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AQUATICS Michael Fred Phelps II - an American retired

competitive swimmer and the most successful and most

History decorated Olympian of all time.

Painting – Stone Age (10000 years ago)  28 medals

2000 BC - Iliad, the Odyssey, the Bible, Beowulf, Joseph Isaac Schooling - a Singaporean swimmer.

the Quran and others.
 gold medalist in the 100m butterfly at the 2016
Nikolaus Wynmann - a Swiss–German professor of Olympics
languages, wrote the earliest known complete book  Singapore's first-ever Olympic medal in
about swimming,  Colymbetes, sive de arte natandi swimming
dialogus et festivus et iucundus lectu (The Swimmer, or  Winning time of 50.39 seconds is a National,
A Dialogue on the Art of Swimming and Joyful and Southeast Asian, Asian and Olympic record. 
Pleasant to Read) in 1538.
1830s - Swimming emerged as a competitive
recreational activity in England. Daniel Zane Coakley -a Filipino-American swimmer
who won two gold medals and a silver medal at the
1828 - First indoor swimming pool (St. George’s Baths) 2007 Southeast Asian Games.

1837 - National Swimming Society was holding regular  competed in the 50 m freestyle at the 2008
swimming competitions in six artificial swimming pools, Olympics
built around London.  great-grandson of Olympic medalist in
swimming Teófilo Yldefonso. 
1880 - Amateur Swimming Association was formed.
(300 regional clubs) Jasmine Alkhaldi - Filipino swimmer who represented
the Philippines in the 2012 Summer Olympics and 2016

 Germany in 1882  holds the Philippine women's record in the

 France in 1890 200, 100, 50 metre freestyle and 100 metre
 Hungary in 1896. butterfly and 50 metre butterfly events.
 At the club level Alkhaldi swims for the
1889 - First European amateur swimming competitions
Ayala Harpoons.
in Vienna.
Long course pool (50 meter)
1892 - World's first Women's swimming championship
in Scotland. There are 40 officially recognized individual swimming
events in the pool; however the International Olympic
1896 - Men's swimming became part of the first
Committee only recognizes 32 of them.
modern Olympic Games in Athens.
Open Water
1902 - the Australian Richmond Cavill introduced
freestyle to the Western world.  Where the events are swum in a body of open
water (lake or sea), there are also 5 km, 10 km
1908 - the world swimming association, Fédération
and 25 km events for men and women.
Internationale de Natation (FINA) was formed.
 only the 10 km event is included in the Olympic
1912 - Women's swimming was introduced into the schedule
Tapering - practice of reducing exercise in the days just
1922 - The first international swim meet for women before an important competition.
outside the Olympics (Women's Olympiad)
 “Shave and Taper” final stage
1930s – Butterfly was developed and it was accepted as
a separate style in 1952. SWIM STYLES

