Sunni References

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Sunni References:

Musharriful Mahbubin by Hazrat Khuwaja Mehboob Qasim Chishti Mushrrafi Qadri (ra) Pages

Kokab wa Rifi Fazal-e-Ali Karam Allah Wajhu, Page 484, By Syed Mohammed Subh-e-Kashaf
AlTirmidhi, Urdu translation by Syed Sharif Hussein Sherwani Sabzawari, Published by
Aloom AlMuhammed, number B12 Shadbagh, Lahore, 1st January 1963.

Habib Alseer Rabiyah AlAbrar, Volume 1, Alama JarulAllah Zamik (530 Hijri),

Hadoiqa Sanai, by Hakim Sanai (Died 525 Hijri, at Ghazni), Page 65-67,

Namoos Islam, by Agha Hashim Sialkoti, Published Lahore, 1939 - Pages 66-67

Tazkarah Tul-Aikram Tarikh-e-Khulafa Arab-Wa-Islam by Syed Shah Mohamed Kabir Abu

Alalaiyi Dana Puri, Published Le Kishwar Press, Lakhnow, April 1924/ 1346 H

Sipah e Sahaba and other Wahabi scum have introduced Muaweyah as a companion of the
Prophet (pbuh) using narrations fabricated by Muaweyah and his filthy descendants.

One very clever move by the Wahabis was to declare Muaweyah a scribe (katib e Wahi) who
wrote down the revelations of Allah's Messenger.

All praise be to Allah swt, the leading Sunni scholars realising this conspiracy of the
Wahabis, have declared all hadith praising Muaweyah as fabricated.

Not a single hadith in praise of Muaweyah is Sahih (authentic)

Many classical Sunni scholars whilst listing those individuals honored as writer of the
revelation did not count Mu'awiya. For evidence see the following texts:

Fathul Bari page 450 Volume 2

Irshad Saneed Volume 9 page 22

Umdhathul Qari Volume 9 page 307

Nasa al Kafiya page 170

Iqd al Fareed Volume 2 page 197

al Isaba Volume 3 page 413

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