Bidgely HyperPersonalization Minibrief Jan 2020

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Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics and

Unlocking New Utility Business Models

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
The narrative of the utility death spiral, which was power through third parties and community-
ubiquitous five years ago, has now died out. But choice aggregators, is pushing traditional energy
that is not because the pressures on traditional providers to adapt at an unprecedented pace.
energy companies have diminished as they adapt
From distributed energy providers to community-
to markets increasingly driven by decarbonization,
choice aggregators (CCAs), there are plenty of
decentralization and digitalization.
entities willing to step in and own the role of
According to a 2018 Consumer Reports survey, the trusted energy provider if utilities cannot capitalize
number of people who agree with the statement “I on their incumbent position. For example, the
want to be able to choose my electricity provider” California Public Utilities Commission estimates
is an order of magnitude larger than those who that 85 percent of that state’s load could depart
disagree with it (70 vs. 7 percent). investor-owned utilities for CCAs, direct access

The ongoing decline in costs of distributed solar and distributed generation by 2030.
and energy storage, paired with the expanding
options for customers in some states to get their

Distributed Energy Trends Driving Hyper-Personalization

2020 2020
2 Million 38,209 MW

2030 21% 2030

15 Million 168,808 MW

Passenger electric 53 million americans Growth of solar power

vehicles on the road own a smart speaker. in U.S.
in the U.S.

Source: Wood Mackenzie, National Public Media

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
Ripe for Innovation
Customer satisfaction is more important than
ever under changing regulatory rules, more
Utilities in 2018 that viewed
extreme weather and the growth of self-
DERs as an opportunity,
generation options and alternative players in the
not a threat.
market. Utility brands – not just the core service
they provide – must be more fully integrated
Source: Greentech Media, West Monroe Partners
into their customer’s lives than ever before.

As a specific example, millennials are the

To maximize the opportunity that DERs offer,
largest generational cohort in the history of
utilities must meet customers where they are –
the U.S. and provide utilities with a unique
that is, primarily via digital and mobile channels
opportunity to reinvent themselves. They are
and by offering tailored services based on data
concerned about climate change, hungry for
the utility already has access to.
clean energy and readily embrace smart home
technology. Consultancy Accenture has found The result is hyper-personalization that allows for:
that if utilities can’t rise to the challenge, the • A segment of one
millennial generation is more likely than any • Personalized interactions and touchpoints
other age group to take their energy business
• Unlocking a truly digital engagement strategy
elsewhere without a second thought.
• Targeted load shaping
Accenture further estimates that in Europe • EV capacity planning
alone, the market for connected energy • High-quality lead generation with deep
products and services overall could represent energy profiles
a potential $57 billion to $80 billion in revenue
in 2030 across three areas: e-mobility, behind-
the-meter distributed energy resources (DERs)
and flexibility services.

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models

Source: Wood Mackenzie, National Public Media

A Segment of One solar, procure smart thermostats or better
understand their bills, but these interactions
How many segments does your utility use to still are not as advanced as they could be.
categorize and serve its residential customers?
Consumers without central air conditioning
If the answer is not the same as the number of
might get an offer for a discounted smart
residential customers that it serves, there is still
thermostat, and some may take advantage of
work to be done.
that offer only to turn around and sell that on
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) now the secondary market. Other customers may
makes up the majority of electric metering be told repeatedly in monthly mailings they
in the U.S. Utilities that have already made can save money with Energy Star appliances or
that substantial investment or are planning LED bulbs although their home is already filled
to do so can wring far more value out of the with those items. The result is not only wasted
process by layering on artificial intelligence dollars – customer incentives are the largest
that delivers hyper-personalization based on cost of demand-side management programs –
disaggregation technology. but a missed opportunity to go deeper. What’s

Along with foundational AMI investments, more, it can lead to a distinct sense on the part

many utilities have made further investments of customers that their utility doesn’t know

in programs to help customers shop for them the way their Netflix account does.

