Hotel - Bean Reaction - Paper

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Hotel Bean: Reaction Paper

The two Japanese tourists mistaken that Mr. Bean’s apartment is the hotel they are
looking for. Though it’s not the same in the picture they still went to the house and gave Mr.
Bean money. Mr. Bean welcomed them and entered into the mistaken hotel.

This scene shows lack of good communication in two different ways. First, is the non-
verbal communication between the flyer of the hotel and the audience which are the tourists.
Second, is the language barrier between the tourists and Mr. Bean.

Objects and images are can be used to communicate non-verbally. But images like the
flyer shown in this episode can also be miscommunicated by the audience. Just like what
happened to the Japanese tourists. Aside from non-verbal, the verbal communication between the
tourists and Mr. Bean are impaired since the tourists are not English speakers.

In reality, Mr. Bean and the landlady’s action are deceitful. They accepted the guests and
admitted that the apartment is a hotel. That’s why the two are disappointed with the place and the
service. But after they left and went to the real and fancy hotel they are missing something that
the fancy hotel doesn’t have.

A non-verbal cues that are communicated well. During their stay at the apartment, Mr.
Bean plays music for them, prepare them food, entertain them and always available to provide
service for them. In the end, tourists realized that the good gestures and hospitality of Mr. Bean
is what makes a hotel a great place to stay.

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