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Irrigation and Environmental Engineering Drawing

(Manual Design and Drawing)

Irrigation Engineering Drawing

1. Tank surplus weir
2. Tank sluice with tower head
3. Canal drop (Notch Type)
4. Canal regulator
5. Siphon aqueduct

Environmental Engineering Drawing

1. General layout of water and waste treatment plants
2. Sedimentation aided with coagulation
3 .Slow sand filter
4. Rapid sand filter
5. Trickling filter
6. Septic tank

Text Books:
1. Garg, S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Design of Structures”
2. Satyanarayana Murthy, “Irrigation Design and Drawing”, Published by Mrs. L.Banumathi, Tuni, East
Godavari District, A.P. 1998
3. Sharma R.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New
Delhi, 2002

1. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, CPHEEO, Government of India, New Delhi, 1999
2. Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO, Government of India, New Delhi, 1993
3. Hand book on Water Supply and Drainage, SP35, B.I.S., New Delhi, 1987
4. Peary, H.S., Rowe, D.R., and Tchobanoglous, G., “Environmental Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New Delhi, 1995
5. Metcalf & Eddy, “Wastewater Engineering (Treatment and Reuse)”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2003

S. No. List of Design and Drawings Page No.

1. Tank surplus weir – Design and Drawing 3

2. Tank sluice with tower head – Design and Drawing 8

3. Canal drop (Notch Type) – Design and Drawing 13

4. Siphon aqueduct – Design and Drawing 20

5. Canal regulator cum foot path – Design and Drawing 26

6. General layout of water treatment plant 29

7. General layout of waste treatment plant 30

8. Sedimentation aided with coagulation – Design and Drawing 31

9. Slow sand filter – Design and Drawing 33

10. Rapid sand filter – Design and Drawing 36

11. Trickling filter – Design and Drawing 40

12. Septic tank – Design and Drawing 42

1. Tank surplus weir – Design and Drawing

The following details refer to a tank surplus weir:

1. Combined catchment area………3000 hectares
2. Free catchment area……………..1200 hectares
3. Ryve’s coefficient ‘C’…………...6.5 (Combined)
4. Ryve’s coefficient ‘c’……………1.5 (Intercepted)
5. Bed level of the tank…………….+50.20m
6. Ground level at site……………...+49.20m
7. Maximum Flood level…………...+52.50m
8. Full Tank level in the tank……….+51.00m
9. Top of revetment in u/s…………..+53.80m
10. Top of Bund level………………..+54.80m
11. Top width of Bund.........................+3.00m
12. Hydraulic gradient……………….+1 in 4
13. Slope of the bund in front………. 1 2 :1
14. Slope of the bund in rear………...2:1
15. Soil below ground level red earth upto +48.00
16. Automatically falling shutters 1m height to be provided on the crest
Design the surplus weir with all component parts.
Draw the following views to suitable scale
1. Half plan at top, half plan at foundation
2. Cross-sectional elevation
3. Half elevation facing downstream side and half elevation facing upstream side
The excess surplus water is spilled from a tank into the downstream channel is called tank surplus
1. Maximum flood discharge (or) Run-off
Using Ryve’s formula

2 2
3 3
Q=CM −cm

Now, Q = Discharge (or) Maximum run off in sec

C = Ryve’s coefficient for combined catchment area = 6.5
M = Combined catchment area in

= 100 = 30
c = Ryve’s coefficient for intercepted catchment area = 1.5
m = Intercepted catchment area in

=18 sq. km
= 700
2 2 m3
Q=6 . 5( 30 ) 3 −1 .5( 18 ) 3
= 52.52 sec
2. Length of weir
Weir formula,
2 2
Q= C d L √ 2g H
2 2
52. 52= ( 0 . 562) L. √ 2 x 9. 81( 1 .5 )

where, Q= Discharge in sec

C d = Co-efficient of discharge 0.562
L = Length of the weir in m; g = 9.81 sec
H = Head of water in m (1.50 m)

Now solving the equation, L = 17.22 m

Adopt a length of 18m allowing for some obstruction in the flow.
Dam stones are used to fix the automatic falling shutters and also to store water upto M.W.L
Assume their size as 200 x 200 and @ 700 mm c/c
18 x 1000
Number of clear span of dam stones = 700 = 25.7 say 26
Number of dam stones = 25 nos.
Width occupied by dam stones = 0.2 x 25 = 5.00 m
Provide an extra allowance at 2.00 m for end contraction.
Total length of the weir = 18 + 5 + 2 = 25.00 m
Length of weir = 25.00 m
3. Design of weir body wall

Crest width or Top width of body wall, b = 0 .552( √ H + √ h) (Refer the figure, below)

= 0.552( √ 3.00+ √1.50) = 1.637 m

But consider minimum width as 2.20 m
H14 .50
Base width of foundation, B = √ δ = √ 2 .25 = 3.00 m

where, δ= Density of masonry =2.25;

