Traffic Signs

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Traffic signs

Traffic signs graphical warnings that tells you possible dangers and
provide information. They tell you what the rules are and what the road
conditions are like.

Regulatory signs tell you about laws that must be obeyed.

Except for STOP, GIVE WAY and ROUNDABOUT signs, most regulatory
signs are rectangles. They are usually black on a white background.
Sometimes they also have a colour such as red. Some parking signs
are green on white.

Some of the most common regulatory signs are shown on this page.

Left image:Image Keep to the left of this sign. Centre image:Do not drive beyond this sign. Right
image:You must not turn right or make a U turn.

Left image:You must not make a U turn. Centre image:You must keep right. Right image:This
street now has lanes travelling in opposite directions.
Left image: All traffic in the left lane must turn left. Right image: You must turn right.
Warning signs
Warning signs tell you that there may be dangers ahead. They are
usually black on a yellow background and are mostly diamond shaped.

Pictures, diagrams and symbols are used to alert you to danger.

Left image: Crossroads ahead. Centre image: The road you are
travelling on ends, you must give way to all traffic. Right image: Road
conditions will change ahead to two lanes of oncoming traffic.

Left image: The road ahead curves to the right. Centre image: There is
a sharp right turn in the road ahead. Right image: Sharp bend to the
left ahead
Left image: Road divides ahead. Centre image: Divided road ends
ahead. Right image: Road narrows ahead.

Left image: A side road meets the road you are travelling on. Centre
image: Winding road ahead. Right image: Give way sign ahead.

Left image: Stop sign ahead. Centre image: Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Right image: Pedestrians may be crossing ahead.

Left image: Hospital ahead drive carefully. Centre image: Look out for
bicycle riders. Right image: Road is slippery when wet.
Left image: There is a hump in the road ahead(a hump is a sudden
slope up and then down) Centre image:Look out for kangaroos. Right
image: As you approach the hill ahead, you will not be able to see a
safe distance in front of you. Drive carefully.

Left image: The road ahead is under water (a stream for example).
Right image: Grid ahead. A grid is a row of metal lengths across the

Left image: Beware of slow moving vehicles entering traffic. Right

image: Narrow bridge ahead, slow down and be prepared to give way
or stop.

Warning signs Mostly triangular

Direction signs Mostly rectangular Signs on motorways - blue backgrounds

Information signs

1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals

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