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Artificial Intelligence in PH: Threat or tool?

There have been a lot of discussion in terms of the usage of Artificial Intelligence in our country. And the
issue about

AI being a threat towards human become widespread since there are some people tend to say that
these “BOTS” will

eventually replace us. Based on the video that we watched, our country’s status in terms of AI
development and

application is quite behind than the other countries, this implies that we need to know more and
explore this certain


Having AI in country also have an advantage because we all know here in the Philippines the offers are
not good

enough so AI is solution for the workers. A work that we can never imagine and also it is more
convenient because

you work at home using their laptop and it helps to gain a competitive edge in a time of stagnant into

growth. And in the near future this AI workers can help us they can produce a robots that can benefits
the others like

for example they create a human or pet robot to help the person who needs affection or love to reduce

depression. Robots could be destructive but it can serve as a big help for other people. For us, humans
will always be

ahead in any kind of technology because we are the one who create them and we have a control over

Scientists from Oxford University said that about 47% of US jobs are at risk of being fully replaced by
technology by

2025. Think about it, if it is possible to happen in the US which is already having its remarkable
advancements in

technology what more can happen in our country? Is it really possible for AI to wipe out jobs for
Filipinos? According

to Dr. Pros Naval, chairman of UP Computer Science Department, AI is not going to completely replace
the entire

human being hence, it is a transformative technology that will be able to transform our lives in different
aspects. On
the brighter side we can really think that Artificial Intelligence may aid our present problems. AI
application can create

more opportunities and jobs for many Filipinos especially the approximately 100,000 science and

graduates every year. Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said that the Department of Trade and Industry
would soon

launch an initiative to train the country’s IT and engineering graduates to create AI solutions for the

marketplace. Upon knowing these facts about our technological development we can tell how our

continue on striving to catch up with the usage of AI we may give back with these efforts by having the
initiative of

learning and teaching.

Dr. Cp David Executive Director of DOST, said that there is still hope for us since the use of AI is
emerging. We are

currently partnering with Silicon Valley which have proper tools to implement a certain program. There
Filipinos who

are already engaging or experiencing manipulation of AI, in fact International Data Corporation (IDC)
predicts a need

by 2018 for 181,000 people with data analytical skills, and a requirement five times that number for jobs
with the

need for data management and interpretation skills. There are some disadvantages because here in the

we have a slow software that can cause of an interruption to our activities. We suggest to have more
convenient or

faster software for everyone and enough knowledge about AI so we're able not to get left behind by
other countries.

Since we are currently in year 2019, we already saw some AI advancements in our country and by
witnessing all these

innovations we can say that Artificial Intelligence is more of a tool than a threat to us.

Retrieved from: (References)

Albag, Jhianne Mae M.

Ojerio, Jennifer D.

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