H 1=H +h=3 . 00+1 .50=4 . 50 m
Adopt, top width = 2.20 m and bottom width = 3.00 m

4. Foundation
Foundation level +48.00 m
Adopt 60 cm thickness of foundation
Therefore, the bottom level of foundation concrete is +48.00 – 0.60 = +47.40 m
Total width of foundation concrete = 3.00 + 2 x 0.30 = 3.60 m
5. Up stream side apron
Generally the apron is required on the down stream side of the weir. However a puddle clay apron is
provided as shown in the figure below.
6. Down stream side apron
The height of fall = F.T.L. – G.L. = 51.00 – 49.20 = 1.80 m
Adopt 3 steps each having a vertical fall of 0.60 m
1st step solid apron fall = 0.60 m

2nd step solid apron fall = 0.60 m
3rd step solid apron fall = 0.60 m
= 1.80 m
The 1st and 2nd apron is of 45 cm thick in C.C. 1:3:6 and the ends are restrained by stop walls of 45 cm
7. Width of apron
The maximum fall = 0.6 + 1.5

Width of apron = 2(0.6+1.5) = 4.20 m

Adopt a width of 5.00 m
8. Design of abutment

Height of abutment = T.B.L. – G.L. = 54.80 – 49.20 = 5.60 m ( Ha)

Adopt a minimum width as 45 cm

Base width = 0.4 ( H a ) = 0.4 x 5.60 = 2.24 say 2.30 m

Total width of concrete = 2.30 + 2 (0.30) = 2.90 m
Adopt 45 cm thickness for return wall and wing wall also.
9. Design of return wall

Height of abutment at upstream side = 52.50 – 49.20 = 3.30 m ( Hu)

Total width at foundation = 0.4 x ( H u ) + 2 x 0.3

= 1.32 + 0.6
= 1.92 m say 1.90 m

Height of abutment at downstream side = 51.00 – 49.20 = 1.80 m ( Hd)

Total width at foundation = 0.4 x ( H d ) + 2 x 0.3

= 0.720 + 0.6
= 1.32 m say 1.50 m

2. Tank sluice with tower head – Design and Drawing

Design a tank sluice with a tower head for the following hydraulic particulars.
Ayacut = 68.6 hectares
Duty = 723 hect/cumec
Top width of Bund = 1.80 m
Front slope = 1 2 :1
Rear slope = 2:1
Tank Bund level = +20.20 m
Maximum water level = +18.90 m
Full tank level = + 18.30 m
Highest field level = + 14.60 m
Lowest field level = + 12.20 m
Assume any other relevant data. Wing walls are to be constructed on the upstream side of the bund for
regulating through a well of 1.20 m diameter. Revetment is 45 cm over gravel packing of 15 cm thick.
Draw the following views to a suitable scale.
1. Longitudinal section
2. Half plan at top and half plan at foundation level
3. Details of plug
4. Section through tunnel and barrel
5. Sectional elevation on upstream side
A tank sluice is an opening in the form of a culvert running through tank bund. Tank sluice
supplies water from the tank into the distributary’s channel to meet irrigation requirement.
Discharge calculation
Ayacut = 68.6 hectares
Duty = 723 hect/cumec
Ayacut 68.6 m3

Discharge = Duty = 723 = 0.095 sec

1. Sill level
The down stream side bed level is generally fixed as the average value of the highest field level and
mean between the highest and lowest field levels.

14 . 60+12. 20
The mean between the highest and the lowest field level = 2

26 .80
= 2 = +13.40 m
13 . 40+14 . 60
The mean of the above and the highest field level = 2

= 2 = +14.00 m
Hence, the sill level is fixed at +14.00 m.
2. Vent way (Barrel)
The area of the vent way of the sluice must be such that it can draw normal supply of water when the
tank is at the lowest water level or a level at which the tank supply is always available to be drawn
during normal dry period.
The lowest water level is assumed 2 m above the sill level
i.e.14.00 + 2.00 = 16.00 m
The depth of storage in the tank = Full tank level – Sill level
= 18.30 – 14.00 = 4.3 m
Average depth is assumed as 2.15 m (or) 2.00 m
∴ The lowest water level = 14.00 + 2.00 = 16.00 m

Assuming pipe flow in the barrel; the formula to be used is

Q=C d A √2gh

where, Q= Discharge = 0.095 sec

C d = Co-efficient of discharge = 0.6 (assume)
A = Area of the section in m2
g = 9.81 sec 2
h = Difference in level between lowest water level and sill level = 2.00 m

∴ 0.095 = 0.6 x A x √ 2 x 9.81 x 2.00
A = 0.025 m2
If we assume a square barrel then the side = 0.16 m
But the vent way should allow sufficient head way for cleaning the debris and also for repairing.
Hence assume a rectangular minimum section (or) vent way (or) barrel to be provided as 60 cm x 75
∴ Area of the barrel section = 0.6 m x 0.75 m = 0.45 m 2 > 0.025 m2
It is greater than the required area as per design calculation.
Hence provide a rectangular section of a barrel of size 60 cm x 75 cm.
The barrel will have masonry side walls and the roof will be of RC slab.
Provide the foundation concrete of 1:4:8 of 50 cm thick and wearing coat of 1:3:6 of 7 cm thick
which is serving as a floor for the barrel in between the side walls. Also provide RCC roof slab of 20
cm as over all thickness.
3. Plug Hole
The size of the orifice in the plug stone is generally calculated so as to pass the full supply with 0.30
m head over the plug hole platform.

