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guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay, and

Song Fo & Company vs Hawaiian those who in any manner contravene

the tenor thereof, are liable for
Philippine Co. damages”

G.R. No. 23769 – September 16, 1925 The failure of HPC to deliver the rest of
the molasses constitutes a breach of
FACTS: contract by contravention of tenor and is
thus liable for damages. The bases for
Hawaiian-Philippine Co (HPC) entered damages is the cost in excess of the
into a contract with Song Fo and Co agreed price in the contract when SFC
(SFC) where it would deliver molasses was made to acquire the needed
to the latter evidenced by a letter molasses from another supplier and the
containing their contract. The same expenses related to the transportation of
states that Mr. Song Fo agreed to the the same. Loss of profits would have
delivery of 300,000 gallons of molasses been included as part of damages had
and the same requested for an SFC been able to substantiate such a
additional 100,000 molasses which the claim.
HPC promised that it will do its best to
comply with the additional shipment. As to the second question, no, HPC has
However, the HPC was only able to no right to rescind the contract.
deliver 55,006 gallons. SFC thereafter
filed a complaint with two causes of The court provided that the general rule
action for breach of contract against the is that rescission will not be
HPC and asked for P70,369.50. HPC permitted for a slight or casual
answered that there was a delay in the breach of the contract, but only for
payment from such breaches as are so substantial and
SFC and that HPC has the right to fundamental as to defeat the object of
rescind the contract because of the the parties in making the agreement.
same· The trial court condemned HPC
to pay SFC a total of P35,317.93, with It should be noted that the time of
legal interest. payment stipulated for in the contract
should be treated as of the essence of
ISSUES: the contract. There was only a slight
breach of contract when the payment
1. Whether or not SFC is entitled to was delayed for 20 days and does not
damages violate essential condition of the
2. Whether or not HPC has a right to contract which warrants rescission for
rescind the contract? non-performance. Furthermore, HPC
accepted the payment of the overdue
RULING: accounts and continued with the
contract, waiving its right to rescind the
As to the first question, yes, SFC is same.
entitled to damages. Article 1170 of the
Civil Code provides “Those who in the Petition of partly granted, and the
performance of their obligations are judgment appealed is modified. Plaintiff

1 Reciprocal Obligations
shall have and recover from the lightweight championship of the world.
defendant the sum of P3,000, with legal
interest from date of judgment, no Thereafter, Interphil (D) signed Gabriel
special costs. "Flash" Elorde to a similar agreement—
that is, to engage Boysaw in a title fight.

Boysaw vs. Interphil Promotions The managerial rights over Boysaw (P)
Boxer (P) vs. Promoter (D)
was assigned and eventually reassigned
 GR L-22590 [T to Alfredo Yulo, Jr. (P) without the
consent of Interphil (D) in violation of
their contract. When informed of the
Summary: A boxer signed an
change, Interphil (D) referred the matter
agreement with a promotions agency to
to the Games and Amusement Board
arrange and promote a boxing match
culminating to a decision by the board to
with Flash Elorde. The boxer violated
approve a new date for the match. Yulo
the terms of the contract, but in spite of
(P) protested against the new date even
these, the agency proceeded except it
when another proposed date was within
negotiated for a new date for the match.
the 30-day allowable postponements.
Eventually, the match as originally
stated in the contract did not materialize.
Boysaw (P) and Yulo (P) filed for breach
Boxer and manager is now suing the
of contract when the fight contemplated
promotion agency for breach of contract.
in the original boxing contract did not
Rule of Law: Where one party did not
perform the undertaking which he was
Issues: May the offending party in a
bound by the terms of the agreement to
reciprocal obligation compel the other
perform, he is not entitled to insist upon
party for specific performance?
the performance of the contract by the
other party, or recover damages by
Ruling: No. Evidence established that
reason of his own breach.
the contract was violated by Boysaw (P)
when, without the approval or consent of
Facts: Solomon Boysaw (P), signed
Interphil (D), he fought a boxing match
with Interphil Promotions, Inc. (D), a
in Las Vegas. Another violation was the
contract to engage Gabriel "Flash"
assignment and transfer of the
Elorde in a boxing contest for the junior

