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Dove can be considered as one of the well-known brands in the market. Their products were
being patronized by a lot of people considering it’s quality and authenticity. Dove is popularly
known with their products for skin care, hair care and personal hygiene such as beauty bars and
body washes, shampoos, deodorants, etc. Also these products can be use by anyone, regardless
of age, gender and race.
Aside from producing quality products Dove also puts a lot of efforts in their campaign and
promotions, enabling them to appeal more to their target customers or audiences especially
the women. With their #SpeakBeautiful effect campaign on twitter they were able to know the
stories of their target audiences pertaining to their body insecurities that starts negative
chatter. Every year it can be seen that Dove’s marketing strategies are continuously improving
by having their creative themes and hashtags that are passed on social media. They were able
to apply the use of technology and social media upon attaining their goal which is to spread
positivity among women such as making them feel good about themselves and also to know
what their customers really value.

Results and Discussion

Recently, Dove has done a great job regarding with their promotions and receiving good
feedbacks among their audiences, this is the result of the powerful and enriching
advertisements/commercials they produce. Based on the statistics of the results the case study
provide, with 800 million impressions and 168 000 times usage of the hashtag, it can be seen
clearly that the outcome of their campaign was really positive and reached a wide variety of
audiences. With this, their social media marketing case study not only made their product
popular but also made them connect with the people. It gives them awareness and ideas upon
producing more quality products that also have value to their customers

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