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CEFR-aligned curriculum cascade

workshops: Day 1
Handout D1.S1.1

The words in the box are key CEFR ideas in terms of language use and learning.

Complete the text with these words:

activity strategies contexts approach tasks reception texts

language competences conditions and constraints communicative acts

The core view of language learning in the CEFR is that learning a language is essentially a

process of learning to use language to perform (1) ________________________ – either in

social contexts with others or in private contexts in communicating with ourselves. These are

shaped by the different forms of language (2) ________________________ of which they

are comprised, which can be described in terms of four broad categories:

(3) ________________________, production, interaction and mediation. The process of

engaging with (4)________________________ – spoken or written – in these different ways

requires language users to draw on a range of communicative (5)

________________________ (linguistic, socio-linguistic, pragmatic) to handle

communication with flexibility in a variety of (6)________________________.Performing

(7)________________________ in different contexts, to the extent that these tasks are not

routine or automatic and subject to different (8)________________________ , will require

learners to use different (9)________________________ for their successful completion. It

is this broad conception of language use and emergent communicative competences that

underpins the action-oriented (10)________________________ to language teaching and

learning embodied in the CEFR.

3.3_2017_Primary 2
Handout D1.S.2
Lesson Plan Template















3.3_2017_Primary 3
Handout D1.S2.1
Content and Learning Standards –grading

Order the Learning Standards by writing Year 1– 6

Set 1


1.2.3 1.2.3 1.2.3 1.2.3 1.2.3 1.2.3

Understand Understand Understand Understand Understand Understand
with a high with support with support with support with support with little or no
degree of short simple very short longer simple short simple support longer
support very narratives on simple narratives on narratives simple
short simple a range of narratives a range of narratives on
narratives familiar topics familiar topics a range of
familiar topics

Year 1: ___ Year 4: ___

Year 2: ___ Year 5: ___

Year 3: ___ Year 6: ___

Set 2:

4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.3.3
Produce a plan Plan, draft Produce a plan Plan, and Plan, draft Produce a plan
or draft of one and write an or draft of two write words and write or draft of one
paragraph for increased paragraphs or and phrases simple or two
a familiar topic range of more for a sentences paragraphs for
and modify this simple familiar topic a familiar topic
appropriately sentences and modify this and modify this
in response to appropriately appropriately
feedback in response to in response to
feedback feedback

Year 1: ___ Year 4: ___

Year 2: ___ Year 5: ___

Year 3: ___ Year 6: ___

3.3_2017_Primary 4
Handout D1.S2.2
Content and Learning Standards – grading

Order the Learning Standards by writing Year 1– 6

Set 3

4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4
Describe Describe Name or Describe Describe Describe
objects using people and describe people and people, places personality
suitable objects using objects using objects using and objects
words and suitable suitable suitable using suitable
phrases statements words from words and statements
word sets phrases

Year 1: ___ Year 4: ___

Year 2: ___ Year 5: ___

Year 3: ___ Year 6: ___

Set 4:

4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1 4.2.1
Give detailed Express Ask for and Explain and Give very Give detailed
information simple give basic give reasons basic personal information
about opinions personal for simple information about
themselves information opinions using fixed themselves
using basic phrases and others
questions and

Year 1: ___ Year 4: ___

Year 2: ___ Year 5: ___

Year 3: ___ Year 6: ___

3.3_2017_Primary 5
Handout D1.S2.3
Reading Race
In groups, try to find the answers to these questions as fast as you can. You
will need to look in the documents you have on your table.

1. In which document can you find all the Content and Learning Standards for
Primary Years 1 to 6?

2. Your next lesson with your Year 2 class is Lesson 77. What is the main skill focus
of this lesson? Is it a textbook or a non-textbook lesson?

3. You are planning for a closing activity for your Year 2 lesson. Where can you find
the list of these activities?

4. You would like some ideas for differentiation. Where can you find these?

5. You are looking for the table that tells you which phonemes should be covered in
Year 1. Where can you find that table?

6. Does the phrase I’m very sorry appear in Year 2? Where can you find out?

Look at these documents again. Can you find anything else that is useful for you?

3.3_2017_Primary 6
Handout D1.S3.1
Read the descriptors and decide on the levels.

Level ______________
Pupils are able to understand simple, standard speech which is very slow and is carefully
articulated and can recognise familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves,
their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.
Spoken Interaction
They can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or
rephrase things at a slower rate of speech and help with formulation. They can ask and
answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Spoken Production
Pupils at this level can use simple phrases and sentences to describe what they do, where
they live and people they know.