19th Century- competitive swimming became popular Four major styles

 Break personal or world records while beating o Butterfly

competitors in any given event.  Butterfly is a swimming stroke swum on
the chest, with both arms moving
SWIMMERS symmetrically, accompanied by the
butterfly kick.
o Backstroke
 Backstroke or back crawl is one of the
four swimming styles used in
competitive events regulated by FINA, Referee - has full control and authority over all
and the only one of these styles swum officials and will enforce all rules and decisions of
on the back. This swimming style has FINA and shall have the final answer to all questions
the advantage of easy breathing, but
relating to the actual conduct of anything regarding
the disadvantage of swimmers not
the meet, as well as the final settlement of which is
being able to see where they are
going.  not otherwise covered by the rules.
o Breaststroke
Starter - has full control of the swimmers from the
 Breaststroke is a swimming style in
which the swimmer is on their chest time the referee turns the swimmers over to
and the torso does not rotate. It is the him/her until the race commences. “Take your
most popular recreational style due to mark”
the swimmer's head being out of the
water a large portion of the time, and Clerk of course - The clerk of course (also called the
that it can be swum comfortably at slow "bullpen") assembles swimmers prior to each
speeds. event, and is responsible for organizing ("seeding")
o Freestyle swimmers into heats based on their times.
 Freestyle is a category of swimming
competition, defined by the rules of the Timekeepers - Each timekeeper takes the time of
International Swimming Federation, in the swimmers in the lane assigned to him/her
which competitors are subject to few
unless video back up is being used.
limited restrictions on their swimming
Inspectors of turns - One inspector of turns is
assigned to one or more lanes at each end of the
 Olympic competition, this event is swum in two
distances – 200 and 400 meters. pool. Each inspector of turns ensures that
 In competition, only one of these styles may be swimmers comply with the relevant rules for
used except in the case of the individual turning, as well as the relevant rules for start and
medley, or IM, which consists of all four. finish of the race. 
 Short course competitions also include the 100-
yard or 100-meter IM – particularly, for younger Judges of Stroke - Judges of stroke are located on
or newer swimmers (typically under 14 years) each side of the pool. They follow the swimmers
involved in club swimming, or masters during their swim back and forth across the pool.
swimming (over 18).
They ensure that the rules related to the style of
swimming designated for the event are being
Dolphin kick – 1990s observed, and observe the turns and the finishes to
assist the inspectors of turns.
The first successful use of it was by David Berkoff. In
1988 Olympics, he swam most of the 100 m backstroke Finish judges - Finish judges determine the order of
race underwater and broke the world record in the finish and make sure the swimmers finish in
distance during the preliminaries.  accordance with the rules (two hands
simultaneously for breaststroke and butterfly, on
the back for backstroke, etc.)
Size of Pool
World Championship pools must be 50 metres (160 ft)
 Swimsuit
(long course) long and 25 metres (82 ft) wide.
 Swim cap
 With Ten lanes labeled zero to nine or vise - keeps the swimmer's hair out of the way to
versa and the lanes must be at least 2.5 metres reduce drag. Caps may be made of latex,
(8.2 ft) wide. silicone, spandex or lycra
 The pool must have a minimum depth of two  Goggles
metres - keep water and chlorine out of swimmers'
 Automatic Officiating Equipment eyes. Goggles may be tinted to counteract
glare at outdoor pools. Prescription goggles
SEASONS may be used by swimmers who wear
corrective lenses.
 autumn and winter season competing in short
 Swim Fins
course (25 metres or yards) pools
- Rubber fins are used to help kick faster and
 Spring and summer season competing in long
build strength and technique, but are illegal
course (50 metre) pools and in open water.
in a race. They also improve technique by
keeping the feet in the proper position
while kicking.
OFFICIALS  Drag suit
- Training to increase resistance. This allows a Common Swimwear
swimmer to be challenged even more when
practicing and let the swimmer feel less MEN
resistance when racing. Drag suits are not
used in competitive races.
- Practice swimwear for men
 Hand paddles includes briefs and jammers. Males
- Build arm and shoulder strength while generally swim barechested.
refining hand-pulling technique. Hand
Beijing Olympic Games (2008) controversy when many
paddles attach to the hand with rubber
Olympic swimmers broke records an unprecedented
tubing or elastic material. They come in
number of times using revolutionary swimsuits that
many different shapes and sizes, depending
covered their entire legs.
on swimmer preference and hand size.
 Kickboard  70 world records were broken in one year, and
- Foam board that swimmers use to support 66 Olympic records were broken in one Olympic
the weight of the upper body while they Games
focus on kicking. Kicking is the movement of  As of January 1, 2010, men are only allowed to
the legs only which helps to increase leg wear suits from the waist to the knees. They are
muscle for future strength. also only permitted to wear one piece of
 Pull buoy swimwear; they cannot wear briefs underneath
- Often used at the same time as hand jammers. This rule was enacted after the
paddles, pull buoys support swimmers' legs controversy in the Beijing Olympics and Rome
(and prevent them from kicking) while they World Championships.
focus on pulling. Pull buoys are made of
foam so they float in the water. Swimmers
hold them in between the thighs. They can Women wear one-piece suits with thicker and higher
