New Techniques of Prediction by Seshadri Iyer RARE ASTROLOGY BOOK PDF

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NEW TECHNIQUES PREDICTION. PART ONE Those who know Astrology can arly indicate in a way what will take place In fuluce, Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainity wha! wil detinitely happen ? ‘By JYOTHISHA RATHNA VIDYAVISHARADA H.R. Seshadri lyer, wa (Math) 6 JANAPRIYA PRAKASHANA : : BANGALORE ri IN: A Book on Astrology HR Sestiadri Iver, MA New 1 by Jyothisha Ratna Vidyavin Published by Janapriye Prakashas Rgurth Raion + 2000 A.D. © Reserved by the Publishes Praline by Jonapriye Prakashans, No. 57; First Main Rood, Yeahaantpur, Bangalore * 22 ye Typeset by = ‘Anu Repeographic Centre 1: 6648036 atesoearn Printing Press 360 078 Sri We Bonga PREFACE ‘Authors are of two types - those that edit for editio ake and a few for the spread of knowledge. My intentio js one of latter class, | am not new to the astrologics ‘enthusinsts-atleast to the readers of Prof, B.V, Ramant ‘Astrological magazine in which my series of article tinder the caption “New Techniques of Prediction” lu ippeared since February 1962 issue.1 could hav Steaight-away published this book, without suc previous revelations, But my sincere wish was that i Merit must be first known to the public before th publication of this book as | feared that this book may't Thought io be one among many already in the market. had no intention to publish so early as this, as all n Research Work is not yet over and there are still ma more wonderful subjects under examination. But the ur Gf many of the readers of my Articles has been 30 hen that I could not postpone to a later date. As far possible majority of the principles that have proved ( by Research are included in this editi foserving the rest for future, That what all Tha aded is genuine and marvellous may be seen fre several opinions of the readers who also b ulted me. 1s I have made a deep stu jence is t Daring the past 35 ye ‘of Astrology and allied subjects. My expe nore you study from the books that are in the op ‘kel the more you get confused than grow wiser. | joverat suthors and commentators have stated va theories and commentaries, sometimes contrary ¢ Moreover almost all rules are full of alternati Whenever there are alternative 4 pa ‘optional theories the only way of perfecting it, is by Research and by applying them to know charts rather than gamble with the Dictionary meaning of words. As research work had paid well in the case of other Sciences, even hore it will have the best of effects and it should be encouraged. In olen days there was Royal Patronage. Now that kingship is abolished, the Government or some public organisation should aid. For, ‘no one individual can do the ocean wide research work for obvivis reasons. For instance, (o establish te cause (Astrological) for leprosy, charts at a Leprosorium should be collected ; for consumption at Sanitorium, for mental derangement at Mental Hospitals etc. To de this, public help and patronage of the Government are needed. Bearing this in mind after # stage of study 1 took to research work and after a long time when my planets also were favourably disposed for genuine Research some new flashes struck me and some advantageous situations arose of their awn accord, When I say this 1 do this with authority, Even a well-read and proficient astrologer, if not backed by favourable planets, is likely to go down at such unpropitious times. This being Vedanga all cannot hope to be all sirccessful at all times. One must be godly and before venture he must think of his deity and then proceed. For, it is only then he will have proper flashes especially in matters of alternative situations. Next I wish (o trace the origin of this Seience, its gradual development and its present state. All know that it in Vedanga. As Veda is spelled by God so is this jence too; There are versions stating that Iswara narrated this Science to Parvathi and Nandikeswara to his disciples. Then came the days of Maharishis who by MP1 ‘ their superior knowledge and clairvoyance taught their Msciples orally. You may be aware of one Sipihi-Risht Vakvaam meaning that the seven Maharishis had discussed this science. Next came the days when some of their disciples took to scribing mostly on palm-lewves. So far this Sacred Science was being held safe in their hands. Next followed