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Home ► My courses ► NET-310016-2017CE3-Hill-OL (Oct to Dec) ► Module 8 Resource Monitoring ►

Lab 17 Quiz: Monitoring Virtual Machine Performance

Started on Saturday, December 9, 2017, 7:38 PM

State Finished
Completed on Saturday, December 9, 2017, 7:40 PM
Time taken 1 min 38 secs
Points 3.00/3.00
Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)


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2. Answer the following questions while completing the
Lab to receive credit.

Question 1 Lab 17
Correct What counters did you use for the chart options on StudentVM-01 and StudentVM-02?
1.00 points out of (2 Answers)

Select one or more:

a. Used

b. Usage

c. System

d. Ready
e. Run

Your answer is correct.

The correct answers are: Ready, Used

Question 2 On the Chart Options tab of a VM, how many Chart Metrics are there for an administrator to utilize?
Select one:
1.00 points out of
1.00 a. 5

b. 6
c. 7

d. 8

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: 7
Question 3 Match the Counter to the correct Description.

1.00 points out of Amount of time spent on system processes on each virtual CPU in the VM

CPU usage as a percentage during the interval


Time the VM is scheduled to run


Time that the VM was ready, but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU during the last measurement interval.

Total CPU usage


Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: System → Amount of time spent on system processes on each virtual CPU in the VM, Usage → CPU
usage as a percentage during the interval, Run → Time the VM is scheduled to run, Ready → Time that the VM was ready,
but could not get scheduled to run on the physical CPU during the last measurement interval., Used → Total CPU usage

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