What Is Hyper-Personalization?

Source: Bidgely

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
1. Appliance itemization. At a basic level, AI can
identify the appliances and distributed energy
assets (such as solar, EVs and energy storage)
12% operating in each home.
2. Energy consumption. The next level is
how much energy is being used and which
appliances and electronics are using it. This
60.9% can inform a profile such as a stay-at-home
24.4% parent or night owl (potentially both at once
depending on the age of the children).
3. Attributes. The last piece blends AMI data
with third-party and publicly available data
and then applies AI to create a 100-point
profile of a household based on demographics
Customer incentives
and personalized energy use, encapsulating
account for the majority of
every aspect of a home’s energy use and the
all DSM spending.
patterns of those who live there, such as a
single, cost-conscious office-goer with central
Source: Bidgely
AC and a Level 2 EV charger.

AI-based disaggregation then enables a

Bidgely’s artificial intelligence technology is
Hyper-Personalized Journey Framework for
based on 14 patents for processes that discern
utilities, where the following components come
the unique electronic signatures of appliances
together that leverage AI-based disaggregation
and other resources in the home. This type of
outcomes to reach utility objectives:
capability is vital to delivering the next level
of hyper-personalization. 1. Energy Profile (attributes)
2. Insights (appliance itemization + energy
AI-based disaggregation allows utilities to
create a segment of one by teasing out details
3. Utility Objectives (Ex: Electrification,
in three main ways:
Decarbonization, TOU Load Shift)

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
These three components then feed into the understand their customers while building the
Next Best Interaction (NBI) Engine which uses business case for AMI.
AI to determine what are the best combinations The blending of AMI data with other sources
and interaction touch points for utilities to is also critically important. It’s not just data
deliver a hyper-personalized journey for their such as real estate and local demographic
customers. information that is a key part of the process –
The potential use cases for information with other publicly available data is also necessary
this level of granularity are broad, and the to provide a utility with a fuller picture of its
integration process is painless. Once Bidgely customers that can lay the groundwork for
has the AMI data, it can identify who has an more meaningful interactions.
EV or which customers have energy-intensive No matter what regulatory structure a utility
assets, such as single-speed pool pumps, in just works within, hyper-personalization drives three
weeks or even days. main outcomes that every energy provider
Utilities with large in-house AMI analytics teams should be focused on:
can feed the findings into the data lake for data 1. Digital engagement. Utilities have no
scientists to do everything from more informed idea whether someone reads a bill insert
unless that person contacts the utility.
load-capacity planning to more finely targeted
J.D. Power has found that proactive
bring-your-own-thermostat programs. digital communication is a driver of high
The power of AMI data allows for hyper- engagement scores, and while other channels
personalization, but interval AMI data is not can be included, every interaction should be
firmly rooted in the digital sphere to own the
required to get started. Bidgely has worked
mindshare of the customer.
with traditional monthly usage data to help
utilities such as Rocky Mountain Power better

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
2. Decarbonization. One in three Americans
lives in a city or state that has committed
Personalized Interactions
to 100 percent clean electricity, according and Touchpoints: Outcomes
to a 2019 study by the UCLA Luskin
Center for Innovation, a trend that is also
for Today and Tomorrow
strong in Europe, Australia and elsewhere. At a basic level, hyper-personalized data can
Utilities are a vital part of meeting these
catapult utilities from simply doing much better
goals and developing a range of solutions
to decarbonize power generation and than they were even five years ago to offering
transportation. This undertaking will also the same sort of interactions customers have
require utilities to reach behind the meter with other brands in their lives every day, such as
more frequently than ever before. banks, retailers, airlines and streaming services.
3. Clean energy. Higher levels of efficiency and
Digital engagement must be the cornerstone of
clean, distributed energy will be necessary
to achieve ambitious decarbonization interaction, not an add-on. Layering on data as
goals. Hyper-personalization allows utilities utilities leverage digital touchpoints can transform
and third-party clean energy providers to the customer experience in areas such as:
decrease program and customer-acquisition
Increased J.D. Power Scores. A 2019 J.D. Power
costs to engage the right customers with
the right messages. Digital Utility Experience Study found that