Using discharge formula,

Q=C d A 1 √ 2gh1

where, Q= Discharge at full supply depth = 0.095 sec

C d = 0.6 (assume); g = 9.81 sec 2
A 1 = Area of plug hole in m2; h1 = head of water = 0.3 m

∴ 0.095 = 0.6 x A 1 x √ 2 x 9.81 x 0.3

πd 21
A1 = 0.065 m2; 4 = 0.065; d 1 = 0.28 m = 28 cm

d 1 = diameter of the plug hole in ‘m’

∴ Provide a plug hole of 30 cm diameter

4. Design of bottom vent
This vent is brought into use only when the water in the tank is less than 1.20 m over the floor of the
sluice. The remaining times this vent is completely closed by a stone slab. This vent is made of
sufficient size to pass full supply with 0.15 m head.

Using discharge formula,
Q=C d A 2 √ 2gh2

where, Q= 0.095 sec

C d = 0.6 (assumed)
g = 9.81 sec 2
A 2 = Area of the vent size in m2

h2 = head of water = 0.15 m

∴ 0.095 = 0.6 x A2 x √ 2 x 9.81 x 0.15

A 2 = 0.092 m2
Assume a square vent of size 35 cm x 35 cm
∴ Vent size is 35 cm x 35 cm
5. Tower Head
The tower head consist of a circular masonry well as shown in the drawing. Generally these wells are
not less than 1.20 m in the internal diameter and have their top taken at least 30 cm above MWL of
the tank. The bottom of the well rests directly on the foundation concrete of the sluice.
The well steining is designed as a thick cylindrical shell of 45 cm thickness over all at top and 60 cm
at bottom to withstand maximum earth pressure and hoop compression.
In the tower head the regulating (or) lifting rods are supported by guide beams. At top half the
diameter of the well is covered by regulating platform.
6. Cistern in rear of the barrel
This serves to retain the slope of the banks and the irrigation channel. This cistern enables to take off
more than one channel through separate opening in its side walls. On this case only one channel is
proposed in the rear and width of opening is kept as bed width of the channel. This cistern also
functions as a stilling basin for the rushing water through the barrel and reduces any possible scour of
the channel. Further to reduce the scour in the channel the bed and aside revetments are provided up
to 2.00 m length from tail end of barrel.

Canal drop (Notch Type) – Design and Drawing

3. Design a notch type canal drop for a fall of 1.50 m with the following particulars.
Full supply discharge = 5.4 cumecs
Data particulars Up stream side Down stream side
Bed width 5.00 m 5.00 m
Full supply level +9.20 m +7.70 m
Bed level +8.00 m +6.50 m
Surface fall 1 in 4000 1 in 4000

Slope protection by stone revetment 30 cm over gravel may be provided. The flooring for water cushion
is in concrete. Good foundation is available at +6.00 m
Draw the following views to a suitable scale.
1. Longitudinal section through the center line of the canal
2. Plan half at top and half at foundation
3. Elevation half full and section
4. Section of wing wall
The available natural ground slope in steeper than the designed bed slope of the channel, the
difference is adjusted by constructing masonry structure called vertical falls (or) drops.
Need for canal drop
To avoid scouring of bed and banks of canal
1. Tank bund level in the up stream side is assumed to be of 1.2 m higher than the FSL of
upstream side
2. Tank bund level in the down stream side is assumed to be 0.90 m lower than the tank bund
level of upstream side
3. Width of bund at top may be provided as 3.00 m in upstream and downstream

1. Design of drop wall

Bed width
1 time FSD
Number of notches = 2

1 x 1.20
= 2 = 2.78 or 3 nos.
∴ Provide 3 nos of notches
2. Design of trapezoidal notches

Discharge Q = Q1 + Q2
Where, Q1 = Discharge through triangular notch
Q2 = Discharge through rectangular notch
C d tan α √ 2g d 2 →
Q1 = 15 for one triangular notch
2 n
C d L √2g d 2 tan α=
Q2 = 3 and 2
5 3
8 2
C d tanα √2g d 2 C d L √ 2g d 2
Q=( 15 x 2) + [ 3 ]
Q= 2. 96 Cd d ( L+0 . 4nd )

C d = Co efficient of discharge = 0.7
d = depth of flow = FSD
Full supply discharge = 5.40 cumecs
5. 40
=1. 80
Discharge through each notch for full discharge = 3 cumecs

