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From: Creative Prime Movers for Transformation <>

Sent: Monday, 4 March 2019 12:27 PM
To: Jason Moran
Subject: March 2019 Prayer Calendar

Dear Jason,

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” 1 Chronicles 16:11

Pastor Paul Washer once said, “One of the greatest attacks of the enemy is to
make you busy, to make you hurried, to make you noisy, to make you
distracted, to fill the people of God and the Church of God with so much noise
and activity that there is no room for prayer. There is no room for being alone
with God. There is no room for silence. There is no room for meditation.”

With the different circumstances we are experiencing daily, it is easy for us to

lose sight of the Truth. Yet the Bible reminds us to look to God and seek His
face always.

Let it be our prayer that each morning when we wake up, we would always
have the desire to be still and enjoy our moments with God alone, seeking Him,
and basking in His majesty.

May we all be reminded that our primary purpose is to glorify His Name.
Nothing is more important than our growing and deepening relationship with our
Heavenly Father.

As we spend time with Him daily, you may also use the prayer items below as
your guide in praying for the unreached people groups.

May the Lord give us grace to commune with Him daily.

Please let us know how we can we pray for you. Also, we would be glad to

rejoice with you in your victories and answered prayers. You may share them
with us by replying to this email. You may also join us in our corporate prayer
and fasting every Friday.

Praying for you,

Bee Acielo
Member Care Coordinator

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March 1: Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is
no authority except that which is from God. The authorities that exist have been
appointed by God. (Romans 13:1, NIV). Indeed, God is in control. Let us pray
for our president, government officials, leaders and authorities – may the Lord
give them a spiritual thirst to encounter our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May
God raise more leaders who can be the light in our country.

March 2: Praise God for the lives of everyone. Intercede for all the workers and
servants of Christ across the world. May the Lord continue to protect and
sustain their needs. May the love and grace of Christ overflow into their lives as
they pass it on to the people they are serving.

March 3: Let us pray that God will send rain in the Iraw community. May God
sustain the Iraw workers with good health. Let us also pray that the community
members will be more responsive in the on-going development projects. May
courage and boldness of the workers always ignite their hearts to share the
Gospel to the community.

March 4: Dependency and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is one of the keys for us
to persevere and have courage in making disciples. May God continue to speak
to the Japa believers as they continuously desire to grow in their newfound

faith. May they be fully equipped to also disciple their people and the next
generation. May wisdom and strength be upon the Japa workers.

March 5: Let us pray for God's divine healing for Uncle Jo, one of the Kabig
believers. He has been diagnosed with Leukemia and admitted in a hospital for
22 days. Let us pray for provision and strength. May he always trust God even
in this situation. Let us also pray for wisdom and smooth process as the people
organization’s house is constructed. God willing, this quarter, the Kabig team
will be able to conduct a survey and be able to identify a new area to serve.

March 6: Let us pray for the Kalid workers: good team dynamics, wisdom, and
mastery of the Kalid language. Let us also pray for unity and cooperation of the
members of the community. May the Lord raise disciple-makers among this
people. Let's pray for the establishment of the collection point for the solid
waste management in the community.

March 7: We are claiming the great harvest among the Magan community. As
they are currently preparing for the graduation this month in the 3 areas they
are serving, may the Lord give them wisdom to effectively facilitate the meeting.
May the Lord give them a spirit of unity and cooperation. Let’s pray that Diana,
Ellaine, Sandra, Rachel, and Susan will have a deeper relationship with God
and may they have boldness to really proclaim Jesus in their lives. Let us pray
for good health, protection, joy, strength, and love in the daily lives of the
Magan team.

March 8: Let us continue to intercede for the Maw people who have already
heard the Gospel – may they continue to seek the truth and have the desire to
grow and be a life-giver to their people. May the Lord expand the territory
among the Maw people. May the workers continue to live pleasing lives as
testimonies of God’s power and majesty.

March 9: Let us uphold in prayer the lives of the remaining Mobi believers – that
they will be steadfast despite the pressures of renouncing their faith in Jesus.
Pray for wisdom on how the team should strategically equip the house leaders.
Let us also pray that the Lord will lead the team to a different person of peace

who will spark a new stream of believers. Pray for God's intervention as the
team continually equips the community core leaders in handling and leading
their people towards development. In addition, pray for wisdom as the team and
the community finalize the Water Project implementation this month.

March 10: Let us remember to pray for the Sabang community. Pray for the
successful implementation of the seawall project and may the new income-
generating product of the youth association be strengthened and established.
Let us also pray for the couple and the youth house leaders that they will be
more intentional in reaching out to their people. In addition, let us pray that the
Sabang team will be more intimate and passionate in obeying God.

March 11: Let us pray that the Sapa team would be able to establish good
relationships with the local leaders of the 2nd area in the Sapa community as it
is one of the essential keys to effectively share the gospel. May new streams of
believers emerge and create a strategic pool for potential church leaders as we
continue to plow the field and sow Christ's message in their hearts. Let us pray
that the current business endeavors of their people's organization would
increase productivity thereby helping families grow in all aspects. May the Lord
pour out wisdom to the core leaders to apply the knowledge they have learned
from various life skills training.