The utility industry scores an average of 512 on a 1,000-point scale, a near

60-point decline from 2018 to 2019. The retail sector, in comparison, scores 694.
Source: J.D. Power

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
“[w]hen benchmarked against other consumer- technology, Bidgely’s utility clients average a 45
facing industries, utilities continue to offer one of percent email open rate.
the worst digital experiences.” Savings per Kilowatt-Hour. Customers want to
Customer Likes. Tracking customer “likes, ” when save money. Personalized data can help them go
customers respond that they liked the content beyond measures already taken such as switching
they were served through an email, app or text, to LEDs or Energy Star appliances, empowering
provides an instantaneous snapshot of customer them to save more money in a manner that fits
satisfaction with each digital interaction. Bidgely’s their lifestyle. Bidgely delivers an average 30
AI-powered hyper-personalization averages more percent savings per kWh for its customers.
than 90 percent customer likes. Call-Center Efficiency. Proactive bill projections
Repeat Open Emails. Several years ago, and high bill alerts are essential for customers to
Accenture found that customers were spending manage their energy spend. Bidgely has found that
an average of six minutes per year interacting these two applications alone, part of its AI-powered
with their utility. This statistic must be buried for call center solution CARE, can reduce call-center
good in today’s digital world. Engaging customers volume by 50 percent when they are delivered to
often and with proactive and positive information clients in the most tailored digital format.
is critical. Leveraging the company’s proprietary

Hyper-Personalization in Action

Source: Bidgely

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
Targeted Load-Shaping only the burgeoning e-mobility groups within
the utility but also grid planners and operators.
Regulators are increasingly asking utilities for
Hyper-personalization can enable customers to
“all-of-the-above” resource capacity planning
calculate the costs of EVs based on their lifestyle
that considers DERs in addition to centralized
and rates. New Zealand retail utility Mercury
generation to meet future capacity needs.
takes it even further, offering a subscription
Hyper-personalization offers a chance not just
service that allows customers to choose from
to check a box for regulatory compliance by
a range of EVs – including Teslas, Volkswagen
including it in the request for proposals, but
e-Golfs and Nissan Leafs – for a monthly fee.
to truly understand the unique load shape
of residential customers on a feeder-by- High-Quality Lead Generation
feeder basis and how they may contribute
to capacity planning compared to other With Deep Energy Profiles
resources, especially as part of hyper-local
Energy is more integrated into our lives than
non-wires alternatives projects.
ever before as digital connections are ingrained
As more utilities grapple with the duck/ in both our personal and professional lives.
armadillo/emu curve, where wind and solar This provides utilities, both regulated and
produce excess generation that is non-coincident deregulated, with a massive opportunity to
to peak loads, hyper-personalization can help better serve their customers by bringing relevant
utilities craft incentives for solar or EV customers brands directly to those customers through
to help shift or flatten those loads. Programs can hyper-personalization with AMI data. Bidgely
include electric heat and batteries or variable- has identified a $10 billion market opportunity
speed pool pumps for solar customers, or time- based on automakers, smart home services and
of-use rates for EV customers to better pair with other companies that want to help residential
renewables coming on the system. customers make smarter energy decisions.