1. 8
=0 .90
Discharge through each notch at half supply = 2 cumecs
The notch is designed in such way that at half supply the depth of water in the canal is 3 rd
of full
supply depth.
At full discharge, d = full supply depth = 1.20 m
2 2
full supply depth= x 1 .20m
At half discharge, d1= 3 3 = 0.8m
At full supply discharge Q = 1.80 cumecs; d = 1.20 m
Assume Cd = 0.70
Q= 2. 96 x Cd x d (1+0 . 4 nd )
1.80 = 2. 96 x 0 . 7 x (1 . 2) [1+( 0. 4n x1 . 20)]
l + 0.4 n = 0.661 -------------------------------------- (1)
At half supply discharge, Q = 0.90 cumecs; d = 0.80 m
Assume Cd = 0.70
Q= 2. 96 x Cd x d (1+0 . 4 nd )
= 2. 96 x 0 . 7 x (0.80 ) [ 1+(0 . 4n x 0 . 80)]
l + 0.32 n = 0.607 -------------------------------------- (2)
Solving equation (1) and (2)
n = 0.3375 and l = 0.499
Therefore, provide bottom width of notch as l = 0.50 m
To eliminate the error in the cross-section due to approach velocity
Top width = l + nd
= 0.50 + 0.3375 x 1.20
= 0.735 say 0.80 m
Provide top width of notch as a 0.80 m
The width of canal at drop wall can be 8 th
of bed width of upstream
8 x 5.00 = 4.375 m

Total top width of notches = 3 x 0.80 = 2.40 m
Adopting the intermediate & end pier to be of 0.50 m
Total top width of piers = 4 x 0.50 = 2.00 m
Total length of drop wall = 2.40 + 2.00
= 4.40 > 4.375 m. Hence o.k.
1 1
Thickness of drop wall = 2 FSD = 2 x 1.20 = 0.60 m
d d
+15 ] [ +30 ]
[ 2 to 2 in cms
120 120
+15 ] [ +30 ]
=[ 2 to 2 = 75 cm to 90 cm
Therefore, provide 80 cm as thickness of drop wall
3. Lip Projection
Lip stone is to be projected towards down stream side to reduce the direct vibration of the body wall and

should not be less than 4 th
of full supply depth.
1 1
= 4 x FSD = 4 x 1.20 = 0.30 m
4. Design of body wall
Full supply depth = FSD = d = 1.20m
Height of fall = h = 2.00 m
h h
[ +15 ] [ +30 ]
Top width = 2 to 2 in cms
= (100 + 15) to (100 + 30) = 120 cm
Provide 120 cm as top width
Bottom width (or) Base width = √f
f = density of the material = 2.25 kg/m3
2. 00+1.20
= √ 2.25 = 2.13 m, say 2.20 m
Provide Top width = 1.20 m and Bottom width = 2.2 m

Thickness of foundation concrete can be taken as = 0.55 √ d+h

= 0.55 √ 1.20+2.00
= 0.90m
Provide 1.00 m depth of concrete
5. Design of water cushion
The following empirical formula is used to design
d √h
X + d1 = 1 . 10
Where, d1 = full supply depth of down stream side = 1.20 m
X = depth of water cushion
x 1.20 √2 .00
X + 1.20 = 1 . 10
X = 0.340 m
Minimum depth of water cushion is 500 mm
Down stream bed level = +6.50 m
Foundation level = +6.00 m
Hence, provide 50 cm depth of water cushion for energy dissipation of the fall.

Length of water cushion, L = d + 2 √ dh = 1.2 + 2 √ 1.20 x 2.00

= 4.59 m, say 4.5 m
6. Revetment, Apron and Pitching
a) Length of revetment on up stream side
= 3d = 3 x 1.20
= 3.60 m, say 4.00 m
Provide 4.00 m length of revetment on up stream side
b) Bed pitching on up stream side
1 1
2 of the above length = 2 x 4.00 = 2.00 m
The random rubble stones are laid over a 30 cm thick gravel bed and having a total depth of 500 mm
c) Revetment on down stream side after the water cushion
= 3 (d+h) = 3 [1.20 + 1.50] = 3 x 2.70
= 8.10 m, say 9.00 m
Provide 9.00 m length of revetment on down stream side
d) Bed pitching on down stream side

1 1
2 of the above length = 2 x 9.00 = 4.50 m
e) Main apron width at water cushion
= Length of drop wall + 2 of full supply depth on up stream side

x 1.20
= 4.40 + 2 = 5.00 m
The width of down stream main apron can be taken as the width of down stream section of canal. The
up stream side wing walls are provided at the joining point of apron and in the down stream side,
wing walls are proposed at the point jointing at main apron and at full supply level in down stream
side. Top of wing wall is provided with 450 mm thickness.
7. Revetment, Apron and Pitching
a. Abutment
Height = Up stream side TBL – Top of foundation = 10.40 – 6.00 = 4.40 m
b = base width = 0.4 H = 0.4 x 4.4 = 1.76 m say 1.80 m

b. Up stream side wing wall

Height = Up stream side FSL – Top of foundation level
= 9.20 – 6.00 = 3.20 m
Base width = 0.4 x H = 0.4 x 3.20 m = 1.20m say 1.30 m
The wing wall is having a base width of 1.30 m at end and 1.80 m at abutment.

