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Discuss the next questions with a classmate:

1. Think of the last movie you watched. Was it good or bad? Why?
2. Think of the last place you were at. Were the doors closed? Were the windows open?
3. Was it sunny or rainy yesterday? Was the weather cold or hot?
4. Were you happy or angry yesterday? Was it a good or a bad day? Why?
5. Were you at a restaurant yesterday? Which one? Was it good or bad?
6. Were you hungry yesterday night? If so, what did you eat?

Discuss the next questions with a classmate:

7. Think of the last movie you watched. Was it good or bad? Why?
8. Think of the last place you were at. Were the doors closed? Were the windows open?
9. Was it sunny or rainy yesterday? Was the weather cold or hot?
10. Were you happy or angry yesterday? Was it a good or a bad day? Why?
11. Were you at a restaurant yesterday? Which one? Was it good or bad?
12. Were you hungry yesterday night? If so, what did you eat?

Discuss the next questions with a classmate:

13. Think of the last movie you watched. Was it good or bad? Why?
14. Think of the last place you were at. Were the doors closed? Were the windows open?
15. Was it sunny or rainy yesterday? Was the weather cold or hot?
16. Were you happy or angry yesterday? Was it a good or a bad day? Why?
17. Were you at a restaurant yesterday? Which one? Was it good or bad?
18. Were you hungry yesterday night? If so, what did you eat?

Discuss the next questions with a classmate:

19. Think of the last movie you watched. Was it good or bad? Why?
20. Think of the last place you were at. Were the doors closed? Were the windows open?
21. Was it sunny or rainy yesterday? Was the weather cold or hot?
22. Were you happy or angry yesterday? Was it a good or a bad day? Why?
23. Were you at a restaurant yesterday? Which one? Was it good or bad?
24. Were you hungry yesterday night? If so, what did you eat?

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