Level ______________
They can understand clear, slow, standard speech related to areas of most immediate
personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local
geography and employment) and can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages
and announcements.
Spoken Interaction
Pupils can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange
of information on familiar topics and activities. They can handle very short social exchanges,
even though they cannot usually keep the conversation going of their own accord.
Spoken Production
They are able to use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms such as
family and other people, living conditions and educational background.

3.3_2017_Primary 7
Level ______________
They are able to understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters
regularly encountered in school, leisure, etc. They can understand the main point of many
radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when
the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Spoken Production
They can keep going comprehensibly in order to describe experiences and events, dreams,
hopes and ambitions and can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
They are able to narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe reactions.
Spoken Interaction
Pupils at this level can exploit a wide range of simple language to deal with most situations
likely to arise whilst travelling. They can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that
are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work,
travel and current events).

3.3_2017_Primary 8
Handout D1.S3.2
Decide if True or False


1. Speaking and listening activities put the same demands on pupils.

2. We can provide support by developing the theme of a listening text

before using it.

3. We can train pupils to become better communicators by showing them

how to use strategies to help understanding, such as asking questions or
listening to voice tone.
4 We can teach patterns of language to help pupils produce more spoken .

5 Talking or having conversations with the pupils is not beneficial for

increasing understanding and productive use of language.

6 Listening tasks do not give us an opportunity to help pupils notice


7 Restructuring is when we use language from a listening task to create a

speaking task.

8 We can extend the theme or language of a listening text to include pair

work speaking practice.

9 Drills and chants do not help pupils improve their accuracy.

10 Pictures can be used to integrate more creative and free speaking


3.3_2017_Primary 9
Handout D1.S3.3
It is important that language in the classroom is meaningful and realistic.

What kind of listening and speaking texts could we use for listening and speaking
activities? Look at the ideas below and add to the list:


Listening to a story the Guided dialogue Games
teacher tells Chants and repetition

3.3_2017_Primary 10
Handout D1.S3.4


3.3_2017_Primary 11
Handout D1.S3.5
Think about the two activities and the key points for successful speaking and
listening activity types.


Is it practical?
E.g. class size, noise etc.

Is it purposeful?
E.g. a real communicative

Is it productive?
E.g. language skills.

Is it adaptable?
E.g. level, more/less
challenge, age.

Is it enjoyable?
E.g. motivating, fun, etc.

3.3_2017_Primary 12
Handout D1.S3.6
The lesson is for a group of A1 pupils. Look at the lesson plan and first decide on the
What are the main aims of the lesson?
Now answer the following questions:
1. What do the pre-lesson activities achieve?
2. How are listening and speaking integrated during the lesson?
3. What post-lesson activities are suggested? What would they achieve?

Some pictures of your favourite place to go at weekends. Some photographs of you there
or activities you can do there. Blu-tak to put them on the board.
Main aim: ________________________________________

Stage 1
Put the large pictures on the board and brainstorm things pupils know about the place.
To get pupils interested in the theme and to find out what they may know about it and to
use big visuals to capture their attention.
Stage 2
Stick your photographs on the board then tell pupils you are going to talk about the place
and different things you do there.
Set a task: Listen and put the photographs in the correct order.
Tell them about the place and what you do there; remember to use simple language and
repeat the phrases so pupils have time to assimilate the content and begin noticing the
language you use.
To provide authentic (real life) listening practice and help the pupils notice language.
Stage 3
Tell pupils to check their ideas in pairs.
Monitor to help and provide guidance then get some feedback.
To provide pupils with time to formulate and check ideas and to encourage cooperation.
Set a task for pupils to listen a second time. (e.g. ‘Listen – What other things can you tell
me about the place?’). You can use this second listening to focus on language areas you
want pupils to notice (e.g. Describing a place: There is a ...There are some...I like...
Repeat the story then elicit information from pupils – if they haven’t got many ideas ask
guiding questions (e.g. ‘What do I do there?’‘Why do I like it?’
To provide further listening opportunities and get pupils to notice language.

3.3_2017_Primary 13
Stage 4
Ask pupils to describe their favourite place to you. You could do some feedback on
accuracy and drill phrases at this point.
To encourage real talk and to provide feedback on their performance.

Stage 5
Get pairs describing their favourite place and the things they do there. Monitor to
encourage use of the language areas you want them to focus on.
To provide a real purpose for speaking practice and to integrate language you have been
focusing on.

Stage 6
Extend one of the themes from the first activity with the large pictures. This may depend
on the interest pupils showed about each topic or picture. You could ask them to tell you
about their own town, favourite place or expand information about something in the
pictures e.g. places of interest there, famous geographical features, etc.
To extend learning opportunities and to integrate teacher talk and pupil talk.