March 12: We are grateful for the movement in the Sasa community. Let us
continue to intercede for the people’s organization’s meeting as they evaluate
new families who will be given a seed capital and the election of new officers.
Let us also pray for the new Sasa area where they will serve. May they also
have opportunities to follow-up the believers like Josefa and Judy. Pray that
they will be able to pass the report for the government labor department.

March 13: There has been some unwanted circumstances in the past among
the Sasi. Let us declare God’s victory over this and may the Sasi people
recover from this. May they have eagerness to cooperate in planning and
implementing the development endeavors. May their hearts be open to receive
the Gospel. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten and illumine the hearts and
minds of the Sasi people.

March 14: May the God of peace cover the Tagus areas. Recently, the
government has declared their area on full military alert. Let us pray that the
Lord would sustain the Tagus people and may the believers continue to be
steadfast in their faith. May they also establish good relationship with the local
government units. In addition, Ritz met a recent accident, let us pray for her
quick recovery.

March 15: The Yan community was also declared to be under military’s full
alert. Pray that they will also experience God’s peace and may the Lord
continue to protect the whole community. Let us also pray for the Yan believers:
may they have boldness to stand for their newfound faith and desire to share
the gospel to others. May the Lord also guide the team and give them wisdom
as they desire to expand to a new Yan area.

March 16: God is our Jehovah Jireh and He is faithful. Praise God for
sustaining all our needs. Let us continue to pray for God's rich provision to
sustain the growing needs of the workers as well their families. Let us pray for
more financial partners who have caught the vision and be dedicated to partner
in reaching the unreached for Jesus Christ.

March 17: Praise God for the opportunity that God has entrusted to us to
minister through a book. May the Lord continue to help us in publishing it on
time. May the Lord use it to continually inspire and motivate His children to
discover their unique role in fulfilling His purpose.

May 18: Thank God for the lives of our Board of Trustees. May God continue to
give them good health as well their families and loved ones. Let us also pray for
sustained strength and wisdom that comes from God as they lead the
organization. May they continue to walk intimately with Christ and may their
lives be shining beacons for all to see.

March 19: God is our strength. Let us continue to uphold in prayer our
Executive Director. May all her medical tests continue to show favorable
results. May the Lord continue to strengthen her physically, emotionally and

spiritually. Let us pray for God's rich provision for her continuing medications
and wisdom be upon the medical team who are attending to her.

March 20: Praise God for the lives of our Field Admin team. May the Lord
continue to give joy, strength, good health, and may God bestow upon them His
wisdom to make every decision glorifying to God. May they also serve as
inspiration and good examples to all the field workers and may they be able to
equip the young workers to effectively lead others.

March 21: Let us claim God’s victory on behalf of the Creative Resources
Development Team. May the Lord continue to give them good health wisdom
knowledge and passion as they serve our King of Kings. Let us also pray for
the smooth and on time process of all legalities and documents be needed.
May the Lord provide all we need for training center.

March 22: Let us pray together for the workers both in the field and in the office.
May God continue to speak to each of them. Let us pray that God will raise
them and may they be sensitive to God's leading and calling for their lives in
reaching the unreached for Jesus Christ. Let us pray for more volunteers, full
time workers, and mobilizers.

March 23: We thank God for the lives of all the workers behind the translation
of the Bible to different languages around the world. May God continue to give
them patience, perseverance, and wisdom. Let us pray to God to raise more
translators locally and globally. In addition, let us ask God to provide their
needs and give them good health.

March 24: Let us lift up the Partnership Development and Communication

team. Let us pray for wisdom and knowledge as they desire to be more
strategic in every decision. May the Lord continue to give them boldness to
become vessels of blessing to every individual and church that they talk to. May
they speak with love and may the Lord use them mightily so that His children
will discover their uniqueness in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

March 25: We thank God for the Member Care team as they ensure the holistic

care of every worker and their families. May the Lord give them wisdom and
knowledge as they strategically plan the development of each worker in the
organization. Let us also pray for good health and unconditional love as they do
their ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ.

March 26: Praise God for the life of our Admin and Finance team. May the Lord
provide them with good health, protection, and wisdom as they ensure that
everything is well documented and every cent is well accounted for. Let us also
pray for the fast and smooth legal processes that they are currently doing.

March 27: Join us in praying for the preparation of our 20th anniversary
celebration next month. Let us pray for the people who will be involved and for
God's provision. May the Lord capture the hearts of all the delegates.
Moreover, may God’s Name be glorified as we celebrate His goodness and
look forward to what He’s going to do.

March 28: Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will
quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the
LORD will be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58:8, NIV). Let the healing that comes
from God be upon you and your loved ones. May the Lord renew your strength,
hope, and strengthen your bodies.

March 29: Everyday, we encounter different people. Let us move out from our
comfort zones and be more intentional in proclaiming the Word of God. May it
be our lifestyle to share God’s Truth to every person we meet. Be a blessing
and an encourager to each one.

March 30: Let us all lift up to God all our families and friends. Let us pray for our
unsaved loved ones — may they know God and His salvation. May God
continue to speak to each of them. May He open their spiritual eyes and ears,
and their lives be transformed by His Word. Let us pray that each believer
would grow more intimate with God and serve Him with all their heart.

March 31: Let us continue to encourage one another. It is our joy to pray for
you. Please let us know how we can pray for you. Also, we would like to rejoice

with you for the answers that God has given you.

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