Practise Problems On Abstraction

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Practise Problems on Abstraction

1. Create a class Arithmetic which has following abstract methods:

public abstract int subtraction( int firstNo, int secondNo ) –

method to return subtraction of two integer numbers

public abstract int subtraction( int firstNo, int secondNo, int

thridNo) – method to return subtraction of three integer

public abstract double subtraction( double firstNo, double

secondNo ) – method to return subtraction of two double

public abstract double subtraction( int firstNo, double secondNo ) –

method to return subtraction of an integer and double number

public abstract float subtraction( float firstNo, float secondNo, float

thirdNo ) – method to return subtraction of three float numbers

Create a class ArithmeticImpl derived from Arithmetic.

Implement ( Override ) all the methods.

Create a class ArithmeticDemo having main method. Create an

object of ArithmeticImpl and call all subtraction methods.

2. Create an interface Shape having

following method:
public void draw( )
public void rotate( )

Create a class Circle implementing Shape interface. draw( ) should

display message “Circle Drawn”. rotate( ) should display message
“Circle Rotated”.
Create a class Rectangle implementing Shape interface. draw()
should display message “Rectangle Drawn”. rotate( ) should display
message “Rectangle Rotated”.

Create a class TestShape having main method. Create an object of

Circle and Rectangle. Call draw and rotate methods to display
appropriate messages.
3. Create an interface GeometryConstant which has one

member variable

double PI = 3.142

Create an interface GeometryMethod having following methods

double calArea ( double radius )

double calCircumference ( double radius )

Create a class Circle which should implement GeometryConstant

and GeometryMethod interfaces. Implement calArea and
calCircumference methods.

Create a class TestCircle having main method. Create an object

of Circle. Ask user to enter value of radius through keyboard.
Calculate area and circumference of a circle and print it.

4. Create an interface AccountInter having following methods

public void create( int accNo, String name, double accBal ) –

method to create an account
public double delete( int accNo ) – method to delete an account
passed as parameter
public void print ( int accNo ) – method to print details of an
account passed as parameter

Create a class Account which should implement AccountInter

interface and has following members:
private int accNo
private String name
private double accBal

Create a class AccountDemo having main method. Create an

array of Account type of size 5 with name account.
Ask user to enter account details through keyboard. Call create( )
to create an object of Account and store it in the array.
Ask user to enter account number and call print ( ) to print
details of that account
Ask user to enter account number and call delete ( ) to delete
details of that account.

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