the days of Daivagnas who though not equal to the class of Rishi Shisyas were of sufficiently ssuperiorintellect and more than all godly, Thus with their intellect and intution they wrote out texts, Unfortunately it was Poetic era,Prose being of recent origin. In the anixety to maintain Rhyme and Grammar they had to (ine sometimes words with double meaning or even Watracted meaning, The author is sure of the proper ineininyg of his writing ; but when others read his verses very likely doubts arise, Actually it has been so.and this use given rise to many commentators viewing the same matter differently, Varabamihira in his Brihat Jataka has very opening verse said that due to hurried writing and short space he had to compose verses with {rursds of deep and multiple meanings, Any one perusing HritwtJataka may fee! that there js nothing substantial helping prediction, One may even go to the extent of sayloy, hat bis sayings may not be always true. I too held Shieh A view 90 far, Yet this is the first text quoted by all. Vonily Hamust be a great and valuable work. It is only Aehon ty research proved good I began to appreciate the Huunumental work. Vory many secrets are there hidden. Fue wanmple, a long chapter deals with various kinds of Apwevtevne: Ws not meant only to estimate the longevity. Vinis the aoverat rays attributed to planets the Hinuiinte of effects may be gauged. 1 have ilustrated \ Tea hn Chopier N11 on Rnding qyantam of wealth and \ 6 wie number of issues. Likewise I have cen Astrologers gauging other matters but they have held them with themselves and for themselves. If they come out with those secrets they would be not only rendering their meritorious service to this science but would be helping the public as well. Now about this publication. I had intended to publish only the results of my Research work leaving off the elementary portions to the readers themselves. But many of my friends requested me to bring forth » self-sufficient and exhaustive treatise. So, 1 have ‘attempted at it and placed before the public in two parts. ‘This treatise contains very many new points not known to many 0 far. [have tried my best to render the science, ‘mathematical. [ have solected only those theories that have stood the test in all cases leaving off unproved ones. ‘As my object is to spread these novel ideas, 1 fee! ‘satisfied if dhe readers follow my theories faithfully and adopt them in their future handling. ‘This treatise has two parts. The first part contains all the prefiminaries and the general cannons that have to be learnt by all. Let me review Part 1 for the present The first chapter deals with Definitions and Nomenclaturos, English, Sanskrit and Tamil names are given with the abbreviation for planets and Rasis that may be used in this treatise. In this chapter the derivations of the month, week day are explained. ‘The fitting in of year, month, yoga star ete, into the Zodine is shown. This is a novelty, The use of five Angas viz, Thihi etc, is reveatedsa hidden secret. Graha Samayam is very useful subject which is shown in detail, Finally the NIP. 7 method of Rectification of Birth Dasha fs explained - a puzzle so far. ‘Chapter Tl deals with the Karakatwa of Rasi, Bhavay ‘Stars and Planets, Here the subject is handled with ores IAI things said here are truths found after apptication, Very many modern ideas are said here. Chapter III deals with the preliminaries to be cbperved to cast a horoscope. The Ayanamsha and Tphemeris to be followed are suggested. ‘The Taw Theory helpful to verify the birth time ts explained: Working of a chart from the Ephemeris and Panchany Wiriluctrated. Even a layman may learn the subject well, Chapter TV describes Shadbala in a concise form. Chapter V doats with Yous, a brief but exhaustive method of description is used here. Chapter VI deals with Female Horoscopy: naling of this is uniaue. Chapter VI, the last chapter of Bhava Phalam is » special treatment not found in any book in such a sotlodical way. Lastly my thanks to Prof. B.V. Raman who has been Hind enough to ventilate my Articles in his esteemed Mapurine and to naaay of my friends who Taave lent tie Juul support to the editing af this Treatise. Hngalore HLR. Seshadri Iyer, MA. 10.1963 Auttior ‘The PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION This Edition is both a revised and enlarged that some of the doubtful subjects