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Project proposal

Title: Consumer behavior and perception on shopping clothes online

Abstract: Online shopping is also known as E-shopping; it is the process of buying and selling
of goods and services through internet. It has become very popular in present days, due
increasing the usage of internet and smart phone users, internet has become major platform for
E-commerce and online shopping. Without internet we can’t possible to imagine E-Commerce.
The consumers will buy various products like clothing, shoe, electronic items and services
through online shopping according to their taste and preferences; it is a mode of zero channels of
distribution means consumers will purchase the products directly from producers without any
intermediaries or middlemen. It saves for lot of precious time, energy and also money.
Key words:
Consumer perception, consumer behavior, online shopping, factor analysis.
Consumer Behavior is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select,
buy, use and dispose ideas, goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the
actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions.
Marketers expect that by understanding what causes the consumers to buy particular goods and
services, they will be able to determine- which products are needed in the marketplace, which are
obsolete and how best to present the goods to the consumers.

Online shopping a form of e-commerce which permits consumers to directly purchase goods or
services from a seller by using the Internet. Other names are: e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-
store, virtual store and online store. An online shop arouses the physical similarity of buying
product as well as services from internet shop and this process of shopping is called business-to-
consumer online shopping (B2C). Online shopping is the practice in which consumers decide to
buy the product through internet. Online shopping is one of the rapid growing things. It is
considered as medium for transaction between sellers and buyers. Online shopping also includes
supply chain management, marketing over internet, 24 x 7 timing, availability of variety of
products and services etc. The main factor for development of E-shopping is due to change in
lifestyle of the consumers and enlargement of online activity. All most all consumers grab online
opportunities since different products get more discounts. Much above that, it saves time and
gives total relief from the crowd.
Clothing performs a multitude of functions in an individual’s life far beyond being a basic
necessity. Information and trends that are able to spread across the entire world not only drive
consumers to purchase clothing at the same time they encourage consumers to purchase even
more clothing by offering them many more choices.

The new technology has radically changed the tradition way of doing online Shopping business.
Online Shopping has become new type of retail Shopping. Online shopping strengthening their
sale base on financial resources by developing their own e-product and service to suit changing
needs of the customer. The main objective of this study is to analyze buying behavior of
customer towards online Shopping of cloths and to examine the problems of Consumer while
doing with Online Shopping of cloths. The advancement in the technology paved new ways of
delivering shopping goods facilities to the customer, such as Online Shopping. Online Shopping
has become a popular shopping method over since the internet has declared to take over. These
sites include Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Snapdeal etc.

Literature Review

According to Rao (1999), E-commerce offers increased market activity for retailers in the form
of growing market access and information and decreased operating and procurement costs. The
consumers can gain better prices due to the competition and also can enrich their knowledge on
goods and services.

Kotler (2001) the factors influencing a consumer’s clothing purchase behavior can be put into
the following groups: personal, psychological and cultural. The personal factors, which are
among the most important factors determining consumers clothing purchase behavior are age,
gender, profession, level of education, level of income and marital status

Kuester, Sabine (2012) in his study considers, Consumer behavior as the study of
individuals, groups, process and organizations they use to secure, select, and arrange of
experience, products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy the consumer and society. It
balances components from sociology, psychology, management and economics. It tries to know
the decision-making processes of consumers both exclusively and in clusters. It makes emphasis
on individual consumers and their characteristics such as demographics and behavioral variables
to understand customers’ want. It also tries to assess the effects on the consumer from family,
friends, groups, and also society in general PetrovicDejan (2006) in his study on Analysis of
consumer behavior online explained that the most appropriate behavioral appearances of
online customers and inspect the ways they find, associate and estimate product information.
Comparison of survey data with the present customer performance theory stemmed in detection
of an amount of issues related to an explicit customer group. Implementation of these
recommendations will ending better adaptation of customers.

Durukan(2006) Consumers beliefs and attitudes has a marked effect on their purchasing
behavior when it comes to choosing types of clothing and brand names. Attitude is a person’s
evaluation of or feelings or in vlination towards objects and ideas and can be positive or
negative. Belief covers knowledge points of view and opinions.

Rabinovich (2004) and Cao and Zhao (2004) have identified the challenges of e-tailing
industry. This challenge begins with the response time of the web-server; moves to the amount of
time the customer must wait until the order ships, and also includes the time the shipping process

K.S. Silpa, P.U. Rajasree and Dr.P. Balasubramanian( 2016) This project was an attempt to
study people perception towards online shopping. As result of survey the majority of people
favor to do online shopping, even if they felt some difficulties. Majority of the people agree that
in near future online shopping will be more on demand than offline shopping. Therefore, online
marketing have a wider scope in the coming years. More people prefer cash on delivery than net
banking. Greater part of respondents encourages other people to enter into e-shopping. Most of
people do not shop online due to fear of quality of goods, afraid to give out their credit card
details and also they find conventional methods more enjoyable. The fact that large number of
people is getting attracted towards online shopping creates a basis for tremendous prospects for
marketers of today and tomorrow.

K. Rama Mohana Rao and Chandra Sekhar Patro (2016) the study focuses on identifying
and analyzing the various factors influencing the consumers' perception towards e-shopping on
different products available in the online retail market. The findings of the study established the
fact that consumer perception on e-shopping depends upon different factors which can be
broadly identified as convenience, website design, delivery, price advantage, reliability, and
responsiveness. According to the study, most of the respondents are satisfied with the current
conditions. But there still have several indicators that are needed to be improved. Due to increase
in e-shopping websites, the in-store shoppers need to attract the consumers with more attractive
offers and quality products.

Vidyashree.D.V, Alay.P, and Shobha.H.N (2018) examined that consumer’s perception on

online shopping varies from person to another and the perception is limited to a certain extent
with the availability of the proper connectivity and the exposure to the online shopping has to be
improved to make the customer satisfied. The perception of the consumer also has similarities
and difference based on their personal characteristics usage based on their needs and demand. In
the day to come online shopping has tremendous potential and more and more business are going
to add online platform to offer extended retailer’s shelves in the customers. However they have
to build up the trust by offering value service to the customers to sustain in the long run.

Research type:
Exploratory research
Based on literature review and secondary data (Journal, research…)
Objectives of the study:
a. To understand consumer perception regarding online shopping.
b. To understand factors affecting consumer perception regarding online shopping
c. To know problems of consumer while dealing with online shopping.



Presented by: Mesbahuddin Noori

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