2 Reciprocal Obligations
managerial rights over Boysaw (P)    —Tolentino, Civil Code of the
Philippines, Vol. IV, p. 175.
without the knowledge or consent of
Interphil (D).
The power to rescind is given to the
While the contract imposed no penalty injured party.
for such violation, this does not grant
Where the plaintiff is the party who did
any of the parties the unbridled liberty to not perform the undertaking which he
breach it with impunity. Our law on was bound by the terms of the
contracts recognizes the principle that agreement to perform, he is not entitled
actionable injury inheres in every to insist upon the performance of the
contract by the defendant, or recover
contractual breach.
damages by reason of his own breach.
Those who in the performance of their    —Seva vs. Alfredo Berwin, 48 Phil.
obligations are guilty of fraud, 581.
negligence or delay, and those who in
any manner contravene the terms
thereof, are liable for damages. Under the law, when a contract is
   —Article 1170, Civil Code. unlawfully novated by an applicable and
unilateral substitution of the obligor by
another, the aggrieved creditor is not
The power to rescind obligations is
implied, in reciprocal ones, in case one bound to deal with the substitute.
of the obligors should not comply with However, from the evidence, it is clear
what is incumbent upon him. that the Interphil (D), instead of availing
   —Article 1191, Civil Code.
themselves of the options given to them
by law of rescission or refusal to
The contract in question gave rise to recognize the substitute obligor, really
reciprocal obligations. wanted to postpone the fight date owing
to an injury that Elorde sustained in a
Reciprocal obligations are those which
arise from the same cause, and in which recent bout. That Interphil (D) had
each party is a debtor and a creditor of justification to renegotiate the original
the other, such that the obligation of one contract, particularly the fight date is
is dependent upon the obligation of the undeniable from the facts. Under the
other. They are to be performed
circumstances, Interphil's (D) desire to
simultaneously, so that the performance
of one is conditioned upon the postpone the fight date could neither be
simultaneous fulfillment of the other. unlawful nor unreasonable.

3 Reciprocal Obligations
without the necessity of any judicial
University of the Philippines v. De
Los Angeles

G.R. No. L-28602 September 29, 1970 ALUMCO continued its logging
operations, but again incurred an
unpaid account. On July 19, 1965,
petitioner UP informed respondent
FACTS: On November 2, 1960,
ALUMCO that it had, as of that date,
UP and ALUMCO entered into a logging
considered as rescinded and of no
agreement under which the latter was
further legal effect the logging
granted exclusive authority, for a period
agreement that they had entered in
starting from the date of the agreement
1960. UP filed a complaint against
to 31 December 1965, extendible for a
ALUMCO for the collection or payment
further period of five (5) years by mutual
of the herein before stated sums of
agreement, to cut, collect and remove
money and it prayed for and obtained an
timber from the Land Grant, in
order for preliminary attachment and
consideration of payment to UP of
preliminary injunction restraining
royalties, forest fees, etc.;
ALUMCO from continuing its logging
operations in the Land Grant.
Respondent ALUMCO contended that it
That ALUMCO cut and removed is only after a final court decree
timber therefrom but, as of 8 December declaring the contract rescinded for
1964, it had incurred an unpaid account violation of its terms that U.P. could
of P219,362.94, which, despite repeated disregard ALUMCO's rights under the
demands, it had failed to pay; contract and treat the agreement as
breached and of no force or effect.

that after it had received notice

that UP would rescind or terminate the ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner
logging agreement, ALUMCO executed U.P. can treat its contract with ALUMCO
an instrument, entitled rescinded and may disregard the same
"Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed before any judicial pronouncement to
Manner of Payments," dated 9 that effect.
December 1964, which was approved
by the president of UP, which expressly HELD: UP and ALUMCO
states that, upon default by the debtor had expressly stipulated in the
ALUMCO, the creditor (UP) has “the "Acknowledgment of Debt and Proposed
right and the power to consider the Manner of Payments" that, upon default
Logging Agreement as rescinded by the debtor ALUMCO, the creditor
(UP) has "the right and the power to