also be used as a kickboard to make kicking backs for competition, though two-piece suits can also
a little harder. be worn during practice. Backs vary mainly in strap
 Ankle bands thickness and geometric design. Most common styles
- Improving balance will minimize the need include: racerback, axel back, corset, diamondback, and
for this kick to provide an upward, instead butterfly-back/Fly-Back. There are also different style
of a forward vector, and in some cases lengths: three-quarter length (reaches the knees),
completely corrects the kick. Using an ankle regular length (shoulders to hips), and bikini style (two-
band will have the immediate effect of piece).
turning off your kick, which then forces you
to make efforts to correct your balance. If  As of January 1, 2010, in competition, women
you are successful in discovering these, must wear suits that do not go past the
then the ankle band has done part of its shoulders or knees.
Drag suits are used to increase water resistance against
 Snorkel
the swimmer to help them train for competitions. Other
- a plastic device that helps swimmers forms of drag wear include nylons, old suits, and T-
breathe while swimming. This piece of shirts: articles that increase friction in the water to build
equipment helps the swimmer practice strength during training, and thus increase speed once
keeping their head in one position, along drag items are removed for competition. 
with training them for the proper breathing
technique of breathing in through the RECORDS
mouth and out the nose. This technique is
the opposite of a common runner's FINA currently recognises world records in the following
breathing pattern, which is in the nose and events for both men and women.
out the mouth.
Freestyle: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m
 Tempo trainer
-A beeping clock attached to a swimmers cap or Backstroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
goggles helps maintain a certain arm tempo or
speed. As each beep is heard, the next stroke, Breaststroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
or cycles of strokes, should be taken.
Butterfly: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m
 Zoomers
- A type of rubber swimming fins, zoomers Individual medley: 100 m (short course
are cut off fins with the holes in the bottom. only), 200 m, 400 m
They help make the swimmer kick faster,
but at the cost of working harder.
Relays: 4×50 m freestyle relay (short course  Catch up stroke: A variation of the front
only), 4×100 m freestyle, 4×200 m freestyle, 4×50 m crawl where one arm always rests at
medley relay (short course only), 4×100 m medley the front while the other arm performs
one cycle. This can also be used as a
Mixed relays (teams of two men and two
drill when training in competitive
women): 4×50 m mixed freestyle (short course
only), 4×100 m mixed freestyle (long course
only), 4×50 m mixed medley (short course  Head-high crawl (also known as the
only), 4×100 m mixed medley (long course only) water polo stroke, lifeguard approach
stroke, or Tarzan drill): This stroke is
used for water polo, lifeguards to keep
the victim in sight, or those who simply
want to see where they're going and
Swimming is a healthy activity that can be done by most breathe with ease. It is similar to front
people throughout their life. It is a low-impact workout crawl, but with head above the water.
that has several mental and bodily health benefits all This can also be used as a drill when
while being a good recreational activity. Swimming training in competitive swimming.
builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular
Trudgen: The trudgen is similar to the front crawl,
fitness. Correspondingly, it also improves weight loss
except that it is paired with a scissors kick, similar to
while being a safer alternative of working out for
that used in the sidestroke.
someone who is injured or for women who are
pregnant. Swimming requires less effort than other  Trudgen crawl: Similar to the trudgen, but with
sports, but the athletes will get the results they are the use of a flutter kick (up and down leg kick)
looking for. between the scissor kicks.
 Double trudgen: Similar to the trudgen, but the
sides of the scissors kick alternate.
Rotator cuff - Injury to the rotator cuff results from  Double trudgen crawl: Similar to the double
repeated trauma and overuse.The joints are more trudgen, but with a flutter kick between the
prone to injury when the arm is repetitively used in a scissors kick alternate.
position above the horizontal line of the body.
Butterfly stroke: performed face down in the water.
SWIMMING STROKES The legs perform a dolphin kick and while the arms
move in a forward circle at the same time.
Human swimming typically consists of repeating a
Slow butterfly (also known as "moth stroke"): Similar to
specific body motion or swimming stroke to propel that
butterfly, but with an extended gliding phase, Breathing
body forward. There are many kinds of strokes, each
during the pull/push phase, return head into the water
defining a different swimming style or crawl.
during recovery. This style uses two kicks per cycle.
In high school, collegiate, and Olympic swimming, there
Breaststroke: performed face down in the water
are two undulating strokes (breaststroke, and butterfly
without rotating the torso. The arms stay in the water
stroke,) and two alternating strokes (front crawl and
and move synchronously, while the legs perform a whip
kick. It is possible to keep the head elevated out of the
Most strokes involve rhythmic and coordinated water throughout the stroke, although the head usually
movements of all major body parts — torso, arms, legs, dips in and out.
hands, feet, and head. Breathing typically must be
Inverted breaststroke: Similar to elementary
synchronized with the strokes, too. It is possible,
backstroke, but with a breaststroke kick and arm
however, to swim by moving only legs without arms or
