Srs Atm

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Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations1.

References1.5 Overview2. Overall description2.1 Product perspective2.2 Product
functions2.3 User characteristics2.4 Constraints2.5 Assumptions and dependencies3.
Specific requirements/* variable organization */AppendicesIndexU Waterloo SE1
(Winter 2010) � p.5/34
Section 1: IntroductionThis section is an introduction to theSRS document: scope
ofproject, audience, background knowledge of reader,additional information needed
to read rest of document.Table of ContentsTable of Figures1. Introduction1.1
Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations1.4 References1.5 OverviewU
Waterloo SE1 (Winter 2010) � p.6/34
1.1 PurposeThis document describes the software requirements andspecification for
an automated teller machine (ATM) network. Thedocument is intended for the customer
and the developer(designers, testers, maintainers).The reader is assumed to
have basic knowledge of banking ac-counts and account services. Knowledge and
understanding of UMLdiagrams is also required.U Waterloo SE1 (Winter 2010) � p.7/34
1.2 ScopeThe software supports a computerized banking network calledYouBank.
The network enables customers to complete simple bank-account services via
automated teller machines (ATMs) that may belocated off premise and that need not
be owned and operated by thecustomer�s bank. The ATM identifies a customer by a
cash card andpassword. It collects information about a simple account
transaction(e.g., deposit, withdrawal, transfer, bill payment), communicates
thetransaction information to the customer�s bank, and dispenses cashto the
customer. The banks provide their own software for their owncomputers.
TheYouBanksoftware requires appropriate record keep-ing and security provisions.
The software must handle concurrentaccesses to the same account correctly.U
Waterloo SE1 (Winter 2010) � p.8/34
1.3 Definition vs. AbbreviationDefinition:AccountA single account at a bank against
which transactions can beapplied. Accounts may be of various types with at
leastchecking and savings. A customer can hold more than
oneaccount.Abbreviation:maxDailyWDThe maximum amount of cash that a customer can
withdrawfrom an account

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