0 -1
1 -2 29. Specialty t-shirts are being
1 9 1 -3
2 -2 sold online for 705 Php
2 10 2 -5
each, plus a one-time
3 11
3 -2 3 -7
handling fee of 105.75 Php.
The total cost is a function of the number of t-shirts bought. What function rule models the cost of
the t-shirts ( )?
Evaluate the function for 3 t-shirts.

A. f (c) = 705 (t) + C. f (c) = 705 + 107.75

105.75 f(c) = f(c) = 812.75 Php
1,515.75 Php
B. f (c) = 102.75 (t) + D. f(c) = 705(t)+105.75
705 f(c) = 1,013.25 f(c) = 2,220.75Php
30. What is the sum of 2 x expressed in simplest form.
12 17 7 17
A. 2 B. C. D.
6x 6x 5x 12 x

5 x+ 13
31. Which value of x is a solution = ?
x 6
A. – 2 B. – 3 C. – 10 D. – 15
32. Which of the following best describes relations?
A. Relation is a set of negative and positive numbers. C. Relation is a set of a factors of a number.
B. Relation is a set of ordered pairs. D. Relation is a set of functions and asymptote.

33. Which of the following graphs are graph of functions?

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

A. Figure 1 and 2 B. Figure 1 and 3 C. Figure 1 and 4 D. figure 2

and 4

34. Based on question # 33, which of the following is not a graph of a function?
A. Figure 1 and 2 B. Figure 1 and 3 C. Figure 1 and 4 D. figure 2
and 4
35. Which of the following does NOT represent a way to determine if something is a function or not.
A. The graph passes the vertical line test.
B. The table of values has one input for every output.
C. The table of values has one output for every input
D. None of the above.
36. Which represents the domain of the following relation? {(-6, 5), (-4, 3), (-1, 0), (4, 3)}
A. 5, 3, 0, 3 B) -6, 4, 1, -4 C) 6, 4, 1, 4 D) –6, -4, -1, 0
37. Describe the graph of the inequality x > 3 on a number line.
A. There is a filled circle at 3 and the graph is shaded to the left.
B. There is a hollow circle at 3 and the graph is shaded to the left.
C. There is a filled circle at 3 and the graph is shaded to the right.
D. There is a hollow circle at 3 and the graph is shaded to the right.
38. The domain of a graph is:
A. all of the possible x values C. a set of coordinates that create a function
B. all of the possible y values D. a set of coordinates do not create a function
5 −7 9
39. Find the least common denominator of the given rational expression. , ,
6 ab3 2 a2 4 b 2
A.2a B. 12 a2 b3 C. 48 a3 b 5 D. 24 a2 b 3
9(t +d ) 10(t +d )
40. Find the quotient and simplify your answer. ÷ =0
5 6
25 27 27
A.3(t +d ) B. C. D.
27 25 25(t+ d)

“Where there is number, there is beauty.”

- Proclus

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