only arms without legs; such strokes may be used for
special purposes, for training or exercise, or Backstroke: Done while lying on the back. One arm
by amputees (paralympians) and paralytics. reaches behind the head with a fingertip entry while the
other arm is by the side. The legs perform a flutter kick.
Front crawl: the fastest style for swimming on the
surface. Done while face down. The arms alternate  Elementary backstroke: Both arms move
while the legs perform a flutter kick also known as synchronized (They begin out like an airplane,
Freestyle then go beside the body like a soldier then they
Dolphin crawl: Similar to front crawl, but with a dolphin run up the sides and back out to an airplane
kick. One kick per arm or two kicks per cycle. This style position) with whip kick (breaststroke kick).
is often used in training.  Inverted butterfly: Similar to elementary
backstroke, but with a dolphin kick. This is often
used for training.
 Back double trudgen: Similar to the backstroke, Flutter back finning: Symmetrically underwater arm
but with a scissors kick to alternating sides. recovery with flutter kick.
 Old English Backstroke : Lying on back,
Flicker kick: Concerning human morphology
breaststroke legs and butterfly arms
oscillatory flutter kick is more suitable, hence all
Forward backstroke: Done lying on back and swimming techniques exert vertical oscillation with
floating. Arms parallel to the surface, moving in the upward propelling.
opposite direction to backstroke.
Feet first swimming: A very slow stroke on the back
 Sidestroke: On the side, pull the water as if where a breaststroke movement with the arms propels
with a rope with arms going out and the body forward feet first. Also the arms can be lifted
stopping in the middle while ensuring that out of the water and pulled backwards together with a
the strokes are most hydrodynamic when scooping movement.
moving towards the desired location, and
Eel style: start position of swimmer is backward, hands
pushing the most water when moving away
to body and legs close floating. Swimmer then starts to
from the location. In addition, the legs are
undulate first with hand and shoulders then trespassing
performing a scissors kick, which is like
undulation on legs.
breaststroke kick, but sideways.
 Lifesaving stroke: Similar to the side stroke, Corkscrew swimming: Alternating between front crawl
but only the bottom arm moves while the and backstroke every arm. This leads to a constant
top arm tows a swimmer in distress. rotation of the swimmer. The stroke is used mainly for
 Combat sidestroke: This stroke was training purposes and is also sometimes known as
developed and used by the United States Newfie Stroke, referring to Newfoundland. When
Navy SEALs and is designed to be more rotating every third stroke, this is called waltz crawl.
efficient and reduce profile in the water.
Gliding: The swimmer is stretched with the arms to the
Composite stroke is drill stroke within one basic front, the head between the arms and the feet to the
stroke, ins (for example, Front crawl flutter/scissor back. This streamlined shape minimizes resistance and
Dolphin/Dolphin flutter) or between two basic allows the swimmer to glide, for example after a start, a
stroke, weens (Over arm 1 Arm Lead Sidestroke to 2 push off from a wall, or to rest between strokes.
Arms Lead Dolphin). It is great strength and effort
training technique. Sepia bone: Sepia bone could be effective as drifting
technique, in steering and floating in the fast flow, using
Dog paddle: face over water and paddling with only hand to navigate the stream, complementary as
alternate hands, often with the nose and mouth above passive to more proactive swimming techniques.
the water. This stroke can be used in reverse to propel
the body feet first. Turtle stroke: On the breast, extend right arm then pull,
after pushing with the left leg (while opposite limbs are
Human stroke: Similar to the dog paddle, but the arms recovering), then opposite limbs repeat this process, i.
reach out more and pull farther down. e. left arm pulls after right leg pushes. Uses muscles of
the waist. Head can easily be above or below water: this
Survival travel stroke: Alternating underwater arm
is a slow but very sustainable stroke, common
stroke, one cycle for propulsion, one for a lift to stay on
in turtles and newts.
the surface. This style is slow but sustainable.
Octopus stroke: The swimmer starts from floating
Breast feet first strokes: With legs extended, use the
posture backward spreading arms and feet in spread
arms with a pushing, flapping, clapping or uplifting
position, arms raised further up to the maximum
momentum, keeping them parallel to the surface, in the
Snorkeling: Swimming on the breast using a snorkel, propulsive phase returning the same way, hands to the
usually in combination with masks and fins. Any stroke body and legs merging. Legs opening to the 45 degree
on the breast can be used, and there is no need to lift or returning then returning and closing, arms smoothly
turn the head for breathing. from 90, 120 degrees of leg axis, then cling to the legs.
More economical means of motion involves alternative
Finswimming is the progression of a swimmer using fins movements of leg and arms, first arms then legs
either on the water surface or underwater. (Dalton, 1918). Effective swimming, however, implies
Finswimming is usually done on the breast. their parallel movement.
An arm and a leg: is the progression of a swimmer
clasping one leg with the opposite arm, and using
breaststroke movements with the remaining arm and Lifesaving stroke: Similar to the side stroke, but
leg. only the bottom arm moves while the top arm tows
a swimmer in distress.
Lifesaving approach stroke (also known as head-up
front crawl or Tarzan stroke): Similar to the front
crawl, but with the eyes to the front above the
water level, such as to observe the surroundings as
for example a swimmer in distress or a ball.