This is not merely a futuristic exercise. Utilities

EV Capacity Planning can leverage their reach to be a digital marketing
In recent years, only a handful of utilities have platform and provide brands, from appliance and
been forced to grapple with the problem of too auto manufacturers to solar installers, targeted
many EVs on a single feeder. Today, however, that leads based on the customers likely to be most
is starting to change. WoodMac forecasts nearly interested in their offerings.
40 percent of the global car market will be EV For energy retailers or deregulated arms of
or hybrid by 2040. But peak oil will come much regulated energy companies, the proposition is
sooner according to the firm’s forecast, with a simple one: get paid based on a cost-per-lead
global oil demand beginning to decline in 2025. model and better serve customers. Even for
Given the rise in the number of EVs available to regulated utilities, targeted offerings with top-
consumers, clusters will soon begin to appear tier brands can help meet pay-for-performance
everywhere. Hyper-personalization can tell efficiency standards or funnel money back into
utilities where EVs are popping up, what kind programs, creating an overall lower cost for
of charging equipment they are using, and help rate-based programs.
inform proactive outreach strategies for current In some cases, it may be a joint offering for
and potential EV owners. As noted, a more bundles that are already being offered, primarily
detailed picture of EV adoption informs not in deregulated markets, such as:

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
• Energy + internet. Some retailers are teaming
up to offer internet and cable deals to retail en-
Transformation Is
ergy providers, along with add-ons such as free Possible Today
premium channels or streaming services.
In the field of computer science, the concept
• Energy + smart home. Electricity may be paired
with smart thermostats, door locks, voice of ‘garbage in, garbage out’ is so prevalent it
assistants and more to provide convenience to has an acronym: GIGO. Although data quality
customers while saving energy. improvements can always be made, the
• Energy + EVs. More utilities are providing vast majority of utilities are sitting on more
EV-specific rates to customers, but some are than enough quality data to unlock hyper-
also going further by offering charging ser- personalization that can transform how they
vices directly or even supplying the vehicles on
are viewed by their customers. By focusing
a lease model.
on hyper-personalization first, utilities are
Although bundles are increasingly popular in ensuring the information feeding into the data
deregulated markets, utilities do not need to lake is not garbage.
build out marketplaces or develop entirely new
Through AI-powered hyper-personalization,
offerings to capture this opportunity. They
utilities can effortlessly own the relationship
can simply put personalized offers in front of
with their customer while also being
customers and allow them to take it to their
emboldened to partner with other brands to
retailer of choice, such as Home Depot or
enhance offerings on an individualized basis.
Amazon, and complete the transaction there.

Unlock New Revenue Via Lead Generation

Source: Bidgely

AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models
At the same time, the data can be used across By owning the relationship with its customer,
business divisions to preserve existing revenue this utility no longer has to worry about losing
streams while also diversifying into new ones, customer mindshare to other brands. Rather,
especially as regulatory rules shift. it knows it can serve as a conduit to connect
its customers with the other services they’re
Imagine, in the year 2030, a utility that
seeking as it relates to energy use.
serves a city with a 100 percent carbon-free
electricity goal for 2040 is well on its way to Grid planners at this utility have truly embraced
helping the municipality realize that goal five an all-of-the-above resource strategy, tapping
years ahead of schedule. EVs and behind-the-meter storage, including
batteries and hot water heaters, to balance the
Its customers are routinely offered deals for
increasing load of intermittent renewables. Non-
more efficient goods such as windows and
wires alternatives are no longer alternatives,
weatherization services, as well as solar-plus-
just the status quo when it comes to balancing
storage, and internet discounts with free
supply and demand.
Disney+ and Hulu subscriptions when they
sign up for time-of-use rates that suit not Most of these options are available today for
only their lifestyle but also the utility’s needs. utilities, with more capabilities being added as
In neighborhoods where EVs are popular, AI enables increasingly deeper insights.
customers with those cars are offered online
calculators to assess which rate is right for
them, while their neighbors, who may be
coveting a new Tesla like the one parked next
door, can calculate what a similar purchase
would cost them over its lifetime.
AI-Powered Hyper-
Personalization, AMI
Analytics And Unlocking
New Utility Business Models
To find out more about how hyper-
personalization can transform your
energy business, download the
UtilityAI Platform Brief for AI-Powered

Copyright © 2020 Bidgely. All Rights Reserved.

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AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization, AMI Analytics And Unlocking New Utility Business Models

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