c. Down stream side wing wall
Height = Down stream bund FSL – Foundation top level
= 9.50 – 6.00 = 3.50 m
Base width = 0.4 x 3.50 = 1.40 m
d. Down stream side return wall
Height = Down stream side FSL – Foundation top level
= 7.70 – 6.00 = 1.70 m
Base width = 0.4 x 1.70 = 0.68 m say 1.00 m
The return wall top is extended up to bern level

4. Siphon aqueduct – Design and Drawing

Design a siphon aqueduct for the following details refer to the particulars of a canal to be taken
across a drain
Bed width = 15 m
Bed level = +25.00 m
Depth at FSL =2m

Discharge = 20 sec
Side slope = 1 2 :1
Bed width = 25 m
Bed width = 25 m
Bed level = +23.20 m
MFL = +25.20 m

Discharge = 70 sec
Side slope = 1 2 :1
General GL = +25.00 m
Maximum allowable velocity = 1.5 m/sec. Maximum allowable velocity through the drain = 2.0 m/sec.
The soil is loam with a percolation gradient of 1 in 4. Good foundation is available at +22.30 m.
Design and draw

1. Half plan at top and half plan at foundation
2. Longitudinal section
3. Cross section of the drain
A cross drainage work is a structure which is constructed at the crossing of a canal and a natural
drain, so as to dispose drainage water without interrupting the continuous canal supplies.
A siphon aqueduct is a cross drainage work, in which the drainage water intercepting the canal can be
disposed. It is accomplished by passing the canal over the drainage.


Since the canal bed level is below the maximum flood level of the drain, so the structure should be
designed as siphon aqueduct.
1. Design of Canal trough

Discharge = 20 sec
Q 20
∴ Area = V = 1.5 = 13.33 m2
FSD = 2.0 m
∴ Width required = 2 = 6.67 m or say 7.00 m
Free board allowed = 0.45 m
2. Retaining Wall
Let the top width be 0.45 m
Bottom width = 0.70 H
H = 2.00 + 0.45 = 2.45 m
∴ Bottom width = 0.7 x 2.45 = 1.72 m
3. Design of vent for drain

Discharge = 70 sec
Width = 25 m
Width of each vent, S = 3 m (limited) (assumed)
Pier thickness = 3 to 4 in metre

3 3
= 3 to 4 m; 1 to 0.75 m
Pier thickness is adopted as 1.0 m

Check for end contraction

Bed width of drain = 25 m
Assuming the number of vents = 5
Width of crossing = (5 x 3.0) + (4 x 1.0) = 15 + 4 = 19.0 m
Amount of contraction = 25 – 19 = 6.0 m
But maximum width of contraction allowable is 25%
For this case = 2.5 x 100=24 % . It is less than 25% and hence ok.
Arch vent way (drain)
70 m3

Discharge through one vent = 5 = 14 sec

Q 14
Area required = V 2 .5 = 5.6 m2
S 3.0
= =0 .5
Adopt arched vent, r = Rise = 6 6 m
(2R−r)r= x
2 2
3 .0 3. 0
(2R−0 .5 )0 . 5= x
2 2
( R−0 . 25)=2. 25 m
R=2 . 25+0 .25=2 .50 m
φ 1.5
sin = =0 .60
2 2.5
∴ φ=73° 4 4 '' say 74°
φ 1
πR 2 − S (R−r )
Area of arched, A = 360 x 2
74 1
π (2. 5)2 − (3 . 0 )(2 . 5−0 . 5)
= 360 x 2 = 1.034 m2
Remaining rectangular area required = Area calculated – Area of arch section
= 5.60 – 1.03 = 4.57 m2
4 .57
Y= =1 . 52
∴ 3.0 m

Thickness of arch

t =0.25 √ R in metres

= =0.25 √ 0.25 = 0.395 m

Adopt 0.45 m thickness
To find the bottom level of barrel portion
The total loss taking place in the barrel comprises of entry loss, friction loss and exit loss.
2 2 2
0. 5 v flv v
h1 = + +
2 g R1 2 g 2 g
v fl
h1 =
2g [
1. 5+
R1 ]
f = coefficient of friction (can be assumed between 0.003 to 0.006)
R.L. of concrete bottom of arch top = +24.80 m
Thickness of arch = 0.45 m
R.L. of crown point = +24.80 – 0.45 = +23.35 m
Rise = 0.50 m
Springing level of top of pier = +24.35 – 0.50 = 23.85 m
∴ Bottom level of top pier = +23.85 – 1.52 = 22.33 say 22.30
Good foundation available at +22.50 m (given) and hence ok.
1 S 1 3 . 00 1
Rear Batter =
[ ] [] [ ] [ ]
25 x n = 25 x 0.5 = 0.24, say 4
Adopt 4 batter and bottom width = 1.30 + 0.65 = 1.95 Ω 2.00 m
Wing wall
MFL of drain = 25.20 m
Assume top of wing wall as +25.50 m
Concrete level +22.30
H = +25.50 – 22.30 = 3.20 m
Top width is assumed as 0.45m
Bottom width = 0.4H = 0.4 x 3.20 = 1.28 m, say 1.5m