3.3_2017_Primary 14
Handout D1.S4.1
Pupils can understand the general idea of simple informational texts and short simple
descriptions, especially if they contain pictures which help to explain the text.
They can understand very short, simple texts, putting together familiar names, words and
basic phrases, by, for example, rereading parts of the text.
They can follow short, simple written instructions, especially if they contain pictures. They
are able to recognise familiar names, words and very simple phrases on simple notices in
the most common everyday situations. They can understand short, simple messages, e.g.
on postcards.


They can write simple notes to friends, they can describe where they live and can fill in forms
with personal details about themselves or their friends.
They are able to write simple isolated phrases and sentences and can write a short simple
They can write short letters and messages with the help of a dictionary.

3.3_2017_Primary 15
Handout D1.S4.2
Read what five teachers do then write your own paragraph.

I’ve used lots of message reading. Instead of telling them the instructions for a task I write
them down and then the class read them. Then they tell each other what the message
says and after that a volunteer reads out what they have to do. Another strategy I use is
when the text is a bit long I divide it up and ask groups to read sections.

I always let them read the questions first so I can check they have understood them
before they read. Doing it like that also gives them a reason to read and it makes reading
easier for them because they know what they have to look for in the text. If there aren’t
any pictures I find some related to the theme to help understanding and sometimes I show
the pictures and ask the pupils to guess what the text is about.

I use readers a lot – you know – short books for foreign language learners that are simple
but very effective for reading aloud to pupils. You could read and use mime and pictures
to help them understand. You know, we are so busy giving them activities that we forget
reading is about reading! I mean, it’s what we do with our own kids so why can’t we do it in

I always provide a model for a writing task. First, I dictate or show a short paragraph I’ve
invented based on what I want them to write later on – I use the text as a short reading
activity then focus on the language in the text – I usually underline key sentences I want
the pupils to use and we have a look at them. In that way, the pupils are clearer about
what they need to produce and also more confident.

I focus on doing a lot of pre-work before I do reading and writing tasks – like working on
the vocabulary they will need or developing the theme. I’ve found by doing that my pupils
are more motivated to read or write something. Another strategy I use is to extend reading
and doing a post-task activity like getting them to write about the topic.



3.3_2017_Primary 16
Handout D1.S4.3
Put the tasks in the right category:

 Dividing up questions so pupils only answer some of them

 Writing title on board and predicting content
 Focusing first on gist then specific
 Talking about the topic before reading
 Drawing a picture to represent the text
 Acting out a role play about the content


 Providing a pre-task to teach or review vocabulary from the text

 Giving pupils questions about text before reading
 Finding out what they know about the topic


 Creating a different focus, e.g. reading race, jigsaw reading

 Putting pupils into groups to read and answer questions
 Adjusting number of questions to answer


 Ordering text: e.g. giving text again cut up and asking pupils to order
 Drawing a picture to represent the text
 Correcting false information
 Talking about theme, e.g. giving opinions

3.3_2017_Primary 17
Handout D1.S4.4
A. Identify the activity types which focus on helping pupils improve their writing.
copying dictation free writing gap fill
These activities focus on different skills and require pupils to participate in different ways.
When we use (1) ______________________activity types we can get pupils to practise
specific items, for example the gaps may be verbs we want to focus on, or vocabulary we
want to consolidate.
A __________________activity can focus pupils on punctuation such as capital letters and
full stops.
A _________________can help pupils to focus on word order and spelling; it can also be a
good way to incorporate multi-sensory tasks, for example, you dictate the words or
sentences (Auditory); you ask pupils to look at the sentences to check accuracy and get
them to write the phrases on the board (Visual); then you could give them the sentences cut
up and they have to order them to check they have the correct sentences. (Kinaesthetic)
A ________________ activitycould be to write a description of someone in their class – this
provides the reason to write, someone to write about and a clear topic to include (the
vocabulary of description).

B. Now order the stages to create a plan.

Pupils write a description of the child sitting on their right, on a piece of paper.
The teacher collects the descriptions, reads them out and pupils guess who is being
Brainstorming theme
The teacher reviews and drills clothes and hair vocabulary with pictures.
Writing model
The teacher shows another picture, elicits a description and writes it on the board for pupils
to copy.
Pupils read three short descriptions and match them to three pictures.
Vocabulary consolidation
Pupils play a matching game in groups with clothes and hair vocabulary

3.3_2017_Primary 18
Handout D1.S4.5

Anticipated problems:




Content Standard

Learning Standard

Learning Objective/s

During Delivery

Post Lesson

3.3_2017_Primary 19

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