Pushing rescue stroke: This stroke helps to assist a

tired swimmer: The tired swimmer lies on the back
and the rescuer swims a breaststroke kick and
pushes against the soles of the tired swimmer (not
taught or recognized by the RLSS body governing
UK lifeguarding).

Pulling rescue stroke: This stroke helps to assist a

swimmer in distress. Both swimmers lie on the
back, and the rescuer grabs the armpits of the
swimmer in distress and performs a breaststroke
kick (on the back) for forwarding motion. The kick
has to be not too shallow as otherwise the victim
will be hit.

Extended Arm Tow (unconscious victim): swimming

sidestroke or breaststroke on their back, the
rescuer holds the head with a straight arm, the
hand cupping underneath the chin, and ensures
that the mouth and nose are out of the water.

Arm Tow: the rescuer swims sidestroke, behind the

casualty holds the upper right arm of a casualty
with their left hand or vice versa, lifting the
casualty out of the water.

Vice Grip Turn and Trawl: used on a victim with a

suspected spinal injury. The lifeguard approaches
slowly to the victim (who is usually face down in
water), places one hand on the victim's chin, with
arm pressed firmly against the victim's chest.

Clothes swimming: The swimmer is wearing clothes

that restrict movement when wet, i.e. almost all
clothes. This is done to practice situations where
the swimmer fell in the water dressed or the
rescuer did not have time to undress.

Rescue tube swimming: The lifeguard pulls a

flotation device, which is pushed forward when
approaching the victim.

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