a in First and Second Editions are moderated and made more clear. In the Chapter on Bhaya Phala thorough revision is ettectedt and some of the topics as Neecha Bhanga Yoga ee Jeft out in the previous editions now included with novelties. This edition contains mode of judgement of Bhava Phalams with Illustrations. As this edition is the outcome of Resear: a the pee eu be at eee jon. That this is a Monumental Orignal Wo unprecedented in the history of this samen be seen from the opinions volunteered hy our clients. Bangalore ELR, Seshadri Iyer 1.1.1976 "i Jyotisha Rathna - Vidyavisharada Fourth Edition : Published in Jan. 2000 by Janapri Prakashana, Bangalore-22 eens OPINION __ “Few books on the subject of predictions published in recent years have been 8o exhaustive or self-contained. The wuthoriv. wm has done considerable research, Very many new rules are enunciated evn Many matters of every cy consulation are explained on the basis of new and uncquivocal principle ... Practising Astrologers will enol greath trom a suady of these voleenes of NTP. Niet EDITOR'S NOTE : being a serious student of astrology since more than four decades, was not satisfied with the general theoretical ovks on Astrology flooded in the market. Though I have great vieem for all classical works, which I methodically Hanivnilated sith the help of great scholars with whom 1 was lnawociated for several years, sil my mind was always in search Gt more secrets. & the missing links of thix great science. Fortunately, {had the blessings of God almighty to have many swerets from great pundits of this country whose names T Mars think and remember in my morning pravers. Of these fpandits, Mr H.K. Seshadst Tyer, the author of “NEW APCHNIQUES OF PREDICTION” (Parts i, il 4H) bas highly Taenced roy mind in understanding this age-old science with tnany missing links, with proper perspective. After going through this system & techniques which T applied for more Yiu two decades, {enn confidenty say that mu stideat of fintrology should tniss his works & study them carefully 10 Mndhirstand Bis techniques which will be very useful in our May today astrological analysis. Ihave tang these techniques (oll my students in India and abroad 4 all my stuclents are fvory happy as they found HC very useful. Tas overjoyed when I heard that Mr BK. Mahipal of Jonuprivya Prakashana, Bangalore undertook the task of flulitishing these books which are out of print today. T was With pleased to make here & there some aotes to make the (iaidentn understand property ; my intention was not to change Anything in the books the author has writen. I hope that the Tintent community and the general public who are interested W uatrology will make use of these books which are very Havti not only for beginners, but also for students who wish We avuke higher studies in astrotoxy. + 10.0220 | Mangalore DrTS. Vosan National Vice » President Indian Council of Astrological Sciences 456 / 4, 7th main, Scirampursm Bongalore - 560021 Ph 2325452 wel tet Page Nos Om Ganeshaya Namaha Chopier I Detinitions and Nomenctatares Ws 34 i icti Pee ne New Techniques of Prediction Ayana” - Rita” : Lunar Months” -Paksha * Chay Vara* - Hora* -Thithi* - Yoga* -Karana_ pter I meine Sanka Screven: in this Chapter definitions and nomenclatures of pectin of ists Desist the fandamental elements are described. 35) 82 (1) Planets Mestern ‘Sanskrit Tamil ‘Abbreviation Chapter II » Preliminaries to cast Birth Chart 82-106 used in this text. Ayanamsha * Ephemeris * Lagna > ; te Birth time * Tatwa * Panchanga Method * Sun Ravi | Saryan ca -Ephemeris Method * Bhuva Kundali * Moon Chandra Ch ‘Cuspal Chart Vs. Bhava Chart * shall eas Udu Dasha* Calculation of Lagna * Mare ee er ‘Tenth Meridian * bssentials to be noted Mercury Budha | Budhan in Horoseopie Epigraphy * apler Gipal | Nea Chapter IV Shadbaty 107-111 | | Venus Shukra | Velly Chapter V « Yogadtyaya 111120) Saturn ‘SHask~ || Mandan. Chapter VI Female Horoscomy 190 195 Drago Head| Ratu | Sarpi Preamble * Kj * Chasity 0 a s Serer nen neem Cee of Vrowon Tait | Ketu | Shigi (Chapter V0 - Bhava Phalams 135-160 ¥ As the names of several elenvents will be Preamble hopere ee ting effects Weed In this Text in different languages, readers will set of Planets * Eclipse or Defeated thew sted with their equivalences. Planets * Planets on cither side of a Bhava * pies sarees we Planet in Bhava Sandhi "Measurement of (2) Rasis and Solar Months + Degree of effects *-Planets in Bhavas * ait Tamil Functions and Natural charactor of Planets * Sas Te Karaka in Bhava *-Bhavat Bhaya * Mesha Chittirai Karakat Bhuva * Specialised Bhawa effects:* Rite hishabha gael No. of marriages-* No. of women one may join shlea Neipiab pets *-Tmmorality *Mangalyam *-Sthools Vs Sookshma Gemini Mithuna Bhawa * Mode of Judging Bhavs Phalaens * Cancer Kataka Aaa West Teo Virgo Libra Scorpio Souggitarius Capricorn Acquarius Pisces (3) Years (Varsha) Reckoning of year is of several modes. West counts it from first of January, Barhaspachya-mana is counted from the day Jupiter enters a sign, Lunar year is counted from Chaitra Sukla Padyami and Solar year is reckoned fons the time Si Purposes of Ta a Sanskrit Simha Kanya Thala Vrischika Dhanus Makara Kumbha Meena ‘Mashi Panguni Xo usieful purpose ‘would be served ky simply narrating an element if it could not be made use of for predictions. There are books speak ing on the effects of years, months, thithi ete. But not 2 single effect fits into individual horoscopes. | always value things and elements said with respeet (o Zodiac (Birth Chart), Untess they have a specific pace in the Birth Chart no useful purpose will he served by merely honouring them for namesake. {is on establishes fect that Kalra stated in the year Pramadi at the first point of Mesha, Starting with Mesha each sign has five years starting from Pramadi ‘Thus all the sixty years get distributed equally and in SiecGIVE OFM ations the twelve signs of the Zodiix sme 1 Further, every year is spread around six degrees of he ‘Risin order. For example Pramadi is located from 0° to 6? of Mesha, Vikrama from 7 to 12, Vishu from 13 t0 18, Chitrabhanu from 19 to 24, Swabhanu from 25 to 30 of Mesha, Then Tarana starts form Vrishabhia and spreads from 0 to 6 degrees and so on (ill finally the year Rahudhanya falling beoween 25 o 30 degrees of Meena. Many are not aware of locating the years into the Zodiac. Hy further manipulations converting dhe sign positions of these years into different Varga-Kundalis (Division ‘Churts), one can read even without Dasha-Bhukti the year, miomih and day of the happening of an event of the hirth ddejpits othe partner or any relative, Tam att research on this pointand hope to come out with success shortly, As fier this theory every Rast hus GO years, 12 months aad 40 thithis. X planet situated at a position gives out its Minot during the year ete., appropriate to that point in the Zodinc. For ready reference | give below the 60 years Wits their equivalent English Era, 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 FP Prabhava, 8 Vitiava Nhutta A Pramodoota 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1096 11 Ishwara 12 Bahudhanya AB Pramnathi 14 Vikrama 15 Vishw 16 Chitrabhana 2002 17 Swabiwnu 2003 18 Tharana 2004 19 Parthiva 2005 20 Vyaya 2006 NTP. 2027 2028 2020 2030 2031 2032 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Plavanga Keetakea 43 Soumya ‘Sodharana Virodhikeuty Paridhavi Pramadicha Siddharti Roudsi Durmathi Dundubbi Rudhirodgart Rakthakshi ‘Shar vari 35 Plava, 36 Shubhakrotu Shobhakrutu Krodhi Viswavasu 2023 2024 2025 2026 a8 39 40 Parabhava Kaka (4) Ayana (Half Year) ‘There are two Ayanas-Uttarayana and Dakshinayan. the other six months being Dakshinayana, are akin to Declinations. Some books speak oT some Planets belonging to Uttarayana the others to Dakshinayana. But they do not jadicate by effects. Rather their Declinatory positions (Keanthi) reveal their true qualities. ‘A planet in Northern Declination gives out its elfects tn Prtarasama ile 01 withern Declination itt Dakstiayans, These Declinatory positions may ;e Tound out by. Kphemeris. (5) Ritu (Two months) A Ritu consists of two Junar months. Thus there are ‘oi Mitus ina year and they are + (1) Vasantha - (Chaitrs Vyshaka) (2) Greeshma: Dyes -Ashada) (4) Varsha - (Shravana - Bhadrapoda) (4) Sharat - (Ashwija - Kartika) (5) Hemantha ~ (Margashira Pushya), (®) Sishira (Magha - Palguna) Janar Months ‘Aport from the twelve solar months described ie, the twelve Lunar months are from Chaitra to cntioned above, These Lunar months tale infer the ster on the Fel! Moon day of the owing are the stars om the Full-Moom days ~ Mithuna is Uuarayana, ‘These Ayanas: Conta © Charitrar Vishal Vewhak

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