4. Canal regulator cum foot path – Design and Drawing

The following are the detailed specifications of canal regulator cum foot path:
Hydraulic particulars of canal down stream
Bed width = 15.00 m
Bed level = +18.00 m
FSL = +19.70 m
Top of bank = +20.70 m
Full supply depth = 1.7 m
Right bank = 2.0 m
Left bank = 2.0 m
Hydraulic particulars of canal up stream
Bed width = 15.00 m
Bed level = +18.00 m
FSL = +20.00 m
Top of bank = +21.00 m
Full supply depth = 2.0 m
Right bank = 2.0 m
Left bank = 2.0 m
Vent way
3 vent ways of 2 m height
Width = 1.00 m
RL of top of pier = +21.00 m
RL of top of pier at the shutters opening platform = +20.00 m
Provide 2 tilt of shutters of
a. Bottom shutter = 1380 m high
b. Top shutter = 1250 m high, width 250 m length
Width = 1.00 m
Parapet on each side = 2.00 m
Thickness of RC slab = 2.00 m
Weathering course = 50 mm thick

Top width = 1.00 m (50 mm will be bearing for RC slab)
RL of top of abutment = +21.35 m
Bottom width = 2.00 m
Wing wall
Splayed wing walls are provided
Top width = 450 mm
Front face (water face) = vertical
Back face = 1 in 4
Apron and revetment particulars
1. Solid apron of 450 mm thick both in up stream and down stream to length of 6.00 m
2. Rough stone pitching to a thickness of 450 mm has been provided in continuation with solid
apron for a length of 5.00 m both in up stream and down stream
3. Provide the same length of rough stone pitching, revetments on a canal slopes to a thickness
of 450mm
Assuming that land ground is available at +17.00 m for all the structures, provide cement
concrete 1:4:8 for a thickness of 600 mm at an RL of +16.95 m.

Draw the following views to a suitable scale

1. Half sectional plan
2. Half section elevation
3. Side elevation (sectional elevation)

General layout of water treatment plant

General layout of waste treatment plant

4. Sedimentation aided with coagulation – Design and Drawing

Design a coagulation-cum-sedimentation tank with continuous flow for a population of 60,000

persons with a daily per captia water allowance of 120 litres. Make suitable assumptions where
needed. Draw the plan and sectional elevations.
It has been possible to combine flocculation tank along with sedimentation tank. Such a tank is
known as a coagulation sedimentation tank. In such a tank, a plain floc-chamber without any mechanical
devices is provided before the water enters the sedimentation chamber. The detention period for the floc-
chamber is kept about 15 to 40 minutes and that for the settling tank, at about 2 to 4 hours. The depth in
the floc chamber may be kept about half that of in the settling chamber. The water from the mixing basin
enters this tank and the clarified water comes out of the outlet end.
First, the settling tank will be designed and then the floc-chamber.
Design of the Settling Tank
Average daily consumption = Population x Per capita demand
= 60, 000 x 120 = 7.2

x 106 litres
Assuming the maximum daily demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand,
The maximum daily consumption = 1.8 x (7.2 x 106) litres = 12.96 x 10 litres
Quantity of water to be treated during an assumed detention period of 4 hours
12. 96 x 10
x4 6 3
= 24 = 2.16 x 10 litres = 2.16 x 10
Adopting the water depth as 4m and the plan area as = Depth
2 .16 x 103
= 4 = 540 m2
= 45 m
Assuming the width of the tank as 12 m, the length of the tank = 12
Hence, use a tank of 45 m x 12 m x 4 m. Provide extra depth for sludge storage, say use 4.5 m depth at

the starting end and 4.5 + 50 = 5.4 m at the down stream end, using 1 in 50 slope. Use a free board of
0.5 m above the water level.

