Unit 2

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Course Upper Intermediate Market Leader

Class BA1301
Student Truong Quang Tan
Student Code DS130001

B. Complete the information

1. Palazzo Della Valle, Corso Venezia, Milan

2. Leather shoes and bags
3. Diego Della Valle
4. Louis Vuitton, Hermès and Chanel
5. China and India
6. To complete the globalization

C. Correct the summary

Tod’s Group wishes to convey the charms of the Italian lifestyle to the world’s rich. To do this, it
focuses on its traditional, hand-made, century-old heritage, and its new advertising campaign will
feature Italian families. The Chairman says he wants to expand into India and China to capture
consumers there who appreciate the Italian lifestyle. To enter such big markets, Tod’s will need to
think about quality not quantity.
Tod’s is primarily a luxury-goods company and needs to be much bigger. China and India have more
possibility for growth than Tod’s traditional markets. The Chairman is worried that China will able to
produce luxury goods more cheaply. In future, Tod’s will look to maintain the concept of excellence.

E. Discuss the questions

1. Brand heritage is a communication asset for the company, a cultural heritage treasure for the
country and an emotional journey for the consumer. There are many products renowned on
their heritage and cultural background over the world. We can list some big names of fashion
and design or vehicles such as Gucci, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Ducati. In Vietnam, Cong
Coffee could be a recognizable brand with nostalgic communism style.
2. In a recession, companies like Tod’s could relocate their business operations to overseas
locations. Companies could obtain some benefits from lower labor costs with availability of
skilled labor, tax benefits and financial incentives. As a result, companies would increase
revenues and maximize profits.
By contrast, there are several drawbacks which are language barriers, cultural and social
issues. These problems interrupt communications between departments, and a possible
consequence is lack of cohesion which leads to quality control failure.
3. I had bought and used some fake luxury products of shoes and clothes.
4. I strongly agree with this opinion because designer luxury goods are always going with high-
quality materials, manufactured through strictly controlled production line and higher price as
well. Our appearance is completely different between wearing designer luxury goods and
non-designer goods.

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