4 Reciprocal Obligations
consider, the Logging Agreement as Lourdes Reynoso, Cecile Reynoso,
rescinded without the necessity of any Edna Reynoso, Erlinda Reynoso, and
judicial suit." In connection with Article Emily Reynoso
1191 of the Civil Code, the Court Date September 27, 1989
stated in Froilan vs. Pan Oriental Grino-Aquino
Shipping Co that “there is nothing in
the law that prohibits the parties from DOCTRINE Pursuant to the rescission
entering into agreement that violation of decreed in the final judgment, there
the terms of the contract would cause should be simultaneous mutual
cancellation thereof, even without court restitution of the principal object of the
intervention. In other words, it is not contract to sell and of the consideration
always necessary for the injured party to paid.
resort to court for rescission of the
contract.” (SHORT VERSION)

It must be understood that the act Petitioner Erquiaga sold his shares in
of party in treating a contract as Erquiaga Development Corporation to
cancelled or resolved on account of Respondent Reynoso. Reynoso failed to
infractions by the other contracting party pay the full amount when it was due.
must be made known to the other and is Erquiaga moved for rescission of the
always provisional, being ever subject to sale and the courts granted it but
scrutiny and review by the proper court. Erquiaga needs to return the payments
If the other party denies that rescission already made by Reynoso in their
is justified, it is free to resort to judicial supposed sale.
action in its own behalf, and bring the
matter to court. Then, should the court, FACTS
after due hearing, decide that the
resolution of the contract was not Petitioner Santiago De Erquiaga entered
warranted, the responsible party will be into an agreement with Respondent
sentenced to damages; in the contrary Jose L. Reynoso to sell to the latter his
case, the resolution will be affirmed, and 3,100 shares of Erquiaga Development
the consequent indemnity awarded to Corporation for P900,000 payable in
the party prejudiced. installments but not later than November
30, 1968 (which was eventually moved
to December 17, 1969). In accordance
to their contract, Reynoso pledges 1,500
of the 3,100 shares in favor of Erquiaga
as security balance of his obligation. On
GR ## GR No. 47206 December 17, 1969, Reynoso failed to
Petitioners: Gloria M. De Erquiaga pay the balance of P561,321.70.
(administratrix), Santiago De Erquiage Erquiaga, through counsel, formally
(deceased), and Hon. Feliciano S. informed Reynoso that he was
Gonzalez rescinding the sale of his shares in the
Respondents: Hon. Court of Appeals, Erquiaga Development Corporation.
Africa Valdez Vda de Reynoso, Jose V.
Reynoso, Jr., Ernesto Reynoso,
Benedict Reynoso, Sylvia Reynoso,
5 Reciprocal Obligations
CA ruled in favor or Erquiaga, thus
ordering the following among others: Pursuant to the rescission decreed in
(1) The return of 3,100 shares to the final judgment, there should be
Erquiaga simultaneous mutual restitution of the
(2) Reynoso should make an accounting principal object of the contract to sell
of the fruits of the said 3,100 and to and of the consideration paid.
return such fruits.
(3) Erquiaga to return the payment
made by Reynoso for the said shares DECISION
Petition granted.
In accordance to this, Reynoso returned NOTE
1,500 of the shared which he previously
pledge in favor of Erguiaga. The actual petition is about how much
should be returned. Erquiaga wants to
The petitioners alleges that the order of compute it vis-à-vis the fruits that should
the court that Erquiaga needs to return be accounted for.
the payment made by Reynoso is


(1) WoN Erquiaga needs to return the

said amount paid by Reynoso in
accordance to their contract - YES


(1) The order of the respondent court

directing Erquiaga to return the price
paid by Reynoso for the shares of stick
is in full accord with Art 1385 of the Civil
Code which provides: “Rescission
creates the obligation to return the
things which were the object of the
contract, together with their fruits, and
the price with its interest; consequently,
it can be carried out only when he who
demands rescission can return whatever
he may be obliged to restore. Neither
shall rescission take place when the
things which are the object of the
contract are legally in the possession of
third persons who did not act in bad
faith. In this case, indemnity for
damages may be demanded from the
person causing the loss.”

6 Reciprocal Obligations

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