Design of the Floc Chamber

In addition to 45 m length of the settling tank, the floc chamber at the entry has to be provided. Assume
the effective depth in the floc chamber as half of the depth in the tank near the floc chamber, i.e. =

2 = 2.25 m.
Assume the period of flocculation or detention period as 20 minutes. Now the capacity of the chamber =
Flow required in 20 minutes
12. 96 x 10 20
= 24 60 cu-m = 180 cu-m.
Capacity 180
The plan area required = Depth = 2.25 m2 = 80 m2
Using the same width as 12 m, we get the length of flocculation chamber = 12
= 6.67 m (say 6.7 m)

Slow sand filter – Design and Drawing

Design six slow filter beds for the following data:

Population to be served = 50,000 persons
Per capita demand = 140 lit/head/day
Rate of filtration = 180 lit/hr/m2
Length of each bed = twice the breadth
Assume maximum demand as 1.8 times the average daily demand.
Also assume that one unit, out of six, will be kept as stand by.
The following views to be drawn :
1) Plan of filter unit
2) Cross-section of filter unit
3) Longitudinal section of filter unit

Population of the town = 50,000
Average daily supply = 140 lit/head/day
Average daily demand = 50,000 x 140
= 7.0 x 106 lit/day
Maximum daily demand = 1.8 X 7 X 106
= 12.6 X 106 lit/day
Rate of infiltration per day = 180 X 24 lit/ m2/day
Total surface area of filter required = max daily
demand/rate of filtration per day
=12.6 x106/180 x 24

Now six units are to be used, out of them, one is to kept as stand-by and hence only five units should
provide the necessary area of filter required.
Area of each filter = 1/5 x Total area required
= 1/5 X 2917 = 583.4 m2
Now, if L is the length and B is the breadth of each unit, then L = 2B (given)
2B X B = 583.4 m2
B2 = 583.4/2
B = 17 m
L = 2B = 2 X 17 = 34 m
Hence use 6 filter units with one unit as stand by, each unit of size 34 m X 17 m.

Principal parts of slow sand filter

1) Enclosure tank for the retention of raw water, which is made up of masonry or concrete. The bed
slope is kept as about 1 in 100 towards central drain. The depth of tank may vary from 100 to
2000 m2 or more depending upon quantity of water to be treated.
2) Filter media consists of sand layers, about 900 to 1100 mm in depth and placed over a gravel
support. The effective size (D10) of the sand varies from 0.2 to 0.4 and the uniformity co-efficient
[D60/D10] varies from 1.8 to 2.5. The coarsest layer should be placed near the bottom and finest
layer towards the top.
3) Base material is gravel and it supports the sand. It consists of 300 to 750 mm thick gravels of
different sizes placed in layers.
4) The under drainage system consists of a central drains. The laterals are open jointed pipe drains
or some other kind of porous drains placed at 3 to 5 m apart on the bottom of floor and sloping
towards a main covered central drain.
5) The rate of filtration varies from 100 to 200 lit/hr/m 2.
6) Depth of water above the sand layer = 0.9 to 1.5 m
7) Diameter of main drain = 400 mm
8) Diameter of laterals = 100 mm

Rapid sand filter – Design and Drawing

Design and draw a rapid sand filter unit for a water treatment plant for a town having
population of 120000 and supply rate is of 160 lit/capita/day.
The following views to be drawn :
1) Plan of filter unit
2) Cross-section of filter unit
3) Longitudinal section of filter unit
Population of the town = 1,20,000
Average daily supply = 160 lit/head
Average daily demand = 1, 20,000 x 160
= 1, 92, 00,000 lit/day
Maximum daily demand = 1.5 x 1, 92, 00,000
= 2, 88, 00,000 lit/day
Working period = 24 hours
Maximum demand for hour = (1.5 x 1, 92, 00,000)/ 24 lit/day
Assumed rate of filtration = 5000 lit/hr/m2
Total filtration area = (1.5 x 1, 92, 00,000)/ (24 x 5000)

= 240 m2
Assumed filter area of one unit =8x6
= 48 m
No of filter units = (240/48)
= 5 units
Provide a spare unit.
Total number of filter units = 5 + 1
= 6 Nos.
Principal parts of rapid sand filter
1) Enclosure tank for the retention of raw water.
2) Underground drainage system which may be two types i.e. perforated pipe type and pipe with
3) Filter media – consists of coarse sand for filtering the water.

4) Base material – consists of graded gravel.
5) Appurtenance – these are auxiliaries for a filter unit.
They consist of :
a) An air compressor which should be capable of supplying air at the rate of 0.6 to 0.8
m3/minute/m2 for 5 minutes.
b) Wash-water trough – these are laid at height of 450 mm to 750mm from surface of filter
media, placed 1.3 m to 1.8 m edge to edge.
c) Wash-water overhead tank of sufficient capacity and head to supply wash water at a rate
of 250 lit/min/m2.
d) Filter rate controllers, valves, venture-regulators, etc.
Rate of filtration
The rate of filtration varies from 3000 lit/hr/m 2 to 6000 lit/hr/m2. Generally 5000 lit/hr/m2 is
considered as acceptable. The period of operation of the plant is considered as 24 hours.
Assumptions and general data
(1) Enclosure tank:
a) Walls may be made of brick masonry of one brick thick at top and 1 ½ brick
thick at bottom or R.C.C with a minimum top width of 150 mm.
b) Floor and sides are coated with water proofing materials.
c) Surface area varies from 10 m2 to 50 m2.
d) L : B = 1.5 to 1.25 : 1.
(2) Under drainage system:
a) The area of cross section of main drain or manifold should be greater than twice
the area of cross section of lateral drain.
b) The length-diameter (l/d) ratio of main drain should be greater than 20.
c) The laterals are provided approximately at a rate of 150mm c/c.
d) The strainers are provided at 150mm c/c.
e) The area of the cross section of lateral drain varies from 2 to 4 times that of
cross sectional area of the strainers.
(3) Filter media:
a) The depth of filter medfia varies from 600mm to 900mm
b) The effective size of sand varies from 0.35 to 0.6 with uniformity co-efficient
varying from 1.2 to 1.7.
c) The depth of filter generally adopted is 750mm.
(4) Base material:

a) The total depth of the base material varies from 450mm to 600mm.
b) They are generally laid in 4 layers.
c) 1st layer of 150 mm ….. 3mm to 6mm
2nd layer of 150 mm ….. 3mm to 6mm
3rd layer of 150 mm ….. 3mm to 6mm
4th layer of 150 mm ….. 3mm to 6mm

Trickling filter Design and Drawing
Design suitable dimensions of circular trickling filter units for treating 5 million liters of sewage per
day. The BOD of sewage is 150 ml. Draw the sectional view of the trickling filter.
Total BOD present in sewage to be treated per day = 5 x 150 kg =
750 kg
Assuming the value of organic loading, say, 1500 kg/hectare meter/day [i.e. between 900 to
2200 kg/ha-m/day],
The volume of filtering required = 1500 hectare-meter = 0.5 ha-m =
5000 m3
Assuming the effective depth of filter, as 2 m
Then, the surface area of the filter required = 2 m2
Using a circular trickling filter of 40 m diameter, the number of units required
Total area required
= Area of one unit =

(40 )2
4  2 Nos.
Then, the hydraulic loading will be checked.
The surface area of the filter bed required can also be worked out by assuming the value of hydraulic
loading, say 25 million liters/hectare/day [i.e. between 22 to 44 ml/ha/day]
Total sewage to be treated per day
Surface area required = Hydraulic loading per day
5 5
= 25 hectares = 25 x 10,000 m2 = 2000 m2
The surface area chosen is 2500 m2, which is greater than 2000 sq.m, and hence safe.
Hence, 2 units each of 40 m diameter and 2 m effective depth (i.e. 2.6 m overall depth), can be adopted.
An extra third unit as stand-by also can be constructed.

Septic Tank Design and Drawing

Design a septic tank for a multistoried building with a total of 200 residents having per
capita water consumption being 200 l/day. The soil at the site is sandy and the effluent is
proposed to be disposed by sub soil percolation.
Draw the following to a suitable scale,
1. The plan showing the tank
2. Longitudinal section of the tank
3. The cross section of the tank
General data required of this design
1. Detention period for domestic septic tank 24 hours.
2. Minimum liquid depth ……1.00m
3. Maximum liquid depth ……3.00m
4. Length to breadth ratio ……. 3:1
5. Minimum depth of of baffle is 30cm above of liquid level and 30cm below of liquid level
6. Location of hanging baffle is L/5 from the inlet (more
than 60cm)
7. Minimum diameter of sludge outlet 15 cm of stone ware pipe.
8. Minimum diameter of house drain 10cm
9. Minimum depth of earth cover = 30 cm
10. Diameter of the ventilating pipe = 5 to 10cm and 2 to 4.5 m above
ground level
11. Free board - 50 cm to 75 cm
12. Minimum capacity of the tank - 4m 3
13. Level of outlet should be 15 m lower than the inlet level
14. Rate of dispersion 100 l/m2/day
15. Gradient of dispersion pipe 1 in 200
16. Sludge storage 0.037 m3/day/head
17. Scum storage 0.017 m3/day/head
18. Standing baffle 2/3 from the inlet pipe
19. For inspection purpose, C.I. steps and manholes are provided
Data given
No of persons = 200
Per capita consumption = 200 l/day
Assuming 100 % of water supply as sewage flow
Total quantity of sewage flow to be received = 200 x 200
40,000 l/day
Detention period of domestic septic tank 24 hours,
 Capacity of the tank = (40000 x 24)/ (24 x 1000)
= 40 m 2/hour
Volume of sludge = 0.037 x 200 = 7.4 m3
25% add for future expansion = 7.4 x (25/100) = 1.85 m2
Total volume of tank required = 40 + 7.4 + 1.85 = 49.25 m3
Assuming a depth of septic tank as 3.00 m
 The plan area of the septic tank = 49.25/3.00 =16.42 m2
Length to breadth ratio = 3 :1
3B2 = 16.42
B = 2.43m say 2.50m
Length of the tank = 3 x 2.50 = 7.50 m
Provide a septic tank of size as 2.50 m x 7.50 m
Total depth of septic tank = 0.50 m
Assume a free board = 0.50 m
Depth of scum storage = 0.50 m
Liquid as well as sludge = 3.00 m
Septic tank is 2.50 m X 7.50m X 4.50m


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